I took so long with this story and didn't write down any plans, so I completely forgot what I was doing with it. D: So, for the next couple of chapters, they'll most likely just be short fillers (building on Rin and Len's relationship and Rinto's illness - and Miki/Piko, of course) And I'm mostly doing fillers because I just don't know how to begin the ending without it seeming way too rushed. (Like it kinda already is... Oh well)

Last Chapter.

Len lifts a brow. "So he has been?"

I blink. "Wh-Where?"

"The hospital...?" He says it like a question, as though he's wondering why I'm not following everything he's saying.

"Oh, of course!" I bite the inside of my cheek at the lie, mentally cursing myself for letting it slip out so easily. Damn it, Rin, you fool! "Like I said, it's best for him to just be comfortable right now."

"Is that so?" Len leans back against the seat and sighs, almost as though he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't question it. "Well...I hope he starts getting better soon."

"Yea...me too."

Chapter Eleven.

He asked for a movie night at his place.

Normally, I wouldn't have minded in the least. Len has pretty much become like my best friend over the past two or three months, and our relationship is slowly getting stronger; he's always there for me when I tell him that Rinto's having trouble, and he won't hesitate to drive all the way to our apartment just to give me a hand in helping my brother during one of his coughing fits - which have become much more frequent, and more severe. He always asks for my opinion on things - even in the office, which is nothing short of surprising. He'll drive me home now, instead of letting me walk - and he'll always lean over from the driver's seat for a long, passionate kiss before I have to go.

But a movie at his giant house, with that huge, comfortable sofa that stretches in front of a flat screen television mounted on the wall...? That's absolutely perfect. It makes for quite a romantic date, doesn't it? As I was getting dressed in an old, casual outfit I had lying around, I figured that it would be full of gentle kisses and casual groping - and, truth be told, I was looking forward to it.

Too bad he decided to invite Piko and Miki.

A sort of double date, if you will.


"Rin! Oh, I'm so glad you could make it!" Miki's screech cuts through the air, echoing off the walls of Len's oversized living room. Before I can realize what's going on, she's darted from her place at Piko's side and has captured me in her arms. A small gasp is all I can let out as the ecstatic redhead practically squeezes the life out of me, and her overwhelming perfume wafts around me, enough to suffocate a poor, unsuspecting person.

When she lets me go, I awkwardly brush my bangs to the side again, as they fell from their place when she attacked me with a hug. "Geez, Miki. Len should be the one acting like that," I say, a teasing tone to my voice. My gaze shifts to my boyfriend - and boss, who had been standing off to the side with Piko the whole time. He's leaning back against the wall, with his best friend facing him - and, though they were both looking at each other and talking quietly before so we couldn't hear, their attention focuses on the pair of us.

Len's face darkens a little bit, a rosy tint settling above his cheekbones, and he brings a hand up to scratch awkwardly at his blond locks - which he hadn't bothered to put up today, and they hang down in his eyes almost like mine when I first wake in the morning. The way he fidgets is absolutely adorable, and it makes it even better when he casts me a glance up from behind his bangs. He shakes his head slightly, murmuring, "N-Nah, I'm not that excited..."

The white-haired man next to him immediately brings his hand up to cover his mouth, and his gaze brightens with amusement. I can tell he's grinning at me, even though I can't exactly see the curve of his lips, and I cross my arms and raise one slender eyebrow at my boyfriend.

"I-I-I mean..." Len waves his hands frantically, letting out a nervous laugh. He can clearly tell that we're teaming up against him, yet part of me can tell that there is genuine terror from his slip-up with his words. That's exactly why I think I'm falling in love with him so much - he really does care, and he even feels bad when it comes to a joke that might have gone too far. "I'm excited, but...I just...I'm not showing it like..." He breaks off when Piko leans over, cupping his hands around Len's ear, and whispers something to the blond man, to which Len responds with an irritable howl of, "I am not!"

"Can't we just watch the movie?" Miki trots back over to her boyfriend, her ruffled skirt billowing around her thighs, and once she reaches him, she hooks her arm into his. Rising up onto her toes, she murmurs against his cheek, "I think we'd rather do that than talk about how crappy a boyfriend Len is, compared to Piko."

"We all know that's not true." I fold my arms across my flat chest - I've given up on padding my bra; Len's already seen all of me once, anyway. He figures that I'm just small for my 'age' - and chew on my bottom lip.

Len seems thrilled by my words, that I'm sticking up for him. This huge, ridiculously dorky grin spreads across his face, and his eyes light up like a child who's just been offered their weight in candy. He bounds over to me and swoops me up in his arms, laughing. He manages to hold me up with one arm beneath me, the other wrapped around my back - but he uses that one to point accusingly at Piko.

"Guess we found out which of us is better, huh?" Len taunted, sticking out his tongue.

"Still me. Who's got the prettier one?" Piko slips his arm around Miki's waist, fingers poking at her hip. "Of course, no offense to you, Rin."

"None taken, really," I tell him.

"See, Rin, there's this thing I never told you," Len says, shifting me in his arms. "Piko and I have been friends since grade school, and we always got made fun of for our shota-ish looks."

"Yea, but I was always the manlier one!" Piko thrust his thumb at himself, laughing heartily. "I'm stronger, after all!" he insists, capturing Miki in his arms bridal style - she lets out a shriek of surprise before giggling happily and slinging her arms around his neck, fingers sifting through his silky white locks.

"Whatever." Len rolls his eyes and begins to walk toward the couch with me still in his arms, though I can tell that he's not walking as smoothly as normal, when Piko is. Clearly, the white-haired man really is stronger than my boyfriend, and the thought makes me chuckle almost silently. "What's so funny?" Len asks after he drops me onto the couch.

"N-Nothing." I situate myself, allowing him plenty of room to sit between me and the arm of the couch, and he takes that spot without hesitation. "J-Just that...you idiots are so childish."

"What? Can't we be kids at heart?" Piko counters playfully, taking a seat on the other end of the sofa with Miki in his lap. "Now shut up, all of you. I wanna watch a movie."

Filler chapters suck. Don't worry; I hate them as much as you all do. D:

No review replies because I'm lazy; sorry about that! But I do appreciate EVERY SINGLE ONE that I've gotten! Thank you all for making this story what it's become today! (:
