Disclaimer: I do not own Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, or the universe of HP, all rights go to JKR, and no profit is being made by this.

Rating: K

Word Count: 496

Summary: 'I'm sorry, please forgive me for the choice I have made, I love you though...' Draco make's a choice, one that ruines all of his chances of being with the woman he loves. However, he just wished she knew why he had done it in the first place.

Warnings: None.

Ships: Draco/Hermione

Beta: None.

A/N: Here is an extremly short one-shot, if anyone likes it, I might make it longer or add a chapter or whatever y'all want. ~Ely xx

Draco's Choice

"Just tell me the truth," whispered the brown-eyed witch, with a slight nervous edge in her voice. She was worried that the rumours were true, and if they were, her confession – that she'd been keeping for months – would mean nothing, and she'd have to stop talking to him, and he'd never know the truth.

The blonde looked up, and his eyes caught hers, his were masked, and were hiding the guilt he felt. He had never felt this guilty in his whole life time, but then she had to come in and ruin it, and now, he can't stop feeling...He just wants to go back to being the boy where insults and bad remarks just rolled off his back, and insults rolled from his tongue. He never felt this guilty as he did in this moment though. She knew the truth, and he knew she'd never talk to him again.

Though, the wizard had something he'd been holding on to for some time. Unknown to both people, those very things were similar.

Draco looked down at the ground, and finally broke the silence, that had come upon them previously, "...What do you want me to say," he asked. Hermione had come a long way from just that know-it-all Mud-blood to him, she changed his views, and Draco could never say 'mud-blood' out loud, or in his head, without feeling even the tinge of remorse.

Draco didn't know it, but Draco wasn't That Racist Git to Hermione now, and her views of him have changed. Not all Slytherin Pure-bloods were bad. She changed him, and finding out what she just did, changed what she was going to tell him, a week ago.

"Just...tell me it's not true, tell me you haven't...," Hermione said in a quiet voice, there was a fury underneath her quietness, just waiting to be unleashed. She wanted him to want what she had wanted, she wanted him to want her the way she wanted him, and if it was enough, she wanted him to have fought back...and tried. Because if he just sat there and let it happen, she didn't mean as much to him, as he meant to her.

Draco swallowed the bile in his throat, "But then that would be a lie," whispered Draco. Draco didn't lie to her, not anymore. Why would she ask him to lie to her, now, of all times?

Hermione shook her head, and stood up from the stairs, "I guess I didn't mean enough, for you to fight hard enough...," she took off in the other direction. Tears fell from Hermione's eyes, just like raindrops, down her cheeks.

Draco stared at the spot she was previously sitting, and soon enough, he had taken her spot. He frowned. He didn't know it ten minutes ago, but watching her run down the hallway, with tears streaming down her cheeks, Draco realises something.

'I'm sorry, please forgive me for the choice I have made, I love you though...'