Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are not the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, events or places is entirely coincidental. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 2

"It's good to see you, Ga Eul." Congressman Chu said with a wide smile as he welcomed her daughter with a big hug. "I missed you, Ga Eul."

"I missed you, too, appa." Ga Eul said with a smile as she broke away from the hug. "You seem to have gotten thinner, appa. Work must be stressing you out a lot."

"It's because you do not come home, Ga Eul." The older man said with a smile.

"I've been busy with the school, appa." Ga Eul said as she hung her coat on the rack. "Say, why don't I cook dinner tonight?"

"That would be awesome." Congressman Chu said. It has been a while since Ga Eul went home and he surely missed her cooking. It was very similar to Ga Eul's mother's cooking. "Min Jae, join us for dinner, will you?" Min Jae was about to refuse but then, before he could even utter a word, Congressman Chu has already cut him off. "I won't take a no for an answer, Min Jae. You've been working a lot in the past few weeks. And I'm sure you want to taste Ga Eul's cooking, too."

After about an hour in the kitchen, Ga Eul has finished preparing a traditional Korean dinner, complete with rice, soup and various side dishes. "There's very little kimchi left in your fridge, appa. I'll bring you some when I make them." Ga Eul said with a smile as she settled on the seat beside her father.

"Don't worry about that sunshine. Miss Yoon can do that."

"But my kimchi tastes different, right?"

"It's the most delicious kimchi in Korea." Congressman Chu said with a big smile.

Across them, Min Jae was smiling widely as well as he watched the father- daughter moment of the Chu's. When working, Congressman Chu is usually strict and serious to his subordinates. It is during times like these when he is with his only daughter that Min Jae is able to see Congressman Chu's soft side. He definitely loves his daughter.

"I'm sorry, Min Jae if you see me acting this way. It's been a long time since I saw my daughter and just missed her so much." Congressman Chu explained as soon as he saw the smile on Min Jae's face.

"I understand, Congressman Chu. Nothing to worry about."

"I'd have to thank you." Congressman Chu said to the younger man across the table. "For bringing my daughter home."

"It's my pleasure, sir." Min Jae said with a smile.

` "Say, Ga Eul, why don't you just go back home? That way, Min Jae won't have to bring you here everytime. And that way, I could always taste your delicious cooking."

"Appa…" Ga Eul trailed off. "I love you and I miss you but… you know that I've always wanted to live alone… to experience life outside this world." Ga Eul reasoned out. "I'm doing fine and you don't have anything to worry about." Ga Eul assured her father. Congressman Chu was about to say something when Ga Eul cut him off. "Enough of that talk. Let's eat. The food's about to get cold." Ga Eul said, flashing a smile to her father.

"Ms. Ga Eul, your new student is here." The principal opened the door to Ga Eul's classroom and with a smile, said that the new student has arrived. Telling the children that she would come out for a while and that they should behave, Ga Eul went out of the door to greet her new kindergarten student. She has always loved children that's why she has chosen this profession as a kindergarten children.

"Meet So Eun Hae." The principal said as she introduced the little girl in pigtails beside her. "Eun Hae, this is Ga Eul-ssi, she will be your teacher."

"Good morning Eun Hae. How are you?" Ga Eul greeted the little girl with a smile as she bent her knees to be on the same level as her.

"I'm fine, teacher." The little girl smiled widely.

"Why don't I bring Eun Hae inside the room while you meet her brother? He's in the other room, fixing some papers. He might have some reminders to tell you." The principal offered in which Ga Eul nodded her head.

"Please excuse me." Ga Eul said as she opened the door. She saw a man writing something as he sat down on one of the chairs. He has his bangs covering his face, not letting Ga Eul to see the man's face. She assumed he must be Eun Hae's brother. "Good morning sir. You must be Eun Hae's brother?" Ga Eul asked politely as she stopped a few steps away from him.

The man stopped writing and lifted his face up. As soon as he did, a small smile appeared on his face. He stood up immediately and bowed down to acknowledge Ga Eul's presence. "Ga Eul- ssi. I never thought I'd see you here. Are you a teacher here?" Yi Jung asked, smiling brightly at Ga Eul.

Ga Eul nodded her head in answer to Yi Jung's question. "Must be a small world, eh?" Ga Eul said with a smile. "You're Eun Hae's brother?" Yi Jung nodded his head. "I'd be her homeroom teacher."

"Looks like there's nothing I need to worry about."

"How is Eun Hae?" Ga Eul asked. "Is there anything in particular that I need to know about her? Allergies? Her hobbies and likes?"

"You seem particular in those things, Ga Eul- ssi."

"It's part of my job as a teacher. The school will be like the kids' second home so we ought to know things like that so we could take care of them properly. So?"

"Eun Hae's a very cheerful child. She gets along with people easily. If there's something I should warn you about, that would be my sister's hyper activeness. She's really energetic and doesn't seem to get tired at all. Aside from that, I don't think you'd have any problem with her."

"Kids at that age are usually like that. Anything else?"

"She likes playing with clay. I guess, it's in the genes."

"You're a potter?" Ga Eul asked, an amused look on her face. "I've been doing pottery for quite sometime now."

"Before but…" Yi Jung was suddenly interrupted as the door swung open. "Eun Hae seems to have gotten along with everyone. I don't think she'd cause you a problem, Ga Eul- ssi." The principal said as she entered the room. "You may go back to the children now, Ga Eul- ssi. I'll take care of everything else here."

"Yes, ma'am." Ga Eul said to the older woman. "If you'll excuse me, Yi Jung- ssi."

"See you next time, Ga Eul- ssi." Yi Jung said with a smile as she bid the kindergarten teacher a goodbye.

"Eun Hae, your brother hasn't arrived yet?" Ga Eul asked as she saw the little girl sitting alone on the school's swing. She sat down on the swing beside Eun Hae and took a look at the little girl. It has been a couple of weeks since Eun Hae has joined the school and this is the first time that Yi Jung was not able to pick up her sister on time. Ga Eul decided to stay behind to wait with Eun Hae. It wouldn't be good if she leaves the child here, all alone.

Eun Hae shook her head but no sadness or tears about to fall were evident in her eyes. "Oppa must have been doing a lot of things. He comes home late recently. I'll just wait here, he'll come here soon."

Ga Eul smiled at Eun Hae's thoughts. If other kids were left here, they must have been crying already or throwing tantrums. Yi Jung was right. Eun Hae was a relatively easier kid to handle and since she went to school, she hasn't been doing anything to worry Ga Eul or to piss her classmates. She's getting along with everyone and is very active during exercises and activities. She was just much more energetic than the other children, but Ga Eul didn't find it as a nuisance either.

"Why don't we play with clay until your brother comes?" Ga Eul offered, remembering that Eun Hae likes to play with them. "I have some in the room, would you like to play?"

"But what if oppa comes…" Eun Hae trailed off. She's afraid to leave the place, thinking that her brother might come soon and won't find her here waiting for him.

"Don't worry. We can see the gate from my office. We'll know if your brother has arrived. And the room's quite easy to find." Ga Eul assured the little girl. "So, shall we?" Eun Hae nodded her head in agreement and got off the swing. Ga Eul grabbed the little girl's hand as they walked back to the room.

"Here's the clay." Ga Eul said as she put them down on the table. She sat on one of the children's chairs. It was, of course, too small for an adult like her but sitting on it for over a hundred times already made Ga Eul comfortable. She and Eun Hae started making various things out of the clay. While Ga Eul tried making some cups with the commercially colored clays, Eun Hae were making various animals, as she has said. "Look teacher, I made a dog." Eun Hae said happily as she showed off her piece to Ga Eul. Ga Eul nodded and with a smile praised the kid for her work. In the past, she and the other children were playing with clay and Ga Eul had to admit that most of the children's works are hard to decipher but then, they are little kids and are still on the stage of exploring. At times like that, you'd have to smile and praise the child for the good work he/she has done. It will surely get better in the future, Ga Eul has always thought. But seeing Eun Hae's work, Ga Eul is quite mesmerized. Even though it was still a little far away from being a dog, Ga Eul cannot help but be intrigued by the child's talent. Her imagination and creativity was a little ahead of the kids her age, and the way Eun Hae molds the clay with her hand… Ga Eul knew that the child had talent. Then she suddenly remembered Yi Jung's words, "I guess, it's in the genes."

"Eun Hae, do you like pottery?" Ga Eul said unconsciously.

Eun Hae nodded her head with a big smile on her face. "My father is a potter." Eun Hae said proudly. "He does a lot of beautiful vases and pots. I want to become like him, someday." Ga Eul smiled at Eun Hae. It was very nice to see a child this young to have goals of herself. And Ga Eul was sure that with the proper training for the talent, Eun Hae's dream could surely come true in the future. "How about your brother?" Ga Eul asked curiously.

"He does it too… but not so much now." Eun Hae added as she continued to mold a new animal.

"I… see." Ga Eul said. The two of them continued to mold clays, not really realizing that time has passed. The door suddenly swung open, with Yi Jung standing by the door with a smile on his face. "Looks good." Yi Jung said with a smile as he walked towards his sister.

Ga Eul stood up from her seat and greeted Yi Jung. Eun Hae stopped from what she was doing and gave her brother a big hug. "Sorry Eun Hae. Oppa has been busy." Ga Eul heard Yi Jung say to the young girl. Eun Hae shook her head, saying that it was okay and gave her brother another hug. Yi Jung then carried Eun Hae in his arms and turned towards Ga Eul. "I'm sorry to have kept you here. Thank you for keeping Eun Hae company. I was busy at work and was only able to get out a little while ago." Yi Jung explained.

"No worries. It's part of my job to keep children company. Besides, we had a lot of fun playing with clay." Ga Eul replied, showing off the molded clay on the table. "She must have been tired." Ga Eul commented as she saw Eun Hae dozing off on her brother's arms.

"I guess so." Yi Jung answered. He then picked up Eun Hae's small bag and carried it on his back. "Shall we go home, Ga Eul- ssi?" Yi Jung asked with a smile.

"You two can go on." Ga Eul replied. "I'd have to clean up here…" Ga Eul was about to say more but then, Yi Jung slowly put Eun Hae on the side, where beds were laid out for the children's naptime. He settled his sister's bag beside her and then started to clean up the little mess his sister has made. "You don't need to do that. I can…"

"Let me help you, at least." Yi Jung said with a smile as he carefully put the molded clay into the box beside the table. "My sister has caused you trouble. Well, technically, I did because I didn't come here on time of her dismissal." Yi Jung explained.

Ga Eul could only smile as she, too, started to clean up. There wasn't much to clean up anyway since Ga Eul and Eun Hae have only been molding clay. And they were able to finish quicker since there was the two of them working together.

"Are you going to take a bus or a taxi, Ga Eul- ssi?" Yi Jung asked as he and Ga Eul exited the school grounds. Eun Hae was still sleeping on his arms and Yi Jung was careful enough not to wake his little sister.

"I only walk." Ga Eul said with a smile. "My apartment's only a few blocks away and it's a good way to save money." Ga Eul continued. "Besides, walking is good for the health."

"So…" Yi Jung started as the two of the continued to walk. "…that night when I saved you, you were coming home from school?" Ga Eul nodded her head in response. "You could have taken a taxi back home that night since the rain was pouring heavily."

"Yeah… but then, I wouldn't have met you if I took a taxi that night." Ga Eul said with a smile. "Thank you, by the way. If it weren't for you, something worse must have happened to me."

"No worries." Yi Jung replied. "It was a coincidence that I was coming back home that night as well."

"By the way, how's your wound?" Ga Eul asked, suddenly remembering the wound Yi Jung got n his arm from those bad men.

"It's healed now." Yi Jung assured her with a smile. "By the way, your umbrella is still with me. I'll bring it next time I go to the school. Thank you for that. And for cleaning my wound that night."

"It was all I could do after you saved me." Ga Eul said. "Anyways, I'll be okay from here." Ga Eul said as she stopped walking by the junction. "You should go home now. Eun Hae looks tired."

"Let me walk you home." Yi Jung offered.

"But Eun Hae…" Ga Eul tried to argue but then Yi Jung was too persistent.

"Don't worry; my sister's a heavy sleeper. I'll just send you until your doorstep. Our house isn't that far from here either. And I do take this route home."

"Okay then, if you insist." Ga Eul said with a smile as the two of them continued to walk. "By the way, Eun Hae's clay works are good."

"They don't resemble the things she said they do but I guess, she's better than other kids." Yi Jung said, for which Ga Eul nodded her head in agreement. "She's been playing with clay since she was young. Our father used to be potter. I guess she inherited it."

"I can see talent in her. She only needs the proper training and I'm sure she'll do great in that field. While we were playing with clay earlier, she has said something like she wanted to be a potter like your father. It's good for children to have dreams at such a young age."

"Our father has influence her so much. We grew up watching him make pieces on the potter's wheel. Eventually, when we're old enough to play with it and know that it's not supposed to be eaten, father let us play with clay." Yi Jung said, reminiscing the good old days. "I guess she must have missed it a lot." Yi Jung said, patting Eun Hae slightly.

"So, you do pottery as well?" Ga Eul asked curiously.

"Hmmm. I used to." Yi Jung replied. "But I don't now."

"Why?" Ga Eul can't help but ask. Just from looking at Yi Jung, Ga Eul knew that he has the talent for it as well.

"Let's just say that a lot of circumstances have happened and that there are a lot more important things aside from pottery." Yi Jung said, not really wanting to explain further.

"I see." Ga Eul replied, not really trying to ask more about the topic since Yi Jung doesn't seem to want to talk about it.

"How about you?" Yi Jung asked Ga Eul. "Do you do pottery?"

"Hmmm. I learned during high school for art class and I guess, I liked it. I've been doing it for quite some time as a hobby but I'm not really good at it." Ga Eul said, feeling slightly shy talking about it.

"You put too much pressure on your right hand." Yi Jung said out of blue which shocked Ga Eul.

"Huh?" she asked, wondering what he meant by that.

"I saw you and Eun Hae playing with clay earlier. I noticed you're putting too much pressure on your right hand. You may not have noticed it but that could very much be the reason why you don't think you're good at it. Try holding and molding the clay lightly. Don't think about the pressure and just mold it effortlessly." Yi Jung said, flashing a smile at Ga Eul.

"I'd remember that." Ga Eul said. "I'll be here." Ga Eul then said, stopping on her tracks. "Thank you, Yi Jung- ssi."

"Thank you, too, Ga Eul- ssi." Yi Jung said, still smiling at her. "I'll see you soon, then."

"Uhn." Ga Eul nodded her head in agreement. She waved them a goodbye and watched Yi Jung and Eun Hae disappear from sight first before going inside her apartment.

Yi Jung continued to walk, with the sleeping Eun Hae still in his arms. With a small smile on his face, he quietly uttered, "What an interesting woman."