Author's Note:
Hey guys! I am sosososososo sorry that I haven't this in ages! I know I'm really slow with updates but I hope you guys carry on reading this any way because I do really like writing this story. I've also been really busy with schools and I also have exams coming up to so I don't know how often I'll be able to update but I promise that I will! Also, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing so I always have to make sure that I'm really happy with it. But anyway I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm certainly feeling TVD withdrawal now from ANOTHER hiatus. Seriously, how many do they need?!
THANKYOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE REVIEWS! I was amazed at the response I had from the first chapter but honestly, thank you all so much! I know alot of you thought that Caroline shouldn't switch off her humanity but I felt like it was time to give Caroline the chance to have fun and just be carefree! Please review more because I honestly, love love love hearing your opinions on how you think the story should go! Thank you for reading and Enjoy!
Stefan had run all the way to the Forbes' family home, only to find that Klaus was already there. He had run straight to Caroline's room where Klaus was already standing in looking – dare he say – numb and emotionless. The room was still in the same state as it had been from the previous night with everything in a total mess. He could already picture Caroline running around the entire house tidying and shouting at both he and Klaus to help her but he knew that that Caroline would not be returning any time soon.
He had been in such a deep thought that he had only just realised that Caroline wasn't actually present in the room with them.
"Where is Caroline?" He asked Klaus confusedly. He watched Klaus' face turn towards his blankly as if he had no words to say. All that Klaus did was look towards the bed where a single sheet of paper was lying. Stefan's heart sank upon seeing it. He prayed that this wasn't what he thought it was. It just can't be.
He picked up the piece of paper that Caroline's neat and intricate hand writing was placed upon. He didn't quite want to read it in hopes that maybe, just maybe, she would suddenly come in.
To whoever finds this first - I expect either Klaus or Stefan,
I'm already long gone by the time you've read this. Don't try and look for me because I am done. There's nothing left for me anymore in Mystic Falls. I'm tired of everything and everyone and you know what, I'm unashamed to say that I just want to live my life and have some fun now. Honestly, I finally feel free and that is why I'm leaving.
I can already see Stefan's brooding disappointment face but you don't get to judge me. It's nice to finally just not care and live my life the way I want to. I would say sorry for the harsh words I said, but really, I was simply telling the truth. In the end, honesty is the best policy – you'd agree with me there wouldn't you, Klaus?
I'm not going to allow myself to be the same girly, weak little Caroline anymore. I am done being pushed around by everyone; always being the bait; always being the damsel in distress. Thank you for trying to help me but I don't need it.
I might be back sometime soon but I have some business to take care of for the time being. You know what they say - An eye for an eye, right?
Stefan looked back up at Klaus in shock. He knew that she was struggling with everything but he truly had believed that she would have made it past this. He had always known that Caroline was the best and strongest of all of them. Even through everything she had gone through, she had always remained the one to retain all her humanity and help bring humanity to all the rest of them too.
"She's turned it off." It was the first time that Klaus had said anything since Stefan had arrived at the house. His voice was monotone and blank as if it were to mask any emotions he was feeling underneath.
"She's always been the purest of us all, she'll come back. She'll turn it back on when she's past this." Stefan's voice was dripped in optimism but he didn't know whether he was trying to convince Klaus or himself.
"Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest of hearts are drawn to it." Stefan knew that Klaus' words were true and as much as he wanted to believe that Caroline would come back and be the best friend that he loved, he knew that there was only a slither of hope.
Stefan looked towards Klaus. The expression upon his face was unreadable but somehow, Stefan knew that a part of Klaus had been lost inside of him along with Caroline's humanity. He hadn't wanted to think about the prospects of Klaus and Caroline but he could see how much Klaus really did care about her. He sometimes wondered that, if it weren't for Caroline, Klaus probably would have torn them all from limb to limb.
"What do we do then?" The desperation in Stefan's voice was loud and clear as he looked helplessly back towards the letter.
"I'll make some calls to some contacts to keep an eye out for her. For all we know, she could be anywhere." The monotonous tone on Klaus' voice was a clear sign to Stefan that he was upset.
Stefan walked over to her bed side table to pick up a photo of her, Bonnie and Elena. The picture seemed to have been before all the mayhem of the supernatural started within Mystic Falls and Stefan sometimes wondered what everything would be like if he had never come back for Elena. Everything would have been simpler and everything would be normal.
Suddenly that's when it all clicked for Stefan.
"Wait. Didn't she says she had some 'business to take care of'. What could that be?" He picked the letter back up and read it again.
"Oh no, 'An eye for an eye'. Shit. She's going after Elena." Stefan's mind was swirling trying to process what could happen. His best friend was going after his ex-girlfriend who she was also best-friends with and he was still in love with.
"Well then, time for a trip to the Big Apple then." Klaus finally spoke up and with that both Stefan and Klaus sped out of the house.
Please review! And Thank you again!