"Damn it!" I said, while chasing after the bus. I saw no point in still running after it, I was going to be late anyways, might as well get some food, I was starving. I decided to stop off at Bonque Bistro. As I walked in, something peculiar caught my eye, a girl. But what was so strange about the girl, to have me stand there gawking at her.

"Sir? Are you going to order anything?" said an unfamiliar waitress.

I brushed aside the strange girl and grumbled, "Yes, a umm, uhh," I was starting to fluster, "A uhh Salad!"

Why the hell did I order a salad? This morning was just full of me surprising myself!

Last night I had gone to sleep quite early, so I could arrive early to school, I normally despise school, but I wanted to make sure I didn't get there late on the first day. See being late on the first day means an awkward introduction just as you get into the class. Now, I would have to go through the awkward process. It surprised me that I could sleep so much, and now, the salad surprise.

"Will that be for here or, um, to go?" the waitress asked shyly.

"To go, please."

"Okay here you go sir," she paused, as I looked at her expectantly while she still withheld my salad from me, "Oh sorry! Here you go!"

"No problem."

She obviously was new to the job. Well at least I got my salad now. I walked the way I had seen the bus go, and chomped on my salad. I wondered how this new school would be. I wonder what the humans will think of me. Maybe some girls will fawn over me, I am super attractive! The only obstacle I saw was, blood.

As a child every time a friend or just some random kid got hurt, I had to run away, looking like a coward. But it wasn't my fault, I am a vampire after all. I probably would've sucked their blood. I just know I can't join sport teams, too much of a risk of blood.

While I was pondering my difficulty, my thoughts got cut off by 3 paths (streets.) Which way was school?! I took a gander, and continued on going straight. I decided I didn't want to be too late, and I had just finished my salad, so might as well run there. I hate the human speed I have to go at! I wish I could unleash my vampiric speed, but sadly, I am in the human world.

I finally made it to the damn school. My guess was right, shockingly. I approached my first classroom, and was a bit nervous to the introduction. I stopped at the door, thinking of what I was going to say, "hi I'm Tsukune.." or "howdy! I'm late but my name is Tsukune." Nahh, too lame. I finally got the courage to enter the room.

"A little late wouldn't you say?" said a friendly lady, I'm guessing who is the teacher.

"Yes, I am truly sorry! My name is Tsukune Aono."

"I figured, but don't say it to me, say it to your classmates"

I turned to classroom, putting on the best handsome smile on for the ladies, "Hi, I am Tsukune, glad to get the opportunity to meet all you aspiring people!"

The classroom stayed silent, though I could tell some girls thought I was cute by the way they were staring at me. I found two empty seats and decided to sit in the closest one to the teacher. The teacher then resumed teaching. I started thinking about what human would actually give me the courtesy and approach me and befriend me, most likely none, they probably already have their cliques by now.

My mind was drifting off when I heard foot steps from outside the class room (I have superb hearing) I just shrugged it off, they sounded distant anyways, I resumed thinking. All of a sudden the door popped open with a lot of force from the petite opener. The girl who slammed open the door didn't seem agitated or anything, but she was gorgeous! I stared, gawking at this girl, she was so pretty! Many of the guys would agree, but they seemed to think her hair color was out of the ordinary, pink. Everyone in the class had brown or black, a few dirty blondes, but the dirty blondes mostly seemed like they had brown hair. But I thought the gorgeous beauty sported the pink hair perfectly.

"Hi, I'm Moka Akashiya. Sorry I'm late."

"That is quite alright, sit in the seat behind the handsome young gentleman, Tsukune Aono."

Handsome? That's right! Hopefully this pink haired goddess will see me as handsome. I then sported my best smile for her as she walked by, her cheeks turned a bit red but at the moment they did, a cold breeze blew through the classroom, so it could've been from the breeze, or maybe my smile.

The teacher kept rambling away, while the students pretended to care. Most of the students were on the edge of their seats and eyeing the clock, while I was just thinking of anything that came to mind. The bell rang, which had startled me. The teacher then excused us to go out for lunch, the other students rushed out of the class to get the food first, while I just slowly walked behind the herd of students to the cafeteria.

The lunch line was incredibly long! It seemed like it was going to take ages for my food to come. But in actual reality it only took about 10 minutes. When I got the food I plopped down a table that had no one else on it. I looked around and saw who inhabited the other tables. By taking a good look at who sat at what table I soon figured out the cliques. I saw across the vast sea of students something interesting, pink hair. I saw the girl sitting alone, I felt bad, even though I was sitting alone too, but I still felt terrible that she was alone. I decided to give her company, so I got up and walked towards her lonesome table.

Moka's perspective

Maybe I should approach one of the humans. But the last time I did in my old school, it turned out pretty bad. Well, being alone isn't too bad. But having company is much better. Huh, it looks like that guy, what was his name, uh, Tuskuney? No that sounds too weird, Tsukune? I think that's right, but it looks like he's coming to me, probably to be a jerk, or he's joining another table. But he is kind of cute.

Tsukune's perspective again

When I looked at the girl she seemed to be thinking hard about something, but she did seem a bit lonely. I finally reached her table.

"Hello, you seem to be a bit lonely, I was also alone at a table too, so I thought maybe you could use my company?" I said smiling.

"Oh yes, though I am a bit used to it. My name's Moka." She said shyly.

"Yes I know, Akashiya right?"

"Yes, You're Tsukune?"

"Yes, well introductions aside, How's the food?" I said dumbly.

How's the food?! Geez, I really know how to woo a girl. I noticed something I hadn't noticed before, she had a rosary on. Could she be..? But if she is, then she must think I might be, well no mine is well hidden. But she could just be very religious. I want to ask her but, it's too early, if she's human she'll think I'm crazy.

Strangely enough my dumb question actually sparked a conversation about how some cafeteria food is so disgusting and how some are good. The girl seemed a bit to nice and accepting to be a vampire, but then again I was too.