So, here's part 2 of Goal. I hope it's not too bad for ff , but if it's taken down I'll post it on AFF.

Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl, but I would sincerely combust from pride if he'd come from my brain. Eoin Colfer is the genius, not me

Enjoy :)

The date had gone well surprisingly. Ruairí and Artemis and stayed on 'safe topics' of conversation like school and their future goals.

"I want to work in the White Collar division of law."

"Interesting; I believe they have an active file on my family and I still."

Ruairí gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah… I saw your file. It's…impressive."

Artemis gave what Tristan had described as a 'vampire smile.' "Isn't it?"

Ruairí hadn't even minded Artemis's shadow following them to the restaurant, or ensuring the establishment was suitably safe and clean for Artemis to grace it with his presence. Mostly, Ruairí didn't acknowledge Butler or his actions because Artemis carried on without batting a lash. He also learned that Artemis was only in the archery club to get physical education credit.

"Tell me what the story is behind you hair color."

Ruairí made a 'oh boy' face. "It's stupid."

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "I still want to know."

Ruairí laughed. "Who am I to deny you then? Alright, so when I was a kid every time around Christmas my family and I would watch the classic Christmas movies: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and Jack Frost. Jack Frost was always my favorite; don't ask me why, it just is. I'd told my mom and dad that I wanted to dye my hair silver like Jack Frost's but my dad said that it was silly, while my mom said I was too young to dye my hair. When I turned sixteen I asked again if I could but my parents both agreed it wouldn't help my chances at getting a decent job, especially with my less than stellar grades.

"As an act of rebellion I asked my then girlfriend to order silver hair dye off the internet so it would be sent to her house, and when it arrived she helped me bleach and dye my hair. My parents grounded me and tried to make me dye my hair back to its original brown. My mom took me to a hair salon, where I told the hair dresser to dye the hair over my left eye purple. My dad nearly had a heart attack when he saw it."

Artemis raised his eyebrows rather surprised. He couldn't really relate having simply always done what he'd wanted with little interference from his parents. Even now his parents held little sway over his opinions though they were finally coming closer together as a family. Artemis supposed Myles and Beckett might be more under his parents thumb, but not to the degree Ruairí seemed to be.

"See, it's pretty stupid."

Artemis snapped back to attention, though it didn't show he'd been lost in thought. "No actually, I think it was a great show of determination. Naturally silver and purple hair isn't the smartest choice, but that you persevered and determinedly stuck to you goal is a good personality trait. If you really want something you should fight for it."

Ruairí smiled happily. "Thanks. My parents wouldn't agree but who could argue with you?"

Artemis smiled. "A few exist that would try."

"Have you ever done anything your parents wouldn't approve of?" Ruairí asked, intensely curious.

"I have done many things that my parents now wouldn't approve of but at the time would not perhaps fault me for them. That isn't to say though that I don't regret some of my previous actions. Most of them have worked out for the best though." Artemis replied giving little information that would satisfy Ruairí's curiosity.

When the date came to an end Ruairí and Artemis (and Butler) walked back to their dorm rooms, Ruairí with a promise from Artemis that they could go on another date.

Ruairí sat next to Artemis the next time they were in class to together. They didn't speak really, but it was enough that Ruairí caught Artemis' eye every so often and would smile. Artemis didn't always smile back, but the blush Ruairí had seen the first time they made eye contact was enough for him to know Artemis didn't mind.

Tristan was gob smacked when his best friend walked out of class with Artemis Fowl II. Ruairí had waved to him but Tristan didn't walk over, and Ruairí left just like that smiling at Artemis. Artemis had looked at Tristan and even nodded his hello when he'd obviously recognized him. It took three weeks of dates and suggestions for Ruairí to convince Artemis to spend a day with Ruairí and his friends. It hadn't been a total disaster, which both Ruairí and Artemis were glad of.

Tristan had obviously spread the word about Artemis, and Artemis was in no way going to lower him self to please them. Ruairí was rather dismayed by the initial awkwardness, but strove to pay attention to both his friends and Artemis. However when Tristan mentioned Artemis' years at St. Bartelby's things became tense. Ruairí knew more about Artemis and his family now, having even gone to dinner at Fowl Manor just the other night, and knew that period of Artemis' life was a touchy time. Ruairí was about to call it quits when Artemis surprised them all.

"Is it my fault Avery's mother decided to donate all her money to save the rainforests and then ran off to America to marry the man of her dreams? Avery may have bullied me but karma saw to his punishment not me."

It was the most they'd heard him speak, but they didn't relax until Ruairí started laughing.

"An American step-father is a punishment now?"


Ruairí's friends laughed as well, and the tension slowly bled out. Artemis wasn't any better at interacting with them, as they had absolutely nothing in common, but at least conversation wasn't stilted or awkward anymore. Things relaxed even further when the group hit several pubs later that night. Artemis drank water, which earned him good-natured teasing. Artemis enjoyed watching Ruairí make a fool of him self dancing/stumbling on the dance floor of one night club. Ruairí had even managed to drag Artemis with him a couple of times, which Artemis protested loudly to.

Fortunately, Artemis was saved from dancing by the fact that to a drunken Ruairí dancing with Artemis meant hugging Artemis so tightly he couldn't move. Artemis thought they must look rather comical, he being only 166cm (5'5") and Ruairí being 185cm (6'1"). They caught separate cabs back to the dorms, Artemis giving the drunken group a promise to hang out again. Artemis wasn't sure if he'd really enjoy a repeat of the night, but as Ruairí leaned drunkenly against him he thought he wouldn't mind. Maybe he'd even drink a beer or other. Only one though, as he didn't even really enjoy wine all that much.

Artemis had stayed with Ruairí in his dorm room, making sure the other didn't accidentally disturbed his roommate or die of alcohol related clumsiness. Artemis made sure to send Butler a text so the bodyguard didn't worry that Artemis hadn't returned to his room. The next morning, Artemis spent twenty minutes figuring out the coffee machine, and talking to Butler on the phone about what best to eat for the hung over Ruairí.

After Ruairí's first sip of coffee he sighed happily. "You are a god send Artemis."

"I'll take the compliment even if you are hung over." Artemis very much doubted any god had sent him. "Butler will be arriving shortly to bring breakfast. As you know, I cannot cook."

Ruairí smiled at him from his place half sprawled on the table. "So you spent the night with me, and I was too drunk to enjoy it. And here I was hoping for a repeat of the other night." He pouted as much as his hangover would allow.

Artemis' lips twitched almost giving in to a smile. "Well, seeing as we are now official I don't see what is stopping us. Rather, when you're less likely to die from loud noises."

Ruairí grinned and would have jumped up to hug Artemis if he wasn't sure his head would fall off. "When my hang over goes away, I'm going to kiss you until you're dizzy."

"Charming." Artemis smiled. He actually wanted to laugh, but figured the noise would cripple Ruairí and he honestly didn't want that.

Ruairí was thrilled. He and Artemis were officially together, and that meant he could go further with Artemis than before. Again rather. They hadn't had full-on sex yet, but they had gotten close, just once. The weekend before hanging out with his friends, Artemis had invited Ruairí to dinner with his family at Fowl Manor, and Ruairí had nervously agreed. It was a Friday, so after their clubs they met at the front of the college freshly showered and Ruairí in his best clothes. Butler drove them in the nicest car Ruairí had ever seen, which hadn't helped his nerves any. What had he been thinking dating one of the richest people in Ireland?!

Artemis also seemed slightly nervous, but he was just nervous about Ruairí's reaction to his family and wealth. Artemis saw nothing wrong with his family; both his parents were polite and kind people, especially his mother, and his brothers while young were smart. However, his father had been held prisoner by Russian mobsters, his mother lost her mind and infected by Opal Koboi, and his brothers didn't take well to people getting near Artemis.

Artemis had discovered Myles' and Beckett's possessiveness when Minerva had come to visit. To say the girl was at her wit's end by their pranks was an understatement. Apparently, his mother had sung his praises during the time he'd been on Hybras, and his immediate actions as big brother had only proved them. Myles and Beckett loved their big brother, and they'd be damned before someone else took him away again. Artemis smiled fondly.

Looking at Ruairí however, turned Artemis' thoughts away from his family and to reassuring the other male. Ruairí was sure he was going to faint when they'd finally arrived. They were greeted at the door by a maid named Juliet, who was apparently Artemis' Butler's younger sister. Artemis introduced Ruairí to Juliet who gave him a rather scary look, but smiled after Butler cleared his throat and shared a secret silent conversation with her.

"Oh, a special friend. I didn't think you had it in you Arty!"

Ruairí found him self smiling as Artemis grumbled about the nickname, only to grin widely when Juliet winked at him from the side. When they entered the dining room, his nerves didn't get a chance to come back as a beautiful blond women, who Ruairí figured had to be Angeline Fowl, Artemis' mother, stood up to great them.

"Arty! It's so good to have you home!" She rushed forward to hug Artemis, who Ruairí watched rather amazed.

Artemis had the softest look on his face he'd ever seen as he looked at his mother. He didn't even hesitate to hug her back and replied, "I missed you too…mum."

Angeline beamed and seemed to glow at the word, and it was this brilliance that turned to look at Ruairí.

"You must be Ruairí. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Angeline, Arty's mum." She fairly gushed at the word, and reached out to hug Ruairí, who hesitantly hugged back.

"It's…um a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Fowl."

She pulled away smiling. "You can call me Angie! Dinner is nearly ready so why don't you two come sit down?"

Upon reaching the table Artemis greeted and hugged his father before introducing Ruairí. Ruairí steeled himself against the scrutinizing gaze, and gave a slight bow.

"It's an honor to meet you Mr. Fowl. I've heard many great things about you from Artemis and Mr. Butler." He stuck out his hand, which was promptly grasped.

"It's a pleasure. My son has told me many things about you as well. In following my wife's example, you may call me Tim."

He smiled, and Ruairí relaxed finally and smiled back. Artemis nearly rolled his eyes at the display, but first he knew the importance of the event, and second he never rolls his eyes. Finally the hard part, Artemis thought as he led Ruairí to Myles and Beckett.

"Ruairí, these are my younger brothers, Myles and Beckett. Myles, Beckett, this is Ruairí my friend-" Juliet cleared her throat, making the adults smile and Artemis scowl, "-my special friend, Ruairí."

"His hair is stupid." Myles said, which Beckett echoed.

Ruairí stood amazed as the two toddlers glared at him and snubbed their noses at him. He glances at Artemis who sighed with a smile struggling to stretch across his lips. The twins were chastised by Angeline, but could not be made to give a sincere apology, making Artemis apologize quietly to Ruairí, who was still stunned.

With Tim at the head of the table, Artemis sat to his left and Angie on his right, Myles and Beckett were sat next to Artemis, and Ruairí next to Angie. Conversation was purposely kept light, allowing Myles and Beckett to jump in with random tidbits about their day and opinions as well. The light conversation between the family every so often went right over Ruairí's head, but mostly because it broke into other languages when it got too heated, or about a family business venture Ruairí was sure his old boss would kill to know about. Ruairí was surprised they even spoke about such things with him there, but felt honored and trusted. Part of him knew they were probably testing him in a way, and carefully input his comments. Judging by the look Artemis gave him, he was doing well.

The real highlight was when Ruairí finally impressed Myles and Beckett. Ruairí was good at science, it wasn't his favorite subject, but he knew enough and had experimented enough that Myles was sufficiently enamored. Beckett was won over by the mere mention that Ruairí was the goalie for the college's football team. It hadn't stopped them from pelting ice cream at his face at the end of dinner, but Ruairí was just glad it hadn't been any worse. Angie had even commented that he'd gotten off lightly, considering what they had done to Minerva Paradizo. Ruairí knew very little about Minerva, and had gotten most of his information from Butler.

Minerva was also a genius, and had become friends of sorts with Artemis just before he'd been kidnapped (official story but not necessarily true). According to Butler she had a sort of crush on Artemis, but whether she wanted to marry him or out-smart him, Butler couldn't say. Ruairí had often been with Artemis when he was on the phone with her, or another girl named Holly.

Holly and Artemis were very close. Ruairí could tell by the look on Artemis' face when they spoke, and he kept the jealousy he felt under tight control. Artemis rarely saw the two girls, and even though Artemis had admitted Holly was his first kiss and crush, Ruairí was dating Artemis now. Butler told him that Artemis' crush on Holly wasn't entirely based on romantic feelings either. Artemis respected Holly, and held her in high regard, and she could claim to be not only Artemis' first friend besides Butler, but the first to have ever punched him and knocked him down from his high horse, as well as first kiss, and first to make Artemis feel guilty, etc. How could Ruairí be jealous of that?

So, Ruairí was very jealous of Holly despite never having even seen a picture of her, but Artemis had explained that while he loved Holly, a romantic relationship between them was unlikely even without Ruairí in the equation. Not the most reassuring sentiment, but Ruairí would take it just for the smile Artemis gave him. He was a hopeless romantic he realized.

"No one has ever been jealous over me before."

"I bet they have and you just didn't realize that was what was going on."

"I'm very observant."

"You're also emotionally stunted."

"Fair point."

Back at the dorms, he tried to write more on his research essay but kept thinking about Holly and Minerva, and Myles and Beckett. Ruairí threw on his shoes and rushed over to Artemis' dorm room.

Artemis' room mate let him in, telling Ruairí sleepily that Artemis was in the shower. Ruairí thanked him suddenly aware he didn't know the other man's name, but uncaring and waited in Artemis' room. No matter Artemis' reassurances, the thought of any one else having a claim to Artemis bothered him, and Ruairí thought he'd be able to settle if Artemis allowed him to stay the night with him. If he was that close with Artemis, his jealousy would surely calm down he thought.

All thoughts were blown from his mind however when Artemis walked in towel over his head, and hands working the buttons of Artemis' half done up pajama shirt. Artemis looked up just as he paused his buttoning to close the door.

"Ruairí! You surprised me. What are you doing here so late?"

Ruairí stood up and walked right up to Artemis, his presence making Artemis step back until he was against the door. Ruairí rested his hands on Artemis' hips, smirking at Artemis' stunned expression.

Artemis didn't know what to do. He didn't have any experience to draw on, no knowledge that could guide him. Facing his death had been easier to undertake than this. He tilted his head up, watching frozen as Ruairí leaned down and softly pressed his lips to Artemis' own. Pressed up against a wall, his shirt half undone, and a wall of muscle pressing into him, Artemis' first and only kiss with Holly was no comparison.

Doubt and worry swamped Artemis' mind. How would Ruairí react if Artemis should allow them to go further? Artemis well knew that he'd one day have to take the contact out of his eye and reveal to Ruairí Holly's brown eye. Ruairí would be close enough to see all of Artemis' differences. Would Ruairí mind Artemis' uniqueness? Being a genius was one thing, but after everything he'd been through, would Ruairí accept them? And what about the People? Artemis wouldn't betray them or lose them by telling Ruairí something. But Artemis wasn't sure how long he'd last lying to his romantic partner. Or was this it? Was this the normal life he was expected to live, needed even? They were worrying thoughts.

Distracted, Artemis felt goose bumps rise up on his skin as a calloused hand ran up his stomach to his chest. When had Ruairí undone his shirt? Distantly he heard a moan, his own hands taking a life of their own as they gripped Ruairí's biceps. Artemis didn't know what to do, minding clouding as Ruairí coaxed his mouth open and promptly shoved his tongue in Artemis' mouth. Artemis shuddered, whether in disgust or arousal, his foggy mind couldn't be sure or brought to care. The pinch to his left nipple made Artemis gasp, forcing his head to turn and his body jerked as if to escape. Contrary to his body's reaction, Artemis' hands slide up the biceps and around Ruairí's neck, his right hand gripping the soft hair.

Ruairí hummed in approval, hand still lightly playing with Artemis' nipple, mouth dedicated to marking the pale throat. His free hand grasped Artemis' leg, and in a swift motion and a demonstration of strength Artemis could never hope to achieve, lifted Artemis and wrapped the leg around his waist. Artemis' other leg followed without prompting. Artemis was then made aware of how this sudden bout of teenage hormones was affecting them, as Ruairí grinded against Artemis further into the wall making his excitement obvious.

"Aaah…" Artemis was fairly sure the breathy noises were mostly coming from him, while the deeper, rougher grunts were from the other. Artemis began to caress his hands through Ruairí's hair, keeping his actions minimal so as not to ruin this moment.

The worries of a one time fling, or the humiliation that could come from this never crossed his mind. Artemis knew the other would never purposely hurt him. This was no fling, as no one who observed and openly adored another as Ruairí did, would only want one night of sex. But, did Artemis want to have sex, was the real question.

"W-Wait, please. I-I have never- I don't-"

"I won't do anything you aren't ready for Artemis. If you don't like it, or just can't go any further, then we won't. You'll have to hit me to get me to back off though." Ruairí said with a roguish grin.

Artemis blushed. Artemis doubted anyone has ever wanted him like this before, and a foreign feeling came with the sudden knowledge. It was abruptly cut off with the feeling of his pants being pulled down.

"No boxers Artemis? I'm shocked."

As Ruairí's hand closed around his arousal, Artemis' would-be reply was immediately cut off by a moan of pleasure, and for the first time in his life, Artemis stopped thinking.

Ruairí grinned at the beauty of an aroused Artemis. The lithe male had always been beautiful, but seeing him trapped against a wall by him, panting and moaning, made Artemis all the more enchanting.


Ruairí pulled Artemis off the wall and to his bed, laying the dark-haired male on his back. "Artemis, do mine. Stroke mine too."

Artemis blushed as his hand was pulled to Ruairí's arousal, lightly touching the stiff organ before Ruairí left Artemis to decide. Artemis didn't pause to think, grasping Ruairí and slowly stroking his arousal in time with Ruairí.

Artemis had never-NEVER- in all his life thought about sex, or even contemplated what would happen when he was inserted into the equation. It was hot, Artemis decided, his face flushed in both embarrassment and arousal. It was disgusting, for not only was he sweating, but Ruairí was as well. It was intense, the feeling of being touched by and touching the other. It was overwhelming the feelings, the build up, and what Artemis knew could only be the orgasm.

"Spread your legs a little more Artemis."

The abandon, Artemis decided was the most overwhelming. He did as Ruairí asked, forcing his tensed legs to spread, unaware but full of ideas of what Ruairí could possibly want with his legs apart. Ruairí demonstrated without hesitation.

Ruairí moved closer to Artemis, laying directly above him, and pushing their erections together before wrapping his larger hand over both. He lightly squeezed and stroked them both roughly, not only caught up in his own arousal, but entranced by Artemis. The younger male's hands gripped his shoulders, body curling forward in an attempt to protect itself against his fierce assault. In direct contrast, Artemis' legs spread wider, allowing Ruairí to push their bodies closer. Ruairí's unoccupied arm wrapped around Artemis' waist, forcing the back to arch out of its curl and open Artemis up to him entirely. Eyes glazed and half-lidded, Artemis' back arched further, head lolling back leaving his neck open to Ruairí's questing mouth.

Artemis could do little more than gasp, moan, and feel by this point. He nearly screamed as the build up finally released his first orgasm spraying semen over his and Ruairí's chests. Artemis went lax, watching hazily as Ruairí neared his own orgasm, moaning slightly as his over sensitized penis was gripped harder along with Ruairí's. Ruairí gently bit down on Artemis' neck smothering his groan as he finally came. He weakly rested on top of Artemis, smiling at the feel of Artemis' arms wrapping around his neck, holding him in place.

Ruairí lifted himself up to look down at the genius. Artemis' eyes were closed, half ready for sleep but still half aware he was with someone. Ruairí smiled brightly, lightly kissing Artemis' lips. Whoever Holly or Minerva were, they had better acknowledge their defeat. Ruairí wasn't giving Artemis up after this.

"I need another shower…." Artemis murmured, eyes finally opening to gaze at him sleepily.

Ruairí kissed him chastely. "I'll wipe us with a wet towel. We can shower in the morning. Wait here."

Ruairí disentangled himself from Artemis, who reluctantly released his source of warmth, and found a towel to wipe them down. Ruairí returned swiftly, aware Artemis had a roommate was in his room. Artemis shuddered at the feel of the cool water, arms to his side unsure of what to do now. After Ruairí was done cleaning them, he smiled down at the lightly blushing Artemis.

Artemis, not one to back down stared up challengingly. "That was unexpected. Terribly pleasurable, but unexpected either way."

Ruairí grinned. "I got jealous and had to see you. However, I was unprepared to see you wet and with a half-open shirt. My lust escaped my control."

Artemis blushed brightly and turned to hide his face in his pillow. "You're honesty is very disarming Ruairí."

Ruairí grinned, loving Artemis rarely shown shyness. Artemis promptly scowled at him. "What now?"

Ruairí grinned. "Now we sleep, and tomorrow we wake up, kiss, shower (perhaps even together), and kiss some more, and breakfast. Definitely more kissing to be inserted randomly. That is, if you want us to officially be a couple?"

Artemis gave him a small smile, worries about the People still in the back of his mind, but for now…. "I suppose we are. My parents like you, my brother's like you well enough, and Butler hasn't assassinated you. I haven't met your parents, on your insistence, but I suppose we are now."

Ruairí grinned and pulled Artemis to him, instigating the cuddle session; to which Artemis gave a small smile and then quickly hid his face in his pillow to avoid blushing. Ruairí sighed approvingly; Artemis was officially his adorably shy boyfriend.

So this is it I think. I'm not sure there should be a continuation, but for now I'll make as complete and you guys can tell me if you'd like more and I'll see what I can do. Maybe snippets like meeting Ruairí's parents?