A/N: YES, ANOTHER STORY! I just couldn't handle the plot bunnies, so this is what resulted!
Disclaimer: Me no own!
Song of the Chapter: Matryoshka by Miku Hatsune and GUMI
Chapter 1
"Shut up bloody wanker!" Arthur shouted, he shoved Francis into the wall of their treehouse, causing the old wooden structure to creak slightly. Yes, a bunch of sixteen year olds still had their meetings inside a treehouse, and yes they met regularly. But they had spent a lot of time together building it when they were younger, and there was no way they were going to abandon the beauty.
"HA! You're still going on about that fairy crap?" Alfred, the self proclaimed group leader laughed. Arthur turned red and turned to face him, lunging forward and wrapping his hands around the American's neck.
"Aiyah! Both of you stop! It this house ever falls down then it will be you're fault aru!" Yao shouted as the house creaked a bit more.
"Yes, comrades shouldn't fight! Especially in a hazardous tree house, da?" Ivan smiled, the three blondes calmed down considerably, Arthur sighed slightly.
"I only wish that you four would believe me, I saw a fairy, I'm sure of it!" Arthur gritted his teeth.
The others only sighed, it had been two years ago since Arthur had started spouting his fairy nonsense, two years ago they managed to finish the tree house they were in and it was then when he saw his so-called fairy.
"Arthur, we haven't seen this fairy with our own eyes yet, so there's no way we can believe you!" Francis laughed slightly.
Arthur turned to Yao, "You believe me don't you? I believed you when you said that dragons were real!"
Yao sighed. "Arthur aru, that was two years ago when I told you that, we were fourteen, stupid and believed everything we heard aru. I mean, we believed the seniors when they said that high school would be more fun once we got older, but no, it just even more worse aru."
Arthur hung his head in despair. He had already tried showing his friends the spot where he saw the magical creature, but by then it was gone and they were laughing at him. "I'll catch it!" he suddenly proclaimed, jumping up.
"What?" Francis chuckled.
Arthur turned to him with narrowed eyes and a smirk on his face, "I said, I'm going to catch a fairy show you wankers that they're real!"
Alfred and Francis burst into a fit of laughter, Yao and Ivan just sat there and watched. Yao sighed and shook his head, how he had made friends with these...people, he didn't know, but he knew that without them, life wouldn't be as interesting as it was now.
"Aiyah you four,"
The argument was cut off when a voice shouted from down below. "Oi! Jerk Arthur! It's time for you to come down! Mum's made scones for your afternoon tea!" they immediately recognised it as Peter Kirkland, Arthur's little (and annoying) brother.
Arthur's face lit up, "Mumsie's scones! Peter, I'll be right down!" he clambered over his friends down the ladder, waving goodbye to them before he was out of sight. Once Arthur heard that his mother had made scones, there was nothing that could stop him from getting to them.
"ANIKI! I've come to claim your breasts and bring you home!" Yao stiffened as he heard Yong Soo down below.
"Aiyah, please tell me when this secret club house became a place where our mother's sent our younger siblings to pick us up aru?" Yao sighed, he slowly climbed down the ladder calling out, "Coming down Yong Soo!"
The others heard a bit of a scuffle as Yong Soo's hands did what they did best, grope.
Literally seconds later a creepy vibe suddenly filled the tree house and Ivan darted down the ladder before anyone could even say "Marry me brother!"
Alfred sighed and started climbed down, "Where are you going mon ami?" Francis asked, sipping his glass of Ribena, he pretended it was wine.
"I heard Mattie calling me." Alfred said.
"Oh! I didn't hear him!" Francis said, down below a quiet voice said,
"You never do..."
"Oh okay then, bye Alfred!" Francis waved, he stared out of the window of the treehouse. He always enjoyed watching the sunset while sipping blackcurrent juice (wine), and then watching the moon until his phone rang and his mother screamed at him to come home.
"Oh Arthur, I do hope you forget about this fairy nonsense," he sighed to himself, he was starting to worry about his British friend.
"Kiku don't leave!" Feliciano fluttered up to his white winged friend. The other merely looked up at the moon, his eyes showing a longing.
"But this may be my only chance to see the outside world," he said in his usual Engrish accent, the fairy was unusually small for his size, but he was powerful, his aura was white, a pure colour.
"Feliciano has a point Kiku, if you go out there's a chance you'll be hurt, or captured." Ludwig, a fairy that radiated a dark red power said. Feli nodded and latched onto Ludwig with a nod, his cheerful green standing out in Ludwig's fierce red.
"But-" Kiku tried.
"But nothing, fine you can go, but I have to come with you, I'm the only one in our group that has actually gone out into the human world," Ludwig interrupted firmly. Kiku sighed and hung his shoulders in defeat.
"Fine, you can come with me, if Feli coming with us?" Kiku asked, looking at the cowardly fairy.
"If Luddy's coming then so will I!"
"Oh hell no!" the three turned to find Lovino, Feliciano's older (and grumpier) brother. "Feli's not going anywhere without me!" he raged on, his orange wings turning a dark angry shade.
Suddenly there was the sound of laughing, "KESESESESESESE!"
Ludwig rubbed his temples, he had made sure that the hollow log he had chosen for their meeting was inhabited, how the hell were his brother and his friend finding them all the time?
"If Lovi's going then I'm going to!" The Spanish fairy with the bright yellow aura darted in and tackled Lovino to the ground, hugging him in a tight embrace. "I'm going to protect you no matter what!"
"Kesesesese! Luddy, you're not just going to leave you're awesome big brother behind are you?" the albino fairy with a red aura laughed, his red was dark, like blood compared to Ludwig's fiery scarlet.
"Gilbert, Antonio, how do you keep on finding us?" Ludwig moaned at the two grinning maniacs.
"It's our own little secret!" Gilbert cackled, "now what's all this about going to where the humans live?"
A/N:Chapter 2 coming soon!