A/N: Sorry the chapters I've been uploading lately are so short! As I said before I've been getting writer's block so right now this is all I can muster up for this story. I've made a poll on whether or not you'd like me to draw the characters in my stories and post them on my DeviantArt account so if you would like to vote then go check it out!

Song of the Chapter: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia!

Chapter 5

"Your majesty! Your majesty! We have a problem!" a brunette fairy with dark green wings fluttered quickly into the throne room, panting and coughing. "Your majesty, it's an emergency!"

The brunette fairy was Toris Lorinitis, the right hand man to the great king Feliks.

"Like, what is it Liet? I'm busy right now!" the girlish voice of the King rang out from the very end of the room, from the throne.

Toris sweat-dropped as he noticed what his majesty was wearing.

Feliks had shining blonde hair and a golden crown with jewels inlaid in the metal. Unlike normal fairies, Feliks' wings were big and grand, resembling the wings of a butterfly which the fairies honored. In his right hand, Feliks held the royal staff which was golden and had a multicolored orb at the top, in his other Feliks had a hand mirror that he used to check his reflection in and communicate with his other fairy subjects.

The past fairy Kings were hardy and intimidating, but Feliks looked nowhere near intimidating. With his pink butterfly wings and cocky smile he seemed like a princess, especially with his...outfit.

Feliks pouted at Toris, "What is it Liet? What's the problem? As you can see, I'm getting fitted for a new outfit at the moment!"

Toris winced at the bright pink skirt that was being measured on his friend, he cleared his throat and knelt down reverently.

"Your Majesty, we have had reports of missing fairies and we believe that it has something to do with the boys that hang around the treehouse nearby our very own kingdom," Toris explained, ridding his voice of any waver or tremble, it wasn't the time to be acting so casually, there were six of their very own missing and their own existence was at stake.

Feliks turned his head to stare seriously at Toris, he waved the ladies around him away and took a few steps back to sit on his throne, his usually carefree face was now fixed in a serious hard glare, the expression that a true king had.

"Like, what have the council decided has happened without me?" he asked, Toris once again sweatdropped, even when he was being serious, Feliks still had his perks.

"The council wants to send our spell-casters to the treehouse to apprehend the boys, question them about what they know and wipe their memories." Toris said, Feliks' look hardened even more.

"We like, don't have to kidnap the humans, we don't really know what they know or don't know, now isn't the time to be like, starting a war, we just need to quietly save our missing people." Feliks decided, he got up and in great strides made his way up to the still kneeling Toris.

"Like, come with me Toris my right hand, we must discuss this with the council before they like, make a mistake and ruin this kingdom."

Now Toris understood why Feliks was King.

"Yes your majesty,"

"Your majesty, we demand answers! What will we do? Six of our people are missing, three of which are some of our top soldiers! We have evidence that proves that it has something to do with those troublesome boys that hang around nearby." one council-member said.

Feliks sat up in his chair, he looked at the one who had spoken. She had brown hair that was tied in two low pigtails, her wings were Cerulean, the color of the ocean in which she loved. Feliks scowled slightly while in deep thought, Victoria, the fairy in front of him at the very moment waited patiently.

"Like Victoria, we don't need to send a whole squad of spell-casters, just send out a small search party and let them report back. If it like, turns out that it was indeed the boys who caused this, then a small group of spell-casters will be sent, I will lead them myself." Feliks said calmly, Toris and his partners Eduard and Raivis stood close by, they watched in silence, but their hands were clenched.

Victoria seemed satisfied, she bowed respectfully, "Thank you your majesty," she walked out of the room. Around her, the other council members stood up and bowed, doing the same as Victoria they left the room post-haste.

Feliks stood up to face his three companions, with a sigh he massaged his temple. "Like see? These people can't even decide what to do without me there! Well, I guess that's why every Kingdom like, needs a King! Come on you three, I still have my dress fittings!"