Dick crutched his way downstairs sighing at how annoying it was that he couldn't use his right leg for fear of tearing out the stitches. "Alfie!?" he called looking around as he got into the kitchen, oddly enough Alfred wasn't in there which is rare because the kitchen was always Alfred's domain.

Dick sat down at the table and frowns trying to think where he could be. He knew Tim was at school and Bruce was at work Alfred may be down in the cave but that wasn't very likely considering it was practically off limits during the day. He rubs his face and groans stands up as he hears the doorbell crutching to the entry hall he meets Alfred at the door and grins triumphantly. "Where have you been? I looked for you in the kitchen and you weren't anywhere to be found." Dick said confused.

"Master Richard I do have a life outside of the kitchen, and if you must know I was straightening my quarters." Alfred said fondly as he opened the door to reveal a very excited red head who wa practically vibrating as soon as he saw Dick he practically tackled him. "You haven't contacted the team or anything you ass if I hadn't seen everything about night wing in the papers I would've never guessed and blue and black now huh? I like it! But how did Batsy take it, I doubt it was with much grace. Also I had to hear from Impulse that you almost died! That is not cool I haven't heard from you in a year and then you almost die on me. Gosh Dick you're such a well dick." The red headed speedster laughed and then looked at Alfred who didn't look amused that his injured charge was on the floor or Wally's language.

"Get off of me lead feet geez." Dick pushed him off and laughed hobbling to his feet and winces. Shaking his head as he hugs his friend he hadn't seen him in way too long and he forgot how amazing it was to be around him. Wally had this unique talent of completely distracting you from your problems usually by being such an idiot you couldn't help but laugh.

"So I've heard all about your adventures! You've practically nailed every villain in Blüdhaven." Wally said excitedly and groans as Dick clamps his hand on his mouth.

"Wally you do remember no hero talk above ground, right?" Dick laughed and grins at Alfred. "C'mon we can talk downstairs." He grabbed his crutches and crutched to Bruce's study moving the clock to the right time and watches as the door slides back, Dick crutches downstairs with Wally right behind him ready to catch him if he needed.

Dick sighs happily and stretches as he gets down to the cave looking around, he smiles at Wally. "So what about you ginger what famous exploits has the flash gotten himself into now?" Dick grinned at his friend waiting to hear all about it.

Wally smiles slightly and looks at him rubbing the back of his neck "Well you know I took Barry's title, and Bart goes by Kid flash now instead of impulse, he's my sidekick. He's a good kid he's already gotten to meet Tim I think he was the first super side kick Bats allowed Tim to be friends with and they're as close as you and I are." Dick smiles as he hears about Bart he was always someone Dick liked but the fact that he and Tim were friends made Dick practically beam.

"Yeah about Tim do you know much about him? I mean is he talented at being a robin what are his strong points and when is Bruce allowing him into the field?" Dick looked at Wally curiously and bites his lip he knew that Tim was a good kid he just didn't want another death to try and get over. If he was being honest he really wasn't dealing with Jason's death and it had been a year.

"Tim is great, I mean his fighting and acrobatics need a lot of work but he's smart, smart enough to figure ways out of the bad guys grasp or to get away from them. Not that Jay wasn't smart but he's as smart as Bruce, if you can believe it."

Dick smiles, "you know Wally there was a time when everyone said I was the wiz kid " He laughs and stretches as he glanced at the computer a video playing on rerun appearing in the middle and frowns. "What in the… there's a new villain he's brutal look." Dick moved so Wally could watch as this guy killed most of the Black mask's crew and as he turns to the camera the only thing visible was a red hood." Well Batsy come and get me, and that's all folks" The man on the video shuts off the camera, and then it replayed.

Dick frowned, "Wally this guy was live streaming I bet half the town's already seen it and it's on replay. Bruce is not going to be happy this is something the joker does but he's been in Arkham for the past six months."

Meanwhile at Wayne Enterprises:

"So I heard your oldest has come back home!" Lucius grins as he claps Bruce on the back.

"Yeah he got into an accident in Blüdhaven and we made up, I almost lost him." Bruce said thickly and sighs, "I really don't want to lose another child you know Jason he really took his toll."

"I remember" Lucius said sadly "Dick couldn't even make it to the funeral he was so upset that's what started your argument right?" Bruce sighs and nods "Yeah I wasn't very happy with him and of course Dick being a cop he thought it was foul play but really it was just a very unfortunate accident, I should've never bought him that four wheeler." Bruce said sadly and closes his eyes as the TV suddenly comes on he frowns looking at it as a video suddenly started playing. "You see we have the Black Mask's drug dealers and then we have their lackey's. I told them that I wanted 60% of the cut and no selling to children they agreed and then I found this ass selling to children!" The deep male voice said from behind the camera "so here we have Paul Pavlov and his lackey's are you ready for this?" the camera was sat down and Bruce watched as it displayed the whole room. A tall and muscular man with a black leather jacket cavlar and a red hooded motorcycle helmet stepper forward and poured gasoline on all of the people and threw down his zippo smirks picking up the camera that was reflected back in the view of his hood the kept his face hidden. "Well Batsy come and get me, and that's all folks." The camera cut off and then the video replayed.

Bruce watched as it displayed the burning bodies and he could hear the screams of the people as they burned and groans Gotham has a new mad man that he'd have to worry about Tim coming up against.