Forming a Bond

Chapter twenty-eight

Planet 452 was full of pleasures of every kind. All the sights, sounds, and smells were so varied from district to district that it was hard imagining that anyone couldn't find something they enjoyed. It was also a dangerous place for the redhead saiyan woman to be. Frieza had a price on saiyan heads; females were three times more expensive.

It was a genius plan really. If a female was trying to breed, baring malfunctions, it was only a matter of time before offspring were born. With males it was less certain. Either way being on one of Frieza's planets was not a smart move for Annya nor for Turles. Word would spread that they were on the planet and eventually someone stronger than they could handle would come to wipe them out. She didn't plan on dying anytime soon.

Annya tensely walked down the street until she found what she was looking for - food. When they landed on the planet she had told herself she wouldn't go off of the ship. Unfortunately one of the pirates brought back something that had smelled too good to be real. It had been a long time since she had anything truly sweet. She had even fashioned a high waisted skirt, held in place by her armor top, to hide her tail. It was as close to a disguise as she could bare to get.

She laid down more than a few coins for a bag full of the sweets before starting to walk back to the ship. Annya had gotten what she wanted and fully intended to go back to her searching. Right up until she spotted private hot baths. Licking the last few crumbs from her fingers, the saiyan stopped before the sign. It was a luxury that she didn't need. Like she didn't need the sweets. It was riskier than going out to get food too considering getting dressed would show her tail.

Black eyes caught sight of a very interesting word on the sign. Private. She looked around the establishments front door and then at the moderate crowd around her. A private bath might have been safe enough. Besides she could always check out the facilities before she decided to take off her clothes. With a bit of an internal struggle, Annya entered the bathing house. She paid for a very private room which cost a good deal more than the communal waters.

By the time that she got to the room, Annya felt like turning back around and hurrying to the ship. She could excuse going out to find sustenance. It was illogical to stop for something like a bath. It didn't matter if the rest of the crew was out fucking whores or doing whatever it was that they found pleasurable. Yet as she looked around the room that the silent blue figure led her to, she could find no areas that others could use to spy. The room was small and the large bath took up most of the space. The door closed and locked, barely even a crack could be seen on the top or bottom. There were tiny vents around the room but as she inspected them, Annya could find any surveillance equipment in the ducts. It was safe.

She pulled on the cord that would deliver the hot water to her tub. It rushed out with a vaguely forest scent that Annya found pleasure in. The liquid had a very milky green appearance as it filled up the rectangular pool. Annya locked the door before pulling off her armor top. Her skirt fell to the ground easily as she walked as had just been a long bit of fabric with no belts or ties. She stepped down the stairs and sank into the murky liquid. It had to be the best sensation that she had experienced in a long time.

As she sat down on one of the low internal shelves, Annya relaxed her head over the edge of the tub. It had been a long time since she had a bath. Showers couldn't compare to the sensation of being submerged in warm, scented waters. She contemplated staying in it until she wrinkled up. Or until it went cold. Whichever came first. Even in a relaxed state the woman knew better. She couldn't spend that much time.

She jerked to attention when she heard the door being opened. Her tail wrapped securely around her naked hips as she stayed in the murky water. Most people aimed at their chest level for an early assault. If she stayed lower than that she'd have the element of surprise.

When the door finally opened Annya wasn't sure if she should be relieved or extremely annoyed. Turles walked into the room as though he owned the place. It was a common habit in male saiyans. Her eyes narrowed on him as he locked the door back behind him, haphazardly throwing the keys into her small pile of clothes. His armor was soon to follow.

The broad saiyan male didn't seem to understand by her gaze that she didn't want him in the tub. He practically ignored her as he entered, taking a spot directly across from her. There was an odd contrast between the milky green waters and his ashen skin. It was almost like someone had drained a good portion of the colors out of the world as she stared at him. She could easily see his chest flex as he stretched out. She might have been almost completely submerged when she sat down but that didn't mean he was. Turles was quite a bit taller than her after all.

"Staring is rude," he spoke first.

"So is intruding on someone else's bath," Annya responded back.

Turles shrugged as he stretched out his legs in the water. She could feel how close he had gotten without needing to look through the water. Then without warning he pushed off from the shoulders and wrapped his legs around her. Annya was pulled off the shelf as Turles pulled her into his body, locking her in quite skillfully.

"Calm down," he barked out as she started to struggle, spilling water over the edge of the tub. "I'm not trying to mate you."

Given what had happened recently, Annya wasn't in the mood to believe him. She tried to pry his legs off but he had the superior muscle mass by far.

"Stop struggling damn it. I just wanted you to scrub my back."

"Do I look like your zeyato?" Annya questioned him in a tight voice.


The simplicity of his answer was what made her pause. She looked at him as she stilled her hands. The more she calmed down the looser his hold on her got. That helped with moving away from his groin.

"You had a zeyato?" Annya asked in a skeptical tone.

Normally lower class saiyans just fucked. They didn't always keep in mind family structures or who raised the kid when the other was away on assignment. Most of the time they didn't even form family units beyond the mating or breeding pair. Like how her sister had given birth and the father had just been one bastard or another as far as Annya knew.

"No. That was for you so called elites."

"Then I can't look like something you've never had."

Turles smirked as her and said with all confidence, "You can if I decide that you're my zeyato."

"No," Annya said simply. "Mine are still alive. I will return to my son when I find them. You can come with us but we will not mate."

"What if I killed your son?"

"You are welcome to try. But you will die. My son is much stronger than I am. By now his power level would make us look week in comparison."

Turles scuffed as he released Annya all the way. He doubted that her son was that strong. If he was so strong, they would have heard something about him by now. Not to mention he was sure that they'd never run into him. Turles had been vigilant on making sure to filter out any content that might have even the possibility of being another band of saiyans. He had finally found another saiyan after over two decades of their planet being destroyed and it had been a female nonetheless. He wasn't stupid enough to let her run back off the moment she picked up a potential sighting of her old comrades. Especially if they were as bonded as she claimed.

"When we get back to the ship, you will bring my tale back."

Turles spoke as he relaxed back into the bath water. The way he was so relaxed made her wonder if he had meant what he'd said about just wanting her to wash his back. It was an intimate action, sure, but it wasn't as reproachable as mating. Especially considering that they might have been considered comrades after traveling together for so long.

Contemplating her situation and attachments, Annya kept quiet as she moved back to her side of the massive tub.