HMM – I could write a fic with Red and his original team and have him win the PWT and send all of the other Protags/other Champs/random trainers I want to the Losers bracket, but you have to understand that this is a progressive story. The direction I am taking with this story is to follow the trainer himself going through a 2nd journey, and perhaps at the end, he remains the best trainer in the world and proves it in front of a global stage. Think of it this way. Would it be any fun to pit Red against Cheren's Lilipup, only to watch him turn the puppy pokemon into a hot dog?

What's to say by the time I decide to stage the PWT, Red's 2nd team isn't decent enough to compete? I am showcasing his tactical abilities as a trainer, not his team.

Here we go.

Red – Nuvema Town, Southeastern Unova.


The boy in the visor at first glance looked like an eager, sincere trainer, but upon further observation, Red could tell whoever this person was had experienced something similar to himself.

He had experienced pain in the way a Pokemon in the heat of battle would have.

He noticed the trainer's arms held several "spots" on them, as if something had tried to encase the boy in ice. Mt. Silver had given him very similar spots.

He and his friend was able to cease what would have been a bull rush of Team Plasma grunts into the quaint little town they now where relaxing in. The evidence piled up that whoever these two people where, the region held them in high regard. Once Red was able to deduct that, he knew that only two trainers had the hearts of the Unovan populace, and the Qwilfish guy just didn't make the cut as one of them.

"I have a poster of that guy on my wall, Nate" His friend mused, distracting the crimson-clad trainer from his conclusive thoughts.

"Yeah, I do too. I'm sure he doesn't need us fanboying over him though." Nate mumbled.

"...I know who you are, as well..."

Those in attendence gasped, not expecting Red to speak. Apparently, it had been trademark for him to just stare blankly at people. Thankfully, one of his priorities was to change that fact.

"...How did you get...those marks..."

"Kyurem. That Ghetsis guy had control of it and ordered it to use Glaciate on me."

So it was a Pokemon that caused it.

"...It is good to know what Pokemon feel while they battle...I am sorry that you were put in that situation."

"Don't be." Nate kindly dispelled Red's sincerity, which had trouble escaping his lips.

"That's one of your secrets! I remember watching Nancy speculate something about you, and wondering about what makes you such a great trainer. You feel Pokemon's pain!" Qwilfish exclaimed a little bit too loudly, causing Hilbert and Nate to glare at him. Hilbert with annoyance, and Nate with a judgemental smirk

"Hugh, you're a funny one aren't you? Do try to protect the fact that Red is here, okay? We don't want Nancy-" Bianca stifled a giggle,"..and the rest of the world's paparazzi force swamping him before he even enters the PWT."

Hugh began to redden. "Sorry, Red. It's just, that's the philosophy I try to use when battling. I believe Pokemon are our friends, and we need to be mindful of them just as much as we are mindful of what we want. I don't want to push my partners too hard..."

" good..."

The comment made Hugh smile.


"Oh, that's the really famous Pop-star. People call her an "Idol"...well, Hugh does anyw-

"Nate. Shut it!"

Even Red couldn't help but laugh a little. Suddenly, the door opened, and the group gasped.

Hilda White, Nuvema Town, Southeastern Unova

"DAMN it! Why couldn't he be there! I don't understand why he disappears and doesn't come and find me. I thought what he said on the Ferris Wheel really ment something to him..."

She scanned the living room that had been her family's for years. She noticed Bianca, who was now giving her one of those signature hugs that she never decided was finished unless you began to cough and beg for air. She noticed her brother, Hilbert, who nodded in acknowledgment. The other three trainers glared in slight interest back at her, and were equally just as clueless about who she was.

One of them looked quite ridiculous. Red jacket with a white-collar that was propped upward as to protect his neck from the sun, slanted eyes, and Drifloon-esqe pants.

The other trainer, a visor, a pair of grey shorts over what appeared to be a wetsuit.

And finally the other trainer. He was older than Hilbert, and much older than the other two guys. He also wore get-up that looked familiar. Perhaps she had seen it in the Kanto region, where she was too busy hunting for N to care about it's culture. This boy was interested in her as well. Not romantically, but was sizing her up. It was almost as if he wanted to see the power that she had to offer. She was in no mood to entertain him if that was the case. Still, he looked kind of rugged, and that made the darkened eyes and curvature of his chin seem beckoning to the girl's heart.

"Honey, I'm home..." she offered.

Bianca had already squealed before hand. Whoever these people were, they were going to have to wait.