Yeah, I know, I was supposed to do Cedric, but the only way I was able to get over writers block was to skip him. I've probably lost all my readers by now, so I don't know why I'm writing this, but if anyone does read it, then any sort of review at all would be brilliant! :)


PS. BTW, can you believe JK wrote "The Cuckoo's Calling" in secret and didn't tell anyone?! And nobody found out until now?! Can't wait to read it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All hail Queen Rowling!

The Head of Gryffindor paced quickly along the corridors to the Hospital wing, flicking her wand occasionally at torches that had gone out.

Her head throbbed.

She ran through the days events in her mind.

All had been pretty normal, the class with the first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had gone well, although the following class with the second years had been suspiciously quiet.

Then she had gone down to lunch.

And all had turned to chaos.

The air reeked of dungbombs in the hallway but if being head of Gryffindor had taught her one thing, it was how to cast bubblehead charm in a hurry.

She'd stopped to gather her nerves. Taking a deep breath, she marched grimly into the Great Hall, just in time to see a massive firework pheonix explode into life and soar accross the room, before disintegrating into a pile of ashes.

The Great Hall had been in chaos.

And in the middle of it all, covered in ash and soot that failed to conceal a shock of red hair, stood the Weasley Twins. Again.


They had STILL been grinning when they had arrived at her office.

She'd give them extra homework for that.

She had given them a week's detention, of course, and taken away fifty house points each (which was bound to lose Gryffindor the house cup. Again.)

Oh well, she thought with a sigh. At least it might discourage them a little. Maybe.

Her headache increased. This was all too much.

I should be there by now she thought, her brow creasing slightly as she look forward at an unfamiliar corridor.

She turned around, and groaned.

There was no doubt. She was lost.

Her headache turned into a migraine.

Sh turned into the nearest classroom, and sat down at a student desk, smiling suddenly, remembering her own school days.

Her smile turned to a slight frown. She'd forgotten just how uncomfortable the student seat were. She looked around, noting a large mirror, then doing a double take in surprise, and gasped.

In the mirror, she stood beside a grey haired man, whose arm was around her shoulders. The couple were smiling happily.

"Oh, Elphie..."

She said, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.