I know I promised an epilogue, but I honestly couldn't come up with one that would be satisfactory. I've decided to leave it at the last chapter, I may or may not revisit this verse again, it all depends on if I get more inspiration for it.
I would like to take the time out to thank everyone who took the time to review, favorite, followed and sent me pm's. There are way too many people to list and to thank, but a shout out to the faithful ones, I love you so damn much!
For the guest who complained about my grammar, if it bothered you so bad, then why did you continue reading it and then leaving a comment? Constructive criticism is fine but your review was pretty much rude as fuck. I would appreciate it if you would come off of anon and send me a PM about the matter. Hiding behind guest is a coward's way, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. My abuelita taught me that.
Special shout out to the whole Quinntana and Glee fandom, we may not be endgame, but Quinntana will always be in our hearts. We took a little ship and made it into a bigger one and I was happy to be a proud member of The Good Ship Quinntana. I loved them since season 1 and even though we've had opposition from Faberry and Brittana, we still held our own. We proved once again that we are indeed the classiest and most flawless fandom in Glee. Keep shipping and keeping Quinntana alive.
Until next time my lovelies,
XOXO~Nayanna Rivergron