It's been too long since I updated, I apologize.

I own nothing.

Raf's POV

I couldn't feel anything anymore. Not my fingers, toes, face or anything. But what I could feel was Miko's body pressed against mine. She was so warm. My body had felt like an ice box before, but now I just felt uncomfortably cold.

I couldn't help when my body attached itself to her's. She was like my saving grace.

I only remember Jack leaving to try and find the 'Bots and then Miko had stripped both of us down to our underwear. I had felt a tinge of empathy for her; I could only imagine how uncomfortable that must have been.

My eyes were long past watering and I brought my blue fingers up to my nose for the millionth time to wipe the snot that was slowly falling out of my nose. A quick shiver went up my spine that made me jump, but then after I was perfectly fine.

I no longer felt cold or on the blink of death, if anything I was more at peace than I ever felt before. A little nap wouldn't hurt right? I asked myself as I began to feel very drowsy. Sleep seemed like a perfect thing. All I had to do was close my eyes and rest...

Miko's POV

I was doing my best to keep an eye on Raf, it was the only thing I could do.

I had noticed his small movements and that was what told me he was still with me. But, there came a moment when he wasn't moving at all. His small intakes of breath weren't being forced anymore, they were just slowing down and becoming more rare as the minutes passed.

"No, no, no..." I mumbled trying to shake him. Water covered my eyes and just like that I couldn't even see Raf in front of me because it was so blurry. Whether they were tears or my eyes were reacting to the cold, I couldn't tell.

It was becoming harder and harder to call his name and shake his small body. It finally sank in, he had given up. Not by choice, but he physically just couldn't handle it anymore. Now I knew it was tears invading my vision.

This couldn't be the end. I wanted to go out with a bang-doing something crazy and stupid.

Well this was crazy and stupid, but I didn't want to drag the boys along with me. It's not fair. None of this is.

Raf was dying because of my stupid and careless actions. He's dying because of me.

I turned my head towards where Jack had left and was about to whisper goodbye in the wind when something caught my eye. Two somethings actually. I laughed, how the Hell did they did us?

It hit me, Jack must have found them. He was safe too. We were going to be safe. I smiled looking down to Raf shaking him, "R-Raf," My voice cracked from dehydration and also pain. What if I couldn't wake him up? Jack and I would survive, but Raf would die? I couldn't live with that.

I tried shaking him more, but he was still just a lifeless little boy.


"Optimus!" I jerked my head towards his voice and before I could push myself up, he was lifting me into his hands where Jack was huddled his chassis.

"Miko!" He turned around to hug me, but stopped with a blush turning away.

"What?" Oh. I looked down at my exposed body and quickly covered myself remembering that I no longer had on my clothes because I had to keep Raf warm. Raf!

I looked up at Optimus. "Raf's asleep, won't wake up." I stumbled on the words coming from my mouth.

"I've got him, keep warm." I looked over and saw Ratchet picking up Raf with cautious movements. Ratchet had to open his spark chamber a bit, unlike Optimus because Raf was so much colder his body needed the extra heat.

He scanned his body and quickly turned his comm. on. "We need a bridge- now!"

A binding green light appeared and before we knew it, we were back in the warmth of the Base surrounded by many relieved 'Bots and humans.

3rd POV

June was dozing off in the chair by the computer unintentionally when the call came in. The stress and late night shifts were catching up to her, but the second she heard Ratchet's order for a groundbridge she was up once again.

Bulkhead was already opening one up by the time she was on her feet. Soon the two elder mechs returned holding the missing children.

Jack seemed to be the best off at the moment. "Mom!" Jack practically leaped from the small jump before Optimus could lower his hands completely. His mother was at his side hugging him so tightly he couldn't breath. Tears laced her voice, "I thought I lost you, Jack."

Jack pulled back shaking his head and Agent Fowler appeared holding a warm blanket. He wrapped it around the boy, "Welcome back, son." He smiled.

June made her way to Miko who was awkwardly standing there in just her underwear. Agent Fowler kept his attention away until she was covered by a warm blanket as well. Miko kissed the girl's forehead. "You're okay now, sweetie." Miko wiped the tears from her eyes and straightened up. "I'm really sor-" but June interrupted her.

"Don't. Not now."

Miko nodded tightening the blanket around herself.

"Nurse Darby, Rafael needs medical attention and quickly." Ratchet was almost running to the medical berth.

June ripped her attention towards the doctor and his small patient. "Get him hooked up to oxygen and under a blanket, hurry." June said as she made her way.

"My hands are too large, Nurse Darby. I could crush him."

Oh right, June thought forgetting that Ratchet wasn't one of her assistants at the hospital. She quickly was at the boy's side and pulled the mask onto his small head and put a blanket over his body to keep him warm, but not to warm to avoid cardiac arrest.

Once he was hooked up, all there was left to do was wait. She turned to Miko and Jack. "Go rest and stay warm."

They nodded walking slowly to the couch where Fowler had placed a small space heater.

Jack looked towards Miko with a frown as he squeezed her hand. "He'll be okay."

The Japanese girl didn't say anything as she turned her head the other way.

"C'mon, don't beat yourself up. It was a mistake."

"He was dead. I swear there was a minute when he wasn't breathing, Jack. He would have died if you hadn't come and saved us." She whispered.

Jack pulled her in for a hug, "Miko, I'll be the first to admit that you did the stupidest thing today, but also the best. You're the one that saved his life, not me. He would have died if you didn't keep him warm. You know that."

"If I didn't drag you two out then he'd be alive and playing video games this very moment."

Jack sighed and quietly kissed the top of her head, "He'll forgive you if he hasn't already."

Miko smiled, "Yeah..." She looked up at the older boy and laughed. "He was looking for when you left."

"Oh really?" He smiled as well.

"Yeah, and he was the one that reminded me what you told me if we got really cold."

"Good thing he has a friend like you to help."

"Ah shut up Jack," She said with a smile. "So, in all seriousness, you think he'll be okay?"

"I know it."

3rd POV (later that day)

"Hey, Jack, I think he's waking up." Miko said excitedly shaking the raven haired teen.

"I'm up, I'm up." He blinked rubbing his eyes from his chair next to Raf's berth. If had been around five hours since the three were rescued and Raf was finally awakening. Jack and Miko had gotten changed and were waiting for their smaller friend too wake up every since.

He mumbled something that neither could understand before he opened his eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light. "B-Bee...?"

"Incorrect, Jack and Miko." The girl said smiling and her loud sudden voice made Raf jump and his eyes darted to her.

"Oops," Miko cringed, "I'm sorry."

Jack smiled and said hello before he called his mother who was at the Hispanic boy's side in seconds.

"Rafael, my baby boy!" She cried leaning over kissing his cheeks and forehead many times. "You're awake." She smiled wiping tears out of her eyes.

Raf blushed and nodded. "Yeah," Jack placed his glasses on his face and Raf smiled. "Thanks Jack."

"No need, bud." He smiled sitting back down.

"I'm gonna change your heat packs, Raf, okay?" June said removing one of the packs from underneath his arm.

"Okay," He nodded still confused and still trying to understand what was going on.

She placed another much warmer one in it's place that caused him to sigh in relief. June smiled and rubbed his cheek, "Only two more." She removed the other from his other arm and replaced that one. Another sigh.

He shifted uncomfortably when June pulled over the blanket revealing him in his boxers with the last heat pack laying on his groin. She removed that one and he tried not to show too much relief when she placed a warmer pack back in its place before covering him back up.

"Don't worry, Raf, nothing we didn't see before." Miko said noticing his flustered face.

"What? Oh..." He breathed awkwardly looking at the girl. He looked and her now clothed body and cleared his throat looking down. "I, um, thank you." He said with a faint smile looking back up at her.

Miko smiled sadly, "Please don't thank me."

But Raf shook his head, "I will because you saved me...I know it was a little weird and awkward, but I'd be dead if you hadn't. And I know you're gonna say it was your fault, but it wasn't. I wanted to see snow, I wanted to join you. We can only blame ourselves as a team."

"I believe you," She smiled because finally hearing it from him made her realize that maybe it really want entirely her fault. Well, she still blamed no one but herself, but it made it easier to live with herself knowing that Raf didn't blame her for him almost dying.

Maybe they would get through this.

I think there's just an epilogue left. I don't know how i feel of this ending but i didnt want it dragging.

Ugh off to stud for mid-terms tomorrow.