Title: The Silent Dance

Summary: Until they saw, he would dance and his wife would join him. And they will dance until the heavens break.

Hello, all. This is just a short one-shot this time. It's very personal to me. It's dedicated to my baby. He would have been a May baby. I always loved May. Enjoy.


He found her sitting among the cherry blossoms. The wind blew her hair around, making it apart of the loose blossoms and snow. Her arms were raised as if calling the wind and snow to her. Her eyes were lost in the clouded sky.

He said nothing as he approached her. Nor did say anything to her when he lifted her to her feet. Tears slid absently down her face. He knew they were probably dripping down his face too. There were no words to comfort her so he held her and danced. He danced softly with gradual sways and turns. He could feel her swaying and turning with him.

She held him close as did he. They did nothing but dance. The cherry blossoms and snow danced with them. If there were any gods, Naruto hoped they were watching.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the grave of his first born. He hoped the gods were watching so they could see how cruel they were. Until they saw, he would dance and his wife would join him. And they will dance until the heavens break.
