Chapter 84 Time to Say Goodbye
The meeting with the Daimyos ended just as they expected it to end and just as they expected most of them headed straight toward the train to head home back to where they were top dog and where they could imagine that the world had not changed for good and all. Standing outside the exit that the Daimyos where using was Hinata Hyuga Namikaze, her and Naruto's daughter Yuina Namikaze. In truth the kid could take her mothers name when she got older just like any of the others aside from Sakura's little boy, Minato.
When her sister came out along with the other Daimyos, the two looked at each other. Hanabi's eyes flicked down to the little girl who was asleep in the stroller. Hinata had some hope that her sister would come over and talk to her and maybe hold her niece but her hopes were dashed as Hanabi like so many others just kept walking.
"Well it is official Yuina, your aunt is a heartless bitch." said Hinata more to herself then the sleeping child.
Elsewhere a much better reunion was taking place as Temari was welcoming her two brothers into her home. Unlike the situation between Hinata and Hanabi, the three sand siblings had been looking forward to the end of the war. The three of them found themselves in the living room while the young Shikadia was holding a small book in his hands. At first Gaara was amazed that someone who appeared so little was attempting to read but then he noticed the book was upside down. The little black haired boy was mostly looking at the photo.
"No offense but shouldn't he be older?" inquired Kankura
"In a way." admitted Temari "Remember we age slower, a year for you is only six months for us."
"He is only 18 months, however he was born 3 years ago," explained Temari
"So it will be a while before he can take the chunin exams," laughed Kankura
"He will be physically 12 in 21 years," explained Temari with a small laugh, "Hell, when your 80 I will only appear to be in my 40's."
"Well then in time you will have to deal with whoever replaces as me as Kazakage and all the other kages." Said Gaara as Temari chuckled.
"Hopefully not soon, your still young and if our intelligence is right the old village now has the one of if not the largest ninja force." said Temari "If you leave then whoever replaces you may be a real idiot and restart the war."
"You mean we have the largest force beside you." corrected Gaara "Our estimates have your force above our own."
To his amazement Temari actually laughed at that.
"No, you have a larger force of trained ninjas." corrected Temari as she decided to share information with her brothers, the war was over and Gaara was a close friend of Naruto. "We have a certain percentage who are not in active duty because of different issues, mostly having kids. It will take a long time for us to increase our total ninja force. The regular humans have no experience with Justus and that takes years to be taught. That is why we used bows and arrows and other weapons more then you guys ever did. Easier to teach someone how to shot an arrow then how to run through hand signs at a speed needed for any ninja. Maybe their children will be ninjas we set up a school for that, but that will take time."
"Also it will take a while for demon children to grow up," added Gaara as he looked at his nephew "However once they are old enough they will be the strongest ninjas in the world."
"Yes." confirmed Temari.
Before Naruto could enjoy the massive street party, which was starting all over the village, he had some unpleasant work to do. He stood in his office looking out the window at streets full of people, for the first time in the history of the Land of Granite they had overcome the traditionally more powerful nations in the North. They had resources, which the North could not match with their Aldhard and minerals on the main island. They had a golden future in front of them and it all started tonight, so they were going to mark the end of the war.
"You betrayed us, you lied to us." stated Naruto without turning to see Shino who stood in front of the desk. "You had a hand in driving us to this nation, but you set up a riot to make us leave the Leaf and you lied for years."
"I did." confirmed Shino "I did what I knew what was right."
Naruto groaned a bit as he looked at the village they had built over the years. The village that wouldn't have come into being if Shino hadn't lied. If Shino hadn't lied they would never had come here and the humans who lived in horrible slums would still be there.
"Maybe you where right, we have built a home here a home we couldn't have built anywhere else." admitted Naruto "But what you did, I can't let you stay as the head of our intelligence gathering teams."
"I will resign from my position and report to whatever jail you want me too," offered Shino
"No, I will not imprison you," stated Naruto still looking out the window at the city. "You are one of my wife's teammate and you are too good at your job I need you to keep doing it. The war may be over but we never know when someone may try this whole thing again, however I can't stand to look at you, and I will not."
"What do you want me to do?" inquired Shino glad he wasn't going to prison.
"I am going to send an ambassador to the Land of Demons and you will go with her as an aid." stated Naruto "There you will keep up your intelligence gathering efforts in the Northern nations while all reporting back to Sai who is going to become the head of intelligence."
"Very well." stated Shino as accepted his punishment he took a breath before pushing up his glasses. "With your permission, I was going to ask my girlfriend to marry me tonight. If she says yes, can I bring her with me."
Naruto lowered his head and thought about it for a moment, for a heart beat he thought of saying no just to punish his old friend but he knew the right thing to do.
"Very well, but you should inform her that you will not be returning to his village for at least a decade maybe longer." stated Naruto, Shino nodded his head before heading out the door.
Night was beginning to fall and fireworks had begun to fly up into the sky over the victorious village, looking up at those bright balls of colored light was Tsume Inuzuka. She was actually outside the city and yet she could hear the noises that came from the massive crowds. She turned away from those sounds and toward the two large stone wolves looking down at her. Each of the statues stood on large pillars which flanked a cobblestone path which cut through a thick grove of trees until it lead up to a house. The lights from the house could be seen through the trees.
Slowly she made her way up toward the house, moving up toward the house. As she did she felt countless eyes looking at her from the woods. She could smell the scents of multiple wolves in the woods, she knew that she could find herself dead at any moment. She was unarmed and the dire wolves which had joined with her son's new pack where large enough to kill an unarmed ninja with ease. She was about half way up the small hill toward the house when four large figures moved out form the woods. These where not humans, but instead wolves larger then even her largest clan ninja hound back in the Leaf. They growled at the newcomer, daring her to come forward.
"Stop." ordered a firm female voice as Tsume turned to see a figure standing on the pouch of the house. At first, she thought that the figure was talking to her but instead it was the wolves who disappeared. They moved back into the darkness of the woods one of them biting the air in protest as it went. The figure walked toward her as another wolf walked out of the house and followed the figure.
Tsume walk the figure come closer, she was about her height dressed in black pants and a dark grey top lined with white fur. Her bright red hair and golden eyes jumped out against her tan skin, judging from the bugle she was pregnant.
"Hello, I am." started Tsume
"I know who you are." stated the woman "You're my mother-in-law."
"I figured, you're my son's wife." stated Tsume "Karui right?"
"Yes." confirmed Karui for a moment the two women just looked at each other.
"So where is my son?" inquired Tsume
"Sadly not everyone can be off duty, he is commanding a force ready to defend ourselves if you launch an attack." stated Karui as Tsume lowered her head.
"I see, I have to get on the train in two hours to head back home I was kind of hoping to see him." explained Tsume as she looked around at the woods. "Do I want to know how many wolves surround me right now?"
"No, you don't." answered Karui to her mother-in-law "Kiba was worried about my safely, like I wasn't a ninja or something. Damn that man some times."
"He is worried about his family," explained Tsume as she came to her son's defense.
"Which is one of the many reasons why I love him," answered Karui before taking a breath and thinking for a moment. "Do you want to see your granddaughters? I am sure you would rather see your son and the girls but it is better than nothing."
"Thank you." said Tsume as she followed Karui inside, as expected the first room was a living room with a large couch with the TV in one corner and the fireplace straight in front of the couch. A large fur pelt hung over the couch and another wolf stood on the staircase opposite of the tv. Karui nodded her head as the she wolf moved upstairs and out of sight.
"The kids are lying down, can I get you something before going up to see them?" inquired Karui
"No, I would rather spend as much time as possible with them," explained Tsume as she followed Karui up the stairs and into the kids room. There sleeping in their own small cross between cribs and beds, they still had the high railing of a crib but they still looked like a bed.
"How old?" inquired Tsume as she moved toward one of the sleeping babies.
"Human or demon years?" inquired Karui causing Tsume to flinch, she did not want to be reminded that her so far only grandchildren where demons. "Well in demon years they are 18 months old but in human terms they are nearly three."
"I forgot you age slower then real humans." stated Tsume as Karui's eyes narrowed a bit. As she did a soft whimper filled the air as the nearest of the girls opened the golden eyes she shared with her mother. Instincts took over as Karui picked up her daughter and held her in her arms. Unlike her two younger sisters, Kibira took after her mother with darker skin tone and bright red hair. The middle of the triplets Kacela took after her father in both hair and eye color while the youngest Kainda had the golden eyes and hair color of her mother but not the slightly darker skin tone. All three of them did share their mother's physical look going off baby photos but that was to be expected.
"This is Kibira." introduced Karui as Tsume looked at her granddaughter in her mother's arms. "The middle one is Kacela and the youngest of the three is Kainda."
"I see you like the K names." joked Tsume as she looked at the other two sleeping children, each of them had a wolf pup sleeping beside them. "I see that you are keeping the clan tradition of putting a pup in their beds. It helps babies of our clan sleep and helps build a bond between the dogs, well wolves I guess here and the children."
"We kind of discovered that by accident, you are saying that is a clan tradition?" inquired Karui as her mother-in-law nodded her head.
"Has been that way since the founding of the clan." explained Tsume as Karui shook her head a bit. "My son should have known that."
"Well he didn't." said Karui with a slight laugh. "Well at least we know it now for the next on next one."
"Do you know?" inquired Tsume
"Another girl." answered Karui with a smile "If this goes on, Kiba-kun will have to deal with a pack of she-wolves. Do you want to hold her?"
For a moment, Tsume held back then instincts took over and she moved to take her granddaughter from her mother's arms. The young kid whimpered a bit but didn't cry but instead opened up those golden color eyes and looked into the darker eyes of her grandmother. The golden eyes where silted which was common among the Inuzuka clan members but her eyes where silted on top of the fact that it marked her as a demon. Her young grandchild closed her eyes again and moved slightly into a more confrontable position before falling asleep.
Naruto was among the last people to leave the Oni-kage building but the streets where full of people. All the shops where opening and street venders where staying out. Children ran past Naruto, not noticing who he is was. The Onikage could not help but smile as he child's laugher faded as they disappeared into the mass of humanity. All around him as he moved through the streets until he reached his destination, about a block away from the Onikage building was an upper scale restaurant with a special addition unlike any other in the village. One part of the building was built over a small pound full of fish. Since the floor was made out of reinforced glass and had lights coming up from below the people eating could see the fish swimming below them. He walked past the server who would guild people to their tables; he already knew where he was going. He found the three of them already drinking and with an appetizer on the table.
"Sorry for being late." said Naruto as he kissed each of them one at a time.
"You were gone?" laughed Ino "I hadn't noticed."
"I am hurt," laughed Naruto as he took his place at the table, he looked at the appetizer with a grin. "And you ordered for me."
"Well you are kind of predicable on what you want when we come here." explained Hinata as a waiter came up with a bottle of wine and poured four glasses.
"Now shall we toast to the future?" inquired Sakura as all four of them raised their glasses.
"To the future." said all four of them, than they drank.
"I wonder how many children will be made tonight?" laughed Ino
"Do you want the likely numbers?" inquired Sakura "Because the hospital did a quick study about the number of kids born after the founding of the village and if this is similar."
"Forehead I was joking." laughed Ino before grinning. "Well maybe we can add to that tonight."
"One can hope." added Hinata as Naruto grinned knowing what would happen tonight.
Years later the warm sun beat down upon a crystal blue manmade lake, in the distance the sound of sea gulls could be heard as they gathered looking for food along the sandy beach. The sound of laughing childern could he heard over the sound of splashing water. The water was full of children none older than 16 and being that age they were enjoying the warm summer day with their friends. Some were standing around talking while others went swimming. Two pairs where fighting, two sitting on top of the shoulders of two others trying to force the other pair into the water. Younger children were on the beach playing in the sand or in the shallows. Their older siblings where watching over them to make sure nothing happened. Over watching them all from the balcony of one of the many beach front houses located along the lake was the father of eight of the children running around down there.
"Everything looking good down there Naruto-kun?" inquired Hinata as she moved forward to look over the edge of the balcony. She was dressed in a light blue one-piece swimsuit with white trim. It fit her so well that the suit bend with the curve of her breasts and showed that even after all these years and three children later she was drop dead beautiful. A white towel was wrapped around her waist and simple sandals where on her feet.
"Well our little boy seems to be enjoying the sand," said Naruto as he looked toward Boruto Hyuuga Namikaze who was the youngest of his nine siblings and one of three boys. He was in truth four years old but thanks to demon aging, he was in truth only two. His oldest full sister Yuina was playing with him in the sand while Hinata's and his other daughter, Hikari was currently sitting on the edge of a rock with her feet in the water. Yuina was just as shy and as gentle as her mother while her younger sister who had inherited her father's blonde hair but her mother's byukugan eyes was more outgoing but right now she was just enjoying watching all the other children playing.
Naruto turned his gaze away from them to his three daughters with Ino, all three looked like their mother but all of them had gotten their father's different shade of blonde hair and shade of blue eyes. Among the three of them was his first child Leilani who was looking more and more like her mother every day. She even wore her hair the same way but she had taken after her other mother, Sakura and she was driven to become the next head of the hospital. Since Ino was the Daimyo of the land of Granite, she as the oldest was next in line to become Daimyo so the question was what she would do when that happened. Her other two sisters Ayaka and Mai where both standing on top of their brothers play fighting in the water.
"So who is winning?" inquired Ino as she walked up in a purple tank top with a deep V neckline, a pair of shorts. Under that was her bathing suit but like Leilina it had not gotten wet instead it was used to get as much of a tan as possible.
"Let me guess Minato is winning." stated Sakura as she joined the three of them, she was wearing a red bikini top with shorts over her bottom. It was a sensible suit which showed the body she like her other sister wives worked hard to keep but still was more modest then what Ino would have worn only a few years ago. "He is the oldest."
"But Saito is tall for his age." countered Naruto as he came to his second son's defense. Sakura had beaten the odds, generally only 1 out of every four births was a boy leading to the 3 to 1 difference in men to women. Sakura had given birth to two sons and a daughter. There youngest Kushina was sitting beside her sister Hikari with her feet in the water. While Minato had his father's blonde hair and Saito had inherited the red hair of his grandmother, the only one of Naruto's children to do so Kushina had gotten pink hair even brighter then her mother's own shade.
"Watch out!" yelled a voice as a gaggle of girls all rushed into the water, their wolves staying on the beach watching the torrent of water caused by the girls.
"The she wolves are here." stated Naruto as he saw Kiba and Karui come around the corner below. Somehow and he did not know how the two of them had have nine kids together the first eight of them being girls. It was common around the village to collectively call the eight oldest the she wolves because they ran in a pack together. Only their youngest a baby still sitting in his mother's arms was a boy and the joke going around with the men of the village was along the lines of it took Kiba nine times but he finally got the son he wanted. In truth it was far different and made him wonder if something was in the water over at their place. The first three Kibira, Kacela and Kianda where all triplets, then came Keiko who came into the world alone, next came two more sets of twins Kokaru and Kiyoshi then Kiku and Kimiko. Their boy Kenta kept the tradition of names with a K going and both his parents said he would be the last of their pack.
"Just like you all to show up right when the food is ready!" yelled Naruto down toward his friend.
"You try to get out the door with a house full of women." countered Kiba only to get elbowed in the rib by his wife.
"Well we all live in a women dominated house and we managed to get here on time," stated Sasuke as he appeared on the balcony. Out on the water two of his three daughters where having a sparing march on the water while their brother and youngest sister watched. Naruto had to shake his head at the new Uchiha clan, they all started training to be a ninja sooner than anyone else and while it showed on their test scores he wondered if it made them better people. At least the four of them actually had friends and didn't spend every waking moment training. The sound of a huge splash caused them to turn to the sparing match only to see that one of the girls had fallen into the water. She came up swimming as her sister walked up and offered her hand to help her up that is when she took her opening and pulled her sister into the water.
"Well kids will be kids." stated Sasuke "They are both very gifted and their younger siblings are just as skilled."
"Food is ready!" yelled Sasuke wife Tamaki, as a chef and owner of her own restaurant she had been entrusted with getting all the food together. Not that she had to do it alone, everyone had brought at least something because with all the kids it was a truly massive undertaking to feed them all.
"Well watching the fireworks should be pretty easy from here." Stated Naruto as he looked over the water toward the village in the distance, on the other side of the bridge was a second village where he would host the official victory celebration next week. "Hard to believe it has been 30 years since we won the war."
"Well that is kind of understandable." stated Sakura as she looked at her husband of over 30 years. "We haven't really aged more than 15 years and our three oldest are only in their teenage years."
"True, but it is still hard to think about everyone else who has passed away." Countered Sakura "Lady Tsunade for example."
"Sorry, Sakura-chan." Said Hinata as she put her hand on her sister-wife arm, Tsunade had passed away suddenly from a heart attack in her sleep. Naruto looked down for a moment and thought about everyone else who had disappeared or had changed so much in the past 30 years. Hanabi, his sister-in-law was still the Hokage of the Leaf village and in her mid 50's but the Leaf had never recovered from the damage done during Sasuke's attack. The Land of Water had almost 15 years of civil war before order was restored but even there the village hidden in the Mist had lost power. It was no longer the dominate force at Sea like it had been since the formation of the village, now the land of Meteors controlled the sea. Strangly it was the Land of Lightning and that ninja village that came out the best after the war. Maybe it was because they finally got a competent Raikage to command them or because they had among the fewest losses in the war. That fact was because their own civil war before the demon war had meant they had few ninjas to send to die on the battlefield.
To the North, Gaara had been removed from his role as Kazakage but an angry Daimyo who wanted to blame him for the Daimyos own mistakes. Now Gaara who was nearing 60 was resting in his own house playing with his grandkids. The new Kazakage had kept the peace and actually had increased trade with their former enemies in the South. While the conflict between the two groups was fading in people's mind it was far from over, with the new generation of ninjas coming of age in the Land of Granite they had begun to take a bite out of the missions that the five traditional ninja powers relied on for their income. Add on to that the fact that most of the higher paying missions where already coming the way of the demons meant that the villages and by extent the Daimyos were not getting the money they where used to. It was actually kind of funny listening to them complain to Ino about how they were taking away all their money.
"Come on let's get some food and maybe we can get everyone together for a group photo before the fireworks start." said Ino "And besides if we don't get to the food before all those kids pull themselves away from the water, we will have nothing left they are eating machines."
"Yes, they are and we love them all the same." Laughed Naruto as he moved toward the tables where all the food was sitting out. He had just picked up the plate when a rush of feet caused him to turn toward a stairs which lead down to the beach. He jumped back as a mass of humanity rushed, he along with Sakura, Hinata, Ino and most of the parents found themselves at the back of the line as their kids went to town on the food.
"If we had stayed in the Leaf, these kids would never have been born. If we had stayed in the Leaf we would have been second class citizens doomed to live our lives being spit down at." Thought Naruto as he remembered waking up beside Sakura and Ino all those years ago when the whole thing started. They add Hinata later once they came to their new home and never looked back. "Look at how much a single event changes everything."
"Come on let's get eat." Said Sakura as she, Hinata and Ino moved forward plates in hand to get their food. Naruto stopped for a moment and looked at the mothers of his children, his loves. He smiled as he moved to join them. He already had over 30 years with them and was looking forward to even more with them.
Well this is the end of the story, I believe I rewrote this chapter the most times I have ever done any chapter in any of my stories. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this story. If you like my work feel free to check out any of my other stories. Now thank you for reading it has been very fun to write this story and I wanted to leave it with the image of the rather large family of Naruto/Sakura/Ino/Hinata. Thanks