Mic Mic: Hey all! I'm so happy you checked this out again. I'm also glad so many are checking out my collab fic with Eva Moonstroke. The tumblr has lots of teasers and art so check out that too!

Glad you came out to read Jack Fox again! His story already has more chapter written and an ending. I hope you really enjoy this it's going to be spicy so be prepared!

Warning: Slight lime at ending.

Disclaimer: I don't own Jack Frost from Dreamworks or Rapunzel from Tangled. If I did they'd meet, pull a Nip at your Nose, and become canon.

Warmth enveloped her as it had begun to do on those unusually chilly memories as the small ivory furred fox cuddled in close to rest upon Rapunzel's chest. Her eyes creaked open with mild recognition as the rather adorable creature yawned cutely, before nuzzling back into the curve of her chest.

The girl emitted a light sigh from her lips, gently lifting the comfortable fox from its position and sitting him beside her.

"Jack, I told you no." She chastened kindly, abruptly closing her eyes tightly as his form began to transfigure. He did this every morning, it had become a viscous cycle since the few weeks ago he'd come to stay with her. Even when she locked the door, barred the windows, and put him behind the oversized baby gate he still managed to sneak into her bed. She had to give him credit for determination at least; maybe it wouldn't have been so embarrassing if he didn't shift every time she was in full view of him.

His form began to easily morph into that of a human youth. Snow white ears elongated to perk up through tufts of matching silver hair, as strands wore together to create a bushy silver white tail. The creature in question merely tossed his fingers through his ruffled new locks, slyly glancing up at Rapunzel through them; his strands once again defying gravity with ease.

"You can watch you know. It's not as if you haven't seen me before." He evenly remarked; a rolling coyness embedded within his tone as he lazily rolled onto his back.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Put on your pants!" Her hands shook as she awkwardly rose from her place on the bed, pressing a lone extra bed-sheet into his hands; worriedly catching the innocent pout that her new companion avidly displayed. With a heavy exhale her hands cautiously moved forward and she began to tie the object around his waist, her chest brushing against his own through the thin delicate pajama fabric. He couldn't take it any longer as she finished the action and his fingers curled around her own, heaving her in to fall against him.

"I want my mate to be closer. Jack prefers it just like this." His curve of scarlet drew out to lick her cheek once again, affectionately continuing the motion as she laid flush against him. Her eyes squeezed closed at the tightening in her belly, a firm heat peppering her from his sharpened claws skimming along her waistband. She squeaked as his fingers curved down trailing over the back of her pajama shorts, her own hands fervently reaching back to stall him, before he caught her wrists in his grip.

"Jack, l-let go." She skittishly instructed, merely getting a shake of his head in response. A lone fang trailed out of his lips as he curled them forward to capture her own plump frontier in a deepened kiss. The powerful caress that drew her in silenced her protests, as his hands bound her own in place behind her to no longer deter him.

A humming growl ejected out of the callous lips pressed flush on her own as he whispered words of mischief in each kiss against them. "Don't-wanna." It was more than enough to make a spring of delight well up in her belly that she tried to fight within herself. His palms didn't even put the slightest bit of pressure upon her, and yet he captured her wrists perfectly in place behind her. His claw lazily traced her hips, the skin covered being unfortunate for him. He wanted to free it to his sight but knew if he saw it he'd lose his senses and make her his. He couldn't do that, even though he knew she'd love it every second he imparted his unending desire for her by his side. He wanted his Rapunzel to willingly accept him. Jack's silver ears twitched forward, pleasantly catching her quiet whimper and he was earnest in his curious gentle caresses as she struggled in his hold.

Moving toward her bed that he readily claimed for his own, he eased her the short distance to fall back upon it. He propped her back up against the convenient pillows, hands still holding her in place so she couldn't push him away. Her half-lidded eyes drew upward as she shyly viewed the state he had her in, heart pounding beyond all reason each time he skimmed a slice of flesh. She glanced up at him with a light whimper, feeling even more vulnerable at his intense gaze communicating everything he desired without a single word. She was thoroughly trapped now, body and soul to his lone searching claw upon her covered hip.

"Mmm, you're just right for me, mate. The perfect curves to bear me lots of kits." His nail trailed upward as he rolled up the edge of her loose shirt, picking inside her bellybutton with an interested gaze. That light touch was too much as she went limp within his hold. That one curve of ivory making her come undone, as her hands stopped fighting and she buried her face into the hollow of his neck. An airy moan escaping her lips as she gave up. Even though her cheeks were burning outside the limits of belief, quivering emerald somehow met the powerful call of snowflake irises, wondering just how long she could survive if he didn't stop.

"Hmph...why do these bits of fabric mean so much to you? It's not as if they hide anything, you're better off without them. I hate waiting." He commented, freeing her limp hands from her back and possessively lacing them up around his neck. Leaning down he kissed her fully, enjoying the blissful way her hands tightened around his neck to naturally draw him in.

"I can smell that you want them off." He hummed out against her scarlet cheek. She stiffened as his bare chest laid flat upon the thin cloth of her pajamas, her pounding heart unable to still itself from his invading aura. It was all too much. He was too much. She thought she might burst now as his kisses trailed down her neck, lightly suckling the skin he captured between his prickly fangs.

"We-you have to get dressed. Remember the rules." Her quaking voice didn't seem very strong of an enforcement as he tilted his head to the side emitting a light growl of question. He admired her shivering form, everything about it; everything about his mate was perfect. She glanced at him with eyes of longing, proving to him that he was the only one who had ever been gratified with such a privilege.

Jack's throat emitted a low rumble of bliss against her throat, as he rose slightly to capture trembling rouge curves in a sweetened kiss that took her very breath away. He stalled there before them, catching the flush buds of flesh again and again; as she emitted a meager sound of delight. Powerful hands drawn to be gentle caressed her hips as he hungrily drew her in, panting in need each time she shyly inch back to part his searching lips from her own. Each fresh gulp of air she took was not nearly enough as he came down to meet her once again. Alert ears that perked up straight treasured every sound she made, as his swishing tail showed clear evidence at his happiness. He was complete in skimming the rosy brims that delivered to him each sweetened gasp of delight. In all his existence he'd never experienced anything more blissful than this. A few more pressing kisses and he reluctantly parted his lips from hers, leaving her breathless; her chest heaving in an urgent plea for oxygen.

"Alright..." He murmured stubbornly, aggressively tossing the sheet off and reaching for his azure hoodie, throwing it on over his head. He didn't mind the soft fabric of the material; it just felt better to walk around freed of all that extra new weight. Rapunzel just wouldn't let him have his way, no matter how simple being free would have been for both of them.

"How did you even get in here last night?" The words left her flush lips in a tiny sputter that Jack was clearly entertained by.

"Not-telling~." He replied in a sing-song fashion. He'd only been with Rapunzel for three weeks now, he most assuredly wasn't going to give up the secret crevices he snuck through and his new discoveries about the amazing invention humans called locks.

"Hmm." Rapunzel murmured the words in a nervous fashion, drawing her blanket tightly around her shoulders to cover herself up. Her floor length hair was knotted in various places, a clear mess of tangles here that needed a stern grooming. A forlorn sigh escaped her lips as she ran her fingers over the familiar locks.

"I can't-get it-" Jack mumbled with a look of frustration, as he fiddled with the uncomfortable human fastening. With a mere turn of her head her eyes flittered downward then quickly back up again. Jack was apparently struggling with the zipper on his pants.

"Just um...pull it up." She lugged the wrapped blanket tighter around her neck so only her face peaked out of the comfortable shawl.

"This is why I said I don't need these things." He mumbled reaching over to snag Rapunzel's hand in earnest. As he pulled it forward she hurriedly tore away as if he had seared her with fire.

"Wh-what?! Jack I'm not gonna zip you up." She sputtered, certain that she was reddening beyond belief at this point.

"But I need your help." The fox boy stated, eagerly sitting back on his haunches before her with a wagging tail. She let her eyes flitter down to the dangerous clothing, grateful at least that he'd thrown on the boxers she'd bought for him.

"Just um, take them off and I'll show you how." She stammered, eyes burning into the suddenly rabid material.

"I know how, it's stuck. Just come help me." He urged, gripping her reluctant hand and placing it on the zipper. What had she ever done to be thrown into situations like this?! His masculine hips rolled up to get comfortable, causing her to jerk her hand away as if he'd burned her. He blinked up at her mischievously with an ample grin, amused that she had been shocked by his movement of ease.

"Are you afraid of it Rapunzel? I promise it won't hurt you, in fact quite the opposite." His teasing words made her light up crimson as she shook her head, attempting to casually grip the metal in one hand as the other gripped the bottom of the flap.

"I'm not afraid." She tried to ignore that softened flesh she knew was beneath her fingers, and did her best to focus on securing the article he thought with the most under his tightened jeans. She awkwardly pulled at the zipper trying to wrench it free, her fingers pressing and skimming against the fabric. She jumped as he released a deepened groan, splaying a hand out to massage the small of her back. "Please stop teasing me and making these sounds." She urged nervously. "I'm trying to concentrate on this."

"Ugh, I'm not-teasing you right now..." He muttered out, fingers rubbing a pattern in that curved hollow of space he'd captured. His ears folded downward upon his head as he faintly hissed in a breath, his downy tail urgently twitching from side to side like a haunting pendulum. His gentle massaging motion felt pleasant to her aching back as she smiled down at him fondly.

"Hmpf, you always tease." She pouted sweetly, trying to roughly jerk up the stuck material. Razor sharp incisors bit into the swell of his lips, as his fingers suddenly grasped the fabric of her shirt tightly in his hands; pulling it as an urgent grunt exited his lips.

"What did I tell you? If you keep wanting to be bad I'm going to punish you with no treats this week." He could hardly take it any longer as her velvety fingers unknowingly drove him to ruin and he sat up promptly dropping the article of clothing to the ground. Rapunzel immediately let out a squeak of indignation, throwing the blanket over his boxers faster than lightning.

"Come on, Rapunzel." The creature rolled out the words on the edge of his tongue, once again bringing forth his familiar mischief. She'd enticed him into it; he'd tried to be tame for her but his unbridled primitive nature took a hold when she ignited him like that. He lazily pushed the sheet she held to the side, after all a little scrap of fabric could hardly keep him and his mate apart.

The item briskly fell to the ground beside the given jeans, as he crawled closer toward her shocked state, with a look of clear interest. As she moved to push him away he captured her wrists again, lifting them up to pin them beside her head with one authoritative hand. Glittering jewels of emerald strength widened as he pressed against her and she felt it, realizing it was an even worse idea than she thought to have attempted helping him with his jeans.

"J-Jack, this isn't being good. You're going to get a punishment."

"Don't care, Jack doesn't wanna be good right now." His smirk carved its design of misbehavior as he stringently analyzed her beneath him; his tail swishing pleasantly back and forth in a lulling motion.

"Besides, I think you're the one who's in a position to get punished by me instead." His fingers nimbly brushed her heavy locks away from the milky expanse of her neck, as he leaned in closer to delicately nip along the surface; tasting her skin as a careful practice of things hoped for. She turned her eyes away, squeezing them shut tightly as he drew in the sensitivities upon her neck, her heartbeat racing out of control as a withering moan escaped her swollen lips. Her blushing cheeks urged him more as he glanced over her, delicately turning her cheek so she directly met his feral eyes.

"Mates don't need to be embarrassed around each other." He whispered the words of his decided future into her reddened skin, assured that today would be the day she relented. Now was his moment, he'd thoroughly prepared her. After all, wasn't one week enough to decide? It had been three! How much patience did she think he had? He didn't need a second longer to know she was the one he desperately wanted forever. He would never leave her unsatisfied to want another. He would bring her fresh kills everyday, and they'd fill the cabin with kits every spring. And he'd love her with every fiber of his being. It would be good; A perfect existence for them both.

Rapunzel's fingers ached to do something, anything, but she was frozen in place again and unable to draw herself away from his soft nips upon her neck. There wasn't anything to his roguish words. All he said was just the silliness of a...well, a whatever he was. It was as if he had the mind of an animal!

She supposed she should have expected it, given his habit of shifting before bedtime. Obviously he wanted to be close to her and she surely would have deposited him back outside her bedroom door if she'd discovered him lying in her bed again. No matter how she tried to keep him out he always found a way back into her arms. She almost considered not complaining, given that he was quite warm in his fox form, and less embarrassing.

"We aren't mates." Rapunzel shyly mumbled, feeling slightly guilty for attempting to shatter his illusion.

"It's just a matter of time. You'll accept us soon." He confidently uttered, moving to nuzzle his face into her hair with a softened purr.

"Jack, you have to g-get off." The blonde in question pushed at the eager creature with a fervent strength, trying to the squelch that bubbling exuberance that settled somewhere in her stomach at his affectionate actions. He was obviously set in the idea, and nothing, especially not fastened logic, seemed to deter him.

"I told you already that if you want to live here you need clothes."

Jack's gaze flittered down momentarily as he ignored her words, weaving his fingers through Rapunzel's heavy strands. His nose was still actively taking in her scent. "It's like hay made of silken gold."

"Hay?" Rapunzel questioned, lifting her eyebrow with a slight curl of laughter. Perhaps Jack was a bit too intrusive, yet he held within him a certain kind of light that had dimmed in her soul through blanketed darkness. It seemed foolish to desire anyone to caress their fingers through her hair again, for selfishness was the only result of such an action. However, Jack's gentle touch whirled reluctance and foolishness into fervent abandon, gracing her with a new perspective that she was only recently easing into.

"Mm hmm, I sleep in it sometimes on the coldest nights of the winter. Though most of the time I just stay outside."

"Why's that?" Rapunzel questioned, finding her form leaning into his soothing exploration of her tangled locks.

"Because when the farmers catch you in there then...you don't see each other anymore." A sullen look displayed itself on the once overactive creature's face. He hated the sound of heavy boots crunching away the utterance of life from his frozen brothers and sisters with every monstrous step closer.

"Hey, hey! It's gonna be alright." Rapunzel's fingers stalled from their space on Jack's chest, listening to the pounding of his heart that only managed to increase with every scarce second. His eyes met hers with a sort of complete surrender, something almost completely foreign to a guarded entity as she. Even though he had endured Hell itself, the light had not yet faded from his eyes. She wanted once again to see that glow resonating within herself and not ripped away by darkened rooms and scarce sustenance.

"It seems like yellow is always saving me, in one way or another." Jack's fingers glided smoothly along the strands as he brought them upward to rest against his lips. That subtle motion in all its chaste affection plunged through her weeded resistance, all at once transfiguring into something whole and new, embedding a solid treasure of memory within her heart.

"Just like silver." Her voice stalled at the closeted thoughts, days of moonlight creeping into her psyche that were the only break through her empty darkness.

"Hmm, you're warming up, Rapunzel." He hummed the words with clear allure, currently inching closer so that his forehead rested against her own. His lips curved themselves upward in a delicate half-moon of fragrant mischief as he leaned in smoothly to dominate her honeyed flesh of strawberries as he imparted his roughened kiss. He melded there, a slice of mild pink barely trailing within the peeping crevice of her lips as he growled out in need. Her sliver of nervous crimson brushing his own was more than enough to solidify the future he desired, as he parted from her for only a flicker of a second to deliver his message. "I guess it's settled then, now let's mate."

Alarm suddenly rang within her as she felt her back collide with the mattress, the action only lasted for a momentary second as she rapidly pressed her hands into the urgent fox's hoodie, attempting to move him off of her. "I didn't say that!" For goodness sakes he was eager!

"Why do you want to mate with me so badly? Other than...you know?" She murmured out the words with a slight apprehension, unable to meet his longing gaze.

"Why wouldn't we? You like me don't you?" Jack let out a low growl of frustration as she pushed at his chest, he didn't want to stall the future.

"I like you...but it's a difference in liking…and I-we've only known each other for three weeks!" At Rapunzel's words the impish creature rested his arms idly on either side of her.

"I don't understand humans. First you were all mad about those "clothes", and now you have time limits on how long before you mate? It's confusing. Once you find your mate, why waste time when you can be together?"

"Because, there's no way of knowing for sure if we're um...compatible. You know these things take time."

"Oh! So we'll mate after the lines on the wooden circle go around a few times?" Jack's tail swished back and forth behind him clearly disturbing the sheets into a bunched pile. His head tilted to the side with an eagerness at his hopeful future, already prepared for her agreement.

"Not that soon, I mean we have to learn things from each other, like what food the other likes, our favorite things to do, and the things we feel each day." She nodded avidly feeling increasing uncomfortable at Jack's quickening proximity. Was he paying attention to her at all, or was he too busy thinking with everything else he'd been given? A sudden gasp left her lips at the heat radiating upon her and she was clearly sure her words had in no way deterred him.

"I already found a new treat that I like best, looks like tasting it's becoming my favorite thing to do." His tongue darted out to lick sweetly upon her cheek as his fingers interlaced in the strands of her lengthened hair with purpose. Her eyes widened as a light whine burst past her lips, a cherry hue betraying her faltering stance against him.

"And I'm sure you can guess how I'm feeling right now, though if you'd like to check be my guest. I won't stop you." A pinprick of subtle delight raced through Rapunzel's heart that she scarcely indulged at his open touches. His fingers drifted downward to curl under her lower back, forcing her closer into his embrace.

"Just say 'Yes', and we can be together." The words encased such a lonesome aura that Rapunzel felt cruel for her rejections. Nevertheless, she couldn't just give into him this way. It would have been not only poor judgment, but entering into the abyss of reliant companionship that she dared not to encounter.

"Jack, hold on, just-just calm down!" She urged with nervous look, her fingers pushing against his shoulders to urge him away.

"Mrruah." He let out the impatient grunt as she met his gaze with shyness, wanting more than anything for her to finally just say that word. "It won't be any fun if you don't hold onto me." He stated with a pout, causing her eyes to widen at the comment. His fingernail trailed down her neck, pleasantly running the sharpened tip along her collarbone with delight.

"I bet my mate can really squeal, hmm? I like that. That's something you should remember." He stated with a smirk of delight, as her emerald orbs tracked the descending path of his finger.

A fragrant heat burned again and she considered she'd never gain her peachy cheeks again by his side."Wh-what are you saying...things like that, we don't even really...know each other."

His tail was flicking in a pleasant swish back and forth, making her realize he was starting to get a little too frisky. Her hand upon his shoulder moved to take his finger away before it dipped any further, only managing to make him to catch her fingers between every one of his.

"We can get to know each other this way, it's faster." He hummed out a sweetened tune that vibrated in her veins before he spoke again against the hollow of her throat. "Mate, you're so warm, and your scent is so strong...like a thousand fire flowers of molten gold. I can taste you in the air. Oh, it, it makes me so wild. I want to devour every part of you." His lips broke apart as the aromatic scent nearly overpowered him, driving him into a lightened haze only his chosen mate could lure him into.

"Rapunzel...let me." He smoothly growled out, sweetly trailing a salmon indulgence along the sensitivities of her neck, as she breathed out his name in gentle pants laced with mild frustration. "Jahck I-I-" Why did he have to do that there! It was as if he knew all the places that would make her weak, her voice only able to release light whimpers of resistance every-time he procured another taste. "Yes..." He purred, blissful at the sound that emerged from her throat. His hands skirted underneath the fabric of her pajama shirt, gently massaging the cushiony skin that rested upon her stomach.

"You're so soft. I want to feel every part of you that's even more delicate than this." Her fingers tingled where they were laced in one captured palm, hands quivering in a tightened grip upon his shoulders. He was so determined. She couldn't seem to do anything to stop his solicitous onslaught, somehow enamored by his gentle touch.

Palms tarried upward along the expanse of her ribs higher and higher before the alarms blared once again as hands curled into a cupping motion, he was touching her...he was touching her-?! Her foggy mind was cleared in that second and she jerked upward with a noise of trepidation, causing him to jump back as if he'd been seared with fire.

"No! I said no!" She urgently stated. Her arms crossed over her chest defensively as she curled into the headboard.

"Mrh but it was getting-" His pout was interrupted by her voice, violently perturbed it seemed by his actions. He couldn't understand. She was his female and he hadn't done anything more than touch her? Why had she jumped as if he'd hurt her, once he'd caressed that tender pink skin in his palm.

"I'll build you a fox house and put you outside. Don't think I won't do it." She threatened, nervously meeting his gaze with fierce promise.

"Outside?! But it's cold out there." He stated with a disgruntled pout.

"I'll put out a heater." She stubbornly replied, curling her fingers around her shoulders.

"I'll always be cold if you aren't there with me." He stated, his ears falling flat upon his head.

Rapunzel's hands loosened a bit around her chest as that tightened frustration once again ebbed a little at his romantic nature. Was it natural for him to speak such words that reeled her in and made her forget her anger, if for only a moment?

"You have to stay out of my room, Jack. I can't handle all of this right now." She murmured, tightening her defensive breastplate as he neared her once more. "Hmm, I'll handle it for you, Mate."

Rapunzel shook her head, her back now melding with the headboard as he crawled over her. His nails drifted pleasantly along the curve of her neck, inciting her shiver with every light drag. "I told you we-we aren't mates."

"Then why are you shivering like that." He inquired, purring softly as he continued the ministrations.

"That's just...you do all these things." Her fingers laced together, fiddling with one another as her eyes darted anywhere but toward his intense cerulean eyes. The way he looked at her, it was like he was treacherously piecing her apart. She didn't know what to think, trying to deny how much she wanted more.

"That's right and you loved all of it. That's because you're already mine even if you don't want to admit it. My nose can pick up whatever you really like it. You want me so much that it's in the air."

"You-you're so." She bit her lip stammering as he came closer, her hands reaching up to press against his shoulders to try and keep him back.

His lips met their target bumping against her forehead in a delicate caress, a softened whimper of affection escaping his lips.

His weight abruptly fell to rest deftly on the open sheets beside her as he curled her within himself. "Let's sleep in."

"Jack, I told you, you can't sleep here." His tail merely curled around her in response as he encased her in a delicate cocoon of warmth.

"If you kick me out, I'll just sneak in later. I'm staying beside you all day.I don't want to waste anytime once you change your mind about mating." His words were heavy with confidence as he let out a loud yawn, comfortably burying his face in her golden locks.

"Wake me up when you're ready." She let out a sigh deciding she wouldn't refuse him this one last time as she finally lay against him to drift away, melding into his softened caress and letting herself drift off into sleep.