Alec found that there was something breathtaking in the way Magnus said his name. He absolutely hated it when people called him by his whole name - Alexander, but the warlock seemed to be the only exception. He could get away with it, solely because he used it in the most fleeting of moments, catching Alec off guard, and he seemed to not really mind it, as he was usually half ridden with sleep or in too much pain to really care what anyone called him. But nontheless, he found he wasn't asking Magnus not to call him Alexander as much as he used to.

In all honesty, Alec really had no idea why the way Magnus said his name was so... different. Perhaps it was how he said it, with undertones of pleasantry and care, unyielding love and wow, Alec figured that maybe he'd been watching way too many of those ridiculous drama shows that Magnus watched because by the angel if someone in his family, anyone, could hear what he was thinking now...

Alec chuckled at himself softly, shaking his head ever so slightly. He could hear Chairman Meow outside the door, clawing, but not meowing as if the world were ending like usual.

"Alexander, what is so funny?" Drawled a sleepy voice, breaking the sudden, short silence that drew over the room as Chairman stopped his scratching and presumably found himself one of his many toys to play with. Slowly, Alec turned his head to look at a heavy lidded Magnus, smiling in the slightest because really it was as if the warlock was reading his mind about what he was thinking about.

"It's nothing," Alec grinned, turning onto his stomach and throwing an arm across Magnus's waist. "Go back to sleep."

"I hardly should think it's nothing, but sleep sounds rather wonderful right now. You should sleep, too. You haven't had any in at least four days." Magnus mumbled, moving his hand and then starting to trace soothing, intricate designs on Alec's lower back, placing his lips against Alec's forehead.

"How'd you know that?"

"Alexander, really. I know everything,"

"'Everything' is a bit of an overstatement, don't you think?"

In reply, the younger boy got a snort, a pinch, and a muttered, 'hardly.' Alec looked up at Magnus and grinned again, his blue eyes sparkling. He shifted and placed a tender kiss on the warlock's lips and muttered 'goodnight,' before there was a long, comfortable silence and then Magnus' breathing slowed and he was asleep again. Alec laid there for a few minutes more, and then slowly until all at once he fell asleep, too.

Yep so this is my first kind of oneshot drabble type thing. Constuctive criticisim is welcome. Love you xx