Life punched me again. I'm really sorry. Hopefully this was worth the wait.

"But why?" Dick asked, looking between Wally, Roy and M'gann desperately. It had been about half an hour since he had been able to sneak into M'gann's room, nearly giving her a heart attack. She had been happy about learning his secret identity, but was even more excited about just him being awake.

After confirming that she indeed trusted him, M'gann was about to call the rest of the Team before Dick stopped her. He was thrilled that they were all on his side, but he couldn't get the fact that he was Dick Grayson, and not Robin, out of his mind. He trusted them, and figured that now was as good a time as any to tell them his ID, but he wanted to figure a few things out with M'gann's help first before having to deal with that. So he had had her just wake up Roy and Wally, who were the only two still asleep.

By the time they had gotten there, M'gann had told Dick everything that he had done, and Dick was already done explaining what he wanted the martian to do.

A lot of good that was. Which is what brings us to our current situation.

"Why don't I have any memories?" Dick repeated. "Shouldn't I remember something from the blackouts?"

"If it was mind control, then yes," M'gann explained. "But I looked through your memories like you asked me to, and I couldn't find anything from those points in time. So that rules mind control out."

"Well, what is it then?!" Dick said, running a hand through his hair as he stood up. "Am I just going crazy then?!" His voice rose as he continued. "Am I just going to become the next Joker or something?!"

"Dick! Dick! Calm down!" Wally spoke, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder to keep him from pacing. "I mean, seriously, if you haven't gone crazy by now I don't see why you suddenly would."

"Gee, thanks Wally."

"Okay, I didn't really think that through. But maybe we should call the rest of the Team. Maybe they have some ideas that we don't."

"Yeah, maybe," Dick sighed. He gave a small smile in light of the situation. "Artie is going to love this..."

And, surprisingly, she did. Normally, she would have been angry, but given the circumstances, she was just glad Dick wasn't trying to attack them anymore. So instead, when she saw Richard Grayson standing in Miss Martian's room, she just chuckled and said "You're a little troll. Don't think you're off the hook for this one."

Conner and Kaldur didn't care too much about his identity, seeing as how they didn't know who Dick Grayson was beforehand. To save precious time, he told them he'd talk about his ginormous backstory some other time.

Altogether, the entire reunion was much less eventful than Dick thought it would be, and he wondered why he had been so worried about it. He was happy though. One less thing to deal with. Even though they had all just gotten there, each teenager had several ideas over what was going on. Ideas that were immediately proved wrong when M'gann told them that there was no mind control involved.

While brainstorming, they were suddenly interrupted when a frantic knocking sounded on the door.

"Megan!" they heard Flash yell. "Megan! I can't find the others and Robin is gone and are you in there? Please!" M'gann hesitated a moment before calling back.

"Yes, I'm here. Uh... where do you think he went?" Everyone held their breath as they waited for his response.

"I don't know! But I do know what's wrong with him so can I come in?!"

"WHAT?" Everyone in the room yelled. M'gann immediately used her telekinesis to yank the door open, nearly tearing it off it's hinges and causing Flash to jump.

"Dick!" Flash yelled as he ran and threw his arms around the small teen, being careful not to hurt his shoulder. "I'm sooo glad I found you! Bats would've killed me!"

"You haven't contacted Bruce?" Dick asked, pulling away from the man he considered an uncle.

"Well... no, not exactly," Flash said sheepishly. "I was supposed to be watching you, and thought that if I found you fast enough, Bats wouldn't have to kno- Wait, you just called him Bruce."

"Yeah, the cat's kind of out of the bag on that one," Dick sighed. "But, more importantly, you figured things out?"

"Oh! Right! That is kinda important. C'mon, it's better to see it for yourself."

"See?" Flash exclaimed, gesturing toward the large monitor of the Medical Bay.

"Uh... yeah, I see. I just don't know what I'm seeing," Roy grumbled.

"Oh, crud," Wally said, moving closer to the screen. "Are those what I think they are?"

"Unfortunately," his uncle confirmed.

"Is anyone going to explain?!" Dick said, exacerbated. "All I see are funny-looking cells on top of bigger cells."

"Exactly," Flash began. "The bigger cells are from the piece of bone that the arrow chipped from your shoulder. These smaller ones," he zoomed in as he said this, "look weird because they're not cells. They're microscopic robots."

"What?" Dick frowned. "But Bruce did all sorts of tests, and those weren't there."

"Yes, they were. He just didn't do a bone test because they take forever, and the likelihood of anything being there was tiny."

"Obviously," Conner grumbled.

"Anyway," Flash continued. "If there were this many of these things on such a small portion of bone, they're most likely covering your entire skeletal system. They can literally take you over at any time."

"That's gross," Wally mumbled.

Dick began rubbing his temples. "So it is mind control? Then why can I never remember anything?"

"Because it's not mind control," Flash attempted to explain again. "Look, I could get all medical on you, but the bottom line is that these things are connected to your bones. Not your brain, not your nervous system; but instead, your actual core structure. So when they take control of you, they really only control your movements. They can push your physical abilities to the limit, without your mind having any say so in the matter. So it's like... body control, I guess. I know that sounds weird, but that's what's happening."

"If my mind was untouched, shouldn't I be able to remember that?!" Dick yelled, on the verge of a complete freak out.

"No, actually," Flash said. "The brain is what normally controls bone movement. It's a pretty massive job. Whenever these robots suddenly take over that job, the brain would go into a frenzy trying to regain control. Ultimately, it just shuts itself down from the shock, which is why you can't talk while it's happening, or remember squat afterwards."

"And why I couldn't mentally contact you!" M'gann realized. "But... I could at the last second. Why?"

"Because of the arrow," Flash said. "When that arrow hit you, it brought in an outside force that was able to, well, shock your brain out of it's shock. But only momentarily."

"Just enough for me to contact Miss M," Dick said, his eyes widening. "I remember that! Well, not to be a downer, but all of this kinda sucks."

"And it gets worse," Flash started. "With your brain in shock, there's a possibility that some other body functions will cease working. You know, things like... breathing... or your heart pumping..."

"So I could just fall over dead?"

"It's a possibility..."

"Lovely," Dick growled, seriously trying not to flip out. "Do you at least know how to get them out?"

"That's where Bats comes in. He knows techy stuff the best," Flash finally finished.

"Then here's an idea," Roy spoke. "Why don't we freaking call him already?!"

"Right," Kaldur began, his leader instincts taking over. "Flash, if you wouldn't mind doing that. Team, we are not to leave Richard alone. And Dick," he said to the boy wonder who currently was sitting in a cot with his head in his hands. "It will be alright, my friend. I will personally make sure of it." Dick didn't respond, and just kept sitting there without moving. With a sigh, Kaldur motioned for the rest of the Team to go to the far corner while Flash left to contact Batman.

"Do you think he will be alright?" The leader asked Wally and Roy quietly.

"Once this is all over with, yeah," Roy said. "Until then, just make sure he knows you're there for him. He needs that." With that, Roy turned around, just in time to see Dick disappear out the door.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" He yelled as Wally ran after him, only to stop when he found the solid, kryptonite-infused doors locked.

"We have got to stop turning our back to that freaking ninja!" Roy continued to yell.

"Why, Red Arrow, I thought you would know by now that all ninjas belong to me." A horrifyingly familiar voice said from behind them. The Team whipped around to face the man who had suddenly appeared on the monitor.

"Ra's al Ghul," Roy growled.

What's that? After 14 chapters of build-up you're finally satisfied? Good.

Robin is red, Nightwing is blue, I can't believe this poem is working, Keep up the reviews!