Guys I'm back with another wonderful fanfiction! Well if you haven't guess this is another one of my random fanfics that I just came up with out of the blue when I was MAJOR bored, but I didn't do all the thinking on this one. I've based this Negiashipping fanfic on the TV episode Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! And I added a twist to it that might help lead to a squeal of this story! So let me not keep you waiting go on and read!
Disclaimer: I have no ownership to Pokémon
Hope Is Never Broken
By: Toadettegirl2012
{Background info: The time frame right now takes after Ash and Iris fell from the cliff, but unlike in the TV episode, Virgil did not show up in time to use Espeon's Psychic to save them, thus Ash and Iris fell to the ground…but don't worry their okay, well one of them is…}
Chapter 1: A Broken Bone
I don't remember much, all I remember is the rocks crumbling from beneath us and Ash and I started falling! I was screaming, hoping that something or someone would save us, but it never happened. The thing that stuck out the most to me was when Ash took his arms and wrapped them around me and pulled me close to him then he said:
"Iris hold on tight!" he had said loudly, "everything going to be fine!"
But I was spectacle about that, when I looked down all I saw was grass, but it didn't look every soft.
And it wasn't.
As we landed, I felt pain ripple through me and Ash's body was thrown a different direction from mine. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head; to the left of me I heard a loud snapping sound along with an equally loud cry of pain before everything went black.
I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, and cringed as sunlight drifted through an open window…a window? I look around and find that I'm lying on a couch in what looks like someone house, just then I hear a loud cry.
"AX AX AXEW!" I look over to see Axew bounding over from another room; he came up to the couched and jumped onto me
"Hey, Axew" I say cuddling him.
"Iris, you're finally awake!" Cilan comes out from the same room Axew had come from, he's followed by someone else too, someone I don't recognize.
It's a guy, he's a little taller than Cilan and has blondish brown hair, and he has blue eyes he looked a little older than Cilan too and wore a bright orange outfit and had an Eevee trailing behind him.
"Uh, hey Cilan" I say and sit up, then wince I feel a pain in my arm and a throbbing sensation in the back of my head, I groan.
The guy in the orange outfit gentle pushes me back down, "You take it easy a bit, Iris, you and your friend took quite a fall,"
"Um, okay… uh and you are?" I ask.
"Oh, sorry my name's Virgil," he says the Pokémon next to him says its name with a soft smile, "and this is Eevee and we're, and a few other of my Pokémon, are Team Eevee and are part of the Pokémon Rescue Squad,"
I tilted my head to the side, "Wait…what Pokémon Rescue Squad?" I turn to Cilan, he can tell I'm confused at what's going on and starts to explain.
It just so happens that after we fell Cilan, Pikachu and Axew all went to find help and he ran into Virgil, who's part of an organization that uses Pokémon to help recuse others in danger called the Pokémon Rescue Squad. He's the trainer of his squad, in which he calls Team Eevee, due to how he has all the elevations of the Evolution Pokémon. Anyway with the help of his Espeon's Physic attack he was able to get Ash and I out of the mess of boulders and took us to his home to get fixed up.
"Luckily all you got was a cut on your arm," Cilan points out a bandage that was wrapped around my forearm, "and your hair did you some favor by softening the impact on the back of your head, Iris"
I smile, "Well I guess my large hair goods for something," I say placing the ice pack Virgil's Glaceon made for me on the back of my head. I look around and give a small frown, "Uh hey guys…where's Ash?"
Cilan bits his lip at this comment and Axew gives a worried look.
"W-What…is something wrong?" I ask, a sinking feeling settling in my stomach.
"Well, uh your friend he-" Virgil starts, but is cut off as another guy emerges from a room nearby.
He looks much older than Cilan and a little older then Virgil, he has brown eyes and hair and is sporting the same outfit Virgil is, and he looks worried.
"Virgil quick go tell Dad that we're taking him to Nurse Joy, his leg is getting worse!" he says grabbing a set of car keys.
Virgil gets up, "Sure thing Davey!" he rushes off.
The sinking feeling increases, "C-Cilan what going on?" I ask.
Cilan messes with his bowtie, "Um…er Ash…h-he I mean he's-"
"Cilan what's wrong is something wrong with Ash?!" I ask almost yelling at him.
Cilan, as if explaining to me was too difficult, just points to the hallway. I get up with Axew in my hair and sprint down the hall, at the end of the hall I see that one of the doors are open a little bit. I stop in front of it and take a breath, whatever's inside I'm sure I know I'm not going to like. I poke my head in and instantly dread fills me. Lying on a bed is Ash, he's unconscious his black hair is messier than usual and he has a bandage wrapped around his head, he had purple bruises dotting him and Band-Aids covered him here and there. On his left leg there was a slash in his jean and a large Band-Aid could be seen covering his knee, where a large cut would more than likely be. But it was Ash's right leg that scared me the most, his jeans had been rolled up to his knee and there was cloths surrounding his lower leg. They were blood stained as I could see someone was trying to stop the blood from flowing where a large gash could be seen on his lower leg.
"Pikachu…w-what happened?" I ask looking at the small electric mouse who sat worried looking down at his friend.
Franticly Pikachu started to say something in Pokémon language, but I don't understand a word he said besides Ash's name, which was "Pika," and my name, "Pi chu" the rest is all jibber jabber to me.
Before I can ask any more questions, Virgil and that other guy, which I'm quickly informed that's his name is Davey and is Virgil's older brother, storm into the room and take Ash to their car. Davey starts driving, Virgil's in the front and Cilan and I pile in the back, Ash's head is resting on my lap and his lower half is resting on Cilan's lap.
I feel the tension in the air and I didn't like it, "Um…could someone please tell me what's going on," I asked as I felt the uneasiness well up inside me a bit more.
There's a long pause before Davey decides to answer me. It was just as horrible as I dreaded, when Ash and I had fell Ash did the unthinkable! According to everyone, Ash had tried to break my fall by grabbing me; he turned and took most of the impact for me when we hit the ground. That snapping sound I had heard was Ash's leg breaking, it had broken in two places and even broke a gash in his skin, that how the bleeding had started. They had tried it get it to stop bleeding but it had gotten worse…along with the cut on his head Ash was doing pretty bad now they were forced to take him to Nurse Joy!
'Ash…he tried to save…me?' I think, I look down at the boy's face and wonder why. Why would Ash try to save me like that, I mean sure he saved a whole lot of his Pokémon when they were in danger but why…me? I felt a warm feeling rise in my stomach at that thought…I don't know where this feelings coming from, but I like it.
There was a moaning sound; I smile as Ash's eyes slowly blinked open, for some reason I never noticed what a lovely amber color they are.
Ash moans, "...I-Iris…" he says quietly
"Ash you're awake," I says smiling down at him, "how do you feel?"
Ash groans and squeezes his eyes closed, "My m-my…leg," he says.
"Ash don't try to move," Cilan says, he's still pressing cloths against his bleeding leg
"W-What happened?" he asks then looked up to the front to see Virgil and his older brother, and then he looks back up at me.
"Everything is going to be fine, Ash, just take it easy," Davey says looking in the rearview mirror.
"Ev-everything…hurts," Ash moans
"You'll be fine," I said brushing a few strands of hair from his face, "promise,"
When they finally got to Pokémon Center (Tg2012: I know humans more than likely would go to hospitals, but I'm too lazy to type a whole hospital scene so we're sticking with the Pokémon Center) Nurse Joy quickly took Ash in for an X-ray, it took some time before she finally got back to us.
"Is Ash going to be alright?" I ask as Nurse Joy approaches us.
The nurse sighs a bit, "Well your friends is going to have to get a few stiches to close up that gash on his leg, and like you said his leg is broken in two places and a little bit of bone actually shattered a bit," she shows us the X-rays. I cringe at the sight of them; I can see the way the bone has split into two uneven parts. One part of the split bone has lots of little lines on it, indicating that the bone has shattered, the whole X-ray is painful for me to look at.
"What are you going to have to do about the broken bones, Nurse Joy?" Davey asks
"Um, we're going to have to do a bit of surgery to get the bones back in place," she says, I give a small gasp at this, "it's a simple surgery and can be done in a couple of hours about 5 hours tops, there's no need to worry,"
(TG2012: None of the medical info I use in my fanfic, or any other fanfics to come, will be correct so if that is wrong…don't judge…I'm no medical doctor I'm just a 14 year old that likes to write Pokémon fanfiction)
"How long will it take for Ash's leg to be fully healed Nurse Joy?" Cilan asks
"Oh after the surgery, he'll be on bed rest for a few days, on crutches for a while…um I'd have to say about a few months," Nurse Joy informs.
"A few months?" I say standing, "b-but Ash can't have a broken leg for a few months,"
"But Iris that's just how it going to have to work," Davey says, "bones don't just magically get better your friend is going to need some time to recuperate,"
"Yeah I know," I say then look down at Pikachu who's at my feet, "b-but how is Ash supposed to compete in the Unova League with a broken leg?"
"The Unova League?" Virgil says looking at me, "your friend's going to be the Unova League?" I nod.
Davey gives a small groan, Cilan give me a worried look then turns his attention to the floor.
"W-what, is something wrong?" I ask feeling confused about everyone's actions
"Oh dear," Nurse Joy says gaining my attention, "um…I hate to say it but I don't think your friend will be able to compete in the Unova League,"
"What?" I say in disbelief, Pikachu's ears perk up and Axew pokes his head out from my hair.
"Well, you see…uh trainers that are not physically able to battle can't compete in the Unova League," Nurse Joy says, "it's against the rules for a Pokémon League in any region to allow that,"
"What!" I cry, "b-but Ash has to compete in the Unova League, he worked so hard to get all his gym badges and he's been ready for the past three months-"
"But, the Unova League starts in a month and a half," Virgil says, "there's no way a broken leg like Ash's can get better in such a short time,"
But Ash just can't…h-he work so hard…" I let voice trail off with a sigh I know that there's no way around this, "…does Ash know about this yet?"
Nurse Joy shakes her head, "Not yet, Audino gave him some pain medicine and he's fell asleep…do you think he'll take the news well?"
I look down at my feet, Pikachu still has a shocked look on his face, knowing his trainer's fate, "I…don't know…but is it alright i-if I tell him?"
So how is Ash going to take the news about his broken leg? Stay tuned for the next chapter of Hope is Never Broken!
Yeah, yeah I know it's short but it's a good start right? I've had the idea for this story in my head for a while and I hope this fanfic goes well. And yes I know that in the time frame of all of this the next episode after the Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! Is the Unova League…I've watched it I think like yesterday, anyway you guys are just going to have to deal with it not being sync with show. SO I BETTER NOT GET ANY STUPID REVIEW ABOUT IT! Besides with the Unova League going on in the TV show it can help give me ideas for the squeal that I'm planning for this fanfic!
PS: The last chapter of Sick with No Cure will be out soon…if you're wondering
Chapter edited: 7/13/13