Hello, my name's Kyuubi323, and this is my first Artemis Fowl story. I've been working on this for a while now, and didn't want to publish it without it being completed because I'm crap at finishing my stories. Sorry. But this is mostly complete, and just needs a few tweaks to the second chapter and then its pretty much done. So I'll let you all get to it, and I hope you enjoy!
This is malexmale/yaoi, so if you didn't realize I suggest you run now or give it a shot and maybe you'll like it for the love it demonstrates.
I don't own the Artemis Fowl series, it belongs to one of the most awesome authors ever to exist, Eoin Colfer.
Master Artemis?"
Artemis Fowl the Second turned away from his computer screen to look at his oldest and closest friend/bodyguard, Butler. Artemis was fairly irritated, so the look transferred to Butler, who then realized his imminent suggestion would be shot down before he could finish the sentence. However, for Angeline Fowl's, Artemis's mother, sake he had to at least try.
"It's about your upcoming school year at T College." Butler paused, as Artemis' eyes narrowed in their focus on him. "As you well know, physical education is a must in order to get your BA-"
"And as you well know, I already have Physical Education credit." Artemis cut in bitingly.
Butler gave him a look. "Exemptions all written by a nonexistent doctor; that's not Physical education credit Artemis. Anyway, your mother and I thought it would be best if you joined one of the sports clubs."
Artemis nearly laughed. Truly, he nearly did. Did Butler forget he was talking to Artemis, whose only real "physical skill" was typing and walking without tripping?
"Butler, you and I both know that any demonstration of physical prowess I have ever displayed was running for my life, and you know how that worked out."
Butler frowned, not liking being reminded of Artemis' many, many near death experiences. "I know. That's why I thought it best to have you join a relatively new club, that doesn't require too much movement from you."
Artemis leaned back in his chair, waiting for Butler to continue.
Artemis did let a chuckle escape him. Archery? Really, him holding a weapon that could potentially fly off course and kill someone? Artemis knew he likely would accidentally hurt someone, even with a rubber-tipped arrow. He said as much to Butler, who gave a long-suffering sigh.
"You wanted to learn how to defend yourself, and have been practicing substantially since your last jaunt through time. Why not give archery a try? It will build up muscle tone in your upper body." Butler argued. Artemis needed PE credit, and the only way to do that was to join a sports club.
Artemis took a moment to stare at his rather suffering bodyguard. Would archery really be that bad? Besides, if he didn't like it, he could just join the croquet club. He could play croquet pretty well. Artemis nodded. "Alright, I'll sign up for the Archery club first day."
Butler smiled, glad his friend was giving it a shot. Butler also thought privately that joining a club might make Artemis open up and make friends-human ones this time.
Truth be told Artemis wasn't too keen on going to college. He had the highest tested IQ in Europe, and has published articles in psychology journals and delivered a lecture on Balkan politics, and so much more. Prior he was happy that while physically he was 15, legally he was 18 and no longer needed to attend St. Bartelby's. Who needed the useless institution of college? He thought perhaps he wouldn't mind as much if he could just take the online courses, and stay home, but his father and mother had insisted on a "normal young adult experience" in school. Artemis countered that he got through his previous schooling just fine without any "normal experiences."
And Artemis had a couple, while not normal, common experiences. He'd been bullied a couple of times, but of course that mostly all stopped as soon as Artemis took his revenge on first the bully. Then when it had continued, on their family fortune and assets. Then he was pretty much left alone and words did not hurt him. Another reason Artemis didn't so much as have a scar on him was Butler, and his bodyguard would be coming with Artemis to T on his parent's request, though he'd have followed Artemis either way. It was a simple matter to move into his dorm room, though Butler did most of the heavy lifting.
The hardest part for Artemis was signing up for the Archery Club. He really didn't want to learn how to shoot a primitive weapon, but it wasn't like Artemis was planning to go hunting with it now was he? The Club would meet on the grass field near the football field every Friday morning and Saturday's were optional. Artemis fairly enjoyed his classes- Economics, Political Science, Organization and Management, Sociology, Mathematics and Statistics, and Polish- all required for his Business degree program. Artemis had always known he'd go into business, so this was the best school to attend for it.
Artemis listened to his Archery instructor, already knowing the basic information he was giving the rather small class. Not including Artemis there were only 12 students. Artemis and 6 other boys, and 6 girls, with a grand total of 13 archery students. Being their first day, they were let go early with a list of exercises they should do either on their own or on Saturday with the coach. They were told to eat food that would help them maintain a healthy weight, and to drink lots of water. Though he had a bad feeling about it, Artemis decided to join the others the next morning, because he knew he wouldn't do the exercises on his own.
It was while leaving that he looked at the college football team's practice. The members looked tall and lithely muscular, though some were bulkier than the others, they were obviously built for speed. Artemis looked down at his archery case, which contained his disassembled bow, arm and finger guards, and arrows, and felt determined to succeed in archery. He would never match the speed or muscular build of the football team- or indeed any other males- but Artemis did want to be able to protect himself. Archery would help him gain arm muscles, and running was incorporated into their exercise regiment, so at least he'd be in shape.
Artemis looked back at the football team, watching the goalie shout out helpful hints to his teammates. Artemis blinked surprised to notice the goalie's hair was silver with a section died purple. He thought that was rather stupid, but Artemis had decided to stop judging people and thinking everyone was beneath him. Surely, not all average people were boring and unimaginative.
Artemis stared out the window of his Political Science class. He'd been wrong. Everyone was boring, and worse yet, some were just plain juvenile. Artemis, with his repertoire of scathing insults, fell short of coming up with a word that described the intelligence of the other college students, or lack thereof. Artemis was glad his roommate was hardly ever in their dorm, and if he was there, he was usually sleeping or eating in his "room".
"Ah crap… what did he just say?"
Artemis glanced behind him, and was dully surprised to see the goalie of the football team behind him. His vivid silver and purple hair shined oddly with the natural light, making Artemis wonder how he had missed the young man walking in. He was frantically writing notes, every word the professor was saying Artemis imagined. The two person desk was occupied with the goalie alone, so the likely hood of anyone besides Artemis hearing his whisper was slim. Artemis thought back a moment to what he'd heard the professor say before the goalie whispered.
Noting the time Artemis wrote a quick note and folded it in half just the once, before packing his bag just as the bell rang for the end of class. Standing, Artemis turned to look at the goalie who was scribbling the last thing the professor said.
"Here." Artemis said, the word coming out only slightly louder than a whisper.
The goalie paused in putting away his notebook and took the note reading it carefully. He grinned, recognizing the parts he had been able to write, and the missing (vital he'll later find) information. However when the goalie looked up to thank the dark-haired teen, he found the other had already left.
Ruairí was perhaps unfairly happy. His second year of college was draining his bank account faster than he could put in it seemed like, but he was still that much closer to his goal. It'd been his goal to become a lawyer for little over three years. Before he had thought of just continuing on in football, or becoming run-of-the-mill business man like his dad. But, it was amazing what interning could do for a person. He'd interned at a law firm in Dublin, M.O.P. he called it. He'd been inspired, one could say, watching the lawyers in the White Collar Division, and decided that was what he wanted to do. He was rather good at spotting details that the others missed and they had appreciated his input and fresh eyes.
It was one case in particular though, that had caught Ruairí's attention. It was referred to as the "Fowl Files." Interesting enough that it was huge, perhaps the largest file in all of Ireland, but most importantly, what he saw was only one file on one Fowl. Apparently the Fowls' were underground Crime Lords, dating back for generations upon generations. It was all rumor and speculation, but with so much circumstantial evidence, Ruairí figured at least some of it had to be true. When Ruairí was called by his old boss and told that The Artemis Fowl II would be attending the same school as him, Ruairí had nearly spat out his energy drink.
Ruairí had been almost hyper aware of anyone with dark hair and wearing immaculate suits, as that was the only sure sign he had of Artemis Fowl the second. Not surprisingly, Ruairí didn't catch site of the "criminal mastermind" his first day there. Nor did he see him the next few days while the students settled and clubs met up and were established. By the time he was sitting in his Political Science class frantically writing every word his professor spoke, Ruairí had all but forgotten to look for Fowl. So, imagine his surprise when once having left his class he was jumped by his childhood friend and fellow, Tristan Campbell.
"I feel sorry for you mate, a class with Artemis Fowl. Did he show up the prof. yet?"
Ruairí stumbled, both under the weight of his friend and because of the question. "What?"
Tristan frowned, looking not at Ruairí but at someone in the distance. "Fowl. You know, that jerk-wad I went to St. Bartelby's with? Artemis Fowl II ringing any bells?"
Ruairí hurriedly glanced around looking for said person before he froze, remembering the boy who handed him the note. "No… he didn't show up the professor. He helped me actually, see?" He pulled out the notes Artemis had written for him. "You went to school with him? I don't remember you talking about him…."
Tristan took the note staring at the writing. "I didn't want to think about Fowl when I was actually having fun. Interesting though, he's never helped anyone before. He's a complete loner and he never spoke unless someone was taunting him. And they usually never bothered him again after that day, or disappeared from the school. Be sure to thank him so you don't end up in the same way."
Ruairí frowned. "I think you're making him out to be worse than he really is."
"No." Tristan said without missing a beat. "I'm really not."
Ruairí vowed to pay attention next time he saw the other. Calling his old boss, he asked if there was anything he could tell Ruairí about Artemis Fowl II. Again he was thrown for a loop when the man said he wasn't allowed to disclose information about an active person of interest. Ruairí hadn't realized that the file he had seen while working at the firm had been on Artemis the second. Ruairí resorted to the web.
Artemis Fowl II born September 1st, to Artemis Sr. and Angeline Fowl, along with two younger brothers, Myles and Beckett. Then of course the usual information: black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. He is always shadowed by his loyal manservant, a man who goes by the name Butler, not much is known about him, except he is from the Butler family, whatever that meant. Artemis was filthy rich, and has the highest tested IQ in Europe. Ruairí whistled impressed. Artemis Sr. disappeared on a business venture in Russia when Artemis was roughly 9 years old, and the family fortune took a dive, and Artemis Jr. and his mother rarely stepped outside their manor.
Then apparently, Artemis Jr., and his manservant returned from Russia a couple of years later with his father. It's here that information about Artemis gets sketchy at best. People claimed to have seen him in multiple countries all at nearly the same time. He is credited with ruining corporations and saving charities, and some even say he has magic. Other "useful" tidbits were that he was a chess genius and an inventor. There were surprisingly few photos of Artemis, all mostly from a far or glimpses of him from behind Butler. Most were taken before his teenage years, as Artemis had disappeared entirely at age 14, and not reappearing for three years.
Ruairí began to watch Artemis, though he still frantically wrote notes in their Political Science class, his gaze sometimes wandered to the back of Artemis' head. He realized belatedly that Artemis wasn't writing anything, and wondered how smart Artemis was to have known exactly which note Ruairí had missed. Because of his careful observation, Ruairí had completely forgotten to thank Artemis for the notes before the ending bell rang and the genius was gone in a mater of seconds.
The next time Ruairí saw Artemis was at his football practice. He nearly tripped when he saw the genius across the field learning archery. They were learning how to properly shoot or something to that extent, when Ruairí was hit on the head with the black and white football. Ruairí decided to pay attention to his own practice from then on.
Over the next week, Ruairí was able to see more of Artemis in more social situations. The genius was quiet, but entirely unafraid of expressing his opinion when it seemed almost required. Though it was obvious Artemis felt the rest of the student population was intellectually beneath him, he seemed to try not to be unnecessarily cruel. Ruairí figured Artemis just lacked practice in people skills, because they were there, just barely. Ruairí decided he really wanted to get to know Artemis, no matter what Tristan said.
"I don't suppose you'd want to get a drink with me?"
Before Ruairí knew it, as soon as the bell rang he'd gotten up and asked the Artemis Fowl the Second on a date.
"You suppose right."
And was promptly shot down. Ruairí watched crestfallen as Artemis finally actually looked at him, and was surprised to see a look of regret on the genius' face.
"I'm sorry, that was unnecessarily cruel. I have no interest in alcohol."
Ruairí smiled happily. "It doesn't have to be alcohol. I don't mind getting some coffee or tea."
Artemis blinked rather surprised, and said the first thing that came to mind as they began to walk out of their classroom. "You're the football captain and goalie."
Ruairí blushed surprised Artemis knew about him. "You know about me?"
Artemis glanced at Ruairí's hair briefly. "You're hair is very eye-catching and the football field is right next to the archery range."
Ruairí mentally smacked himself. Damn Tristan and his stories. Instead he laughed. "Yeah I guess it is pretty out there. There's a story behind it but it's pretty stupid so I'd rather not say." Ruairí tugged lightly on a strand looking at it as if he didn't see it every time he looked in a mirror.
Artemis and Ruairí didn't have any more classes after political sci. on Fridays, but they did have archery and football practice later in the afternoon. Artemis changed course, walking over to a tree out of the way of others hurrying past so he may talk to Ruairí.
"Why are you inviting me out, if I may ask?" Artemis asked straightforwardly. He really didn't want to be made a joke out of. He'd refrained from doing a background check on Ruairí on Butler's suggestion he get to know people he had interest in rather than making judgments from a file. Naturally, with his curiosity unsatisfied, Artemis had found himself watching Ruairí during his football practices. He'd even once been tempted to watch one of their practice games, but was instantly appalled with himself and instead called Holly to see how she was doing. He felt infinitely better after talking to both her and Foaly.
Ruairí leaned back against the tree smiling slightly. "Well, first to thank you for giving me the notes that I had missed the first day of class. I never thanked you properly or otherwise, and I thought it was about damn time. Secondly, I like the look of you. Not just your face or appearance mind you, but the way you interact with the world. You're kind of standoffish and seem separate from everyone else, but other times you blend in so seamlessly that I can't imagine the scene without you in it." Ruairí blushed, realizing he'd said too much and stopped, lips tightly closed.
Artemis fought down his own blush, cursing his too pale skin. "I see… that was strangely honest."
Ruairí grinned, instinctively feeling he was 'in.' "So, would you like to have tea or coffee with me?" Ruairí paused. "My name's Ruairí by the way."
Artemis smirked. "I know. However I'm not in the mood for tea." Artemis watched as Ruairí frowned, eyes getting slightly wider with surprise at the rejection. "But lunch wouldn't be amiss."
Ruairí grinned watching Artemis' own face lightly blush at his own teasing. Ruairí realized then that Artemis was in fact a little shy. "I had been warned you were a genius. This just proved it I think."
Ruairí laughed while Artemis gave a pleased smiled.
Ruairí was pleasantly surprised when Artemis allowed him to choose where to eat and even walked there with him.