Hello there, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I'm so sorry I haven't updated in weeks... I feel so bad. But I have the fifth chapter ready to perfection(?)! I do not own One Piece but you should still enjoy this fanfiction.

Chapter 5 of Thousand Sunny high: Saint Merry Academy

Shirahoshi's point of view

"Hey isn't that the Mermaid Princess?" One boy exclaimed, "Yeah, it sure is!" The other one responded. I sighed, "But don't get near her, you know what's going to happen if you do..." Another boy said disappointed.

I griped onto my books even tighter as I walked down a slightly crowded hall full of students of Thousand Sunny high. I wanted to greet everyone with good mornings, a smile, and wave at friends. But I couldn't do any of those things because of a man named Vander Decken(IX).

You see, he developed an obsession with me when I was at our sister school, Saint Merry Academy. He was one of the teachers there, he taught art. I absolutely adored art. Everyday, when it was lunch time, I'd tell my friends to go eat without me so I can spend time in the art room with Mr. Decken. I thought that he was a very nice and interesting teacher, I'd always spend lunch with him and he'd teach me all sorts of techniques that I can use.

One day, I asked if I can stay after school so he can teach me even more things. He agreed. When I got into the art room, I immediately sat down on an empty stool. When he finally came into the room, I was in the middle of drawing a realistic tree, "Hey! The technique that you showed me last time is really helping with this realistic tree drawing!" I giggled. "Oh, really?" He said with a smirk, "Uh-huh." I replied. "What do you think of me?" Mr. Decken asked as he sat down at his desk, "I think you're pretty cool." I smiled, "What else?" He said in a tone as if craving for something, "I really like you! And respect you!" I giggled with a bit of blush smeared on my face, "Oh really then." He slowly got out of his seat and sat in a stool next to me. Then whispered, "If you really like me then you wouldn't mind if I liked you back?"

"No. Not at all!" I replied while shaking my head. He inched closer and closer to my face, then wrapped his arms around my body. "You said you like me right?" He said while grabbing my chest, "Uh...I don't like you in that way sensei." I was a bit confused, but then he began unbuttoning my blouse. I pushed him off me, picked up my school bag, and rushed out.

I took a detour into an ally to catch up with my breath then I took out my handkerchief and wiped off sweat on my forehead.

"Yo! Shirahoshi! What're you doing in an ally?"

I stuffed my handkerchief into my school bag, "Oh, hi Bonney." I approached my pink haired companion and began walking with her.

"So are you going to answer my question?" She asked.

"Oh, I was a little tired from running." I replied. I could hear Bonney taking out junk food from her bag.

"You know, I've been eating less and less and I think I'm gaining weight." She said as she stuffed a hand full of potato chips in her mouth.

How could that be possible? She eats about 10 meals a day and each meal is like a feast for her. I shrugged, "Really? That is so weird."

"I know right? Anyways, the audition for Thousand Sunny high will be soon! I'm so excited!" Bonney squealed then began choking on a chip.

I began patting her on the back, "Don't get too excited there, you should probably celebrate after you've been accepted."

"Oh, what're you going to do at the audition?" She asked.

"Uhh, well I was thinking about showing off my artistic talents but I did that last year and they declined. But thanks to Decken sensei, I've improved!" I replied.

"You should just model or something, you're very beautiful, it pains me to say this but you're figure is much more better than mine."

"Well...So many girls model, what if they just stop accepting models?" I asked.

"You've got a point." She stuffed a couple more chips in her mouth, "But how can they decline me?" She began laughing.

I laughed along with her, "Oh, shoot! When's the audition again?" I asked.

"It's next week on Saturday 2PM, and remember to dress your finest! I'm really hungry and there's a whole entire turkey waiting for me at home. Bye!" Bonney waved goodbye.

I turned around to wave back at Bonney but she was already long gone.

"I'm home!" I set down my school bag on a table nearby.

"Oh, Shirahoshi, it is already time for dinner." One of my maids greeted me and bowed respectfully. I bowed back. "Oh, no, no, you shouldn't be bowing back to a mere maid like me."

I laughed and ran into my room. It was already six. I couldn't forget those words he said to me.

"If you really liked me then you wouldn't mind if I liked you back?"

What did he mean by that? Does he like me? I don't know.

But I did say I like him but it was in a respectful way.

"I don't get it." I whispered while hugging my pillow tightly.

I was too busy thinking about what he said, I didn't want to change out of my uniform. I just wanted to think about what he said. When he said those words, it didn't make my heart go doki, doki or make butterflies in my stomach.

I eventually fell asleep while hugging the pillow and thinking furiously about what sensei had said.

Tsuke ma tsuke ma tsuke tsukeru

Pachi pachi tsukema tsukete

Tsuke ma tsuke ma tsuke ma tsukeru

Kawaii no tsukema tsukeru

(Putting, putting, putting on my falsies

The false eyelashes that make me blink

Putting, putting, putting on my falsies

My cute false eyelashes)

I mumbled, "I'm going to fail my audition."

Tsukema Tsukeru. This song always made me wake up energetic and excited for school but today, I wasn't feeling it. All I could think about was my audition and sensei. I didn't know if I was going to make it or not and I was extremely confused on what he said to me yesterday.

No, you can do this, Mermaid Princess. You have improved, they'll without a doubt pick you.

That confident part of my brain was speaking again. I don't know, it just appears every now and then. I took both of my hands and slapped them on my cheeks a few times to wake me up.

I sat up and began rubbing my eyes then I yawned. My hair was a mess and my uniform was sticking to my skin.

I felt like crap.

My alarm on my phone went off again. I began singing along as I swung my bathroom door open, took off my uniform, and showered.

"Shirahoshi! You have forty five more minutes until school begins, please hurry." One of my maids said as she opened the bathroom door to set down my clean school uniform.

"Yes, I will be ready right away." I replied.

I sighed, I didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to think about Decken sensei. I still didn't get what he meant by those words.

"Oh, Shirahoshi, you have mail! I think it's from a friend." My butler handed me the letter.

I was so surprised that someone sent me an actual letter! I barely get any of these anymore.

I opened it up right away and began reading it while I was eating my eggs and toast.

Dear Shirahoshi,

I can't stop thinking about you. Please be my beloved wife.

~Decken sensei

That is all it said. I looked on the back. Nothing.

"He surely doesn't mean it, right dad?" I showed him the letter and he was shocked.

"Who did you get this letter from?" My father asked.

"Oh, it was from my sensei." I replied.

"What?! He surely has to be kidding, you're only 14! He's-how old is he?"

"I think he's in his twenties?"

"In his twenties?!" My father grew pale.

"This man has got to be kidding." My father snapped out of his shocked state.

"Shirahoshi, you're staying home today, if you see this Decken guy, do not go anywhere near him, okay?"

I nodded in response.

What was happening, why is my father so angry?

Boy was I naïve back then. I didn't know what all the commotion was about because I simply thought that it was normal for a man in his twenties to like a fourteen year old girl.

A/N: I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to stop that chapter there because I was too lazy to finish it. . I'll do a part 2 to Shirahoshi's chapters~ Maybe next chapter will be Shirahoshi's chapter part two or Ace's chapter? This chapter was probably extremely confusing, well I'll clear all those confusions with a part two. So please calm your tits. Sorry, I've been watching Jenna Marbles, danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, and etc over the past few weeks...

Please excuse all my grammar/spelling errors, I just can't seem to catch them sometimes. I apologize again for not updating ever since Whitebeard's birthday (April 6th) because of school. But yay~ school just ended for me. So maybe I'll update a new chapter everyday? Haha, no one would want that. I'll probably update a new chapter every week or so. Thanks for reading and see ya guys later~!