Chapter 1 One Hell of a Morning
Smoke was rising blocking out what should have been a war summers day, ash was falling from the down from the smoke filled sky covering the ground like snow. Standing in the middle of the field with a black combat cloak on was a lone figure. Slowly he extended his gloved hand catching a few bits of the falling ash in his hands. For a moment he looked at the ash before closing his fist. He turned his gaze to the east to see the remains of a small farming village. He could make out figures rushing around trying to put out the flames which had already destroyed the village.
"What is it?" asked the figure as an all black ANBU uniform appeared behind him.
"The battle is over." reported the ANBU
"I can see that." said the cloaked figure without turning to face his ANBU captain "How many did we lose?"
"Early estimates are only sixty two casualties with a hundred and twenty wounded." reported the ANBU Captain
"And the invasion force?" asked the cloaked figure
"Over six hundred." reported the ANBU captain as his Kage shook his head a bit.
"This isn't war it is slaughter." replied the Kage "All they managed with this invasion was destroy one of our small outlining villages and get their own ninjas killed."
"You're always worried about them." stated the ANBU captain as he crossed his arms over his chest. "They were the ones who attacked us, and if I had my way we would be casing their retreating army and destroy it out right. End them now."
"Then it is a good thing you are not in command." reinforced the cloaked figure as he bent down and moved some of the ash off the body in front of him. He brushed away the ash from the face showing a young man about 19 years old with a leaf village hand band above his cold dead eyes.
"You knew him?" asked the Captain
"I had a few missions with him during the last war." explained the cloaked man "He was a chunin back then."
"He must have been good to be an ANBU now." stated the Captain as he looked at the broken ANBU mask lying on the ground beside the dead body.
"Not good enough to save his life." stated the Kage "However I can't for the life of me remember his name."
"Maybe it is for the best that you don't remember his name." stated the ANBU captain as the Kage lowered his hood to show his deep blonde hair and his dark whisker marks ran across his checks.
"Send a message to the Allied Shinobi force, tell them they can collect their dead but then they must leave our nation or be destroyed." ordered Naruto Namikaze
"They wouldn't give us the same terms." stated the ANBU captain as Naruto turned around to look into the pure black eyes of his former enemy, Sasuke Uchiha. For a moment both of them stared at each other with their slighted demon eyes which marked them both as jinchuriki with demons joined with them.
"Which makes us more human them." explained Naruto
"Alright…dead last but you know how I feel." stated Sasuke "They will just keep coming back until either they find a way past our defenses and reach the village and kill every single jinchuriki is dead. It is either them or us."
"Wars can't go on forever." explained Naruto "If we beat them enough they will sue for peace and we will come to terms."
"You just don't like the idea of fighting your old allies and the Leaf village." stated Sasuke as Naruto lowered his head a bit "You still haven't gotten over the idea that you are technically a missing ninja just like I was. You have to act as the leader of our village not as former ninja of the Leaf."
"I know." stated Naruto as he looked out the field of dead bodies, moving though the field of death were medical teams from his village searching for the wounded from both sides and collecting their dead. "I just wonder how it came to this? I would have expect both of us to be trying to kill each other not standing here as teammates against the Leaf and the other nations."
"You already know that answer." replied Sasuke as he turned and started walking away, leaving Naruto alone. Slowly Naruto took off his forehead protector and simply looked at the symbol, a single solid circle with four small elongated diamonds radiating out in forty five degree angles from the center of the circle.
"Sometimes I still think of myself as a Leaf ninja and not the Kage of a whole new ninja village." admitted Naruto to himself as he put the headband back on, still wondering how it ever came to this.
Five Years earlier.
The early spring sunrise was passing through the thick navy blue curtains over the window of the 21 year old hero of the village hidden if the leaves, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. He was known across the ninja world for being the container of the nine tailed demon fox. The strongest of all the tailed beasts had been sealed within him just after his birth by his father the 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze. Naruto's head was spinning as he opened his deep blue eyes only to see his ceiling fan slowly turn around.
"When will that landlord fix the air condition? It seems to break every year." asked Naruto to himself as he remembered that the Leaf village was in the middle of a heat wave, they had three days break 90F this week with the other days in the high 80's. The heat meant that all day time training was canceled and most of the people didn't come out till evening when the temperature began to drop "Maybe I should just buy my own place, I have the money and all."
Naruto looked up again at the fan only to have his eyes lose focus as he watched the fan blades.
"I must have had a lot more to drink last night then I thought." admitted Naruto as he tried to think back to last night.
The sound of the music was load enough to cause the beer to actually vibrate the glass bottle. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder as he spun around only to see a man dressed mostly in black with dark gray fur lining his hood. Like most of the men in the room he had on his green jonnin jacket on.
"Kiba you shouldn't sneak up on me like that." said Naruto over the music as Kiba nodded his head.
"Sorry about that fox boy." laughed Kiba as moved to stand beside his friend. "Can I get a beer here?"
"Sure." answered the bar tender as she pulled out a cold beer bottle from an ice cooler under located under wooden bar. Kiba reached to pay only to get waved off by the bar tender "Beer is on the house. It isn't every night we host a victory party."
"Thanks." answered Kiba as he lifted the beer to his lips and took a long drink. When he lowered his drink back onto the countertop he looked toward the last Namikaze. "What the hell is wrong with you, we won you should be drinking, partying and maybe looking for a piece of ass."
Naruto simply laughed a bit at Kiba's words. Knowing that of all his friends Kiba was the most active when it came to sexual matters but his longest lasting girlfriend was only nine months.
"Not all of us are looking for more than a piece of ass Kiba." explained Naruto.
"I know but you no longer have an excuses for not accepting every one of the girls who have asked you out." explained Kiba knowing that Naruto had turned down more dates then all his males friends had ever been on "The war is over now so you can't use it as an excuse."
"Madara and the Akatsuki may have been taken care of but Sasuke is still out there and so is Kabuto. The war isn't over until they are taken care of." explained Naruto knowing that those two were still at large somewhere out there in the war torn world.
"Come on the war is 98% over then, Sasuke is on the run somewhere after you kick his ass and Kabuto is a snake who is in hiding in the deepest darkest hole he can find. Give it time and he will poke his head up and then we can kill him." explained Kiba as he turned around to face the dance floor "Come on they rented out the hottest night club in the leaf village for us, the hero generation "the Konoha 11."
"I still don't understand why they still call us that, I mean Sai, Karin and Temari are counted as "the Konoha 11" when that raises the total to fourteen and one of them isn't even a Leaf ninja yet." explained Naruto as Kiba rolled his eyes.
"Man that sounds like something Shikamaru would say and it still isn't doesn't change the fact that this is a party." said Kiba as Naruto turned around away from the bar and looked out to the dance floor. From this spot he could see his female teammate and long time crush dancing on the floor. His heart picked up its pace as his eyes scanned his pink angle, Sakura Haruno. She was dressed to party with a bright red top with two straps which wrapped around her neck before coming together in a white diamond in the center of her chest. She had her bright pink hair pulled back into a short pony tail which was held there by a white band. She had one white shorts which didn't even go past her knees. She had gotten rid of her normal boots and now had one a pair of high heel shoes.
"You still love her don't you?" asked Kiba as he followed his friend's eyes. "You know you could easily take her home with you. Hell you could take any unmarried women possibly most married one in the village if you wanted to."
"No, she is Sasuke's girl." corrected Naruto sadly as Sakura was joined by her best friend Ino. Like Sakura Ino was dressed to party with a deep purple top with an open back which when half way to her tight ass. Naruto couldn't help but think about what he could do with her. The two friends began to dance together as the music changed.
"Well you could always try Ino." offered up Kiba
"No, she dated Sai and I am not going to do that to him." explained Naruto as Kiba slapped his forehead. The two blonde haired ninjas had gotten closer when they did covert missions during the war.
"They broke up after ten dates over two years ago." Pointed out Kiba "And she hasn't dated anyone else since. Besides I am sure Sai would be cool with it."
"I will admit I have thought about it." confessed Naruto
"Well you couldn't do much better, she is arguably the one of the sexist women in the village." pointed out Kiba "I would put her at a C cup easy maybe even a small D and at least an eight out a ten ass. For at least a 9.5 out of 10 total."
"Do you have to break women down into parts?" asked Naruto as he took another drink only to find it empty.
"I am a dog." admitted Kiba with a grin "Can I get another drink for my friend here."
"Sure." answered the bar tender as another beer was slid down the bar table to Kiba's hand who handed it to Naruto.
"Thanks." said Naruto as he took another drink "Besides you just want me to end up with Sakura or Ino so you can finally get Hinata."
Kiba said nothing as he turned his head to looked toward his female teammate, Hinata Hyuuga. He tried not to faint as he saw that she was wearing the most provocative thing that the shy Hyuuga clan heiress had ever worn in public. It was a skin tight strapless blue dress which went down to her knees.
"So are you going to break her down? Easily Double Ds correct." laughed Naruto as Kiba shock his head.
"Es, and I love her in every way possible, not just for her body." explained Kiba as Hinata waved to Naruto. Naruto waved back at her causing a huge blush to cover her face. "I just wish she saw someone other than you."
"Kiba I don't see her in that way." admitted Naruto "I mean ya, she is drop dead hot but I just don't feel that way for her."
"Well she will not give up on you until your with someone. Maybe not even then." explained Kiba as he and Naruto took another deep drink.
End flashback
"I must had pasted out when I got home." thought Naruto as he noticed how sticky he felt"I could really use a shower I must not have taken one last night but then again with this heat wave I might have already, either way I need another one."
'Glade to see your finally awake." said a voice in Naruto's head which he had gotten used to over the years.
"What do you want Kyuubi?" asked Naruto to the nine tailed demon fox who had been sealed within him just after his birth by his own father. It was the Kyuubi which had turned him into a huge target but the Kyuubi's power had also saved him multiple times.
"So you really don't remember what happened last night." laughed the Kyuubi in his head.
"I drank too much came home and passed out." said Naruto "And where were you, I though you removed alcoholic from my body faster than a normal human, the whole toxin thing."
"I had other things to do, last night was a long time in the making." explained the Kyuubi "I am sure your remember it all in time. It isn't every night that the Ark opens."
"What are you talking about?" asked a confused Naruto "The Ark."
"Did you really think that there was only nine demons?" laughed the Kyuubi "No there was once a who society of demons which ruled this world. All the tailed beast are just representatives of the different races."
"Right." said Naruto not believing it "If that is true then where are they now?"
"Most died when the world became uninhabitable." explained Kyuubi "To save ourselves the few of us that remained sealed our selves away in the ark and wait for the world to heal so that we could return. Last night it was opened releasing the demons within."
"Demons are coming?" asked Naruto
"No they are already here." corrected the Kyuubi
"Then why aren't we under attack?" asked Naruto "This better not be some sick joke when I am hung over."
"The others were sealed too long in the Ark so modifications were required." explained Kyuubi "And that is where things get interesting. They had to take humans in order to save our race."
"What are you talking about?" asked Naruto
"Basically last night thousands of people around the world were chosen by the demons which had made it through the years in the ark and they bonded with them the same way I am bonded with you." stated Kyuubi
"Thousands of Jinchurki?" asked Naruto
"Yes." answered the Kyuubi as Naruto thought about how nine jinchuriki where used as weapons and how they where the source of the last war, if what the Kyuubi said was true there was thousands of them now.
"Don't worry, truth be told most of the demons which were saved are civilians not warriors so their chakra strength is only around a one or a two tailed and they probably joined with humans that best match their personality or jobs. They just want to rebuild their lives and have families." answered Kyuubi "Nothing a group of highly train jonnin can't handle them, but the higher level tailed demon who themselves where warriors joined within trained ninja would be a major threat."
"My God." thought Naruto
"Don't worry they are not a threat…well to us at least." said Kyuubi
"Us?" asked Naruto
"I am their ruler." explained Kyuubi "And by the mere fact that I am sealed within you, makes you their ruler which their demons by honor have to follow."
"I am just an ANBU captain, not some sort of king." answered Naruto
"You don't know everything yet, see more than a few bonded with people you know and that is partly why you can't remember what happened last night."
"My friends?" asked Naruto "Why bond with my friends?"
"Mostly the demons who bonded with your friends are my friends and the most important members of my government." explained the Kyuubi
"Your Government?" asked Naruto
"A ruler can't rule a nation without advisors and aids." explained Kyuubi as if it was the most stupidest question he ever heard.
"How do you know that?" asked Naruto as he suddenly felt something move behind his back. He turned his head slightly to see a sender female hand was stretched out under his neck. Naruto's heart started racing as he realized what was going on as he recognized the silver bracelet, he was at her 21st birthday party when her father gave her that.
"Because the victory party became a reunion party when the demons bonded with them." explained Kyuubi however Naruto wasn't paying much attention to that his eyes were locked on dresser, there partly hanging off the edge were two different color bras beside his pair of orange boxers. One bra was made of red lace with black outlines; the other was strapless deep purple with white. "Did I forget to tell you that I have two mates you would call them girlfriends."
"Girlfriends?" stuttered Naruto as he slowly looked down only to see two of his female friends Sakura and Ino sleeping face both of whom where snuggling into his shirtless chest. Both of them had smiles on their sleeping faces. Sakura was to his right with one of her hands on his chest and the other near his belly button with her head resting on soft spot of his neck. Ino had on hand under his neck while the other was wrapped around her chest with her head resting on his shoulder. "You have two girlfriends?"
"Well if you want to get technical they are Lady's of the Court not girlfriends." answered Kyuubi as Ino moaned a bit in her sleep as Sakura moved ever closer to Naruto. The two best friend's faces where now within inches of each other. "Besides it's only two."
"Only Two!" yelled Naruto back as he noticed that one of his hands was on Sakura's stomach right below her breasts and his other hand was on the small of Ino's back.
"Yes, see unlike humans who are pretty much split 1 to 1 among males to female's demons are more along the lines of 1 to 3, so most males have multiple females. And that was even before the war now I believe it is almost 1 to 5." explained Kyuubi as Naruto's heart race was racing a mile a minute as he noticed that his two friends eyes where slowly opening first Ino's blue eyes followed second later by Sakura's green. "Look on a bright side; you went from having no girlfriend to having two in one night. You made that perverted master of yours proud."
"What do I do what do I do?" thought Naruto as Sakura lifted her head off Naruto's chest, her eyes opened just a little bit as she scanned the room it was as if she could realize what was going on around her. Her eyes grew wider as she realized where she was and who she was with. At the same time Ino was lifting her head up from Naruto's body. Sakura jumped out of bed ripping off most of the thin blanket wrapping herself up. The sudden action caused Ino to wake up as she followed Sakura's idea wrapping herself up in the closest thing she could fine which happened a towel. For the moment Naruto just lied their looking up at two women wrapped in a thin blanket and a towel.
"Naruto you baka what happened!" yelled Sakura before she looked at Naruto's privates "And for God's sake cover yourself."
"Or not it's good a good view for me." grinned Ino with a look that would normally be on a guys face.
"Ino do you understand what just happened." stated Sakura with a deep red blush that covered her whole face.
"Ya, forehead the three of us got very drunk, things got a little personal and in the end we had a three way." explained Ino as if it was nothing "Unless somehow you think Naruto is the kind of guy rapped both of us in his own house and then tie himself to the bed frame using some of our own cloths."
"What?" asked Naruto as he looked down and noticed that his left foot was partly wrapped in a knot which was tied around one of the bed frame posts. He looked toward his right to see a similar restraint had come undone. Up near his headboard was a pair of arm restraints both of whom had been undone.
"No." admitted Sakura
"Besides we just banged Naruto-kun, so what if we had to share him with piggy for a night." added her perverted Inner Self. "What matters is that we slept with him."
"Besides we are all consenting adults here." explained Ino as she walked over dropping her towel as she moved past Naruto giving him a wink as she strutted her stuff. Naruto couldn't help but run his eyes up and down the tall hot blonde woman in front of him; one feature which stood out was the single rose tattoo on her but. "It's clear by the box of empty condoms that we were at least smart enough to used protection. So what's the big deal we had some fun."
"Ino have you no shame?" demanded Sakura as Ino put on her deep purple bra and pulled on her similar shaded string bikini bottom.
"I come from a family of memory walkers, forehead we are kind of an open book." explained Ino as she turned around and looked at her friend as she pulled her hair back into her normal pony tail. "And we are each other's roommates so what's the big deal."
Ino titled her head a bit as she looked at the stunned expression on her best friend's face, even Naruto seemed stunned.
"What?" asked Ino
"Take a look at your eyes, Ino." explained Sakura
"My eyes?" asked Ino as she turned around and looked into the dresser mirror, her eyes widened as she saw that her eyes had changed they no longer had rounded pupils instead they where silted like her cats.
"Let me take a look." explained Sakura as she walked forward still holding the blanket close to her nude body. She pulled Ino's gaze away from the mirror and toward her as she looked into them. "I was never that interested in Optometry but apart from the fact that the eye colors are still light blue instead of red they look just like Naruto's eyes when he has the nine tailed cloak. I don't know how?"
"Well forehead you better figure it out since you have it too." Pointed out Ino as Sakura turned her gaze to the mirror only to see though her wild messy hair that her eyes where now slighted like Ino's only they remained her deep shade of green.
"What the hell?" asked Sakura as she turned around to see that while the women were looking at their eyes Naruto had slide on an orange pair of boxers. Sakura couldn't help but look at his tone body, if what he had wasn't a six pack it was close enough "What did you do?"
"It wasn't me!" answered Naruto as he held his hands out, both notice that Naruto's deep blue eyes where slighted too just like theirs.
"Then explain to us why after we had sex we have slighted eyes just like the Kyuubi?" demanded Ino
"Your eyes isn't his doing but mine." said a female voice in Ino's mind "Trust me and do your clan's mind link justu."
Ino had no idea why she followed the voice but she did as she grabbed both Naruto's and Sakura's hands as she activated her families mind link justu which allowed two or more people to share thoughts for a couple of minutes. She closed her eyes as the justu took effect and the three of them found themselves now fully dressed, each of them stood in front of a large darkened stone hallway.
"Where are we?" asked Naruto
"Mind link justu." explained Ino as she crossed her arms over her purple top. "This is a natural ground where all three people can share information and explore each other's mind."
"How?" asked Naruto
"The hallway behind you lead to your mind." explained Ino
"Why did you do that?" asked Sakura
"Because she was asked too." said a new voice coming from behind Naruto as all three of them looked down the hallway which lead into Naruto's mind as out of the shadows came an almost totally orange fox with black marks running from his eyes to his ears and nine tails moving behind him.
"I thought you were locked away." stated Naruto as he prepared to fight but the Kyuubi rolled his eyes as he walked past Naruto before sitting down beside him like some extra large dog.
"Calm down kit, to harm you is to harm myself so I have reason to do it." explained the Kyuubi "And I have already told you why I won't hurt your two girlfriends."
"Why not?" asked Sakura as she suddenly felt something brush against her leg. She turned around only to see a light red fox only a few shades darker then Sakura's own hair with a pure white stomach, with white tips on each of her seven tails. The fox wasn't as large as the Kyuubi and was more slender and more womanly as she sat down beside Sakura and looked into Sakura's eyes with her own green eyes.
"Because of me." answered the fox with a warm smile which shouldn't have belong to a creature with so many bright white sharp teeth in her mouth.
"Who are you?" asked Sakura
"Hello Sakura Haruno, I am Aella." answered
"Another tailed fox?" asked Ino "But how?"
"You may want to look behind you first." said the voice which she had heard in her mind just moments ago. Her blue eyes widened as out of the darkness of her own mind came a female fox with smooth warm lavender fur with white fur over her feet and deep light blue eyes. Like Sakura's fox this one too had seven tails however as the fox moved to sit beside her it became clear that her fox was slightly smaller in size but with longer fur which looked almost stylized. "Hello Ino Yamanaka I am Lydia and I am your demon."
"My demon?" asked Ino
"Yes, both of you just like thousand others are now what you humans call Jinchuriki which is why your eyes are slighted." answered Aella as both Ino's and Sakura's eyes widened at the news.
Well I hope you liked the fist chapter of this new story, I am trying to make each chapter longer so expect a new chapter around every two weeks or so. I have also created a new pole please go vote for it on my profile. I hope that works for everyone. Now until next time please keep reading. Thanks Wilkins75