Hello all! Here is the next chapter. I am sorry for the lateness of it all. Life is sooo hectic right now it's crazy I barely have time to scratch myself let alone update as much as I want to.

Please forgive me.

We're starting to get more into depth on Ari's powers now.

Tell me what you think.



"Oh! That girl! Honestly I don't know what has gotten into her!" Hermione seethed beside me. I kept my eyes on the ground. I knew what was wrong with her. I was 'invading on her territory' apparently. How, I have no idea but it was very clear by her body language and comments I was a very unwelcomed person in her eyes. Oh and it didn't help that I could see all the nasty things she was thinking either. If half the things Ginny wished would happened to me in her mind actually happened, I wouldn't just be dead. I would be a crater. Literally. Sometimes I really wished I was just normal and didn't know what was going on in people's minds. I don't even mean to do it1 sometimes t just happens. Just another brilliant thing about being me...out of control powers. Yay. I shook my head, sighed and tuned back into Hermione who was still ranting.
"...believe she has turned into such a trollop! Are you okay?" I jerked and looked up at her. She was wearing a look of worry. I knew she was worried about me. IN one of our late night conversations we had a few nights ago, I confessed I had a thing for Harry and that I was utterly crazy because I barely knew him and it was all too soon and that Ginny seemed to have marked her territory (to which my darling best friend announced that Harry wasn't a tree to be marked). Hermione, like that amazing women she was gave me a hug and told me that no matter what had gotten into Ginny (We had come up with crazy reasons why she was acting like she was, including possible alien body invasion) Harry was most definitely not interested in her one bit and she (the ever knowing Hermione) had a gut feeling Harry was interested in me but she was happy to do some slight prodding to see what Harry really thought. It was that moment alone I had wanted to spill my guts to her and tell her all about whom and what I was. I had kept a secret so long. I mean yes, Hermione knew a very small amount of information, like how I am slightly more powerful than the other witch and how my family lineage goes back further than most purebloods but she had no idea just how powerful I was. I hated keeping it from her. She was so supportive and stuck up for me when it came to Ginny as well as all the people wanting to 'get to know' the new girl. But no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't. I was banned from telling anyone about the real me. Only the Headmaster really knew the depths of my powers and what could happen. Right now was a rough time in life. .For the next year or so I would go through a tremendous transformation of power where I would open my soul to the Old Ones and their full powers would flow through me. According to my mother, it was a very painful very scary experience. She had my father by her side when it happened. Me? I would have no one. The Headmaster offered that when the time came I could have him but I declined. I respected Professor Dumbledore tremendously, but I wanted to spend it with someone close. Possibly if I was a blessed as my mother, someone I loved and trusted with everything. I mean it was a big thing to go through...I guess I just didn't want to go through it alone. I just wanted someone, someone my age and close to me, to know dump my secret on. To lighten my load and have an understanding person to hug me when I over thought it. What I really wanted was someone...anyone to call my own. I've never had that. I shouldn't complain too much. I do have Hermione and Ron and even Harry and a few others who have welcomed me into their lives no questions asked. I will stop whinging now. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Damn! I was too busy in my own mind I forgot to answer Hermione.
Suddenly I felt a rush of warmth spread through me. My vision filled with a white light. No no no Damn it! Not now! I was suddenly sucked into the owner of the hands mind.

Flashes of light rushed past me stopping at random intervals. I saw a small child with long bushy hair sitting at a man's feet reading a book, a couple dancing to soft jazz music with a small child laughing and spinning around them, the same child being bullied by other children and crying in the bathroom, sitting on the bed crying and trying to focus on the book, the girl holding a tall man's hand watching as they lowered a casket in the pouring rain both with tears running down their faces and a auburn hair lady hugging them both tightly, a flurry of owls dropping of letters and the girl screaming in excitement, watching a wall at what looked like a train station before running at it and going through, smiling at a large red train, hugging her parents goodbye and jumping on the train, running into a round boy before following him, boats, a huge man and an even bigger castle, the girl running up to an old hat and sitting down all excited before hearing GRYFFINDOR being yelled out, her hand shooting up in all lessons, a fight with two boys, one raven haired and the other red haired, crying in the bathroom again, a troll, hugging the red head and the raven hair boy. The images spun faster and faster and I heard a loud scream but couldn't move. I saw large yellow eyes reflected in a mirror followed by another scream, than I saw my face...a younger me...and my parents.* I must be in Hermione's memories * I could see a huge Hippogriff, a convict, running, punching a blonde boy, whispers of a time turner, a sandy haired man change into a werewolf, riding a Hippogriff, a large cup, ships coming out of the lake, flying carriages, pretty blondes, tall dark men, dancing with a tall dark man, a dragon, being dragged into Dumbledore's office and being told we were being knocked out and placed under water, being rescued by tall dark man, hugging a raven haired man, watching two bodies crashed to earth, crying, fighting, gathering of a large group of people, a toad like lady, a giant, centaurs. I saw my own face and felt so much warmth and excitement. I heard the scream again and suddenly...it stopped.
I fell to the ground gasping for air. My head was pounding and I felt queasy. I felt the presence of someone behind me.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled, trying to catch my breath. "Please." I added softly.
"Ari, what is it?" I heard Harry saying. I looked up from my knees and saw he was in front of me with a look of worry and concern on my face. I could feel the blackness start to enter my vision. I couldn't let him know what happened. I wasn't even sure exactly what happened.
"'Eadache." I mumbled trying to ease Harry's worry. And I wasn't exactly lying. My head felt like a million Hippogriffs were marching through it. "I'm okay 'Arry." I almost reached out to touch him but pulled back. I didn't want to touch anyone until I knew it wouldn't happen again. I swayed on my knees and felt my stomach lurch.
"Where is Mione?" I asked softly, trying to evade the forthcoming darkness as much as I could.
"She's with Ron. Apparently she has a headache as well." Harry didn't sound too convinced with our excuse. I hoped I hadn't hurt her. I honestly didn't mean to go anywhere near her mind! That's what I get for letting my guard down. I won't do that again. The affairs of Harry and Ginny will not again cross my mind. The thought made my heart clench.
"I'm sorry." I whispered afraid I had hurt Hermione and afraid that I had lost Harry before I even had a chance to get him. It was with that depressing thought that the darkness finally took over.