Hey guys...This is a really nice story. I assure you. Please read and review. I hope you enjoy it. Read on...

"Bonnie! What happened?" Caroline cried. "Calm down Bonnie...Calm down... Now take a deep breath and tell me what exactly happened."

"It's Elena." Bonnie choked out. "She wants me to send her back in time so that she can kill Klaus as soon as he is born! I'm so scared Caroline. Time travels are very tricky and I have never done a Time Travel spell before what if something went wrong? But Elena won't even listen. Please come over Care. Help me. I don't know what has gotten into her! She is threatening to send Damon after Abby if I don't do it! She threatened my mom Caroline!"

"Oh God Bonnie! She threatened your mom? Don't worry. I'll be there in a few minutes. OK? Go along with her plan and just start the spell. I'll be there. Just don't panic."

"But Caroline!" Bonnie protested. "Time travels are very tricky. She can end up in anywhere! No. Not anywhere, but in any time! I can't do it!I'm not strong enough."

"Its okay, Bonnie. Just have faith in yourself. I'll come there as soon as I can. Can you stop the spell mid-way?" Caroline enquired, a plan forming in her mind. "No." Bonnie sniffled. "If I start such a major spell, I cannot stop it. When I start the spell, I will be releasing a huge amount of potential energy of Nature through me. It's impossible to stop such a huge force of Nature. And even if I do, I might just blow up from the pressure of the energy and possibly destroy everything within 100 miles of myself."

A long silence followed. "Caroline? Are you still there?" Bonnie asked. "Yes, Bonnie. I am here." Caroline replied slowly. "Look Bonnie. I have a plan. Just don't freak out. Okay?"

"Okay." Bonnie answered slowly, cautious about Caroline's tone.

"If you have started the spell before I come, I am going to go to the past with Elena. It is too late to inform anybody now. I will bring my laptop with me so that I can communicate with you from the past. Okay? So that way, you don't even have to worry about us."

Bonnie sighed, "No Caroline. I can't let you put yourself in danger. Not for me. Not for my mother."

"Bonnie, you have alwaysput yourself in danger for us. Now just cut the worrying crap and let me pack." Saying so, she cut off the phone. She put in some shorts, pajamas and tank tops into a rucksack. She giggled as she put in some lingerie. Imagine wearing Victoria's Secret even before Queen Victoria was born! She even put in some make up and grabbed some other essentials like toothpaste, toothbrush, a brush, a bar of soap and moisturizer. She figured that no matter what time she was in, she would remain clean and hey, they could really come in use.

She was currently wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. Not bothering to change, she just put on a pair of knee length black leather boots to cover up her long legs. It would clash horribly with her outfit, but Hey! It would help a lot in trekking (there were obviously no roads a thousand years ago) and even though it was dark, she did not want to show that much skin outside her house. She threw in a pair of sneakers in the rucksack, just in case she needed to change her footwear.

She zoomed to Bonnie's house to find Elena standing inside a circle of candles with her eyes closed wearing an ancient type of dress. It was a yucky elephant-grey with full sleeves with a round neck, in the middle of which, there was a V-shape and it came down till her ankles. Yuck! Did people dress like that 1000 years ago? Elena must have worn it to blend in. Bonnie was sitting outside the circle with her eyes closed, hands in her lap and was chanting in Latin.

Suddenly, the candle flames blew high and Bonnie opened her eyes. Caroline noticed that Elena began to glow. Crap! Bonnie had finished the spell. Damn her stupid, unexplainable need for moisturizer and makeup. She would have got here more quickly if she had not stopped to pick up all her things.

"No!" Caroline yelled and just as Elena began to disappear, Caroline jumped forward, her hand stretched out towards Elena. Just on time, her fingers touched Elena and as they both disappeared, the windows burst open and the wind howled and all the candles blew off, leaving a sobbing Bonnie alone.

Hey guys! I hope you liked it! Probably will be updating the next chapter in the next two or three days...Please let me know how you guys liked it!