Hamato Yoshi did not like venturing to the surface, especially during the day. Today was different.

Splinter was in the kitchen cleaning. His five-year-old sons were playing. Donatello was going over flash cards with Michelangelo to help him learn his numbers and letters. Leonardo and Raphael were running around playing a made up game.

"Mikey what does this say?" Donnie asked.

"C-c-at" Mikey stuttered out.

"Good! Now what number is this?" Donnie said holding up a nine.


"No, try again."

"n-na-i-na," Mikey did his best to sound out the word.

"Nine, good job," Donnie said smiling.

Just then Leo and Raph who were playing nicely started to fight over their made up game.

"That was not one of the rules," Leo said putting his hands on his hips.

"So you made up rules why can't I?" Raph complained.

"But I did not change them in the middle of the game!" Leo snapped as Raph lunged forward.

Then as they always did the two brothers began to wrestle. The two were thrashing around on the ground.

"Hey I'm lure-ning here!" Mikey complained as Raph flipped Leo across the room knocking him into the coffee Donnie and Mikey were using. The heavy table flipped over pinning Donnie's left arm under the table.

Splinter heard a sharp yelp of pain. When he turned around Mikey was frantically try to free his trapped brother. "Donatello!" Splinter yelled running over to his son. When he lifted the table he could already see that Donatello's small arm was already swelling. Splinter picked his crying son up in his arms. Knowing Michelangelo would not leave Donatello's side he instructed Leonardo and Raphael to remain sitting down in the living room.

Splinter laid Donatello in his bed. He gently touched his son's arm, but he cried out. It was what he feared it was broken. He could see Donnie was in a great deal of pain. Splinter went to get cool cloths to keep the turtle's spreading fever down. He was also going to have to look for supplies to cast his son's arm, but he was doubtful he had any.

When he came back from getting the cold cloths he saw Mikey was holding his brother's hand. He was even using his orange mask to dab the sweat from his forehead. Donnie was panting. He had nothing to help his son's pain, nothing to cast his arm.

This meant only one thing. He was going to have to go to the surface. He was money from before he was mutated it was not much and he kept for emergencies, he hope he would never need it. Splinter has some herbs to help keep Donnie's fever down and his help his pain, but it would not be enough.

"D-daa-dddy" Donnie cried, "…'urts…"

"I know it hurts little one. I must ask you to wait I will be back as quickly as I can. Splinter hid his appearance under layers of clothing and slipped some money into a hidden pocket as well as small knife.

He came across a home remedies shortly after he was mutated and it explained how to make a cast. He would need flour, salt, and water. He wanted fresh water so the sewer water would not cause infection. He would use a sheet he had to the material.

Leaving his son this hurt and sick was the last thing he wanted to do, but it was very important. Splinter instructed Michelangelo to remain with Donatello and Leonardo and Raphael were to get what he asked for to keep Donatello comfortable, cool cloths, water for drinking, or food.

"My sons I will be back as quickly as I can. Stay safe and no fighting."

Splinter closed his eyes before he climbed the stairs to the surface. It was summer time so even at seven o'clock in the evening it was light out. He did not want to make Donatello wait another two hours for the night to come.

He was well hidden and he had his tail wrapped around one ankle. Flour, salt, water, and pain medication it was one stop that is all he needed.

Donnie was crying. Mikey was holding his good hand talking to him. He laid a new cold cloth on Donnie's head. "Daddy be back soon," Mikey said. Donnie grunted and nodded.


"How this?" Mikey said laying a new cold cloth on Donnie's arm. "Mikey read Donnie a story so you no think bout your arm!"

"You-you d-don't l-like r-reading…"

"I will read for you!" Mikey said smiling pulling out a book.

This was Splinter's first time in a store since becoming mutated. Before he would find items in the dumpsters and streets. He has to for his son. Donatello need him.

Splinter entered the grocery store. He easily found the flour, salt, and water. It was the pain medication for Donatello. They were not human children to he hoped the medication would take effect. In the end he decided up the store's brand on a pain reliever for children not waiting to wait any longer, he was getting strange looks for the humans. Seeing a tall man dressed in layered clothing in July was not normal.

Splinter kept his talking limited. He was out quickly enough, and without and major scenes. Now to go home to boil the water.

"My sons I am home," Splinter said entering their home. When he came in he could see Raphael in the punishment conner and Leonardo at the sink running water over some cloths.

"Leeooo need cold!" came Mikey's voice.

"Coming Mikey!" Leo shouted running with the dripping wet cloths. Splinter followed his son who was still not aware of his father's arrival home. Splinter walked into the room. Michelangelo was kneeling on the bed dabbing his brother's head with his own orange mask.

"Leo!" Mikey cried.

"Here!" Leo called.

"Daddy," he said weakly causing Leo and Mikey to turn around.

"Before you say anything Michelangelo allow me to give your brother some medication to ease his pain," Splinter said with a smile. He walked over to Donatello, "open up, you must take all of it," Splinter portioned out the liquid for his son to swallow.

"Icky, dadddy…" Donnie complained.

"I know my son, but it will help you," Splinter laid a paw on Donnie's head, "try to sleep. I am going to make the cast for your arm now.

"M-Mikey s-stay?" Donnie asked.

"If-if it's 'kay with daddy!" Mikey said holding Donnie's hand.

"Yes, Michelangelo may stay as long as you wish." Splinter turned to Leo and indicated for him to follow. "I will need some help making the cast and I wish to know why Raphael is in the punishment corner."

"I can help! Well Raphie was making fun of Mikey reading to Donnie and you said no trouble and we figured you'd punish him for it so we did it ourselves. He's not happy."

"Well thank you my son, how long has he been there?"

Leo scrunched up his face, "two minutes after you left," Leo said.

"I see," Splinter said, then he turned to Raphael, "you are off punishment, but so not make fun of your brother." he turned to Leonardo, "now I need a large pot, bowl, and Raphael I need you to get me a clean sheet."

"Hai sensei," they both said.

The water and salt were boiling. So he added it to the flour and mixed it. He then carried the bowl into the room where Donnie was.

Mikey pressed his little finger to his lips, "shh Donnie sleeping."

"I can see that," Splinter said smiling. The bed sheet was cut into strips and Splinter used a longer that he dipped into water and wrapped it around his arm so the homemade plaster would not stick to the turtle's skin. Splinter then dipped the fabric into the plaster and wrapped it wound Donatello's arm. "Now Michelangelo can you hold his arm up so that the plaster may dry?"

"Yes daddy," Mikey said.

Several hours have passed when Splinter when to check in on Donatello. He found Donatello and Michelangelo curled up together. Splinter brought the covers over the two boys. Donatello's fever had broken

Donatello had woken up, while Mikey remained asleep. "How are you feeling my son?"

"Still yucky….but...I have a question."

"What is it Donatello."

"Did you really go to the surface? Or was Mikey telling a joke."

"My son I did have to go to the surface. It was to help you. If I did not do you would become very sick."

"Sorry." Donnie said meekly.

"Why my son?" Splinter asked.

"That you had go to the surface, what-"

"My son for you I would do anything. You do not need to apologize." Splinter said. Donnie nodded.

Donnie was sitting on the couch. Mikey was sitting next to him trying to sign his cast. Mikey was able to write his name and then drew a picture of Donnie and himself.

"Leo, your turn!" Mikey said handing his brother the marker.

"What do I write?" Leo said.

"Your name is fine," Donnie said.

"You should write 'sorry' it's your fault it's broken," Raph said.

"My fault!?" Leo snapped, "you were the one who started the fight!"

"HEY!" Mikey yelled, "it's both yer fault! Now no yelling in front of Donnie it will upset him."

"Mikey, thanks, but it's okay I am used to them yelling," Donnie said.

"Yeah but they broke yer arm!"

"It's okay-"

"No it's not! You can't train and other things you like!" Mikey looked at Donnie.

"Mikey I will be okay, I can still read. Mikey I will be okay." Donnie looked at Mikey he was crying and had that little pouty look on his freckled face. "Mikey, why are you crying? I'm the one who is hurt." Donnie hugged his brother. "Mikey I will be okay so no crying 'kay?"

"kay," Mikey said.

It had been six weeks since the accident and it was time to remove Donatello's cast. "You ready Donatello?" Splinter asked holding a pair of scissors between his fingers,

Donnie nodded, "yes. My arm is itchy and yucky! I can't wait to go back to training too."

Splinter cut the cast off, "you are free of your cast, my son, but still I would like you to be careful."

"I will sensei!" Donnie said.

"And I will make sure nothing hurts your arm Donnie! It can hurt me instead!"

Donnie smiled, "thanks Mikey," he hugged his brother.

"OW! My leg!" Raph yelled across the lair.

"Sensei do you need to boil water?" Leo asked.