A/N: Yup... been a while. Again... I was forced to quickly edit, so if I missed anything, it's Trapjaw's fault.


Answerthecall: XD I'm glad you like it! I feel bad because I don't update this as much as I should.

Trapjaw: You might want to go back and read that last chapter, I added the rest to it! XD

Marshall frowned as he gazed over the familiar scenery that he had grown to love. His favorite place in the whole world. His cliff. "This has got to be a dream. I don't remember onlining this morning, let alone coming here."

"It is a dream."

Marshall jumped and quickly turned to face the feminine voice. He paused when he caught optics with the white femme. He felt it. A strange connection. He knew her! "Trapjaw…"

The femme sent the mech a small smile. "Hey."

"You're not real!" Marshall shook his helm. "You can't be!"

"I just want to talk, Marshall." She stepped forward. "Marshall is a very nice name."

"I only chose it because of you!"

"Marshall, you can't blame me for everything." Trapjaw glared.

"But it is your fault!"

"How?" Trapjaw challenged. "Is it my fault for offlining? For giving you a chance to live? I slaved over your frame! I worked so hard to repair it, and I swear half of it is made from my two servos! You're just being difficult! If you like something, you like it! YOU! Not me, but you. That spark's core may have been mine at one point, but it's yours now. Whatever's inside of it, it's not me anymore. It's you."

Marshall opened his mouth to say something, but with a light breeze the image of the femme blew away. "I wasn't done!" Marshall groaned.

Marshall flew up from his position on the ground, his breaths heavy. "Woah."

Bluestreak stood by the door staring at Marshall with Wide optics. "You scared me!"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Marshall shot up. "I just had a strange dream like thing!"

Bluestreak frowned. "Oh, I was just going out for my early energon ration. Would you like to come? I'm meeting up with the twins."

"The twins?"

Bluestreak smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Sunstreaker and Sideswipe! One is yellow, and the other is red! They don't look the same, but they're split spark! It's funny. They're complete opposites! I think you'll really get along with Sides, but Sunny is a little more difficult to get along with! He has this big attitude that he likes to keep up!"

"Like Ironhide?"

Bluestreak stared at Ironhide for a second before he burst out laughing. "Yeah! Like Ironhide!"

Marshall gave Bluestreak a smile. "I'll pass. Ironhide doesn't like me much, so I think I'll hold off on meeting this Sunny."

Bluestreak nodded. "Alright. If you're sure."

"I am. Do you know where I could find Covenant?"

Bluestreak froze as his optics widened. "C-covenant? W-why?"

"I'm her friend! Well, I think so, anyways." Marshall frowned. "She's the one thing I like because of me!"

Bluestreak frowned. "I don't know where she'd be. Sorry. I try to stay away from her. I got to go!" Bluestreak ran out of the room, almost tripping over his own pedes.

Marshall frowned. "He's weird."

Shadow Stalker peeked into tactical planning room, her optics immediately zooming in on the mech she needed.

"Shadow Stalker."

Shadow Stalker jumped. "Prowl!"

Prowl stepped in front of the femme with a raised optic ridge. "Can I help you?"

"I need wildfire."

Prowl rolled his optics. "What for? I can't just take him off duty. I need him."

"I need him!" Shadow Stalker argued.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. How about I put your needs in front of the whole Autobot army."

"What do you need him for that's soo important?"

"He's monitoring the bugs we put into one of the Decepticon bases."

Shadow Stalker glared at Prowl. "Fine. You win this one."

"I know." Prowl sighed. "Marshall is roomed with Bluestreak as you asked."

Shadow Stalker's helm fell to the side. "What?"

"You asked that Marshall be roomed with Bluestreak, did you not?"

"No, I didn't! Why would I ask that?"

"I have a few theories. None are very nice."

"Are you feeling quippy today?"

"A little." Prowl nodded.

Shadow Stalker rolled her optics. "I didn't send you anything about rooming Marshall with Bluestreak."

Prowl nodded. "Then I'll assume it was Covenant acting as you… again."


"We had an agreement, do not worry about it."

Marshall peeked his helm into the medical bay. He didn't know anywhere else to go. "Oh! Can I help you?"

Marshall jumped when the red and white mech spoke. A mask covered his face, and blue visor shined with delight, at what, Marshall had no clue. "Uh, I don't really know."

"Do you need a maintenance check?"


"Are you hurt?"

Marshall shook his helm. "No."

"Are you hiding?"

"Uh, no."

The mech nodded. "I see. So you just wondered in. I'm First Aid by the way! Everybody just calls me Aid though."


"You're Marshall?" First Aid smiled. "Awesome! Ratchet was taking care of you, right?"


"No wonder you look so great!" First Aid frowned. "Sorry, I have a patient I have to get back to, they're throwing a fit. I can't really let you stay in Med bay either unless you're visiting somebody."

"I'm not visiting, but I have been looking for somebody! I've been looking for Covenant!"

First Aid's helm fell to the side. "So you're visiting?"

"She's here?"

First Aid nodded. "She's my patient. Follow me!" First Aid turned on his heel and walked down the row of emergency berths. Marshall followed as fast as he could without going in front of the mech. First Aid reached a curtained off area, and with a sweep of his servo, the curtain was pushed back, revealing the green femme Marshall had spent almost all of his time looking for. "You have a visitor!"

"Shadow Stalker, I asked for those data pads almost a joor a…" Covenant's words trailed off as she glanced up from the data pad she was reading and spotted Marshall. "Marshall."

Marshall smiled. "Covenant! Are you okay!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you!"


"Because we're friends." Marshall frowned. "Aren't we?"

"You shouldn't want to be my friend anymore! You talked to Bluestreak, right?" Covenant demanded.

"I did! He's a really nice mech." Marshall nodded.

Covenant slammed her data pad down on the desk beside the berth. "ARE YOU INSANE?"

Marshall jumped. "Wha-"

"Don't you get it? I don't want to be around you!"

Marshall stared at Covenant with shocked optics. "Why?"

"Why? Because! I don't like you!"

"That's not true! It's because I love you isn't it?"

First Aid glanced at the two awkwardly. "Okay, I think I'm go-"

"Stay." Covenant demanded. "Finish what you started. I still have a dent left."

First Aid nodded as he began working on Covenant's dented leg. Marshall's optics never left Covenant as she glared up at the ceiling. With a hiss from Covenant, the dent made a loud POP, and First Aid backed up. "Done. I think I'll go now. You can leave whenever, Covenant."

"Thanks." Covenant sighed as she stood up, and walked out of the curtained area, Marshall right on her heels. "What?"

"I'm going to lose you again, if I don't follow."


"Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won't work" Marshall quickly covered his mouth as Covenant stopped walking.


"It was a song! I couldn't control it! It just came out! That hasn't happened in a really long time, I swear!"

"You want to know what happened to the last person to say they loved me?" Covenant stomped towards Marshall. "He died! He's dead!" Covenant glared up at Marshall. "Do you want to die?"

Marshall shook his helm quickly.

"Then stay away from me!" Covenant yelled.

The lyrics (Inbold and italics) are from Bad Guy by Eminem