Spirited Away Fan Fiction Part 2

Chapter 25- An Ending and A Beginning

At the bathhouse:

Lin was greeting guests as usual, still wondering where on earth Haku and Chihiro could be. She sighed, hands on her hips and was about to greet another guest when she spotted Chihiro.

"Chihiro!" Lin ran up to the girl, wrapping her in a bear hug, "Oh! I was so worried! I'm so glad you're back!" She twirled in a circle with Chihiro tight in her arms.

"You're choking her, Lin!" Haku rushed up to the spirit angrily, trying to pry poor Chihiro from Lin's grip.

"Great, dragon boy is back," Lin frowned, letting Chihiro out of the death grip. Chihiro dropped to the floor gasping for air. Hira hung back from the group, letting them reunite as Yubaba came out to greet the two.

"Haku, I'm glad you found Chihiro. But, did you really have to be gone so long? You have a lot of work to do," Yubaba complained.

Lin spotted Hira, "Hey, you're that kid that was asking about the train station awhile back."

"He's a friend of ours," Chihiro said, finally recovering from Lin's hug.

"It's nice to meet you," Hira bowed, shyly, trying to cover his newly brown eyes from them.

Lin looked him up and down, then stared at Chihiro, "Something's different… Where were you guys?"

Haku sighed, "That's a very long story…. Really…. It is…," He rubbed his face, "Let's just say…. Chihiro got kidnapped, met Hira, I found her, Chihiro became a spirit, and Hira became a human. The end."

"Nice summary," Lin rolled her eyes, then gasped, "Wait! Did you say Chihiro became a spirit!?"

Chihiro nodded, "Yep. Now I can stay." Haku smiled and wrapped her in his arms. Hira frowned and looked at the ground, brushing his black hair into his eyes.

"Oh, Hira, I'm so sorry… I…," Chihiro looked sadly at her friend.

He shook his head and smiled at her, "No. I'm happy for you, Chihiro. I really am. Don't worry about me."

Chihiro ran and hugged him, "Thank you, Hira. Without you, I wouldn't be able to stay with Haku. I owe you."

Hira looked at her with his brown eyes, "No, you don't owe me anything." He pecked her softly on the lips then walked off. Haku behind them, red in the face with jealousy.

"Hira, where are you going?" Chihiro asked, watching him as he continued to walk away.

"I'm going to the human world. I have a promise to fulfill," He looked back at his friends, "I have to make sure your parents know you're fine."

"But…," Chihiro wiped at her eyes, trying not to cry. Haku held her, resting his head on her head as they watched Hira walk until he was just a tiny dot in the horizon.

"He'll be fine, Chihiro. Besides, you have me," Haku kissed her. Lin and Yubaba stood there awkwardly until Haku said, "It's time for bed. I'm tired after all that traveling and I would really like to sleep in my own bed for once."

Two years later:

Haku and Chihiro finally decided to get married. Haku planned most of it, the wedding was to be at the bathhouse and the honeymoon would be at Haku's childhood home near the edge of his river, the Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi.

The day of the wedding…

"Oh…Lin… I'm so nervous!" Chihiro chewed her lip as she got ready for the wedding, "What if I trip while I go down the aisle?"

Lin fluffed out Chihiro's white wedding gown, "Oh, stop worrying. Haku will be there! You'll be fine, trust me."

Chihiro took a deep breath, "Ok… I'll be fine…." She tried to calm herself as Lin handed her a bouquet of flowers.

"Now knock them dead," Lin smiled as she gently pushed Chihiro out into the aisle. Kuma, Hikari's sister, was the flower girl along with a bunch of the little soot sprites from the boiler room. They spread rose petals along the ground behind Chihiro. Chihiro managed to smile even though she was nervous. She saw Haku standing perfectly beside Kamaji. Haku smiled as he looked at Chihiro, blushing softly, thinking about how beautiful she looked.

Music played as she slowly made her way to her spot beside Kamaji. People clapped and smiled at Chihiro. Zeniba winked at her. Finally she made it to the platform, carefully up the stairs and beside Kamaji.

Kamaji looked at the book in his hands, having completely forgotten what he was supposed to say, "Eh…. Blah…Blah… Oh, here we go… Do you, Haku, take this woman as your wife?"

Haku, red in the face, "I do."

Kamaji looked at Chihiro, "Do you, Chihiro, take this river spirit as your husband?"

Chihiro took a deep breath, "I do." Hikari handed them their rings. Haku put one on Chihiro's finger, then she put his on his finger.

"Then, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" Kamaji yelled, smiling at the newly wedded couple. Haku grabbed Chihiro and kissed her. Everyone in the audience clapped hard and a few whistled, Lin especially.

The honeymoon…

Chihiro rested her head on Haku's bare chest, dipping her feet in his river. Haku's arm held her close as he nestled his face into her hair, taking in her scent… fresh lilac… with a hint of something else… her scent had changed a bit now that she's a spirit, but Haku didn't care, he loved her. A smile danced on his face as they watched the sun go down.

When dark finally hit and the moon was out, full and bright as always, Haku stood up, picking Chihiro up bridal style.

"Well, Chihiro, it's time for bed," Haku whispered to her. She looked up at him, a playful smile on her face.

"Do we have to go to bed yet?" Chihiro traced Haku's chest with her fingers. Haku took her to their bed.

"I love you," Chihiro said softly, wrapping her arms around Haku's neck.

"I love you too, Chihiro," He whispered in her ear before kissing her deeply. And everything was perfect once more, at least for now….

Sorry about the wait…

I got a new computer and it didn't have Microsoft word in it, so I had to get that fixed…

But, anyways…

I hope you liked this story ^ ^

I'm thinking about writing a part 3…

I don't know, you guys tell me what you think…

Thank you so much for all of your reviews!