Hi guys! Do you remember me? You don't? Why not? Ok, well let's start over. It's me, Bellykid5! I had just finished a long story named "The Most Above All". Remember me now? I knew you would! This is my new story named "Jet Pack Fever"; I introduced it in the last chapter of "The Most Above All". It ended with Jet Pack Guy collapsing. Sound exciting so far? I sure hope so! Well, here is the first chapter, I hope you like it. This doesn't include everyone who was in the last story. I'll just start doing those quizzes at the end to see who gets put in the chapters from now on.
Jet Pack Guy did not look good at all. His red skin had turned a slightly pinkish color and he couldn't move.
"Jet Pack Guy!" shouted the EPF agents.
All Jet Pack Guy did was groan.
"What's wrong with Jet?" Rookie asked
"He looks sick." Dot said
"He looks weak." Gary said
"He looks mean." Rookie said
Everyone glared at Rookie.
"What? We were all thinking it!" Rookie shouted
"It doesn't matter. Let's pick him up and get him to HQ." Dot said
"How are we going to drag him all the way back to the EPF? He's too heavy!" Rookie said. (Hey, I'd like you all to see the new teleport feature on the spy phone! It's very, very, useful!)
"We could use my Liftjetpackguy 3000!" Gary suggested (How specific!)
"You invented a Liftjetpackguy 3000?" Dot asked
"Well, I wanted to name it Liftheavypenguinsorobjectsso wewouldn'thavetoteleportanymore 3000, but it seemed too long." Gary explained. (It said, 'Lift heavy penguins or objects so we wouldn't have to teleport anymore' for those of you who can't put it together easily.)
"Just leave it the way it was!" Dot said rubbing her head. (Just teleport)
"Let's try to get this thing working!" Gary said as he turned it on. (Everyone take cover! *ducks*)
The machine began to sputter until it exploded.
Gary coughed. "Well, I guess powering it with Jet Pack Guy's fuel was a bad idea." He said. (Ya think?)
"So is this the part where we start kicking it?" Dot joked
"Kicking? I wanna do some kicking!" Rookie said as he kicked Dot.
"Ouch! Rookie!" she shouted
"What? You said we should start kicking!" he shouted
Dot shook her head. "How did you deal with him back at the PSA?" she whispered to Gary.
"A whole lot of luck." Gary whispered back.
Rookie looked at Gary and Dot with confusion (obviously) and sat back down.
"Ugh, well, I guess we can't get Jet Pack Guy back to the EPF." Gary said wiping his forehead with is cloth.
"Why not?" Dot asked
"My invention doesn't look very repairable." Gary said
"Why don't we just teleport?" Rookie suggested (*faceflipper* you just now thought of that?)
All of the agents were dumbfounded. "Ohhhhh!" They said in unison as they teleported Jet Pack Guy to the EPF.
Jet Pack Guy started moving again.
"Jet! You're alive!" Rookie said hugging him. (I doubt he likes that.)
Jet Pack Guy opened his eyes. "W-w-what?" he asked
"Jet Pack Guy, are you alright?" Dot asked
Jet Pack Guy rubbed his head.
"Jet?" Rookie asked
"Oh, my head." He said as he sat up.
"I don't advise you make any sudden movements." Gary said
"Huh?" Jet Pack Guy asked confused.
"Come on Jet, even I understood that!" Rookie said
"Well, I didn't." he said
"I said, I don't think you should move so much." Gary explained
"Why not?" he asked (Jet Pack Guy seems slightly disoriented).
"Because you just woke up." Gary said
"Alright, but can I at least sit up?" he asked
"Alright, help him up." Gary told Rookie.
Rookie helped him sit up.
"Thanks, now what happened?" he asked
"I'm not sure, it seems like you fainted earlier." Gary said
"Why does my head hurt so much?" he asked
"Because I'm pretty sure you landed on your head pretty hard." He said
Jet Pack Guy winced and rubbed his head.
"Jet Pack Guy! You're ok!" Bellykid said running to him. (I was worried; I'm not crushing on him.)
"Who are you?" he asked
"You don't remember me?" she asked shocked
"No, who are all of you?" he asked as he looked around.
"Jet…."Rookie said
"Stop calling me that! Who's Jet? My name is Guy!" he shouted (It's true, I asked.)
All of the agents were shocked as he waddled out of the EPF.
Rookie followed. "Jet! Come back!" he shouted
"Get away from me! I don't know who you are!" he shouted as he ran away from Rookie.
Rookie cried. "But, Jet?" he sniffled
Jet Pack Guy just waddled back to his igloo.
"It's ok, Rookie." Dot said as she waddled over to comfort Rookie.
"That's odd." Gary said
"What? That Jet Pack Guy forgot us?" Bellykid asked
"No, this…." Gary said as he bent over to pick up a slip of paper.
"What is it?" Bellykid asked
"It's a slip of paper with a list of symptoms." He said
"Symptoms?" Dot asked getting into the conversation.
"Precisely." Gary said
Rookie waddled over as soon as he calmed down. "What's going on?" he asked
"This slip of paper that Gary found." Dot said
"I think it fell out of Jet's pockets when he ran from me." Rookie said
"I think so too." Bellykid said
"What do the symptoms say?" All the agents asked
Gary read aloud the symptoms. (You'll hear the symptoms later on in the story.)
"I've never heard of those symptoms before." Dot said
"Neither have I!" Rookie said (Rookie, you didn't even know Herbert was a bad guy until the EPF came here!)
"They sound familiar to me." Bellykid said
"How?" Rookie asked
"I spend my fair share of time in the hospital for quite a while." She explained
"What for?" he asked
"Shut up, Rookie." She warned in October. (Oops)
"Sorry." Rookie squeaked as he hid behind Gary. (You think Gary likes that?)
"Calm down Agent Rookie, it's alright." Gary said patting him on the head. (Like a cute little puffle.)
"Um, Agents? You might want to take a look at this." Dot said
"What's wrong Agent D?" Gary asked
Dot growled. (Get over it, Dot.) "Look at this." She said as she turned over the slip of paper.
"Oh no!" All of the agents shouted.
"Goodbye Jet Pack Guy,
DATE: 2 weeks from now
WHY: His demise
FROM: Herbert P. Bear, Esquire."
That's the end of the first chapter of Jet Pack Fever. How did you like it? I thought it was pretty good. By the way, Bellykid5 didn't flip very much did she? Well, on my poll, 10 of you said you wanted Bellykid5 to beat the fish out of Herbert. In order for her to do that, she'll need to keep in a lot of her flips. In other words, she's trying to gain control of her moods. It will be very hard to do. Anyways, oh no! Herbert has a secret plot to harm Jet Pack Guy! *looks over* Ahh the cliff! I miss it! Don't you? You'll be off of it soon. Bye!