I am so sorry about the lack of updates. When I lost my grandpa I just stopped writing but y'all can thank Sheridan because without her there would be no updates. Anyway this chapter is for her and Rachel, who probably doesn't even read this, but I love them! Again I am so sorry!

When Gina gave Castle the signal indicating that he could return back to his hotel room he had never been more grateful. Sighing, he quickly gathered up his things and shoved them into his over sized briefcase. He walked out the door instantly feeling the weight lift off his shoulders; he had been waiting for this day to be over. He had just slipped out the back door when he noticed the car waiting and quickly slid in wanting to arrive at the hotel as fast as possible. When the car started to pull away from the Barnes and Nobel, that he currently thought he might as well live at since he spend more time there than any other place, he pulled out his cell phone and quickly pressed speed dial two. His mood was instantly better with the thought that he would soon be able to talk to his wife.

Castle panicked, granted it's not the first time he's panicked when it comes to Kate and Emma and he's sure it won't be the last time either. But he panicked none the less when her phone goes straight to voice-mail. He gets a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knows he being irrational after all it's late and he's certain they're both asleep by now but her phone goes straight to voicemail and that's what scares him. He calls again deciding to leave a message explaining why he didn't call earlier and eventually he ends up cursing Gina for making him come on this stupid book tour when he would much rather be home with them. When he hangs up the phone he's upset because this will be the first night he goes to bed without talking to Kate or Emma. He crawls into bed deciding that he will just wake up early and talk to them before they Kate goes to work, with a sigh he shuts off the bedside lamp.

Startling upright, Kate realized that they had finally pulled up to the hotel. She quickly gathered up her purse and threw some bills at the cabby not waiting to waste more time, telling him to keep the change. Still holding onto Emma she hurries out of the car and collects her other bag from the trunk. She walks into the hotel lobby and straight up to the head desk determined to be in Castle's room within five minutes.

"Hello ma'am, what could I do for you this evening," says an overly sweet voice that is way to chipper for this time of night.

"Yes, I would like a key card to Richard Castle room, please," she replies. She knows this isn't the best way of getting what she wants but she's in a mood and after all she's not some blond bimbo looking for a sleazy one night stand, he is her husband. To say Kate was in one of her moods would probably be an understatement, she was tired, Emma was starting to get heavy, and she hasn't seen her husband in three weeks.

"I'm sorry but I can't give that to you," is the reply of the overly enthused women behind the counter, "You probably don't even know him, besides why on earth, would you bring a child with you while stalking a celebrity. It is certainly passed that poor girls bed time, I hope you don't do this on a regular basis," she continues.

At the point in time Kate has had enough first of all can the dumb blond behind the counter not see that obviously Emma is sound asleep even drooling on Kate's shoulder. Second of all Kate Beckett doesn't like people telling her what to do and especially when they're telling her how to parent so to say she's angry would again be an understatement. "I'm going to need you to listen and listen good, do you understand me?" Kate asks still angrily glaring at the lady, the women gives a nervous nod and Kate continues, "First, don't ever tell me how to raise my daughter and second," Kate pulls out her badge," I need Richard Castle's room number. NOW." She barks as the woman immediately starts typing away on the computer.

"Sure thing no problem…..he's in room number 417….have a lovely evening now you two," the women continues as Kate and Emma make their way towards the elevator. "Thank you," is Kate's reply just as sweet as can be while waiting for the elevator doors to open. Emma started to stir a little bit but Kate just shifted her and started humming her favorite song. As the elevator stops on their floor Kate drags the suit case and a now startled Emma who is trying to figure out where they are.

Kate tries to soothe her before she starts crying and wakes the whole floor up but eventually just decides that just getting her to her daddy would be enough to keep the tears at bay. Her little Emma hated being woken up more than she hated eating her vegetables or not being able to spend the whole day with mommy.

Finally finding the room Kate dropped the bags on the floor and knocked lightly. When she received no answer Kate knocked again this time a bit harder. Emma suddenly gained interest at the sight of the door her mother was currently knocking on. "Coming," they both heard the muffled voice behind the door.

When Emma realized who that voice belonged to she instantly started blabbing "Daddyyyyyy, open the door right now, I is still tired!" Kate couldn't help but laugh at her daughter.

"I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong ro-," They both heard him respond as he opened up the door, stopping midsentence when he saw that it was really his wife and daughter at the door.

"We missed you," is Kate's only response while Castle still stares there shocked. Emma on the other hand shrieks and runs right into her daddy's legs, "Daddy I is tired but I missed you so much, never go away again, never, never, never."

Castle finally moves to pick up his daughter up and wraps his free arm around Kate, "Daddy promises to never leave again my little Emma Reese," he promises sealing it with a kiss to her temple.

Kate moves her head to pepper kisses along his jaw, "Never" she repeats kissing him slowly.

Emma giggled, "Ewww daddy quit attacking mommy's face!"

Good? Bad? Did you hate it? I hope this was good enough and you all liked it! Please review and let me know what you thought! Thanks for sticking with me! I am not sure when the next update will be because I will be in Florida for the Softball World Series and it's hard to find time to write when you are constantly playing, so I apologize in advance. Again thank you for sticking with me when I just left you hanging!