DISCLAIMER: I do not own K or and of the characters being used.

A few weeks passed without Fushimi Saruhiko or Yata Misaki ever having a run in with one another. The days got colder as the sun began to set earlier, and after about a week a light snow started to cover the streets of Shizume City. Both clans were quiet, so much so an outsider would think that they've finally stopped competing against one another to be the superior clan.

One of the coldest days of the new week however, on his way to open the bar, had Izumo spotted Fushimi simply standing in front of the building; looking as though he was waiting for something…or someone. He approached his former clansmen and put a rather hesitant hand on his shoulder, forming a small smile in greetings as he did so, "Good morning, Fushimi-Kun. Can I help you with something?"

The Blue Clansmen jumped ever so slightly due to Izumo's touch, rather surprised with himself that he hadn't sensed his former companion's presence appear around him. His cheeks were pale looking and the tip of his nose red, providing all of the evidence to signify that the younger man had been standing out in the cold for some time now. In response to Izumo's words, Fushimi shook his head, taking a step back so that the bar tender's hand fell from his shoulder; a faint glare being directed in the blond's direction. "I'm fine, thank you…Kusanagi-San."

"Then why are you stalking my bar," Izumo questioned, a bigger smile forming across his features this time around as he dug through his pocket to find the key to his beloved establishment, "Just admit it, you're wanting to see Yata-Chan."

Fushimi blinked, eyes widening just a tiny bit as he took yet another step back away from Izumo; wondering what in the world gave the blond that sort of idea. "Wha- Like I'd ever want to come and hang out with the lot of you idiots again…"

The bar tender laughed under his breath to himself in reply to Fushimi's words, reaching out with his key now in hand and unlocking the door; happy to have found the silver piece of metal when he did for a rather thick looking snow had started to fall from the sky; After another second or two Izumo opened his mouth to respond properly to his former companion, only to be interrupted then by a rather familiar voice.

"The hell are you doing here, stupid monkey?"

It was Yata.

Izumo and Fushimi both turned to face their familiar red-haired companion. Izumo waved in greeting as the blue clansmen allowed his usual mocking smile to form across his face, his words singing in tones as he spoke, "I think we know the answer to that question, Misaki, don't try and pretend you've already forgotten."

The red clansmen frowned deeply as he pushed by Izumo and Fushimi, entering into the bar as he did so and taking a seat at his usual spot at the counter; not having forgotten his conversation with his former companion a few weeks earlier. He waited to answer the traitor until the blue haired fellow had entered into the bar as well. "Well, we both know I don't want to see you, so you can go home, Saru."

Fushimi laughed, taking slow steps across the wooded floor boards of the still completely dark bar; running a faint hand through his hair only to then look up and lock eyes with his former companion, "Mi-Sa-Ki, you say all these hurtful things and yet we all know that you think about me more than you're ever willing to admit to yourself. Just accept your feelings, I have."

Izumo blinked, having known for years now that Fushimi and Yata exchanged playful banter among each other such as this, but never once thought that either of the two would actually admit that they cared for the other more than just as friends…or, as Yata would say, enemies.

The smaller Homra member clenched his fists tight as they sat weightlessly on top of the bar's counter, the redhead willing just about every single ounce in his body to keep himself from launching from his stool and beating Fushimi over and over in the face. "Damn traitor…"

The young member of Scepter4 grinned just a tad more as he slowly moved his body a bit closer to his former complain; all before his body, and little Yata Misaki's, jumped in shock due to the sudden flicker of the lights in the bar being turned on. Kusanagi smiled as he stood up from behind his beloved counter, giving the two younger men a few faint chuckles as he did so. "Sorry kids, gotta open up shop here in a few minutes so if you could wrap this up that'd be nice."

"There's nothing to wrap up, Kusanagi-San, I already told this asshole to go home," Yata whined, looking Izumo in the eyes as he spoke, allowing his guard to fall just a bit, "I've said it once and I'll say it again, traitors aren't wel-"

"Yes, yes, right away Kusanagi-san, I'll be out in just one simple moment, "Fushimi mused, cutting Yata off midsentence as he took three large steps toward his former best friend, only to then take the redhead's chin between his middle finger, pointer finger, and thumb; bringing their lips close together in a faint kiss as he willed his eyes to shut softly.

A faint kiss, a long awaited kiss, a kiss that will probably never happen again as long as Yata Misaki will live filled Fushimi Saruhiko with much joy as he pushed their lips just a bit closer to one another, kissing the redhead just once more; perfectly able to hear his heartbeat drum in his ears with all sorts of excitement. When he opened his eyes and pulled away from the smaller individual Saruhiko was unable to old back a small chuckle, greeted with a thick glare of daggers as he did so.

"Get out," Misaki barked, rubbing the back of his hand roughly against his lips as he did so, standing violently from his bar stool.

"On my way," the traitor, the monkey, the blue clansmen sang, running one of his own hands through his hair as he did so, having no regrets for his actions. "If the snow doesn't keep me away, I'll see you tomorrow," with that was Fushimi through the door and out into the cold, snow covered world.

The bar stood silent for a few passing moments as Yata continued to rub at his mouth, trying to get the feeling of his own light pink lips touching to Fushimi's out of his system…he was focused so hard that he jumped at the sound of Kusanagi's voice.

"So…the two of you are together now, Yata-Chan?"

"Go to hell!"

And there is chapter two...took longer than I was expecting but recently I've been in a funk and I couldn't think of anything good to write. I hope it's to everyone's liking. Please leave a review and tell me what you think! :D