A million thanks to everyone who voted for A Family Affair in the TwiFanfictionRecs July completed fics poll. It made the top 10! I am so honored, especially considering that some of the other stories were my favorites. Bass Instinct also made the top 10. You guys are awesome!

Thank you to everyone who donated to Fandom for Oklahoma. The compilation was wonderful, with tons of great story contributions. This is the outtake that I contributed. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to MariahajilE for her quick beta work!

Chapter 32 – Outtake for Fandom for Oklahoma

November, 2014

"Mommy, done."

"Let Daddy wipe your face, my sticky little man." I lean over and give Jake a kiss on his messy lips before Edward swoops in with a wet napkin. He expertly wipes our son's mouth and hands before unbuckling him from the booster seat and setting him free to play with his favorite toys at his grandparents' house.

I look back down to the beautiful angel in my arms, who is just about finished nursing and starting to doze off.

"Let me take Lizzie when she's finished," my amazing husband offers. "You can finish eating."

As soon as Lizzie pops off my breast, I close my bra and straighten my shirt with one hand. I've become an expert at doing all of this one-handed, but Edward takes our two-month-old daughter from me anyway. He places a burp cloth over his shoulder and gently pats her back until she emits a most unladylike burp and goes back to sleep.

Everyone at the table chuckles. "I'll never get over the sounds that come out of such a tiny girl," Esme comments.

"She takes after her father," Carlisle adds.

"Thanks, Dad," Edward responds dryly.

Our baby girl looks so much like me, it's sometimes surprising. Elizabeth Rachel Cullen was conceived the very night that Edward and I decided to try for baby number two, when we celebrated the two year anniversary of when we got together. Although my pregnancy with Lizzie was just as easy as when I was pregnant with Jake, unfortunately, her delivery didn't go as smoothly.

Lizzie's heart rate kept dropping each time I tried to push her out. At first, it would go back up with no problems, but eventually, it was staying low for too long. I was rushed in for an emergency cesarean section, and the doctors found that the umbilical cord had become wrapped around her neck. Thankfully, she was born with no lasting effects, although the doctor warned that any future pregnancies may also end up as cesareans.

Edward and I are still undecided if there will be a future pregnancy, but we are leaning toward at least one more when the time is right. I'm not going to let my age deter us from having the large family we both want.

I lift my fork and dig back in to my now cool Thanksgiving dinner. "Everything's delicious as always, Es," I say around bites of food. Esme insisted on preparing the entire dinner. No matter how many times I told her I could cook something, even with two little ones to take care of, she continued to tell me it wasn't necessary. Instead, I was only allowed to contribute some desserts.

Family dinners have become such a wonderful occasion. Rose and Emmett usually join us, but tonight, they went to visit Rose's parents in Seattle. Even without them, we always enjoy our time with Carlisle and Esme. They dote on the kids like any grandparents would, and Jake can never get enough of them. Elizabeth still basically just eats, sleeps and poops, but that doesn't stop the grandparents from fawning all over her.

When Em and Rose are around, there's no such thing as volume control. Emmett plays with Jake as if he were also a year-and-a-half old; crashing cars, building with blocks only to knock them down and running all over the house screaming. Jake couldn't love his Uncle Em any more.

"The Pack-N-Play is set up in your room, Edward," Carlisle tells Edward as he walks around with a sleeping baby on his shoulder.

Edward kisses the side of Lizzie's head gently. "I'll take her up there in a minute." He's just like me, cherishing every moment with our kids, not wanting to put them down even when they're asleep.

"So, Bella, did you decide when you're going back to work yet?" Carlisle asks.

"Yeah, I'm just going to take the rest of the year off and go back in January. It doesn't make any sense to go back for a few days and then have Christmas break."

"But I'm ready for my grandbabies now," Esme pouts. She had only been working part-time before I had Jake and decided to quit her job and take care of him for me. With Carlisle's income, she never really needed to work anyway and she only did it to keep herself occupied. Now her grandson keeps her occupied, and soon, she'll have her hands full with her granddaughter, too.

I shake my head at her. "You can still come see them anytime, Es."

"I know," she responds sadly. "It's not the same as having them all to myself, though."

I'm about to take another bite of dinner when my cell phone rings. I didn't even realize it was in my pocket, so I pull it out and check the caller ID, wondering who would be calling on Thanksgiving since the whole family is here.

"It's a Phoenix area code," I mutter to no one in particular. I furrow my brows, wondering if it's Angela. I haven't spoken to her in a while, but it's possible that she'd call to wish me a happy Thanksgiving.

I step away from the table, so I'll be able to hear better, and swipe my finger across the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?" I say as I walk down the hallway and away from the noise of Jake running his cars down the track.

There's a significant pause before a familiar voice speaks. "Bella …"

I inhale a sharp gasp of air. "What do you want, Jasper?" I ask as I reach Carlisle's office and close the door behind me.

He lets out a sigh. "I just … I missed you. I just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving."

I sit on the couch and run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "You can't call me, Jasper. I've moved on with my life, and it doesn't include you."

"Come on, Bella. After all we've been through together, you don't have room in your life for me as a friend?"

"A friend? Really? I'm sorry, but my 'friends' don't treat me as if I don't matter. They don't ignore me, and they certainly don't cheat on me," I say, fuming. "Why in the world would you think that I'd want to be your friend after almost three years of not even speaking to each other?" I'm trying to keep my voice down, but his arrogance is inciting my ire.

"I guess I deserved that," he responds calmly. "Look, I just meant that we did have some good times, you know?"

"Jasper," I cut in, needing to stop him before he takes a trip down memory lane. "I'm sure we did have some good times at one point, but it's really hard to get past how things ended."

"I know," he says in defeat. "And I know that I owe you an apology, so at least let me get that out …"

"Fine. Go ahead." I can listen to what he has to say.

"I'm not going to make excuses, because you'd know they were bullshit. I know things between us weren't great when we moved, and I should have tried harder to make you happy in Phoenix. Instead, I threw myself into work, because I didn't know how to make you happy.

"The thing with Alice … Ah, I don't even know what happened. One day she was my secretary, and the next we were—"

I cut him off there, because I really don't need to hear this. "Are you still with her?" I ask, surprising myself. I shouldn't care, but part of me needs to know.

He sighs loudly. "No. We were together for a little while, but I probably should have realized that someone who was willing to sleep with a married man didn't exactly have the highest moral standards. When she told me she was pregnant about a year ago, I had a feeling it wasn't mine. She started pressuring me into marriage, so when I told her I wasn't ready, she threw it in my face that the baby was probably Peter's anyway."

As much as this doesn't surprise me, I'm horrified for Jasper. I may not want to be married to the guy, but that doesn't mean I wish him heartache. It must have sucked for him to find out that his girlfriend was also sleeping with his boss—a boss that he followed from Washington to Arizona. "So, what happened?" I ask.

"She decided to keep the baby, and I told her I wanted a DNA test as soon as it was born. I was really starting to get attached to him, you know? I mean, even though she didn't work for me anymore, I still saw her every day and watched her grow. But he was tested as soon as he was born and turned out to be Peter's son."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jasper," I offer sympathetically. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must have been. "That must have been hard for you."

He laughs humorlessly. "Yeah. I gave my notice the day I found out, changed my phone number and eventually moved out of the condo. Thankfully, I got another job quickly, but there hasn't been anyone else in my life since Alice.

"Anyway, I really just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for how things ended up between us. I honestly never set out to hurt you. You deserve more than that out of life."

The door to Carlisle's office opens slowly, and I watch as Edward peeks his head inside. A smile covers my face as I wave him inside. "You're right, Jasper," I say, still smiling. "I do deserve more than that."

Edward sits down next to me, and I take his hand in mine. "Leaving you was probably the best choice I ever made," I continue, looking right at my husband. "Because it led me to where I really belong."

I feel Edward squeezing my hand, offering me his unwavering comfort and support.

"You're happy now?" Jasper asks.


"Are you still in Forks?"

"Yes, with my family."

Edward drops my hand and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I put my left hand over his and admire our matching wedding bands with a smile, reminding myself of the unbreakable bond that we share.

"How's Esme? Is she still doing interior design?"

"No," I tell Jasper. "She stopped that almost a year and a half ago so she could watch her grandson during the day."

"Her grandson? Edward has a kid?"

I chuckle quietly. "Two, actually."

Jasper seems shocked. "Wow, I never pictured him as the type to settle down so young. He can't be more than what? Twenty-three? Who is he married to?"

"Me," I say simply. "And he's twenty-five."

The silence on the other end of the line is deafening. I'm sure he's quickly calculating the twelve year age difference between us. Edward leans over and kisses the top of my head while I wait for Jasper to respond.

Finally, he says dryly, "Bella … Please tell me you're kidding."

"Not at all, Jasper. I told you that I have a happy life here with my family. Edward and I have been married for two years, and we have two children together."

"Wow … Uh, wow." I give him the time he needs to take it in. "I don't know what to say. I mean, I'm glad to hear that you're happy. Just shocked, I guess."

"You can't choose who you love," I tell him honestly, smiling up at Edward.

"No, I guess not."

"Listen, Jasper, I'm actually glad you called, but I need to get back to my family now. I appreciate your apology, and I hope you can find some happiness someday, but I don't think it would do any good for us to keep in contact." I try to make sure that my tone is gentle so he knows I'm not upset, but I've moved on with my life and don't need constant reminders of the past.

"Yeah, I can understand that. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, Bella. Even if you don't believe me, I do want you to be happy."

"I do believe that, and thank you. I want the same for you."

"Take care of yourself."

"You too, Jasper."

I end the call and take a deep, cleansing breath while Edward's arm tightens around me. He lets me sit in silence for a minute, knowing I need to digest what just happened.

Eventually, when I've wrapped my head around the conversation a little bit, I say, "Well, that was odd."

Edward laughs quietly before turning serious. "Are you okay?" His hand rubs soothing circles on my shoulder.

I look up at him and smile. "Yep, I'm more than okay." I lean up and he meets me halfway, our lips melting together in perfect harmony as they always do.

"Why don't we get back to dinner?" Edward offers after our kiss ends.

I smirk at him. "You don't even want to know what he had to say?"

He shrugs. "You know I'll listen if you want to talk about it, but it's fine if you don't."

"Eh, there's not much to it. He thought we could be friends after all this time, although I suspect it's only because he's lonely. Honestly, I think I'm glad he called. It kind of feels like closure now. I know that's all behind me, and I don't ever have to talk to him again."

"Well, then I'm glad you could get your closure, baby," Edward offers. He hugs me to him, and being wrapped in his arms feels as perfect as it always does, like I'm home.

"I love you."

"Love you, too," he says, pecking me on the lips. "Shall we?"

He stands up and offers me his hand, which I take gratefully, knowing I'd follow him anywhere. Although we have our share of disagreements, I know that Edward always has my best interests at heart in everything he does. He'd never do anything that would hurt me or the kids, and he'd protect us with his life.

When this crazy relationship started, I thought for sure that we'd both lose interest once the novelty wore off and life got back to normal. But that never happened. Life turned out to only be normal when I had Edward by my side, supporting me, loving me and taking care of me.

Who knew that turning to a family friend for comfort from your worst pain could become the most amazing happily ever after?

Hand in hand, we stroll back into the dining room. I see that Esme and Carlisle have already cleared the table and are putting the dishes and leftover food away.

"Who's ready for dessert?" I call out.

"Me, Mommy! Me! Me!" Jake comes barreling into the room from his play area, and I drop down to my knees with my arms wide open. He smacks into me and wraps his little arms around me.

I hold his body tightly to me and stand up. Edward's arms encase both of us and I soak up the love of my family, a family I once thought I would never have, a family that I am thankful for every minute of every day.

My new story, Altered Measure, just started posting. I hope you'll check it out.