It's been a while. I wanted to post these. Personally, I gave up writing in lieu of other things such as Game Design and Dev. I guess I wanted to finally publish these since I finished them so long ago. Will I finish, maybe? But, until then, I hope you all enjoy and someone give me a job (seriously if you know any, message me). Thank you very much and on with the show!

Chapter 02: Souvenirs

The supervillains, Cheetah, Shade, and Star Sapphire, had blindfolded Wally and Wonder Girl five minutes after the two heroes had been captured, their eyes blinded with black cloth.

Sightless, Wally found it odd for the villains to even bother since there seemed to be almost no superheroes left, at least that was what he had gathered. Maybe there was? Maybe what Batman said was premature...but Batman was Batman. He would always get the facts straight, always tell the hard truth. He was also dead. So were most of the heroes then. Maybe it was just wishful thinking to think there were more heroes, but it was the only type of thinking that Wally had any notion of entertaining.

After what seemed like one hour and one bumpy trip, which included being painfully prodded forward, the blindfolds were finally removed.

Blinking, it took a moment for both of the heroes to get their bearings, but, when they did, it wasn't what they expected. It was a large, long lavish hall that had large glass panels on the sides of the walls and some 'trophies' on the walls. After being searched thoroughly and collared with the Inhibitor collars, once used in prisons, Kid Flash and Wonder Girl were prodded forward by Mr. Shade.

As they walked, Wally couldn't help but notice the diverse amount of villains-Killer Frost, Atomic Skull, Giganta, Silver Banshee, Live Wire, Roulette were just the beginning. Wally couldn't even begin to name all the villains that were here. Yet, none of them were looking at the two captured heroes and their supervillain escort. Attention fixed, the crowd of amused villains were looking through the see-through glasses.

Curiosity getting the best of him, Wally peered through the first one he saw and gasped. Inside was Wonder Woman, wearing a white, peplos or universally known as an ancient Greek dress. She wasn't bound nor chained, but she pounded against the walls that had been painted in the liking of the Greek Gods and culture for a more comfortable feel to the prison. She had a soft bed, wooden wardrobe, and everything she needed to survive inside the display case. Thankfully, there was curtains or walls that provided for her more private needs.

Although finding some hope that others were alive, Wally could understand Diana's pain. It was degraded and humiliating to be locked up and inspected by the supervillains like some sort of...of pet. Especially with a collar similar to theirs around her neck that blinked red every so often. It was even worse with people watching her as if she was some sort of living trophy. It was just wrong.

"Princess Diana!" Wonder Girl blurted out, surprised just as much as Wally was at the state of the great heroine. Yet, the Amazon princess must've been in a soundproof room for, no matter how many times Wonder Girl called Wonder Woman's name, she did not respond.

However, the shouting did earn the supervillains' attentions, albeit only small glances, but that glance soon became wide-eyed stares. They were looking at Wally. Why? Kid Flash didn't know, and, right now, he didn't care. Although depressed, the young hero didn't let it stop him as he looked around the hall. There were other display cases just like Wonder Woman's. There were other Amazons, and Black Canary, Huntress, Fire, Ice, Stargirl, and so many other heroes whom all resided in display cases that suited their backgrounds. Yet, why there so few heroes left? True, there were Captain Atom, Vigilante, Mr. Terrific, and some others, but not the amount Wally had hoped would be alive nor were there enough to even match half the number of the villains. It could be possible that many were still on the run, yet that was not likely when the world was like this.

"Move it," Shade commanded from behind Wally as he prodded the hero forward with his cane again.

As Wally moved on, he saw other items that made him feel so weak, so small, so helpless. There was Superman's cape hanging on the wall. Batman's utility belt on the opposite side. Green Arrow's quiver, Shining Knight's gold coat and sword, Martian Manhunter's cloak, Supergirl's emblem, Hawk Man's mace-all hung on the walls and those were just the few among the trophies on the walls.

"OOOH, look what the bat dragged in," someone said in front of Wally and then laughed that caused Wally to shiver and the other villains to turn away from their 'guests'.

Looking forward, it took all of Kid Flash's constraint not to run forward and choke the life out of the Joker with a giant grin on his face whom rested his head on Harley Quinn's lap in front of what could only be called a giant gilded throne. The man was a visage of pure horror, his face completely white while a maniacal grin always seemed to fixed on his face. Although thinner and less bulky than most villains, he was nonetheless imposing for his reputation of chaos and crime was legendary. There was also Galatea or was apparently known as Power Girl standing next to the golden throne, idly staring at Supergirl's emblem. Along with the change in name, Power Girl, still with the bob haircut, long slim legs and extremely thin, muscled waist, also donned a red cape that was held up by a brooch and a red belt with a brass buckle over her old uniform. Wally as usual of his personality also noted she had a much larger bust and a curvier built than before especially since her chest and hip areas of clothing seemed much more stretched out. Lastly was Doomsday, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed as if waiting to be called upon. He was what some would call a giant. Easily towering over the deceased Superman, spikes and random bits of crystal surrounded Doomsday's overly-muscled body, rippled with power and strength. His piggish, grotesque face would've made some children cry, but to KF it only made him more fearsome of a sight.

Yet, what the hell, was going on? Why were the three most notorious villains who have almost nothing in common with one another sitting together like they were some sort of team?

"Oh, now I miss poor ol' Batsy," Joker moaned sadly, hand against his forehead. "I cause trouble, he shows up. We have some laughs and the game starts all over again." The Joker stared at the ceiling, looking for some sign that excitement could once again be part of his life and laugh. "Without Batman, life doesn't seem to have as many punch lines." Joker sighed. For a moment, his eyes lost their normal insane luster.

"Cheer up, Mr. J. You still have me!" Harley, soothingly running her hand through Joker's hair, said happily, trying to cheer her beloved up. "And look, we now have new toys to play with!"

"Ooh, I like toys!" For the first time, Joker, eyes lit with maniacal glee, took a real look at them and his small happiness turned to bewilderment and uttered, confused, "Huh?"

Power Girl and Doomsday both silently shared the humorous villain's puzzled 'huh' moment as they focused their attention on KF. A dead silence followed Joker's voice.

Galatea, her gaze never leaving the young hero, touched a com to her ear, ending the deafening silence. "Queen Bee, we need you in the throne room, right now," she said, her voice slightly tomboyish but soft. Yet that was the only thing soft about Galatea.

At any other moment, Wally might've enjoyed being ogled by such an attractive woman and a good look at her impressive breasts, but today's events had put him in a rare, horrible mood, especially being next to Wonder Girl. His earlier anger of her insulting his friends and heroes had still not left him.

The couple minutes of waiting did help to thankfully cool his temper, though it still smoldered within his chest. Yet, the unhidden stares made him feel like he had sprouted a second head. Finally, though, from a curtain to the side, Queen Bee strode out, and the person behind her stunned the two heroes.

Another Kid Flash. Instead of a single, yellow lightning bolt as an emblem, it was three black lightning bolts, one going down the center while the other two crossed it from both sides at a 60 degree angle. Also, his superhero outfit, excluded the emblem which had a black outline and three lightning bolts, was entirely white, unlike the first KF's yellow outfit. He was also taller than the other hero by a good three inches. His shoulders were wider and his suit was form-fitting, revealing the taut muscles that rippled throughout his body. His facial features were could only be described as stone, chiseled and emotionless.

"Two baby Flashes? Ooh, now that's a punch line!" Joker laughed and kicked his legs in his mirth while Harley giggled. On the other hand, Wonder Girl's mouth fell upon as she looked back and forth from the two Wally Wests, unsure of who really is real. This was no Martian trick. This was real.

"My thrall is named Wraith," the Queen of Bialya told Joker as she sat down on the throne with KF, emotionlessly staring at the two heroes, on her right, her sultry tone mixed with arrogance.

"Wraith, wrath, wrack, WRONG!" Joker, accompanied by Harley, laughed hysterically, their gut-splitting laughter bouncing off the walls.

"He could be the Manhunter," Doomsday, trying to explain the reason why there could be two Kid Flashes in the same room, commented, his voice rumbling like some sort of cosmic quake. It sounded like a mountain had suddenly move and was scraping against the earth, creating seismic tremors all at the same time.

Galatea...Power Girl shook her head. "No, he was very dead when I was through with him. What about a new hero? Like that boy...what was his name...Changeling?"

"It's Beast Boy," Wonder Girl angrily snapped, her earlier fire suddenly coming back to life.

"Oh, touchy aren't we?" Power Girl said, striding forward and forgetting about the topic at hand. She roughly grabbed Wonder Girl under the chin, their faces only an inch away from each other. "You're an Amazon aren't you?...Do you want to know how many Amazons I killed?"

"Do you want to know what I could do to you?" Wonder Girl replied through clenched teeth, her muscles strained.

Power Girl smirked amusedly and motioned with her head to the heroes' entourage to leave, bringing her attention back to Wonder Girl.

Wally was slightly surprised that none of the villains protested, but the they just moved back without a word, joining their other companions among the crowd of spectators that were looking at the imprisoned heroes.

Power Girl grabbed a key from her belt and opened Wonder Girl's cuff with a slight jerk. The cuffs clicked and fell to the ground with a small thud as Power Girl put the key back in its place.

"Let's see what you got," Galatea arrogantly said. "Here, I'll even let you have the first punch." The supervillain arrogantly leaned forward and tapped her chin twice, bodily expressing her words. Yet, it was just a taunt because Wonder Girl's power were still sealed by the black collar she wore.

Rubbing her wrists, Wonder Girl smiled and said, "With pleasure." Yanking off both of her earrings with one hand, Wonder Girl suddenly grabbed and roughly turned Power Girl toward the three other villains, her hand and gems against Galatea's throat while her other hand painfully pinned the villain's arm behind her back.

"What are you-" the female supervillain didn't finish, her eyes widening. Horrified, she knew this draining feeling, and its powers.

"Come on, boobs! Give her the what-for!" Joker, shadowboxing in the air, cheered as he roughly pushed Harley away and sat up, wanting to see a bloody brawl.

Wonder Girl pushed the Kryptonite shards closer to 'boobs's' throat. "I wouldn't, you damn fake. You may be a clone, but you're still a Kryptonian." The Amazon said 'clone' and 'fake' with such venom that it sounded as if it was the worst thing anyone could be called.

Glaring at the hero from the corner of her eye, the clone, enraged at the labeling of 'clone', scowled and struggled in Wonder Girl's powerful grip, trying to break free. In response, the heroine head-butted the female villain from behind, causing the clone to yelp in pain since her powers were being negated.

Doomsday threateningly stepped toward the two heroes, his shadow enshrouding them in a shade of darkness, but Wraith put a hand out, stopping him. Doomsday glared at the enthralled hero, but, surprisingly, the teenager wouldn't back down from the great beast even as it looked like the alien could tear apart any of them limb by limb with relative ease.

"We will not endanger one of our own," Queen Bee said regally, explaining her thrall's action. She turned her attention back to Wonder Girl. "We are civilized, and we can negotiate. What is it you want in exchange for Power Girl?"

Wonder Girl motioned to KF with her head. "First, I want him to come with me, our equipment back, and you let us walk out of here, alive and unharmed," she said, pointedly looking at Joker who had a reputation of twisting deals. "Then, outside, we'll talk more." She must've decided that if KF had been a villain in disguise, he would've attacked her by now. So he must be a friend even if he may or may not be real. So who was Wraith? That's the better question.

"Agreed, but if Tea gets hurt in anyway, know that your precious heroes will be compensated severely," Wraith suddenly warned, turning his attention to the Amazon. Queen Bee nodded, consenting that Wraith spoke on her behalf. Wraith sounded so much different than Wally. More serious, more angry, more vengeful.

Glaring back at the turned hero, the heroine told KF, "Get the key and un-cuff yourself already."

Belatedly, Kid Flash released himself from the cuffs. Seeing her ally ready, Wonder Girl slowly backed away with Galatea still it tow. Wally watched their backs as Wonder Girl moved, but none of the supervillains made a move, watching them.

Exiting the hall, the two of them found themselves in the middle of a dense forest of thick foliage. It was impossible to tell where they were.

"Wally, can you carry both of us out of here, later?" Wonder Girl asked sheepishly, aware that her plan lacked transportation.

"Anything for you, beautiful," Wally said cheerfully, his grief replaced with hope and triumph. He had found others, others who weren't dead. But especially, some of his friends were just imprisoned, not dead. The other Wally confused him, but it could've been a clone or a machine. Yet, it wasn't the time to think of such things. There was hope and that was all that matters.

Slightly startled at his sudden change in attitude, Wonder Girl gave him a sidelong glance, but decided not to comment about his sudden change in attitude.

A minute went by before Queen Bee and her thrall, Wraith, came out from inside the forest-covered building. The Queen of Bialya stood close to the door while her thrall, holding both of the heroes' equipment: Wonder Girl's lasso, com, and bracelets, and KF's com; came up to the two heroes.

"What are your terms for the return of Power Girl?" Throwing the equipment at their feet, Wraith coldly asked, his eyes still emotionless.

While Wally grabbed both of their equipment, Wonder Girl tightened her grip on the clone and said angrily, "I want to speak with your leader."

Wraith shook his head. "I speak for my queen." Yet, was she really the leader? How did she make Doomsday, Galatea, and Joker, three of the worst villains in the universe, work under her?

Through clenched teeth, Wonder Girl, knowing her bargaining chip was getting less and less valuable as negotiations went on., growled, "Fine." Angrily, she glared at Queen Bee for a second before turning her attention back to the emissary. "I want all the imprisoned heroes free. That means everyone you have locked up in those damn cages and the Young Justice team. After that, when we're far away enough, I'll give this clone back to you."

If Wraith wasn't under Queen Bee's enthrallment, Wally was sure that the enthralled hero would've laughed at the heroine's demand, Wally knew he would under the circumstances. It sounded nice, but it was romantically outdated. One person for a little over twenty hardly seemed realistic and, to top it off, these were villains, they didn't exactly really share that much camaraderie for each other.

However, his counterpart, although sharing KF's logic, did not share his humor. "First off, Power Girl is a person, not a clone. Secondly, giving up the entire stock of twenty plus heroes for one of our own seems hardly a fair trade."

Wonder Girl frowned, noticing some of the flaws in her 'master scheme' of pretend to be captured, hold one of the leader hostage, exchange for all heroes, and get the hell out. "Do you want her to die?" The heroine pressed the Kryptonite even closer to Galatea's throat who defiantly kept her head high.

For a millisecond, Wally thought he saw the enthralled hero grimace, but it must've been his imagination for even the speedster could barely see it. The thrall answered Wonder Girl coolly, "I could care less what happens to her." This time, however, Wally did not miss Power Girl's brief, upset expression. "But you and myself from another dimension both know that it isn't a fair trade and that you, Wonder Girl, is not really up to the challenge of taking a life." A knowing look came from Wraith, causing Wonder Girl to scowl and tighten her grip on Galatea

"Another dimension?" Wally blurted out, more out of relief than surprise.

Wraith's face never changed as he addressed his counterpart, "Yes, we can rule you out of being my clone since Cadmus had been shut down years ago, and you are completely made from human flesh or so our censors say, implying that you cannot be a robot, alien or cyborg. So the logical choice is you must be from another dimension. Hasn't your Flash told you about the Speed Force and the differing dimensions?"

Wally grinned sheepishly, scratching his head. His uncle had, but Wally hadn't been paying attention at the time. A cute girl had walked by! Who could blame a guy? "Kinda'."

"The Speed Force is our version of what some would call heaven. It is also what maintains our, the speedsters, powers. Because of that, we are able at a certain speed or frequency to go in and out of other dimensions," Wraith explained stoically as if he was giving a lecture to a classroom. "You must of accidentally came to this dimension when you tried to vibrate your molecules at a certain speed or seem to have some sort of incident, for it seems that is the only possible explanation at your young age was able to cross dimensions. Nonetheless, you will find a way to go back. This isn't your world. This isn't your fight." Wraith pointedly brought his attention back to Wonder Girl, emphasizing his argument.

Wonder Girl sighed, not understanding close to anything of what the two speedsters were talking about while Queen Bee did not comment at all. She must've have a real hold on Wraith to let him speak for this long and without correcting him. "That's nice and all, but we still need to make a deal." Time was ticking, and Wonder Girl didn't know how long the villains finally would turn back on their word as they always seem to do.

Thinking for a second, Wraith replied as coldly as ever, "We will pick two heroes and give them in exchange for Power Girl."

Wonder Girl grimaced. She had hope for at least four heroes, but beggars can't be choosers especially since they were in the middle of who-knows-where. "We get Wonder Woman and your chosen hero and then we'll take the damn clone with us as a precaution for you not to pursue us."

Wraith barely glanced at Queen Bee who nodded her consent. "Agreed," Wraith answered. With a speed only Wally could comprehend, Wraith picked Queen Bee up and went back into the building.

"Catch." With a casual push, Wonder Girl flung Galatea to a surprised Wally.

He almost dropped her, but after a couple of seconds of fumbling, he grabbed her by the shoulders, finding no discomfort even though she was an inch or two taller than he. She didn't struggle in his arms for her energy had be completely depleted throughout the entire conversation, her once defiant gaze a mere memory. Unconscious, she was pale, looking as if she was dying, and her breathing came in shallows as she gasped for air, her chest rising up and down in ragged succession. She was no threat. If she hadn't killed so many people, Wally might've enjoyed holding her.

"It's ironic" Wonder Girl mordantly commented as she started to put her equipment back in its place, starting with her bracers, "that the Kryptonite that help kill Superman and Supergirl would be used to knock the clone out that killed Supergirl." She contemptuously spat out the second word and for good reason. Wally could understand her rage, her need for revenge.

"So it really is true...they really are dead," Wally said, all his remaining hopes of them being alive dashed. If Superman and Supergirl were gone then it only confirmed Batman's message. "Huh, it's funny. This morning when I went and saw the message in Bats' cave, I didn't truly believe when he said they were dead.'s...'whelming' to say the least." Borrowing the word from his best buddy Robin, Wally didn't feel the numbness from before nor the rage from the mental scenario. He felt...the same. Maybe his mind just got tired to sitting on its ass and crying and decided to get this depressed fool to stop mourning and do something useful. Nothing was solved by feeling sorry for yourself.

Wonder Girl shrugged, callous to the deaths of the superheroes. "It happened almost five years ago. It's...did you say you were 'Bats cave' this morning?"

Flash nodded, unsure of why that had any relevant importance.

The Amazon shook her head out of surprise. "Hera, the gods must love you as my mentor would say. We've been unable to get anywhere near Batman's mansion ever since the villains patrolled in the surrounding areas, ambushing us if we came close."

Before Wally could reply with one of his usual flirtatious responses or suggestions, Wraith and Wonder Woman, giving Wonder Girl a curt nod of acknowledgement while giving Wally a inquisitive look, came out from the building. The Amazon Princess' collar and white dress was replaced by her superhero attire, fitted with every single equipment that had been taken. On the other hand, Wraith was wearing the collar as well as holding another one which he placed around Power Girl, snapping the ends together which made a faint click.

Wraith looked to Wonder Girl and said, "As agreed, Wonder Woman and I, chosen as the hero, are exchanged for Power Girl." Seeing the Krypton in her hand, Wally frowned. "You will not be needing that anymore. The collar will keep her powers in check and the collar I now wear prevents Queen Biayla from controlling me."

Although astonished at first , Wonder Girl, regaining her mental balance, held onto the gem even tighter and replied coolly, "I'll take my chances, thanks." She had been tricked. She wanted an experienced hero, not some mind controlled ex sidekick.

Wraith glared, but did not push the issue further. Instead he knowingly pointed toward to the north. "The quickest way out is that way. It heads straight for Central City." An almost sheepish look crossing his face, Wraith looked to the ground before looking back up and said softly, "Thank you for freeing me."

In response, Wonder Girl suddenly punched him across the face, knocking the teenager unconscious. Huffing in anger, Wonder Girl looked to Diana and Wally both of whom were more than surprise by her rash action. "I wanted to do that for a while," she said, blatantly staring at Wally, still holding a grudge against him for attacking her. "'Sides can't give him any chances to leave a trail in case he's lying about being not controlled."

Glancing at Wonder Girl, Wally scratched the back of his head. "I'm not touching that with a seven-...Wait so we're walking there?" They had to since Wonder Woman would still be feeling the aftereffects of being without her powers for so long. Those collars really knew how to drain a person.

Both of the Amazons nodded.

"Aw, man!"
