Christmas Angel-An SSBB Fanfic

Chapter 7

Just as Pit had promised, the banquet was extraordinary. Hundreds of delicious holiday treats were feasted upon by the ravenous fighters, caring hugs were exchanged, and tearful goodbyes were shed. Samus graciously accepted the food, but had to hold Peach back when she tried to hug her goodbye. Samus retired just before the reception ended, escaping out into the cold and trekking off to her dorm to pack her things.

Pit was the only one who saw her leave. As she slipped through the giant, ivory-accented doors, he found himself staring wistfully and lovingly at her. He held his heartfelt position until now.

"She loves you, you know." Zelda's soothing, regal voice drew Pit back to reality.

The angel merely turned his head to meet the princess, displayed a weak smile, and returned his contemplative gaze to the door.

"I love her, too."

Samus stumbled over the countless heaps of gigantic, multi-colored presents that had amassed in front of her room. She scoffed as she discovered that just about each and every one was from either Snake or Captain Falcon. She gave the one blocking her entrance a sharp kick. The present flipped over, and the huntress heard something shatter inside.

Oops. She thought sarcastically to herself as she stormed into the apartment.

And then she saw it. A small, innocently wrapped scarlet box was resting peacefully on her bed, nestled into her covers. Her keepsake feather was its guardian, lying on the present's surface with delicate care.

Samus fumed. First, they left a mountain of cheap presents in front of her dorm. Then they broke in. Then they moved Pit's feather and had the nerve to leave another gift for her!? What the hell was next?!

Angered beyond belief, she tore the present from its snuggly nest and was about to throw it out the window, when she noticed a small note tied gently to the bow. She jerked it up to her face to where she could read it. The handwriting was small, almost youthfully so. But the penmanship was breathtaking.

To Samus-

Had a little outside advice for this one. Hope you enjoy!


Samus's rage instantly melted into a pleasant bliss. That little angel.

Gently she peeled back the rose colored wrapping paper, revealing the small box underneath.

As she lifted the lid, her eyes widened with surprise.

A laser diode, fitted with the necessary specifications for her Paralyzer, was cradled lovingly within the tissue paper.

Gleefully she extracted it from its confines and worked her gun open. She impatiently jerked the old one out, which was noticeably singed and worn down, and placed the new one inside. Samus clicked the gun back together.

Throwing the window open, she pointed her pistol to the sky and squeezed the trigger. A fiery orange blast exploded from the barrel, displaying the raw power she craved. Samus grinned evilly. The shot felt better… faster… deadlier. She couldn't wait to find out who its first unfortunate target would be.

Her dastardly mood sunk into a sad tone as she remembered Pit. She mentally kicked herself for not getting him anything. But then again, what could she ever offer an angel?

Day eventually morphed into night. Samus had just finished packing and was just about to leave for the teleportation chamber, when she heard a soft flutter outside her window. Her long-since-ingrained instincts took over, causing her to bolt to the wall, gun clutched tightly in her hands. Her darkened eyes acutely analyzed the still night outside the glass pane.

Samus felt a pink tint creep onto her face as she spied Pit, softly landing on the adjacent roof. He casually sat himself down and gazed up at the moon, barely lit clouds drifting by. Perhaps he was looking for his home. The wisps and breezes of the silent atmosphere fingered his hair, gifting his locks with a soothing dance. His wings wrapped around him, shielding his exposed skin from the chill in the wind. His shoulders heaved, revealing a long, deep sigh.

Almost subconsciously, Samus crawled out her window, and with a running start, easily cleared the ten-foot jump to the roof Pit nested on.

She landed with a soft thud.

Pit didn't seem to notice. Either that or he was silently begging her to come closer.

Samus pulled out her gun once again and swiftly fired a small blast over Pit's shoulder.

He jumped, surprised.

"Works like a charm." That steely voice. Blissful chills traced the length of the angel's spine.

He turned, gave Samus an embarrassed smile, and slowly returned his solemn gaze to the moon.

She sat down beside him, allowing a small period of silence to pass.

"You know… I never did thank you…"

Pit glanced at her confusedly.

"For… what?"

"Flying me back."

Pit paused, then nodded. If she only knew what he would do for her; something as meager as giving her a ride was almost shameful.

"Are they tired?" She gestured towards his wings, now bathed in the soft iridescence of the moon.

Pit shook his head. "No. They get more exercise than you might think."

Samus gulped, preparing herself to ask the next question:

"May I?" She extended her hand to where it was mere inches from Pit's wing.

Pit blushed.

"S-sure." He shuffled himself nearer, giving Samus better reach over him.

The huntress reached out further, her eager fingertips finally meeting the feathers they had desired for so long. The wing twitched frantically under her touch, displaying Pit's sensitive side as she caringly massaged the blindingly white plumage.

They were millions of time softer than she could have ever imagined. She almost moaned as the feathers glided between her fingers. Each shaft was so delicate, threatening to snap with each passionate stroke. She could nearly feel unbreakable strings of burning desire securing her hand to Pit, never allowing her to release him. The sweet, thin flesh underneath spread warmth throughout the entire appendage, comforting Samus's hand with such a heavenly sensation that she swore she was crying. She knew she couldn't stay there forever, but she was just simply to unwilling to let go.

Pit was so nervous. Never had he trusted someone so much. His wings were vital to his health. If they even sustained a minor injury, it would be a miracle if he survived. And here was Samus, her hand slowly becoming more and more forceful as she tested the boundaries of where her appetite would take her. Pit began to feel pain. He whimpered innocently like a hurt kitten.


Almost immediately Samus's hand left the wing, mentally kicking herself over and over for ever causing him any discomfort. She couldn't bear to harm him. Even if her life depended on it.

She returned her gaze to him, her expression begging forgiveness if she violated him in any way. However, his gaze belonged once more to the moon. Even in the dim light, she could just make out the furious blush on Pit's features.

Ever so carefully, she scooted herself closer to him, causing his blush to glow hotter. Slowly she rested her head on his shoulder, allowing her silky smooth hair to ripple down his back.

Pit lost it. He started squirming around uncomfortably as Samus's breath delicately rolled down his arm. His heart nearly shattered his ribcage as it pounded wildly. The wings on his back fluttered at a ridiculous speed. His brain couldn't piece together a straightforward thought. The velvety latex of her skin-tight suit brushed against his side, causing him to shudder. The creamy spread of exposed skin on her face looked godly. His senses began to overload, strained from the sheer amount of happiness Pit received. He began to breathe through his mouth; he needed the extra oxygen. It was a wonder his face didn't catch fire.

He tried desperately to calm himself down. He couldn't help the fact that Samus made his head spin; it was concealing it that was the real problem. And that was a battle he was losing. Quickly.

Pit finally managed to relax, only to have Samus snake her hand up to his face, ablaze with blush once again.

The huntress gazed deeply into her holy counterpart's eyes. The adorable, sky blue irises, once filled with innocence and cheer, were now filled with deep longing and honest affection.

She deepened her gaze, peering into the bottomless wells of Pit's immortal soul. Samus then understood who Pit truly was. He was no small, ignorant child, blind to anything important, no, all she could see was a gallant, strong warrior, powerful enough to crush mountains, yet gentle enough to love with all his heart. And yet this magnificent personality was trapped within a fifteen-year-old body, giving anyone who drew near the wrong impression of arrogance and naivety. It truly was a tragedy. Only a person who had actually given the poor angel a chance could be able to see what lied underneath his skin….

An invisible entity pulled their faces together. Pit was given the familiar sensation of Samus's soft, plush lips. Craving her more now than ever, he captured her in a loving hold, encircling his arms around her slender waist.

Samus mimicked his actions, carefully slithering her hands around his shoulders, trying ever so desperately not to harm his fragile wings.

Everything about him was perfect. That made sense; he was an angel. He was delicate and impervious at the same time; a combination that confused many but left Samus breathless. He would protect her with his very life, but not only physically. He would shield her with his heart, his love an indestructible defense against anything that troubled the huntress. She absolutely adored it. She couldn't get enough of it.

Pit nearly felt the exact same way about her. She was more than just the authoritative, commanding, and heart-stoppingly gorgeous woman that everyone else saw her as. She had a deeper side, an emotional side, something that had been cruelly ripped from her when she was a mere child. Pit was the only one who had ever known of this, and tried everything in his immortal power to get her to show it.

He slipped his tongue through the kiss, pleading silently for a similar reaction. Samus raised an eyebrow, surprised with his boldness. She quickly met his with her own, rewarding Pit with a few soft moans.

Days may as well have passed as a concern for time was thrown to the flowing breeze. Both hearts seemed joined, linked by an inseparable bond that would remain for lifetimes. The passion sparking within the heartfelt exchange grew stronger and stronger, causing the pair's craving for each other to burn brightly. Pit's arms began to push and pull against Samus's back, massaging her skin with such love and desire it caused tears to pour out of the huntress's eyes. Her own arms squeezed him tighter, bringing him as close to her heart as she could manage. The chill in the air was repelled by the sheer heat emanating from the loving flame the two shared. Nothing could tear them apart.

When they separated, Samus collapsed into Pit's arms; her head nestled against his chest. She sighed deeply, the blush in her cheeks slowly receding as Pit cradled her like a newborn. He pulled his wing up over her, keeping the cold at bay with his soft quilt of warm, plush feathers. Samus snuggled herself into her heavenly lover, hiding her arms under the fluffy mass of plumes. Her eyes grew watery as she gazed up at Pit. She spoke in the most delicate whisper that the angel had ever heard.

"I love you."

Pit lovingly kissed her forehead and replied in a low hum:

"I know."

The soft breeze returned. Moonlight bathed the pair, giving light to them as Samus drifted off to a pleasured sleep in Pit's heated embrace.

The angel rested his head on hers, the pure gold of her hair rubbing against his milky white chin.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he too, finally, sunk into a deep sleep.


IT'S FINALLY OVER! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, I just got distracted writing other stories.

To any of you people who think either Snake or C.F. should be with Samus:

I have no idea how you got here.

I really have no problem with those pairings, the only reason I wrote what I wrote is because the first Fanfic I read about SSBB was Those Eyes of His by Nintendo-nut1. You don't know the story? Go read it. It's beautiful.

I figured that I'd mainly focus on Samus in this chapter. Why? Meh. Beats me.

To those of you who think that I'm not imaginative at all, you're wrong. A laser diode is actually a key component in building a functioning laser. And if Wikipedia lies (which it probably does), sue me.

I'd like to throw out a thank you to all the beloved readers who supported me with my first story and really helped kickstart the whole thing. Yes, sippurp123, I'm talking about you.

Give me your final thoughts on the story in the reviews! And don't worry, this story may be done, but I have more. Lots more.

Thanks for the read! God bless!
