A scene of "INTIMACY" lies ahead.
This chapter also contains an unsettling, violent scene...
and lastly...
This chapter is by FAR the longest thing you'll ever read.
You've been warned.
PART 3: Finale
Mittens' POV
We watched the sunset together, as it filled the sky with radiant pinks and oranges in the Florida clouds. The ocean waves splashed below on the beaches. I couldn't believe that ANYTHING could be so beautiful.
My head was resting on Bolt's furry white shoulder. We stood there transfixed on the beautiful sunset over the ocean. Bolt rubbed his canine head next to my canine head. It was apparent he STILL missed me, though I was right here next to him. I knew the feeling wasn't going to go away any time soon. He feared I'd disappear on him again.
I wasn't going to... in fact, it was the very LAST thing I wanted to do. I had no where to go. I had more of a home HERE with Bolt, then anywhere else.
The moment was perfect. I couldn't have created a better scenario within a thousand of my own fantasies!
The very best part about it is that it was REAL. The reason I knew it is because with Prince, all that has ever taken place felt so dreamlike, and sensational with about 3 of my senses instead of all 5. But, now I was FULLY awake, and I was with my white knight. I could feel, see, hear and touch EVERYTHING the intended way they were meant to be. I was fully alert, and nothing blurred my vision or my perception. I was HERE.
And so was he.
A moment like this was more then I could have ever dreamed, and the one bit of doubt I had of it being fake was when we were very abruptly interrupted by Penny, as she called Bolt into the house behind us.
I tilted my head back and sighed in exasperation. "I'm going to KILL her!" I said.
Bolt's ears drooped. "Why? She just called my name."
I smirked, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, She's stealing you from me, Honey."
Bolt's ears perked up again. His eyes widened. "Come again?" He asked.
I realized what I just said. My own eyes widened. Did I just call Bolt "Honey" Out LOUD? My heart started beating faster. "Uhhh... I agree with Penny. You should probably go inside."
Bolt came in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. "Mittens, It's not a big deal. I'm just wondering if you meant it."
"Of COURSE not!" I blurted. "It just slipped out. It's not like I feel that way about you." What was I saying? Of COURSE I felt that way about him. I adored him! Saying "honey" was the LEAST I could do to let him know.
But, seeing his expression now, he looked downwards, as if he was hurt that I didn't mean it. He then looked up at me, his sullen eyes met mine. "Okay." He said.
I felt bad now, and my heart sank. My canine ears drooped as well. "Oh, Bolt..." I leaned forward and wrapped my furry arms around his soft shoulders. A knot formed in my stomach. Bolt closed his eyes and embraced me back, tighter then when I hugged him.
We just sat there for over a minute, and Bolt's ears drooped once again. "You know, the worst part about you being gone... were the dreams." He said. "I ALWAYS thought you came back... sometimes you were still a cat."
I hugged him tighter, and kissed his cheek. "I promise you, this is NOT a dream. If it makes you feel better, I'll strangle EVERY version of my fake, impostor selves for making you think that."
I felt Bolt smile at that, before he slowly leaned back, sliding his front paws down my front legs. Until he touched the ground. I looked down and noticed that our four front paws were touching, sort of in a square.
Man... I may NEVER get used to how BIG my paws are now, compared to how they used to be when I was a cat. I suddenly started to miss those tiny mittens... though they were declawed, they were still a big part of who I used to be. The same white paws are now bigger, with canine claws on them. The thought made me feel very melancholy.
Bolt lowered his head down to where I was staring, and he looked up at me. "You okay?" He asked, in his always cute, worried way.
I nodded. "Sure." But, I doubted I sounded sure at all. I had a sudden overwhelming surge of depression sweep over me. Like a wave on the ocean itself... and I wondered if me and Bolt would've ever gotten as close to one another if I were still a cat. My eyes started to water.
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a large, wet tongue kiss my muzzle. I saw Bolt's large black nose move in closer to my eye, and I noticed his ears were back again, with a concerned look on his face. As his black nose filled my vision, and he gently kissed my eye, wiping away the grime that must've built up, I calmed down... and the depression dissipated. I closed my eyes as Bolt pulled me in for one more hug, and I just felt my head being placed against his chest, as one of his paws rubbed my ears behind my head. His muzzle kissed me on the top of my head, tenderly.
Penny called Bolt again, louder then before, almost irritated. Now I heard Bolt groan. "She's relentless!" He muttered.
My eyes opened as Bolt had to break away from me. He stepped backwards, with a sorry look in his eyes. "I'll... be very quick, I promise."
As Bolt turned around and walked back to the house, I was surprised that I wasn't angry... maybe I should've been. But, beyond Penny interrupting us, something else... another feeling filled my soul, stronger then anything.
Bolt may as well have walked back to the house in slow motion. Because, I just stared... deep and lost in my thoughts. Bolt had a definite ELEGANCE to his movement, with his tail swaying neatly in every step, and his perfect canine hips and hindquarters... so built up from muscle from his action-packed past, as he alternated steps up the stairs to Penny's grandmother's house.
I wasn't allowed in the house... that's why Bolt came out a lot of the time to be with me... and every time he left to go back inside the house, it was the SAME thing... the same feeling in my stomach... loneliness.
My eyes started to water once again, but this time Bolt wasn't around to lick my tears away... I felt like I was suddenly a MILLION miles away from my White Knight, and it stabbed at my heart like a sword.
As tears blurred my vision, and my heart ached because I wanted to be inside the house SO badly with Bolt! ... I muttered the words from my breath that I had failed a thousand times to say to him, in fear of what he would think... or that he won't say the words back...
"I love you, Bolt."
Chapter 11:
Going Home
"I want to change back." I told the fox.
The creature turned to me, chuckling. "What was that, Peach?"
"I want to be a cat again." I said, looking down. "Don't ask me to explain why."
The fox made a quizzical face. "I thought everything was going well. You and Bolt are very happy together."
"It's not the same." I said with a sigh.
The fox came closer to me, putting his paws on my shoulders. "I can't just change you back, Peach. You may NEVER be a dog ever again."
"I know..." I said. "But, everything would be back to normal." I started to wonder if what I was saying was REALLY what I wanted.
No... but it was best.
The fox seemed to be reading my thoughts. He shook his head. "I'd love to help you, really, but I'm still recovering from my earlier encounter with that other dog."
"Bolt?" I asked.
"Yes," He responded. "I used a great deal of power to help him find you. You two were MEANT to be together. That's actually why you were turned into a dog. The spell was designed to GRANT your fantasies and desires, but since you ran away, your mind created a fictions world in which those fantasies could STILL happen."
"Prince..." I muttered.
He nodded. "Now that Bolt and you are reunited, that world you hallucinated is gone. Everything IS already back to normal... and you would trade that all to become a CAT again?"
I sighed, looking downward. "Never mind..." I started to walk away, with my head down and my paws feeling as heavy as bags of sand in every step.
A puff of smoke suddenly appeared in front of me, and the shape of the fox was formed. He looked at me sadly. "What's wrong, Peach?"
I sat on my canine haunches. I was fairly larger then this fox, and I could probably take him on... but I didn't have the heart. Nor the magic that he had... I instead looked up at him and responded. "I'm just confused... and... depressed... and... hurt... and sometimes sucicidal."
The fox chuckled again, smiling as he looked at me warmly. "That's called 'being in love', Peach."
I opened my mouth to respond, but instead tears just formed in my eyes and I asked. "Why does it hurt so much?"
The fox came closer and put his sleek, black furred arms around m my neck. "Because it's REAL this time."
I assumed he was reffering to when I was in love with that hallucination, Prince. I remembered that it NEVER hurt the way I was hurting now. Everything was perfect with Prince, but things are even MORE perfect with Bolt... which hurt me. Deeply...
I just sat there, not really wanting to hug this guy back. I KNEW he was responsible for the magic that got me this body, but I barely knew the guy, and he seemed to understand my life FAR more then I did... I was jealous of him.
Reluctantly I raised ONE front leg and touched my dog paw over his back. He pulled backwards slowly, and looked down. "Ya know..." He began. "You need to get back inside that house."
I shook my head. "No way... that's death territory. Some of Penny's relatives hate me, and they ALL think I'm some kind of ruthless monster."
The fox scoffed. "That's not true."
The fox lies!
He chuckled and leaned in closer to me. "I bet they won't even NOTICE you're there. There's two other dogs in the house. Maybe you've been staying outside out of fear... instead of by force."
I growled. "DO you ALWAYS have to do that! It's like you think you're RIGHT all the time!"
The fox's ears drooped and he stepped back. "Okay, It's you're decision, Peach. I'm just giving a suggestion."
"Keep it to yourself!" I yelled back. I turned around angrily and stepped in front of the house. A sudden, powerful urge to barge inside overtook me, regardless of what anybody thought of me. I just wanted ONE thing... and that was to be with Bolt. And I wanted EVERYONE to know it!
I took a deep breath, turning my head to see the fox standing there. He looked uneasy, as if maybe this was NOT a good idea after all, but it was too late, I'm ALREADY doing it. I'm going in!
The screen door was the ONLY thing separating me from the inside of the house, and I was going to tare STRAIGHT through it!
My feet picked up speed and I ran as fast as the wind. I felt like Bolt, running into his cage door when we were imprisoned, but I was SURE that this thing was going to break.
I leaped, raising my claws and taring the screen on impact. It was tough and I BARELY tore through, but not because of my claws, but because the sides tore off. I stumbled and toppled over myself once inside, where I suddenly ended up in the dining room. Instantly, EVERYONE at the table looked at me.
I saw Bolt, he was seated on the couch, and his head raised in curiosity. Everybody just stared at me... for what was only a few seconds, to me, felt like hours. Nobody knew what to do.
Someone at the table finally stood up, a large man, presumably an uncle of Penny's. I instantly got scared. I didn't want the same treatment I had before. I cowered and my tail went between my legs. As the man approached me, I braced myself to be grabbed by the scruff and thrown outside.
Bolt suddenly got in front of me, blocking the man from reaching me. He growled at him. The man tried reaching around, but Bolt barked menacingly at the gesture, threatening to bite the arm if he reached around again. He kept growling lowly in his throat, and the man suddenly backed off.
Everyone gaped at this... they have NOT seen Bolt act this way before. Clearly he didn't want anyone messing with me. When he finally turned to see me, my eyes were full of fear, but also relief.
"Mittens, what are you doing in here?" He asked me in a rather soft, soothing tone. "Are you okay?"
I nodded.
He suddenly widened his eyes. "Mittens, you're bleeding!"
I looked down, realizing I had scrapped my paw against the grain on that screen, and it created an open wound, bleeding onto the floor. I suddenly felt very foolish for not noticing it.
Bolt sat on his haunches in front of me, and took my paw in his. I winced and yelped when he touched it. He immediately put my paw back down. "Sorry." He said, ears drooping. He turned around. "Penny! A little help!" He said.
Astonishingly, Penny responded. Apparently realizing the urgency in Bolt's whimpers. My yelp, followed by his yelps had successfully gotten her attention. She came over from the table to look at what happened. She gasped when she saw the blood.
Just minutes later, we were on the bathroom floor. Penny was dabbing a warm cloth over the wound, and Bolt was sitting next to me, pressing himself against me and keeping conversation to distract me from the pain. "You really did a number on that screen." He commented.
I scoffed. "It did a number on ME."
Bolt smiled at that. "You wanted to be in here that bad, huh?"
My ears lowered, and I sighed. "If you only knew, Bolt..."
He became sympathetic. "Mittens," He cleared his throat.
I knew the next thing he had to say was going to be important, but my paw suddenly stung from the cloth. "OW!" I yelped again. Penny grimaced. "I'm sorry!" She said, as she continued dabbing on it. "We're gonna need to sanitize it. I'll be right back. Bolt, make sure she doesn't walk on it." Penny walked out of the bathroom.
My heart sank deeply. "She is NEVER gonna know who I am... is she?"
Bolt shook his head. "No, don't think like that. We'll find a way to tell her. I promise. Even if we have to get Rhino to type the message somewhere, or convince the fox to tell her."
I smiled at that. "The typing thing might work... I don't know about the fox. Can he communicate with humans?"
Bolt shrugged. "Seems worth a try... how bad do you want her to know?"
That question silenced me... I didn't feel like answering, but I DID want her to know, almost more then ANYTHING in the world, I wanted Penny to know that I was Mittens! But, I was too scared to find out if that would make things worse or better. At the time I preferred not to know.
Penny came back into the bathroom with a bottle of something... alcohol I think. I was so lost in my own thoughts and feelings, it didn't occur to me that she was going to apply something that would STING like poison when she touched my skinned paw.
She dapped it onto the cloth, then lifted my paw. I suddenly stood up completely, yelping loudly, and whining. Penny KNEW I'd react this way, but wasn't happy about it. "Hold on! Just hold on!" She shouted, as she smeared that stuff all over the wound, causing my mind to go insane.
I continued yelping, the sting was HORRIBLE! Bolt had suddenly sprung up in front of me. He stood there for a moment, unsure what to do, his ears drooped... and before I knew what was happening, he came closer and planted his muzzle against mine, and his paws rested firmly on my shoulders. He was KISSING me... my mind suddenly did spirals, and I tried focusing more on the KISS then the pain.
But, it still stung, and tears formed in my eyes, and I shut them tightly, as my mouth opened, and Bolt's tongue entered. I started melting away from the pain in my paw, and my attention shifted to the kiss. Bolt's soft, slippery tongue met up with mine, as they brushed and rubbed against each other. I stumbled a little on my good paw, the one that was balancing me and holding me up from the ground, but it didn't phase my concentration on Bolt's kiss. Every bit of energy I could muster was focusing on that.
We exchanged our flavors, and our affections into each other's mouths, until Penny was finally done. It felt like forever had just gone by, and Bolt's paws moved up my neck and cheeks as he was still kissing me. He was really into it, as was I... Penny had wrapped my paw in a cast, but I didn't even notice. Everything had melted away as me and Bolt just... shared our very first kiss.
I will never forget the next moment... the next SEVERAL moments, because they all happened just as abruptly as the kiss started.
Bolt suddenly stopped himself, and he broke away... I don't know what caused him to slip back into reality, but I was still dazed, and fell forward. My head landed on his stomach as he backed up into the bathtub wall. I lifted myself up, shaking myself. "Bolt..." I whimpered. "What the hell is wrong...?"
What just happened!? One moment he's kissing me passionately, the next moment he's breaking away like he just licked an electrical socket! Bolt has NEVER sent this many signals to me before!
I then turned to see Penny, she was staring at me strangely, then turned to Bolt, just as confused.
A few relatives were standing at the doorway behind me, apparently they heard my whining and went to see what was happening. But, NOBODY expected to see what they just saw. Bolt and me had just made out in a fashion that only humans usually do. Or... was it something else? Surely SOMETHING was making them gawk at us...
When I turned my head, I saw that they were just gawking at ME. I turned back to Bolt, who's head was down. To my dismay, he couldn't bring himself to look at me. "I'm sorry..." He said, closing his eyes. "I shouldn't have..." He sighed in shame.
My heart started pounding... I felt everything suddenly crumble around me... I wasn't sure what was happening. Bolt seemed ashamed of kissing me... and the family... what's going through THEIR minds?
My question was answered... Behind me, I heard a kid finally speak up. "Were they kissing, Mommy?"
A horrifyingly NEW feeling came over me... I now wanted to die. I wanted to crawl under a rock and NEVER come back up. I wanted to burry myself FAR underground. I just wanted to DISAPPEAR! I was extremely embarrassed, but worse... I felt exposed, and... even betrayed.
Yes... that was definite... I felt betrayed. I felt like I've been lead to believe something about Bolt that wasn't true. Clearly, he didn't feel the same way about me as I did about him. He was STILL the same, shameful bastard I knew when I was a cat.
It was clear to me now... I will NEVER have a chance with Bolt.
Everything else was a blur after that.
Despite my injured paw in a cast, I leaped up and dashed out of the restroom, dodging family members and out the front screen door. I was surprised how fast I was able to run just on 3 legs, but I did, and I didn't stop. Tears fogged up my vision... but this time, they were differant kinds of tears. They were tears of regret... for EVER turning into a dog. For ever getting myself to like Bolt.
I started to feel rain fall down on me... just like when I ran away all that time ago... an entire LIFETIME ago... it was like the earth was crying with me. Like it was sad too... and caused the sky to shed tears, just like me. Many flashback memories of the day when I ran away as a cat all started coming back to me like a dream, or a memory from a differant lifetime... it was all so far away now. Decades ago... Centuries ago...
I realized I was running on all 4 paws now, regardless of how sore I was on my left paw... I barely noticed it now... my emotions outweighed the simple pain in my paw... they were far heavier, and more destructive... and more dangerous then a graze of paw skin. I picked up speed and kept running faster... and faster...
Nothing mattered anymore... the love I thought I had for Bolt, the DELUSION that he loved me back... it was just a rouse. Something to distract me from the pain in my paw, but he never LOVED me... and that alone hurt me DEEPLY.
I had NOBODY now... Prince was gone... Bolt may as well have never existed... BOTH of them, may as well have never existed.
I was better off alone. I don't care what the fox said, I don't care about ANYTHING anymore... I just want one thing now... death. An escape... ANYTHING to permanently take my mind off what happened!
I couldn't even see where I was going anymore. The rain pelted my thick canine fur, and my tears blurred my vision.
I suddenly began blaming myself... It was JUST like me to run from everything... I was NEVER brave enough to face the facts and tell Bolt how I felt. But, NEITHER was HE! We were BOTH in denial about it! I KNEW he'd always think of me as the cat I once was! That's why he stopped kissing me, that's why he gaped at me! As if I had CURSED him to think he could fall for me.
I ran away as a cat... I'm running away now... it didn't matter. It's better to run away then to watch the consequences crumble your life around you.
My left paw suddenly tripped over itself, I had stepped on a small rock, RIGHT where the gash was, even under the cast it still surprisingly stung! I yelped in pain. I didn't see it in the dark, rain and tears! In seconds, my body tripped over my front legs, and I began stumbling down a muddy hill. Twigs and branches scrapped against my body as I tumbled and splashed into a shallow pond of water. My body... my fur, completely soaked.
A brief thought told me to get up, but my muscles didn't listen... I just stayed there... unable to move... too distraught... too weak... too heartbroken...
I laid there... expecting the pain all over my body to take me and end my life... but it never happened...
To be fair... I was GLAD my body was aching and sore all over... it gave me something to think about... something to focus on, aside from my broken heart... I expected sleep... any moment... lose consciousness... but that didn't happen either.
My eyes cleared a little as I opened them... within my vision, I could see a rather lot of light shining on the smooth, pond surface... Had it stopped raining? Strangely, this drew enough curiosity inside me to stand up over the water, and see my own reflection...
My front paws were submerged underneath the surface of the water... and regardless of the few small raindrops over the pond, I could still make out my image... one that for the first time... I now LOATHED...
My ears drooped, and water from my face dripped to the surface of the pond... I saw some of the water turning red from the wound in my paw...
I just sat there, though... unmoving... staring down hopelessly at my reflection... knowing there's NOTHING I can do about it now... no turning back the clock... no fixing this mistake...
I must've stood there for hours... cause it felt like an eternity. I don't know if I even blinked... I was as still as a statue... my heart slowly evolved from a pounding force in my chest, to a calmer, steadier beat. My thoughts were in a whirl... I just stared at myself... my canine reflection... as all the memories passed through my head from my dog life, I wondered if ANY of it was worth it... if I was ever loved by ANYBODY at all...
As my mind drifted to those thoughts, I started to feel the rain pick up again. It was pouring down harder again, distorting the image in the pond, and pelting my fur... but I still didn't move... the rain just poured all around me.
Nobody loved me... never in the past, or my life as a cat... I was never truly loved by anybody... the thought made me shiver in my wrenched cold state... none of that cold was from the rain.
My eyes closed... and the rain poured harder over me... I waited for my emotions, my pain... and maybe even hypothermia to take me. I just waited to die...
Death... had never sounded more inviting then it did now. Something to take the pain away, and I would wait here forever, never moving a muscle... if it meant someday that my pain would end...
I am finally ready to die...
I must've dozed off... because I heard something...
A shout... a bark... and my ear suddenly perked up...
It was Bolt... he FOLLOWED me! Struggling to run down the hill, he started sliding before jumping and landing unsteadily in the pond next to me.
I didn't move from my spot... I had merely opened my eyes to reassure myself it was him.
I scoffed... I knew I was dreaming now. Bolt would've never followed me here. I decided to play along with this dream of mine. "So..." I said... "You found me."
Bolt shook himself, though it did no good, the rain was still coming down hard on him. Like windshield wipers in such a heavy storm, only clearing for a second, just to get wet again a moment later. He walked closer to me, his ears dropped completely, and his eyes seemed to be filling up with tears. "Mittens, I'm SO sorry! About everything!" His voice cracked.
Damn, My dream version of Bolt was very emotional... I decided to egg him on a bit. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I barked. "I NEVER wanna see you again!" There, THAT should do it.
It worked like a charm, Bolt's eyes closed as the rain fell harder on us. He was REALLY crying. What the hell made him cry so much? This was one strange dream.
I knew it was a dream because Bolt NEVER got this emotional... at least... never around me.
He sat on his haunches, submerged under the water up to his ankles. He opened his reddened eyes, and his voice quivered. "What can I do?" He cracked up. "Please, TELL me. I'll do ANYTHING. Just come back home!"
This dream version of Bolt was starting to bum me out, even getting on my nerves. "Listen." I told him. "I want you to STOP saying these things! Bolt would NEVER say these things to me. Nobody loves me, so STOP making me think that you care!" I realized myself that I was starting to cry. "I want you to go, Dream Bolt. Go away, you're not real."
Bolt shook his head, stepping closer to me. "Mittens, it's ME! I'm REAL!" He pleaded. "And I'm NOT leaving until you come home with me."
I growled, raising a paw full of claws. "I SAID LEAVE!"
Bolt didn't flinch, in fact, his eyes narrowed and he stepped CLOSER! He sat on his haunches. "Will this make you feel better?" He asked.
I hesitated, slowly lowering my paw. "What do you mean?"
Bolt closed his eyes, lowing his head, as his tone softened. "Do whatever you want to me, Mittens... I deserve it..." He sighed as his eyes began to water again. "I've hurt you too much already."
I knew this Bolt wasn't real, so I was going to do WHATEVER he granted me to do! I gritted my teeth and swung my paw sharply at Bolt's face. When I impacted his flesh he yelped and stumbled.
"That's for dangling me over a bridge!" I yelled, my teeth clenched harder. I swung again, taring through his flesh with my claws on his side. He whimpered in pain, now stumbling back.
"THAT'S for every time you TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!" My eyes started to fill with tears. With every swing of my paw, I dug deeper into Bolt's flesh. All for differant reasons. "That's for taking me away from my home in New York!" "THAT'S for never treating me as an equal!" "THAT'S for breaking my heart!"
Lighting shot in the sky, as thunder cracked loudly above us.
In every swing, my eyes filled with tears more and more. I had ONE more, and this was for EVERY time I COULDN'T defend myself. Every time I NEVER had claws until this very moment. "This... is for never LOVING ME!"
I had a final swipe, harder then EVERYTHING I had done previously. Bolt faltered and fell completely onto his side... blood covered his body... I could smell it strong... my face soaked in tears, as I myself lost strength in my legs and fell forward, starting to sob. I was entirely choked up...
The reason I was crying now is because I KNEW... this wasn't a dream anymore... this was very much real... and THIS Bolt... was the real Bolt...
I heard him... as I lifted my head, I saw in my blurry vision that Bolt was sobbing as well. He struggled to stand up, but his front legs were shaking. I myself was shaken, but I came over to him to help him up. He then turned to look at me, his eyes red and his spirit broken.
The next thing he did, I was NOT expecting. He struggled for a moment to put his paws around my shoulders, wrapping me in an embrace. I instantly hugged him back, feeling his scars that I have just given him. He sobbed over my shoulder, as he held me tightly. "I'm SO sorry, Mittens." He said, completely choked up. "I never should've hurt you."
My eyes closed as My muffled cries went into Bolt's shoulder. I couldn't hold it in, I was crying so hard, and Bolt was crying as well.
For a long time, neither of us said anything... we just sat there, in a blood soaked embrace. The damage I've done to Bolt wasn't serious enough for anything, but the fact that I had done it just hurt too much.
I had a dark inkling that me and him were even now... but I was not happy about it.
I kept crying, long after I couldn't hear Bolt's sobs anymore. He held me tighter against his chest, even rubbing my back with his paws.
"I always cared about you, Mittens." He said, choking. "I should've shown it better..."
The words suddenly found their way to my mouth, and as a whisper I said. "I love you, Bolt... so much."
Bolt's embrace held me tighter, as I heard him sniffle. "I love you..." He trailed off... "...Mittens." The side of his head pressed firmly against the mine.
I knew he meant it... every canine fiber of my body knew he meant it. We both meant it. We really did love each other.
Bolt leaned his head back a little, as he gently touched his muzzle to mine. I touched mine back, though I wasn't in the mood to fully kiss. I licked his nose, and in return he licked mine... and we pressed our foreheads together.
The rain never stopped pouring hard on us... but I was glad... regardless of everything that's taken place, the rain made me realize how real this was.
"Come home, Mittens." Bolt said softly. "I want us to be a family again."
I nodded, smiling a little as tears filled my eyes once more. "You have NO idea how much I'd like that."
It was still pouring rain over us... but, because Bolt was there, it may as well had been a warm shower.
Being a cat at heart, I didn't like the water much. I never realized how being with the one you care about the most makes you forget things like that.
I was surprised by the number of silent moments that followed when we started walking back home. I didn't really mind it, but, Of course, we were both covered in blood. Most of it was washing away now. Bolt was now the one that needed Penny's attention for his wounds. As for me and my paw... I sort of forgot about the pain as I trudged beside Bolt. It didn't even hurt enough to limp... maybe that was a good sign.
But, I don't want to talk about our injuries... there's something else I need to mention. It was a moment halfway back, where Bolt just suddenly stopped walking entirely. As I turned around, a I heard a low rumble of thunder as I saw him just sitting there, his tail curved around his leg, his head and ears down, and his eyes closed. He looked as if his spirit had just been destroyed.
In all my life spent with Bolt... I had NEVER seen him so upset... and that terrified me.
I opened my mouth to speak his name, but swallowed instead. I slowly walked over to him, as a lump the size of my heart caught in my throat. "B... Bolt?" I said softly, nearly a whisper.
His ear twitched and his mouth opened a little, but only to release another whimper, and a painful sigh.
My eyes started to water, watching my White Canine drift into such immense despair. I wanted to do something, ANYTHING to make it right. But, what was I supposed to do!? I was the very one that CAUSED this pain in the first place!
I saw the blood that Bolt had lost because of me... it wasn't that much. Not NEARLY enough to kill him. I NEVER wanted to kill Bolt... I didn't know what came over me. At the time I was still shocked he even came BACK for me... I thought he was another vision, a dream, a hallucination... only when it was too late, did I realize how wrong I was.
I got to my feet, and did the only thing that came to my mind, and I went over to prop Bolt up above my large, capable canine body. I was going to GET him to the house if I had to carry him the ENTIRE way!
To my dismay he was refusing to let me help him. He stumbled backwards, as if trying to get away from me. I felt horrible... like a monster. WHAT was I supposed to do! I'd do ANYTHING for Bolt! Anything just to see him full of life and energy again!
I started to cry. "Bolt..." I shuddered. "Please! I don't know what to do." My voice was cracking badly as I approached him. "I shouldn't have hurt you! I didn't realize how bad it was. What can I do?" I pleaded for him to say something, as my tone softened. "You should do the same to me... right now." I straightened myself, bracing myself for an impact very much like the one he gave me as a cat long ago. I closed my eyes... waiting for the impact.
Instead, I just heard his soft voice speak up. "No." He almost mumbled.
As I opened my eyes, I saw him finally lift his head. "I will NEVER hurt you again. I gave my word on that."
I shook my head, my eyes getting wetter. "Bolt, I deserve it. I HATE myself for what I did. I wish I had never done it!"
Bolt looked downwards, "I think... we all have regrets, Mittens."
I wanted to do something. ANYTHING... to prove to him how sorry I was. I looked down at my claws, and raised my right front leg and placed it over my left shoulder. I swallowed again, as I felt the claws starting to dig in. I'll do it myself then!
I closed my eyes as I started to cut into my own body, wincing from the pain. Bolt suddenly barked, "Mittens, Stop!" He approached me like lighting, grabbing my paw, yanking it away from my shoulder.
I backed away, refusing to let him stop me. "NO! I deserve this! You stop me now, I'm just gonna do it later!"
Bolt gritted his teeth, his eyes filling with fear and pleads. "No! I won't let you!" He barked. "We're even, okay!"
"I don't FEEL even!" I said. "Not until I pay the ultimate price."
Bolt got closer, putting his paw over my right paw on the ground, trapping it under his. "Mittens, please!" His eyes looked directly into mine. He was so close to me, I could feel his heart racing. I gave in and my head leaned on his furry shoulder, as I sobbed. "Bolt, I hate myself. I just HATE myself."
Bolt kissed my cheek, and licked it with his tongue, also running it over my tears... before he gently pulled back further away. He sat in front of me, and I had my head down. His paw remained on my right paw, but he reached around and pulled it up towards his chest. He studied the claws that I have... he lifted his other paw and ran it over mine, as if fascinated by it. "Mittens..." He said again, looking back up at me. "I promised, I will NEVER hurt you ever again..." He slowly lowered by paw to the ground again. "I only wish you'd promise not to hurt yourself."
As I looked up into his pleading eyes... the same eyes I TAUGHT to use the pleading dog-face that he's using now on me... with such an irresistibly adorable face, that only melted my heart right now... I started to feel my rage drift away... and even though I really WANTED to hurt myself... I still nodded. "Okay..." I said...
"I love you, Mittens." He said, as he came closer to me, putting his paws on my shoulders. "I really do... you KNOW that, don't you?"
That did it.
Call me a cry-puppy, but I LOST it... I completely lost my composure, and I bawled into Bolt's chest for what must've been 10 minutes, before I could even say any words. I didn't expect Bolt to actually be crying too as he held me tightly in his embrace. He, of course wasn't crying NEARLY as hard as I was, but the fact that we were both so torn up about this was... nearly impossible. Something I never knew was capable of happening...
I told him "I love you, too!" But it was SO overlapped by sobs, it must've sounded like an off-key trumpet, instead of a romantic violin.
It was OFFICIAL this time. Bolt really DID love me... without a singular drop of doubt. He loved me.
We both got so tired of sitting there after a while, we laid down on our sides in a nearby patch of grass, I was facing him as he was facing me. All I wanted to do was lick EVERY wound on his body that I had inflicted on him... and so I stood up, and started doing that. I carefully grazed my tongue along every portion of his body with a scratch... I got so much damp fur in my mouth, but it didn't bother me. The only thing on my mind was to do EVERYTHING I can, every single day, for the rest of my LIFE... to prove my love to Bolt. Whatever it was, I would do it for him.
After some time, Bolt returned the same licking treatment to my injured, exposed, uncovered paw.
As I was licking his shoulder and up his neck, Bolt had apparently been moving up my left foreleg, until our muzzles suddenly met in the middle... did he PLAN this? I certainly wasn't trying to do that. But, he looked equally surprised, his eyes widened a little before I put my paws on his shoulders, reminding him it was okay, and he started to relax again, as he too... closed his eyes, and we breathed through our noses.
This kiss had definitely topped the last one. It was SO beautifully passionate, even as the rain fell, and as our tongues danced inside each other's maws... this was the first of MANY more passionate kisses to follow. But, it was by far the most beautiful I had ever had.
Bolt's front legs reached up around my neck as well, as he himself started getting into it. Before I knew it, we lost our balance and tumbled into the grass, side by side again, but we went back to it. He stood over me, his paws over my shoulders and his tongue still grazing every inch of my muzzle. I returned by tasting everything on his wonderfully textured muzzle, the hairs on his face tickled my tongue. His nose and whiskers gave me great joy when I licked them, as well as the ridges on the top of his mouth, his ever so soft tongue, slippery and flavorful. I had NEVER been so intimate with another living thing on this planet, as a cat or a dog... this was the first time I had been exposed to just how AMAZING it really was.
As Bolt stood over me, I felt his warm stomach and chest press against mine. The licking and kissing grew more intense, overwhelming us to a point where we weren't satisfied with JUST that anymore. We needed to go deeper... we needed a deeper, more intimate connection with each other.
Bolt's hind legs began thrusting back and fourth over me. Intimate sensations... powerful ... Undoubtedly, the ultimate connection anyone can have with anyone else. As we both started to pant.
Bolt began to grip me tighter, now with his front legs tucked under my front legs tightly as he found his way inside of me. His panting became a little more heavy, but as I laid there below him, I myself was getting more agitated... like this was an ITCH we had to both scratch for each other. A downright irritation until it can be satisfied. My front legs were around his neck, tightly holding him... I closed my eyes, feeling like I was dropping from a cliff... and the feeling of falling, the tingle in my stomach, the squinting in my face was ALL there... it was the most powerful thing I've ever felt. Something I've only heard about... and NOW get to experience it with Bolt.
Our panting increased, and built up further and further, not even feeling the rain anymore whatsoever. Our bodies were so heated up now. We were on FIRE. I started to whine a little as the ULTIMATE climax ensued. I was astonished by the feeling... Bolt's warm member released itself inside of me, like being doused buckets of warm water on a cold day... His panting began to die down as he laid himself on top of me, laughing a little. My arms were still around him and I just held him tighter, pressing my muzzle against his cheek. "Bolt... YOU are my super-dog." I told him.
He chuckled. "I think I owe you the credit, Mittens." He said. "You taught me almost everything."
I scoffed. "Not THIS... this was ALL you."
He lifted his head and licked me RIGHT in the face, covering my eyes with his large tongue. It's like he KNOWS... did I ever tell him how much I love being licked over my eyes? For me, it was the most comforting, affectionate place anyone could be licked. I don't know how to explain it... but I always trembled every time he did it.
We were going to be here for a while... as Bolt laid back on the ground next to me, his arms around my neck, being MUCH closer then we were... having no choice in the matter at this point, we still managed to make engaging conversation.
Oh, I will NEVER forget it... we talked about our future... what was going to happen when we got home... and how I'd be able to finally play with the other dogs. We'd all share a beautiful friendship, but not as beautiful as mine and Bolt's.
There was one thing that gave me great joy that I DIDN'T bring up to him. Something I kept to myself.
Soon enough, I'm going to have puppies... actual CHILDREN... and I couldn't be more happy. Being a dog made this possible. I thought I was NEVER going to be having kittens when I was a cat. I had been fixed at a very young age... but that simply didn't matter now. I had a NEW body, and new claws, and new possibilities... and I knew I was going to be a mother soon.
I thought about how the day may go when I tell Bolt I'm pregnant. I wonder how he'd take it... good or bad.
Either way... as I laid there, my head nestled in Bolt's chest, his warm furry arms around my shoulders. Our chests, bellies, and torsos pressed tightly against each other... our bonds of love being tied together... I knew that we were NEVER going to be separated ever again. We were bonded for life now.
I was finally betrothed... to my Knight In Shining White Fur.
I'm home now... and yes, we have a kitten...
See, what happened was a month or so after we got back from Granny's, me and Bolt were on one of our nighttime walks. It was actually BOLT who found a meowing kitten behind a dumpster, small and helpless... Bolt scooped the cat into his paws and gently started licking it. He was so gentle, and just watching this made me emotional. Apparently, over time Bolt has really come to love cats from thinking they were evil before. I was proud of him for this... he had come a long way. ... We BOTH have.
Keeping that cat was an amazing decision. Penny doesn't seem to miss "Mittens" anymore, or "Missy" as she called me... I mean she still missed me, but she was able to move on easier because of the kitten we adopted.
I guess I WILL know what it's like to raise a kitten after all.
Just a month or so later, I started to get a little bigger. I joked to Bolt that my "Stomach was distended" and asked him how great it was. We both had some strange feelings of deja vu when I said that.
I'm going to tell you right now, it's been well over a year... a lot has happened, and I wish I could simply explain it all to you.
You see... Rhino went missing.
Our four kids, 3 puppies named Rose, Chase, and Poppy-seed. (Poppy for short). And our adopted cat named Vincent... all had no clue where he had gone. For well over 24 hours, I was worried that Rhino had been EATEN by one of them. As much as I used to desire that to be true, I did NOT want it to be.
Anyway, here's the rundown of my 3 wonderful pests.
Poppy is the baby. She's the sweet spirit who's kind of shy and loves to hop around and hide.
Rose is the first born, who is rather independent, and just sits there most of the time, seemingly "too good for games." But, I think she's got the spirit of a leader, and the heart of her mother... me.
Lastly is Chase, the boy, who is WAY too much like his father. Running around and wanting adventure at EVERY corner. Vincent the cat, and he have grown quite fond of each other. They play with each other every hour of the day, even when the rest of us try to sleep. I have NO idea how they have the energy... It makes me feel old... and I hate them for that... but, I love them... but STILL!
Regardless of my perfect life... it's definitely NOT perfect. Penny's mother has been getting ill lately, one of Bolt's friends died of old age, and another lost a big patch of fur from a coffee spill accident. I personally sought vengeance on the owner for that, But Bolt eventually talked me out of it. I had a FOURTH puppy who died the day he was born, resulting in only ONE male puppy instead of two... Bolt was VERY distraught when it happened. It was the second time I had ever seen him cry... it was a hard day, but we pulled through... and Penny... the worst that happened to her is she got dumped by some guy at school.
Bolt and I still argue about small things, I'm not gonna lie... but we always end each argument with a kiss. That's our rule, even if we're too angry, we still have to touch our muzzles together, sometimes resulting in chuckles, then laughter... then we forget what we were even arguing about in the first place.
I'm not living happily ever after... not really... but in a way, I can't imagine living a BETTER life then this... as a dog.
I'm pretty damn happy already. There's nothing more I can ask for. I have a home, a family... and my Knight In Shining White Fur.
I guess this IS my happy ending after all.
Okay, back to Rhino... He's been missing for weeks, and I really am getting very worried. I hadn't been able to go out and look for him long because I have kids to watch. It's really annoying. I want to go out and have at least ONE adventure every now and then while without worrying about these ankle-biters!
To my shock, Bolt told me disparagingly one night that he may have ran away... our mutual biggest concerns were that he didn't feel like we cared about him anymore, and that since Bolt found "a mate", he no longer had time for Rhino. He went off to go find him yesterday.
I'm sitting here right now, trying to find a good way to finish this... since we STILL haven't found...
Wait... I hear a scratching on the door.
I am NOT moving.
A dog just leaped through the doggy door. I do NOT know this dog! "Poppy, Get back!" She's behind my paw, protected. "STAY BACK!" I'm warning the dog! "I'LL BITE YOU'RE HEAD OFF!"
He's a brown, boxer dog, who's... looking at me weird... he's panting a little. A large grin is crossing his face. "Hey, Mittens! Looking good!"
My jaw dropped... It can't be... Aw, it JUST CANT BE! There is NO way the he looks THIS handsome! There is NO WAY!
I know who this dog is...
"Rhino." I said breathlessly...
I can't believe it... all THREE of us are dogs now! Bolt, Me AND Rhino.
I am actually starting to wonder if Penny herself is going to follow us down this road... is she ALSO capable of turning into a dog? If she does, what would that mean? Would she... steal Bolt from me? Or worse... would she and RHINO fall in love?
This is hurting my head... I'm gonna stop thinking about these things right now. I'm just going crazy, that's all. No biggie.
I guess now, one thing is for certain.
... Our predictable lives are about to get interesting again.
Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed this concluding chapter. As always, thanks for reading, and feedback is always appreciated.
But, understand something; I've wanted to be done with this story for FAR too long... and now, I found a way to conclude it.
I really do have a LOT going on in my life, and I'm pursuing SEVERAL novels that I've already started writing. So, don't feel the least bit sorry for me.
I want to send one final THANK YOU to everyone who has ever supported me on ANYTHING at all! My gratitude is full, and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys. So, my sincere thanks goes out to ALL of you.
I wish the very best for you, dear reader, with all of your dreams and aspirations. Don't give up on the things you love.
"A dream that isn't pursued, is doomed to remain an idea, and soon to become someone ELSE'S success."
If anyone needs anything, you can still message me.