So I just kinda randomly thought of this. Enjoy.
I don't own Vocaloid.
"I'm sorry, Rinny. I'm just a burden to you," a weak voice rasps, followed by a series of coughs.
My head is turned away from him, so luckily I've plenty of time to force a smile onto my face before I look at him. He doesn't need to see me upset, because that will just make him feel worse. This isn't his fault, yet he always feels the need to apologize.
I suppose any brother would feel guilty, though, if he were in Rinto's situation. Our parents were killed in a car accident a few years back, and Rinto - being eighteen at the time - offered to take care of me, because I was twelve and couldn't live on my own. We didn't have any other family around to help, so Rinto forgot all his plans to go to college just so he could work and pay for me.
I'm sixteen now. A few weeks ago, Rinto fell ill. With what, I can honestly say I don't have the slightest idea. He refuses to go to the hospital, though, because he knows that since I'm still so young, they'll put me in foster care. Something I really don't want, and neither does he. So I dropped out of school. We played it off like he would be home-schooling me. And instead, I go to work. I take random jobs like mowing lawns and walking dogs in my free time, and I work part-time at a bakery. Between those two jobs, I barely have time for myself.
That's how the bills get paid, and it's the only reason that Rinto and I even still have this crappy apartment as our shelter. But I have a feeling even that won't last long. Rinto's starting to get dizzy a lot, and he can't even grip a pencil properly without my help. Soon, he won't be able to so much as write the checks that I mail. Which means that we'll lose this place, and I'll be sent to foster care.
Recently, whatever's been affecting Rinto has gotten worse. It started with headaches. But at first, we thought it was just stress at work. Until he started getting too dizzy to stand up straight; that's when I noticed he had fevers over 100. He couldn't keep his food down. It just started progressing.
And then, all at once, the pain stopped. No more throwing up, no more high fevers, and no more stumbling down the stairs...because he couldn't walk. Well, he could, but it was really hard for him.
And that's about where we are now.
"Don't say that. You're not a burden. Besides, this will all be over soon. Things will go back to normal." I hope my voice at least sounds convincing, because honestly, I don't believe a word of it. But I can't let Rinto think that. It'll make him more upset than he already is.
"I'm sorry, Rin," he croaks out again, as I place a cold, damp rag on his forehead.
I swallow past a lump in my throat. It hurts to see him like this. I can barely hold his gaze without crying. "Don't be. I'm glad to take care of you."
"I wish there was something I could do to help," he murmurs. He holds my gaze, his blue eyes dull with exhaustion and lack of hope. For a moment, I expect him to start crying, but then his eyelids fall and he slips into a deep sleep.
He does this quite often. I'm really afraid that one day, he'll never wake up.
Just to be sure, I lower my ear to his chest to listen for his heartbeat.
Thump, thump, thump...
Thank goodness. God's letting him last a little longer.
I know it's selfish of me to want him to stay here on Earth like this. I know Rinto's in pain. He says he's not, but it shines in his eyes. It's written on his face whenever he tries to move. It's audible when he grunts at every step he takes.
It's just there, and it'll never go away. Whatever it is.
I sigh, and after giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek, I make my way toward the door. With one last glance over at my sleeping brother - who's withering away with his illness - I pull the door shut as quietly as I can. That's when I let the dam break, and hot tears pour from my eyes and roll down my cheeks, dripping off my chin to land on the dirty carpet at my feet. Leaning against the wall, I slide down until I'm sitting on the ground and bring my knees up to my chest. I lift one hand up to cover my mouth and try my hardest to suppress the whimpers that are coming from my throat. I squeeze my eyes shut tight and grit my teeth. I don't know how I'll get by if something happens to him.
I wipe my face with the sleeve of my baggy jacket, sniffling once, before rising again. My steps are slow and my feet drag the ground as I head over to the front door. There are two locks that keep us shut in here securely, and after removing the chain and turning the lock on the doorknob, I opened the door. At my feet, on the grimy floor mat, lies today's newspaper. I pick it up, lock myself back in the apartment, and sit down at the table, flipping straight to the Classifieds.
My jobs are decent; I don't mind them. But I really need something that pays more, because no doubt Rinto will soon be dead and I'll have to take care of myself. At first, I browse through the ads to only see people asking for babysitters or some other part-time job. That's when my gaze lands on an eye-catching ad.
It reads, "Seeking office assistant to work nine to five hours at Kagamine Co. Pays well. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information."
Okay, so maybe a sixteen-year-old doesn't need to get her hopes up for a job meant for someone eighteen or older, but I can pull it off, right? A little mascara and tissues in my bra, and I can totally pull it off. And that company has been known for its high pay. I'll be able to take care of Rinto and myself if I can get it.
Better start working on a résumé.
"You must be Rin Kagamine?" I'm shocked at the youthful appearance of my interviewer, and even more surprised that he looks almost exactly like me. He's got the same big eyes, the same blonde hair - that I bet, if it weren't in a pony tail - would be the same length as mine, and he's also got the same voice. Weird...
"Yes, sir."
"I'm Len Kagamine. Thank you for coming." He extends his hand, and I'm sure to give him a firm handshake, meeting his gaze confidently. Something flashes in his eyes that startles me, but I ignore it as he beckons me to sit across from his desk in the leather chair.
"Thanks for having me."
Carefully, I walk into his office. The sound of my heels clacking on the floor is actually pretty convincing in helping me pull of the eighteen-years-or-older look. I'm dressed in a tan-brown outfit, with a dress-jacket and tight skirt that reaches my knees and shows off my butt. My eyes are lined with eyeliner and cheeks darkened with blush, along with red lipstick to emphasize my lips. I'm sure that those small details - along with the extra padding I stuffed in my bra to fill out these clothes a little more - would lead to him believing my age was well over sixteen.
I just hope they don't decide to do a background check...
"So...Miss Kagamine?" He's sitting up straight, peering through his glasses at me with interest sparking in his eyes. In his hands, he holds my bull-crap résumé and cover letter. "It says here you're nineteen and searching for a job to help you pay for your little sister's college?"
"Yes, sir." I give a curt nod. My hands are clasped in my lap, and I'm sitting up as straight as I can, hoping, praying he'll think of me as respectful and able.
"Do you mind if I ask you how old she is? Your little sister?" he asks gently.
"Seventeen," I say quickly.
"I see." He leans forward and studies me with his piercing eyes. I can't help but notice how perfectly the suit he's wearing fits his slender body. A blush creeps up my neck at the thought of how handsome he is. "So it wouldn't be a problem if you had to stay longer than the regular nine to five?"
"No, sir, she can handle herself pretty well."
He nods. "What makes you think you deserve this job?" His eyes twinkle, and I think I see a smirk on his lips, but I decide to ignore it. He watches me intently, clearly interested in having me as more than just an assistant.
But I choose to pretend to be oblivious to that.
"I've got the time," I say slowly, choosing my words confidently. "I'm willing to put forth the hard work, um, I consider myself a people person, so I could handle a lot of people that I may come in contact with."
There's a pause as he glances over my résumé, which lists only a bunch of random jobs I've done in the past and that I have experience with computers and answering phones - just about the only job I'd have to do as an assistant. Then he glances at his watch before shifting and standing up.
"I guess I'll give you a call if I think you're okay for the job, Miss Kagamine." He reaches forward to shake my hand.
I have no idea what came over me, but that's where I lose it. My voice is pleading, desperate.
"Please, sir, you have no idea how much I want this job." My words come out quickly and in a blur. "No, I need this job. You don't understand; I will do anything!"
Power glistens in his eyes, and he smirks. "i thought you'd never ask. Well, there might be one thing you can do for me..."
What's he gonna ask for? I'll only continue this if I get at least one review, so please, tell me what you think!