A/N: At the end of chapter.
Warnings, mild torture nothing too extreme.
Disclaimer: Do not own any characters all belongs to J.K Rowling no money has been made from this. Just pure fun.
Caught In The Mist
Mist circled around their feet, as rain trickled from the stars. Temperaments flared in the background curses scorching the air. They were at war. Flashes of light in the dark illuminated the November night as angels and demons fought for their chance to rule. Muggles in their homes ran for safety not understanding just what was happening in the dark of the night. They could sense the fear that clouded like an omen above their homes.
In the midst of Aurors and Death Eaters, one of the golden trio was fighting. They did remarkably well for their age managing to hold their own against at least two of the Death Eaters. It was not until the atmosphere took a nasty turn announcing the presence of one of the darkest wizard to grace planet earth did the battle tilt. Regardless of being enemies, they all feared the Dark Lord; he swept on to the battlefield. If he knew then that there was one of the golden trio in the midst of fighting he would have directed his attack differently. As luck was on their side, he knew not of their involvement.
"Tonks," A voice cut through the chaos. "Get Hermione out of here!"
Nymphadora did not need to be told twice; she threw of her attackers and grabbed the girl by the hand dragging her away from the fight. They cut through the dense forest trying to escape the carnage behind and past the barrier that stopped them from apparating out.
"What are you doing?" Questioned Hermione miffed at having to leave the fight she did not want to leave the Aurors to fend for themselves.
"Getting you to safety, what does it look like?" Tonks snapped back still dragging the girl through the forest, as branches slapped against their flesh leaving red ribbons of pain.
"We need to help them!" Hermione argued, she could not imagine leaving a fight and yet here she was running away from one.
Ignoring the pleas, Tonks pushed on, she could sense the edge of the barrier just ahead. Even though reluctant, she knew Hermione would not fight her. They were edging closer to freedom, she could still here the battle raging behind; her gut clenched knowing she had left friends to die, but she was following orders.
"Tonks!" She barely had time to react to the curse that ripped through the air. She did not have enough time to counter it, her body tensed as the spell struck her side.
Hermione watched in horror as a curse hit her friend, sending the slightly older woman hurtling across the clearing and into the side of a tree. The gasp of pain and the slight twitch the only true indicator that the witch was still alive. Sliding to a halt wand raised, Hermione turned to where the curse had come from. She saw no one; her eyes swept the shadows as she slowly inched back to where the immobile body of her friend lay. Heart beating furiously against her chest, she tried to calm her erratic nerves.
"Show yourself!" She snapped after minutes of waiting, yet still no one moved to take credit for the curse.
Her blood turned to ice at the sound of laughter echoing through the forest, the cackling continued, making it hard to determine where it was coming from. She tried to control her erratic breathing; she could see her breath in the cold of the night, as her hand gripped her wand tightly.
"Boo!" a cold voice whispered in her ear, causing Hermione to jump and stumble away.
She spun around to face the attacker, refusing to show fear as she stared into the crazy eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange. The Dark witch smirked at the girl standing in front of her, her wand resting in her palm, her eyes taking note of how the girl gripped hers so tightly.
"And who do we have here?" The Dark witch taunted, slowly circling the girl. "You were at the ministry with Potter weren't you?"
"What cat got your tongue girl?" Bellatrix cackled at the sight of the girl causing the younger one to frown as the older witch moved closer.
"Stay away!" Hermione snapped, concentrating on not letting her hand shake.
"And what's the mudblood going to do?" Hermione flinched as her Bellatrix spat the word mudblood. "Aww muddy have I hurt your feelings?"
Bellatrix sauntered over to her niece who lay unconscious on the floor. Hermione struggled against the anger that was building knowing, she would have to play smart if she were going to try to get Tonks and escape. She knew there was no way to take Bellatrix in a duel, what she could not understand was why Bellatrix had not attacked her. Maybe she does not see you as a threat... She scoffed to herself she probably not sink so low to consider me as witch, mudblood and all...
Hermione watched as Bellatrix strolled over to her niece as though she did not have a care in the world, her stomach churned as the Dark witch kicked her niece's arm. How could she treat one of her family in such a manner? As if, she were dirt.
Bellatrix raised her wand at her unconscious niece, before she knew what was happening a curse flew at her face. She just had enough time to deflect it and sent it hurtling into a nearby tree. She turned to face her attacker, her eyes black as the sky above.
Not smart. Hermione's inner voice whispered as she watched impossibly black eyes turn to her. She had not even realised she had raised her wand and sent the curse before it was too late. Rain tumbled faster from the sky drenching the three witches standing in the clearing.
"Not smart mudblood." Bellatrix hissed that's what I said! The voice in Hermione's head whispered.
"Crucio!" Bellatrix whispered.
The green curse shot towards Hermione, who dodged out the way, she barely gained her footing when deflected another curse. Curse after curse flew at Hermione, who deflected one after another, she could see Bellatrix was getting bored; the last curse she fired missed her by a long shot. Hermione frowned wondering how the woman could miss when the tree beside her exploded sending her hurtling to the floor.
Mud clung to her body as though trying to mould her, her feet fought for purchase so she could push herself back up. She rolled to her feet, shaking off the debris of the tree.
"Well you are boring mudblood." Bellatrix dismissed, watching with amusement as Hermione brushed the mud from her cloak.
"Go to hell." Hermione hissed back.
"Oh she has a voice!" Bellatrix giggled.
"Of course I do!" Hermione snapped unable to control her temper. "But I find it hard to start a conversation with an insane person!" Too far shut up, shut up!
Bellatrix smiled coldly at the nerve of the girl. "You think I'm insane muddy? Perhaps you're correct after all I am talking to a mudblood!"
"Better than being Voldemort's whore!" Hermione's gob slammed shut. Did I just say that? Why did I just say that? Hermione's eyes danced to edge of the clearing, wondering if it was too late to run away.
She barely had time to make eye contact with the dark witch when spells returned with force, knocking Hermione back with each one. Oh, god she was not even trying before! Hermione thought to herself, she eventually found her footing and retaliated in force. She tried her best to match the intensity of Bellatrix's spells, soon finding she was lacking stamina the dark witch had.
Not one to be out done she fought her hardest to keep up with Bellatrix, soon the older witch was moving. Changing the game as she pushed Hermione to new limits, she struggled to see her attackers face over the harsh light of the curses flying at her.
"Like I told Potter, you have to mean it!" Bellatrix spat.
She would never admit aloud, but Bellatrix was impressed with the mudblood, she was holding her own. Time to end this; she moved aside dropping the duel, causing the young girl to stumble forward from lack of resistance. A curse left her wand before the girl could defend herself, striking the young witch on the shoulder.
Hermione gasped as pain exploded through her shoulder, causing her to drop to her knees, clutching her arm to her body. Blood seeped through her fingertips as unshed tears welled in her eyes. The squelching of feet approaching caused her to reach for wand that had slipped through her fingers. She froze when she felt the tip of Bellatrix wand press against her neck, the brush of her dress against her back as the woman knelt beside her. She reached round snatching the wand from Hermione's fingers, twirling it around in her own.
"Now what shall I do with you?" Bellatrix pondered running her wand along the edge of the girls throat.
Hermione tried to repress the shiver that was threatening to run down her spine. She was accurately aware of how close the witch was to her, she could feel her breath against her cheek. The smell of firewhiskey and blood invaded her senses nearly causing her to gag, but she did not. Her eyes strayed to the limp form of her friend, begging her to wake up. As if someone answered her prayers, she noticed, her friends hand twitch around her wand, as her eyes cracked open.
"Is the mudblood going to cry?" Bellatrix sneered pressing Hermione's wand against the cut on her shoulder, causing the girl to whimper and screw her eyes shut.
"Stuperfy!" Tonks yelled Hermione felt Bellatrix move with such speed that she thought impossible for a human.
"Protego!" Bellatrix replied, easily dismissing the spell.
Tonks ducked her own spell, spinning back round, her next spell on her lips she froze. Bellatrix had Hermione on her feet, wand pressed against her throat.
"What are you going to do Nymphadora? Curse your little friend here?" Bellatrix gloating was cut short however at the heavy footsteps of more Death Eaters.
Hermione could see the shapes moving through trees towards them. Her eyes met Tonks, the woman torn between staying and running away.
"Go!" Hermione yelled, trying to be heard over the noise of the Death Eaters.
"I can't" Tonks began. "Run!" Hermione interrupted once again.
"Don't worry I'll take good care of our friend here," Bellatrix cooed.
"I'll be back with help I promise!" Tonks yelled taking off at a sprint.
"We won't be here," Bellatrix sang making Hermione's heart stop in dread.
The rustling of trees and the hammering of footsteps did nothing to calm Hermione's racing heart, if anything it nearly sent her into a panic attack. Before she understood what was happening, she was standing in the cover of the trees, her feet sore from being dragged by Bellatrix. Bellatrix's wand still pressed firmly against her throat, suddenly engulfed by the shadows of the trees; Hermione breath froze in her throat. Breathe breathe! Her mind shouted at her.
"Breathe girl." Bellatrix hissed in her ear, causing her to gasp for breath. "Now be a good little mudblood and don't say a word."
Greyback crashed into the clearing in front of them, the sudden disruption caused Hermione to jump and unknowingly move closer to Bellatrix.
"Stand still." She growled.
They stayed silent watching as Death Eaters moved into the clearing. The loud voices of the Death Eaters caused involuntary flinches from Hermione, especially when Greyback moved closer to their hiding place. The noise of the Death Eaters was nothing compared to the deafening sound of her own breath, she was sure they would be able to hear her. Hidden, the rain was not able to reach them because the dense trees that surrounded them. The closer Greyback moved to them Hermione was not able to hold back the gasp. As soon as it slipped unbidden from her lips, Bellatrix's hand slipped over her mouth. Greyback raised his head and sniffed the air. Merlin! We have been discovered. The thought circled her mind.
Bellatrix lifted the wand from Hermione's throat and pointed it towards Greyback, the tip lit up. She watched as Greyback turned and moved away. Bellatrix hand remained firmly planted against Hermione's mouth, she watched with cold feeling as the wand slowly returned to her throat. Closing her eyes, she tried to block out her current predicament.
Why was Bellatrix hiding? Surely, she would not hide from her Dark Lord. Why am I still alive? The questions circled the young witches mind, as she waited for time to pass. Perhaps she was a gift for Voldemort, maybe that was why she was waiting. God please do not let me fall in Voldemort's hands! She pleaded to the heavens above.
Bellatrix's nails dug into her cheek, causing her eyes to fly open, she glanced at the witch behind her, demanding to know what she had done to earn that punishment. The older witch's eyes however were riveted on the clearing in front. Forcing her eyes from the woman behind she turned to look at the clearing. A sense of dread swept over her at the sight of the person in front of them. Voldemort had entered the clearing. This was the first time Hermione had seen the Dark Lord in full a cold sweat broke out. Her eyes traced the outline of the creature that stood before her. Black robe billowing in the wind, it surrounded him like a mist.
"Hush..." Bellatrix murmured able to feel the girls fear radiating of her; she relaxed her hold on the girl, to point where it felt like nothing but a comforting embrace.
Bellatrix did not know why she was comforting the mudblood; she knew what would happen if they were discovered. If anything she should be annoyed with the mudblood for getting in her way, she had ruined her plans. After duelling with the filth however she decided her plan could work with the help of the girl, she could hold her own she would be of some use.
For some unknown Hermione took comfort from being close to Bellatrix, she instantly berated herself for thinking herself safe with witch. Just look at Neville's parents! What about Sirius! Of course, she if she had to choose between Bellatrix and tortured by Voldemort a part of her would choose Bellatrix.
"Where is Lestrange?" Voldemort voice cut through her train of thought.
Expecting at any minute to be flung out of hiding and thrown at Voldemorts feet, she tried to concentrate on controlling her breathing. She would not show fear in front of Voldemort, she would not betray her friends.
"Rodolphus is torturing one of the Aurors my lord." A Death Eater replied Hermione heard Bellatrix whisper typical behind her.
"Call Bellatrix." Voldemort ordered.
Hermione felt Bellatrix freeze behind her, it took her moment to wonder why when she saw the dark mark squirm on her arm. She could feel the tension in the older witch as she squirmed behind her, trying to ignore the searing pain running through her arm. Hermione did the only thing she could think of, she slapped her hand across Bellatrix mouth, much to the surprise of the older witch. Although no sound escaped either witches mouth, Hermione noticed the darkness that engulfed Bellatrix's eyes and the tightening of her wand. Her eyes screamed anger and she knew she would pay for touching her later on.
Turning her eyes away from the glaring Bellatrix, Hermione surveyed the wizards in front of them. She could see the flick of confusion cross Voldemort's eyes as he waits for Bellatrix to arrive. She could feel the apprehension rising, the wheels turning in his head; she watched as the Death Eaters grew anxious as they waited.
"She does not respond my Lord." A voice spoke up; Hermione wanted nothing more than to say duh at the man.
"Perhaps she is currently busy." Added another trying to defuse the rising tension.
"Maybe she's done a runner," Greyback growled.
Hermione fighting the urge to look behind, she knew Bellatrix was not paying attention to the group, she could feel her eyes burning into the back of her head. Felt the tightening of fingers against her mouth, the quick jerk of her head causing her to gasp which muffled against the offending hand. She removed her hand from Bellatrix mouth, knowing it would be wise not to anger the woman any more. The act did not cause Bellatrix to loosen her grip, in fact she tightened it, her other hand digging painfully into her wound. Silent tears crusaded down Hermione's cheeks, as the pain grew more intense. There was talking from the group, but Hermione did not hear them as she fought to stay still. Tried to ignore the pain radiating from her shoulder, and the sharp stinging sensation coming from the nails digging into her cheek.
She knew the instant Bellatrix turned her attention back to the group in front of her, her hold relaxed slightly, as she focused on her Master. Bellatrix released a sigh of relief, which earned her a glare from the witch. Trying to ignore the pain she stared up pleadingly into the sky, her eyes tracked the droplets of rain. She tracked one droplet that slid along the branch of the tree. It dropped down onto the hand holding her in place; it slid along the white skin before disappearing to the mushy ground.
Green light filled the clearing and if it were not for Bellatrix quick reaction of moving them behind a tree, someone would have spotted them. Hermione turned her head away from seeing Voldemort curse one of his followers, knowing he would result in killing the follower. She could hear the sound of cries from the Death Eater and could only imagine what could possibly earn that man torture.
"Watch," Bellatrix hissed, forcing Hermione to watch the scene in front of them.
She tried to close her eyes, but Bellatrix squeezed her shoulder causing her open them once again. The man squirmed on the muddy ground, gasping and crying for help, begging for help, for mercy. Voldemort ignored him and continued to talk to his followers as though the man did not exist; a lonely tear tracked its way down Hermione's face. How could anyone be so heartless! She asked herself.
"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's voice echoed in the silent night.
Bellatrix smirked at the sight of the Death Eater slumping to the floor; she would have laughed if she were not hiding. She felt the young witch in her arms flinch and shift back into her arms; Bella rolled her eyes and squeezed the girls shoulder to keep her in place. The mudblood was weak if she let the death of a nobody affect her. She felt droplets on her hand assuming it was the rain, only realising that it was actually the girl. Pathetic! She laughed inwardly; yes, this mudblood will be easy to use. She soon realised the girl had begun to sway slightly; she tightened her hold thinking it to be a play to be let go. When she felt the girls muscles start to relax, she stole a look at her face. Her eyes were drooping as she fought to stay conscious. The wound must be taking its toll on her, in some ways this was good for Bella but also bad. She did not fancy trying to hold the mudblood up while hiding it would be a hindrance. On the plus side if the mudblood did lose consciousness, it would be easy to travel the first part of their journey without fighting her.
"If you faint now I will make your life hell!" She said against the mudblood's neck, her lips so close they brushed the skin.
She felt a shiver run through the witch, satisfied that the girl understood; she loosened her grip on the shoulder and moved it to the mudblood's waist. Despite trying her best to stay awake, Bella knew the girl was fighting a losing battle. She glared at the Death Eaters hurry up damn you! Her mind screamed as her tightened on the mudbloods waist.
"Leave!" Voldemort ordered dismissing his followers with a flick of the wrist. They disappeared instantly, vanishing into the night.
Voldemort eyes scanned the trees, Bellatrix's breath caught in her throat. Has he seen us? I will surely be punished if he has! She struggled with her inner voice as she waited, the girl going still as a statue, obviously aware of their potential danger. Bella practically holding the young witch up grasped her wand tight. I will not be able to fight with this dead weight! Her mind screamed. Sparing one last glance round Voldemort disapparted leaving the rain to clear any evidence of his being here.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she looked up to the sky thanking whatever gods were watching. She felt the mudblood shift in her arms, thinking it obviously safe to move on.
"Oh I don't' think so." Bella laughed as the girl struggled. "You're coming with me." They disapparated with a pop, leaving the wet forest behind.
Hermione's feet touched solid ground, the strong arms that once circled her no longer there. She fell to her knees with a thump gasping from the pain in her shoulder and fighting the feeling of nausea building in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes heavy, head pounding and her arm screaming in protest, she fell to her side. Trying to take in her new surroundings and wondering if Bellatrix had abandoned her to die. This thought quickly thrown away by the sight of the witch crouching down in front of her.
Bellatrix noticed how pale the mudblood was. The shivers that racked her body from the sudden cold of their new location. Her eyes betrayed her inner most thoughts, as she studied the girl.
"Wh... what do you want with... me?" Her eyes screamed defiance, but the quiver in her voice betrayed her.
"Well I wasn't after you, but since you so willing volunteered, you'll have to do I suppose." She smiled cruelly.
"Tonks..." Hermione whispered.
"Yes I was after Nymphadora but you muddy wanted to play hero and well here we are."
"Where are we?"
"I grow bored of your questions," Bella stated pompously, raising her wand at Hermione who flinched in fear.
"Sleep now." Bella murmured smiling as Hermione slipped into unconsciousness. "You will help me get what I want soon enough."
A/N: This story will diverge from the the original story line, not hundred percent where the story will alter. But at the moment is set somewhere near the sixth book. Bearing in mind I haven't read the books in a long time so my knowledge will waver a little as I'm going with the story from the dvds.
Worth continuing?