Whew, I haven't been coming to this fiction for how many months? Over a year? I wonder if the fanbase still even exist lol, because lack of novel updates and translation, mostly.
Still, I just found this chapter sitting in my computer, two years. And I wonder, why not post it? Hopefully, you readers that still like I.S. enjoy it.
Infinite Stratos
-The Mirror Universe-
Izuru Yumizuru
And everyone else!
Chapter 06: Errand Knight
In the indoor shooting range facility of I.S.A., a couple of teenagers diligently practice their skill. Spent shells pour down the floor and disappear into data as usual, returning to their origin within the I.S. core.
Charlotte's eyes locked into her gunsight, Raphael revive injected her brain with extra information to adjust with moving target ordinary human wouldn't be able to track. Bullet speed, time to target, path deviation, allowed her to attain near perfect accuracy with her large caliber rifle easily.
"Keep the pace, Orino-kun." she yelled a bit, just in case even hypersensor not enough to compensate with how loud the room was.
Gas ejected at high speed with constant interval as his finger squeezed trigger again and again, made the temperature around him as hot as Saharan desert. The protective field and perfect heat management system of his I.S. ensured that he's entirely unaffected, but the sight of it could make most people cringe.
"Its frame is that of medium weight, exactly the same as the old ByakuShiki. Its internal system is high end but nothing cutting edge, compared to Fujin at least…"
If not the frame, then what about the extra equipment?
"Even though it's a carbine its output is incredible." Charlotte thought, "It's almost the same level of firepower as my assault rifle, without suffering much in terms of accuracy."
She focused her I.S. thermal and spectral reader to analyze the weapon even further.
And to her surprise, there's no sign of certain gaseous compound anywhere.
"It does not operate via internal combustion… but how-"
Even the most advanced old-styled firearms produced by Dunois Company still use Electro-Thermo-chemical propulsion system. The energized gas ejected from the barrel and muzzle brake was, in fact, carried higher energy than it appears.
The mechanical and thermal strain would be-
"It's plasma-propelled?! But the strain on the frame will be-"
Any other gun of that size wouldn't be able to handle the strain.
"What it is, Dunois?"
"N-no, carry on."
She decided to sit on the small bench just behind the firing area, her active sensor was down, but all of her visual, thermal and quantum reception cell still remains operational, being completely passive.
The carbine might be special, but what caught her interest is his backpack, since they don't appear to carry weaponry or extraneous amount of engines. From what she heard from Rin, the backpack is his actual G3 equipment…
The sudden static on her sensor caused her to jump, how that could happen is beyond her.
What was that? Sensor malfunction? No, Rin-san said Raijin can jam active sensor but-
"…even if you tried to analyze it part by part, the technology is blackboxed anyway."
Her heart stopped for a moment before she could regain her composure, "What are you talking about, Orino-kun."
How could he-
He sat on the bench aside her, carbine rested on his lap, and then he calmly grinned as he began to speak, "Nothing important."
Her stomach squirmed, beyond his poker face, he knew.
He knew everything.
The fact that she was sent here purely for corporation espionage instead of equipment research…
He knew about it, and watching her all along.
"Orino-kun, deception is no good."
Charlotte hate two-faced people the most, and that's why, as a spy, she hates herself more than she did to anyone.
"Ignition Plan was rushed on purpose anyway." he chuckled, "Weapon trading is politic first and quality second. So don't worry, just do your job and no one will make a big deal out of it."
She balked pretty hard as if someone just slapped her without provocation, "But how can I continue do that? How do you know?"
"Raijin is an electronic warfare unit first and command and control second." he said, removed his shades and store it back to the core "That include creating false signature inside enclosed space, and interfere with your sensor whether it's active or passive."
How… but such level of technology… not even Americans who boasted their electronic warfare research can achieve such feat…
"Does Ichika know?"
She gave up. "She did, and she purposefully overlooked it and in fact feeding information to me on purpose while feigning ignorance… during the seaside school, I confronted her and told her everything…"
Ah, so the scenario was indeed different.
"Ichika-san is a good actress, but at the same time, she's too honest." Charlotte sighed, "Concept draft and design were scattered everywhere, and all of them are legitimate technical documents. While they remain unused, it does inspire our engineer how to improve Rafael even further, beyond the limit of second generation frame."
"Dunois Corp told me that the mission was success and I was to continue with normal assignment instead… but I guess old habit die hard, once a traitor always a traitor."
At least you're not a double traitor, yet. He began to wonder what happened with the other Charlotte he knew… the stunt she pulled, he promised to her deal with the repercussion.
One more reason to return.
"It's just unfair to her." Charlotte gloomily said, holding back tears as much as she could, "She's too kind and caring for her own good."
He sighed "You're afraid that maybe she will break from pressure, someday, and her naivety-" our naivety, he added mentally before continue, "Will bite her back with vengeance."
She nodded.
"That's a fair assumption." He chuckled in response, "No one is invincible after all."
Looking at him with moist eyes, she muttered, "Orino-kun…"
"This world is cruel and unjust…" He handed her his carbine and stood up, his visor materialized, covered half his face, "But even then, humans have what it takes to defy the laws of nature. That is; ingenuity and will to survive."
As both of his hip armor clacked open; he pulled a pair of hand cannons and began to shoot.
"So long as you survive, you will be able to open a path to the brighter future."
He pushed both release buttons, red hot empty magazines released from its slot.
70% bullets hit the target.
Charlotte smiled, she's still sad, but she smiled.
No matter if there are gender and physical difference, they still look the same. Ichika-san and Orino-kun… always been inseparable sides of a coin.
"May I ask just ONE question?" She hummed, "Raijin's ranged weapons are stored externally, and yet they're made to be handheld instead of linked to I.S. firing control system, and all of them are semiautomatic. Is there's a reason behind these decision?"
He laughed loudly before pushing the button aside his visor, letting a direct eye contact between them.
"It's more philosophical than engineering. Three months ago, I requested Orimura-sensei high level self defense and long range combat training." He twirled his pistols and new magazines appear as he stopped, "Making everything semiautomatic ensure me to know what I aim at, where I am and when I will pull the trigger. For Orimura-sensei, it takes a great responsibility to wield lethal weapon properly, and she want that fact ingrained inside my mind"
Charlotte returned his carbine, her other hand holding her own rifle. "You're right, Orino-kun, there's no use stopping now"
"That's the spirit" he tapped his visor close as well as activates the comm. Link, "Ms. Operator, can you increase the movement speed of the target?"
"YOUR TIMING IS OFF!" Laura scowled and smacked the blue machine away with her legs.
Blue Tears landed with a sizable crater as result, dust cloud covered half of the arena.
"Laura, you're being too hard on her!" Kanzashi yelled, "Even if she asked you to go all out you should-"
Laura turned her head aside "…It's not my intention to be hostile, if I come as harsh, excuse me."
"I know that." Kanzashi pat her back, sometimes she was scared of the silver haired girl, but at the same time, she really pitied her. "L-look, Cecilia-san's forte never been up close, I'm saying let's start slow."
Bodewig's soldier upbringing tend to scare a lot of people, yet, she's mentally vulnerable enough due to her inability to comprehend normal social interaction, made her come as awkward and lonely.
"I'm alright!" Cecilia walked unsteadily, I.S.-scale rapier still in her hand, "Let's continue with this pacing."
"Let's take a break." Kanzashi told them, "I'm not going to accept any other answer."
Kanzashi was, for all intent and purpose, always been shy and passive. However, once she's determined, not even Icchan can change her mind. In a way, she had the most fluctuative mental fortitude compared to everyone else.
Cecilia knew it's not elegant, but Kanzashi was right. She won't last forcing Laura of all people into CQC, BT was optimized for long range combat, and it's arm servo are made with precision work and thus has low output.
Compared to the likes of Schwarzer Regen and Shen Long, which use heavy duty tension motor optimized for maximum strength enhancement, coupled with high strength suspension field to protect the pilot, this ensure that Close Combat unit will win in a game of close quarter.
And so, she just dropped herself on her back, completely exhausted and somewhat battered. Five minute straight until she can regain a proper breathing and sat on the ground.
"Cecilia, what kind of BGM you use for synchronization?" Kanzashi asked.
Cecilia opened the playlist and began to play them partially and skipping around, Kanzashi was lost in a deep thought listening to them, until the playlist completely done.
"Kanzashi-san?" Cecilia waver her hand in front of her to catch Kanzashi's attention.
The petite, aqua-haired girl frowned, "But of course."
"Huh?" Cecilia and Laura raised their eyebrows then shared a glance.
"None of them are good enough for fast paced movement of BT when it comes to close quarter." Kanzashi added, "You need to add more variety into it."
"Well, I can't possibly add random song into my prized gallery, that's simply inelegant." The blonde ojou shrugged, as usual, she's being overconfident about her choices.
The silver haired soldier snarked, "Yes, and continue to get beaten up close is elegant."
Kanzashi swear she could hear something broke with ear-shattering pitch; perhaps it was Cecilia's pride. But really, being too choosy just waste so much potential.
"Whatever… just take a look at mine." Kanzashi threw her the connector plug, Cecilia grudgingly accepted and plug it into BT's forearm and accept the connection.
She skimmed through most of the collection… except one.
A single song BT refused to skip.
"What is this, BT refuses the command?" Cecilia panicked and kept pushing the button "System error? Did it just crash?"
"I heard sometimes an I.S. will cling to a very specific song and singer." Laura told her "Perhaps your I.S. just likes it that much."
"Whose song is this anyway?" Cecilia focused on it.
The guitar sound was dynamic, alternating between strong chord play and very emotional melody. She sort of recognized this music, at least.
Then the sound of drum kicked in, turning what originally a dance music into a beat-up j-rock. Soon, a male voice was heard. His voice was melancholic, and yet comes up as strong and spirited. She heard this voice somewhere…
It was soothing, and yet, for some reason it felt like she's full of energy again.
"Oh, that was Dan Gotanda."
If there's anything left on Cecilia's pride, it's been shattered to the last of atomic structure.
"He's an Idol you know…" Kanzashi was completely distraught, why she's denying it so much she doesn't even want to ask. "Anyway, forcing it to do your bidding would be bad, and if you dislike the song that much it will stop anyway."
Cecilia really doesn't want to admit it, but Kanzashi was right.
This song… it's beautiful.
"Reach the sky, the blue sky is waiting for you… the song of the elves just an earthy temptation, -free yourself- the gravity is holding you!"
"BT… you understand as well, do you?"
Her machine hummed and reactivated itself without prompt, Cecilia responded and complied. Its wings spread wide, and the scratches and dents on its outer armor all but disappear. The I.S. managed to repair itself in such a short timeframe as Cecilia achieved full synchronization with BT.
Laura activated her forearm-mounted beam saber, "Looks like it's time to go all out after all"
Kanzashi smiled as well, naginata materialized in her grasp "I'm joining as well, 2 to 1 is that alright?"
"BRING IT ON!" Laura yelled.
Sitting on the spectator seat, Icchan was using her netbook to do her report.
At first, she was really concerned about Cecilia's insistence, especially since Laura's the only one who had spare time. She was glad that they managed to make it up.
Looking at the tension caused by the three of them clashing their weapon fired her up even more, she speed up her fingers so she can join them soon.
"Careful with that, your grammar is slipping."
"Ah" her face flushed, how careless. "Thank you for the warn-"
Her tongue stopped on its tracks when Icchan realized the person behind her is…
Blood drained from Ichika's face, and her pupil shrunk in terror in realization of her new visitor.
"Why the scary face, Ichika-kun? Or rather, shall I call you Icchan as well now that he owned that nickname for him?"
Ichika felt like her tongue had been chocked just by this person standing by. But even so, she gathered her courage and began to speak.
"I already said a much, no, I already begged you." the freshman pleaded "Stop bugging me, or my friends for that matter. I know you understood how uncomfortable our situation is and your interference only making things worse."
"Interference? Such harsh word… I'm gonna cry you know." That person faked tears in response.
"Say that again after you stop breaking into his room, such disrespect of one's sense of privacy is not appreciated especially considering your position. The problem with Kuromachi, and Russian industry fiasco are bad enough as it is."
Ichika really, really don't want to deal with her. She admits it's a bit harsh to bring up the problem of the past. Even so…
Icchan don't want to be involved with her, end of story.
"My bad, my bad I'm just playing with him a bit, and I know he's not angry… not as much as you did at least." the girl said, "As for my screw up with… that, I deeply regret it, more than I can express with my words."
Icchan's face softened up, in fact, one can easily say her eyes swell up.
"I know your intention is good so stop playing the villain card, what I wanted to say is I do not appreciate what you did behind the stage." Icchan balked, "Can you hear my request or not?"
"Unfortunately, I can't. Sorry~"
All she did is to fake a cheerful smile as usual. Clearly, Icchan's desperate words only meet deaf ears; Icchan's word will never work against her no matter how much she begged.
It always happens, every single time.
Interacting with this person feels like hugging a hedgehog, the closer you get to her, the more painful it is.
"…Forget it… I'm leaving, Tatenashi-senpai." Icchan turned her rigid shoulder and walk away with her netbook in tow, "If you keep doing something like this, Public Moral and Safety Committee will not be silent."
"Because of a very specific business, Orimura-sensei won't be here for several days, and so, umm-"
The green haired teacher awkwardly explained, unable to stop fidgeting.
Of course, none of the student could take that seriously.
Yamada Maya always look like she's younger than her own students, and her childish and naïve demeanor did not help. At all…
"Yamada-sensei please explains it clearly." Houki pointed, "We can't understand what you're talking about"
"Umm, I, I mean until she return, I will be full time homeroom teacher so please take care of me"
The class exploded into a torrent of emotional outburst.
"I really pity Yamada-sensei…" Charlotte clapped her hands together; a lot of the students did the same, including Laura and Cecilia. "Rest in peace…"
There's no way Yamada-sensei can deal with the class 1-A on her own, the most eccentric of the bunch.
"Ne, Ichika, did Orimura-sensei tell you anything?"
"Did Chifuyu-san tell you anything about her departure?" Houki inquired again, since Icchan seems to lost in her thought before.
"It has something to do with Ikkun's I.S., she said."
Icchan did not disclosure the full story, but technically she wasn't lying. Chifuyu is working to restore his I.S., and possibly upgrading it as well, as a means to send him back 'home'. How Chifuyu suddenly believe something absurd like alternate world no one knew, but even then…
If the other Ichika is not a sleeper agent or missing brother and his memories turned out to be true, then that's the only logical answer.
Perhaps… perhaps that's what Icchan was hoped for…
"I'm pretty sure!"
"Yup, I've seen Orimura-sensei eating with another man!"
"Where?! Are you sure it's not Orino-kun?!"
"My awesome eyes can't be fooled!" the girl shrieked, "It was anyone but Orino-kun!"
"Huh, that's new. Honhon" Ichika regain her composure, her interest overwhelmed her strained mind, "Where did you saw them? Outside I.S.A.?"
Nohotoke Honne, one of the most unique students to ever exist waved her oversized sleeves. "No, I saw them at cafeteria yesterday; I think 08.00 P.M. just before it's closing… I want to buy some snack from the vending machine you see… then I saw them sitting on the same table chatting. He was like, really weird"
Of all people to say THAT, the entire class is shocked.
"He dressed like a gentleman, complete with top hat and monocle. But he's also wearing cat ears to boot! He's also really handsome-"
"Handsome? Like Orino-kun handsome?"
"It's… different, he's kind of thin so I'd say idol handsome. Orino-kun was more like, action hero handsome instead."
Everyone shrieked, whether shocked or enthralled by the story.
"But his smile is a bit creepy. If I have to describe-" Honne crossed her arm, thinking for a while before continuing, "Cheshire Cat, he's like Cheshire Cat from Alice in the Wonderland. Or maybe it's Dracula?"
"Cheshire cat!" Now the student was really freaked out.
"Do you know something, Ichika-san?" Cecilia inquired.
"Well, if it was outside I.S.A… I think it's just another marriage suitor." Icchan rubbed her chin, "But if it's inside I.S.A. probably business matter, though I'm not sure. People hanging out with Chifuyu-nee usually that eccentric so I won't be surprised if he turns out to be another suitor anyway."
Consider Tabane, indeed, was what her friends' thought.
The door open and caught their attention, a red haired man leisurely walked inside class humming the tune from "The Godfather" without caring, putting a stack of paper on top of the teacher's desk.
The man's face could be described as handsome at least; his sharp, slender jaw framed his face well with equally slim but tall stature.
He certainly charmed some of the girls, at least, judging from their uncontrollable sigh of arousal.
"Chifu-san said its pop quiz time, she will examine it as soon as she returned, enjoy~" he cheerfully waved.
Until he delivered the most frightening grin in the veins of monster clown, that is. The fact that he has naturally anemic, pale skin doesn't help his case in the slightest.
A smiling dead person, like a vampire walking in the middle of the day.
The students completely froze, Maya Yamada almost crying out of fear.
Unlike most girl, Laura don't know much about self preservation, instead, she know when to react aggressively. She can sense he is a strong man. A really strong man whose mere presence filled the air with killing intent…
Beyond the speed of what normal human can track, she delivered a heel drop that should be enough to knock out a trained soldier.
That man just nudged himself and head-butt the white haired student with enough power to cause concussion. But as expected from seasoned pilot born from secret superhuman research project, Laura shrugged it. He knows…
"AAAAGH! What the hell are you doing?!" Laura rubbed her forehead; it was mostly unharmed though, but the fact that her attack, no matter if done half-heartedly, had been intercepted by a random guy like that...
It's humiliating.
"Oh, Yamada-sensei, isn't it? Chifu-san told me to bring the message." He pulled out a hand watch and push a button on it.
"[To Yamada-sensei, don't be too soft on the student, if you're too afraid to punish them just give a mark on the attendance book and I will deliver the suitable punishment twice fold.]"
That was indeed Chifuyu's voice.
"I take my leave, excuse me!" He jumped out of window with leisure.
Five minutes passed before someone can break the figurative ice, and that was surprisingly Yamada-sensei "S-so, you heard Orimura-sensei's message right? Please be a good student or else…"
The silver haired girl still shocked.
The other male who possess similar level of reflex was none other than Ichika Orino.
Between questioning themselves what happened in panic and the image of being punished by Chifuyu twice folds… the answer is easy. They simply do Chifuyu's order and fill the quiz paper.
As for Laura, she doesn't mind the punishment, but she doesn't want to make her beloved instructor disappointed.
The class went smoothly that day until the inevitably chaotic lunchtime where bazillion of question are thrown left and right. Such is the daily life of class 1-1 of I.S. Academy.
"Please go out with me!"
Ikkun looked at the girl with his signature poker face.
"…I'm sorry, I can't"
The dejected look on her innocent face was, to be frank, painful even to him. Even then, his word already set. No take backs, no chickening out.
He folded his glasses, because in occasion like this, it was too rude not to make eye contact.
"I'm not ready to go out with anyone." He said, "I still need to iron a lot of problems whether it's academic or not, and I really want to concentrate with them."
He can be less blunt and more friendly, he can, he don't want to. He wanted to make sure his feeling came across, and reached her.
"…then let me ask you something, Orino-kun." The girl muttered desperately, "Do you have someone you like?"
He can't really say, for sure, he never managed to sort out his feelings, being a guy in puberty was tough, and he couldn't think straight when he's a little too close with girls.
He had to make sure it's not just childhood attachment mixed with a bit of lust, or familial bond a little too close for most people to comprehend, or sense or obligation and very strong friendship or…
In a nutshell, it can't be explained with 'I like her' or 'I want to go out with her'. Each and every girl he's been close with, are equally important to him.
"I don't know." He answered, "There might be one, or there might be none."
"…you fool…" The girl chuckled, he really don't have a slightest bit of romantic tact in his brain did he? "Don't think too hard when it comes to love, idiot. Cute girls like me don't come all too often… or do they?"
"I've been told that a lot," He grinned.
If the girl wasn't serious before, she's certainly serious now. "For a moment I was confused too, but still… I want you to know, I like you, Orino-kun."
"…thank you very much."
The girl's face became as red as the sunset as she saw his brightest smile as of yet.
"For telling me all of this, thank you."
If she was doing her confession half-heartedly or desperate, she's no longer did. His rejection, his honesty, looking at the side of him he never show in public only made girls fell for him even harder.
The girl fidgeted uncomfortably before continuing "…so that's why… the girls are saying the same thing, you like girls being honest with their feelings, do you?"
"I don't like it when misunderstanding happens." He nodded sagely, remembering all the suffering he experienced before. "I'm not good with interpreting mixed message; perhaps I'm really an idiot after all."
"… and we're an idiot for liking you, I guess." She walked backward while hiding her eyes under the shades of her bangs, "Do you… do you at least feel happy now?"
His eyes widened, before reverting back to a gentle smile. "Yes I am."
It was said that, if a girl confessed to a guy, his mind will be occupied with the image of her for the rest of the day. Ichika is the same, even if he doesn't know anything about her beyond her name and appearance. He always thinks about her.
It's a responsibility he shall carry.
"…then that's enough." She laughed, "Just so you know, I think I won't give up anytime soon"
He didn't say anything, but she knew he got the message clearly. "See you later, Orino-kun."
For a moment, he stood up just like that.
"You can come out, Houki."
The sword maiden walked nonchalantly from her hiding place, just around the corner behind him.
"Are your biosensor remains active at all times?" she chided, "That's creepy."
"I'm not the one lurked around the corner like a stalker." He retaliated; the biosensor was specifically always active to keep certain girl from barging in again. And it was quite unexpected for Houki to act like that…
Her face flushed, Houki was both angry and embarrassed. "AAAH GEEZ THAT WAS AWKWARD TO WATCH YOU KNOW!" She pulled her hair in annoyance, "How often?"
He tilted his head.
Oh yes, his brain are made of brick, indeed. Or rather, instead of a brain, he has a black hole inside his head cavity. "How often were you confessed to, idiot?"
"That was the seventeenth one since I came to I.S.A." He answered, wearing his glasses again. "Why?"
"So about once a day huh."
Silence remains for exactly ten second before Houki remember why she's searching for him in the first place. "Anyway, I've been thinking about it for a while but would you join Kendo club as well? Extracurricular activity is mandatory, you knew about that right?"
"Ahh, about that…" He thought about disciplinary committee, "I was thinking about joining the committee, and already submitted my request."
Houki slumped down in response.
"Ah, I'm really sorry." He bowed slightly, afraid of her wrath.
"Could you at least take a visit once a while?" Houki waved her hand weakly, "It's really lonely at the top."
Ah, so that's why. Houki was a National Kendo Champion even before she got her own personal I.S. and undergoes body conditioning, he won't be surprised if students that can give her a run for her money can be counted in one hand; that includes him and Icchan.
And with how she acted, none of them are in the Kendo club for sure.
Houki is a warrior first and foremost, she always makes every effort to improve, and when it comes to martial arts, the best way to improve is to challenge equal and superior foe.
"Actually, I was kind of free today, how about I go with you now?"
Houki pumped her fist sky high, "YOOSH then let's go to the club right now!"
In the end, Ichika had to run with all his life back to the dorm to pick his rarely used hakama, much to Houki's chagrin.
"Are you finished?" She pouted, "We're already late"
"Hey, it's a sudden invitation I can't help it?" He shrugged.
"Whatever, let's go."
As expected of Shononono, their pride always took priority.
Then he remembered something that he heard in the class, and had been sitting in the backseat of his mind for a while, "Houki, what about kendo instructor? Instructor should be able to handle you just fine right?"
His question distracted her from her anger, "Huh, well yeah, but she was kind of busy in the last few months… she did come once a week at least, but still…"
"If I may ask who is she?"
"Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman." Houki told him.
Now he was completely shocked, he thought it would be Orimura-sensei but then again…
"My homeroom teacher huh, I thought it was Orimura-sensei…"
"She's in the tea ceremony club." Houki told him, "The story was unclear, but apparently because students don't take it seriously enough."
"Well if you ask me Orimura-sensei sounds like perfect person when it comes to enforcing discipline…" He nodded sagely.
As realization dawned on her, Houki asked. "Wait did you say Ackerman-sensei is your homeroom teacher?"
"I think it's partly our class fault that kendo club neglected." He bowed a little, "Ever since her defeat from Ichika, Lingyin was frustrated and strive hard to improve herself."
"Our classmates, while hated her at the start for taking over the position via coercion, was inspired by her fighting spirit as well. As the result, Ms. Ackerman had to come and supervise us often outside the class."
"What kind of training did you do?"
Houki probably laughs if he told her the details; needless to say, Class 1-2 training method was utterly ridiculous and doesn't make sense, if effective. It wasn't called secret training for nothing.
"It was crazy, that's what I can say now."
"Well that can't be helped." Houki shook her head, face flushed in embarrassment, "The girls at kendo club can't be motivated well enough, and my class spends their time goofing around whenever Orimura-sensei not looking… I won't be surprised if your class won the award for best class of the year"
He can imagine it, all too well, considering how chaotic his old life at Class 1-1. It was kind of lonely that there's only Lingyin in his class, as she's the only one he can openly interacting with, but at the same time, his schooldays never been more productive than now.
It might be cocky for him to point it, but he's growing stronger and stronger.
"Speaking of which, do you know if Orimura-sensei going out with someone?" Houki asked.
That was news to him.
"Everyone is talking about that, a red haired creepy man wandering around I.S.A. and even take a visit to my class, and from what the students knows only Orimura-sensei know him personally."
He rubbed his chin, for a man to wander around in I.S.A. is… to say at the least, suspicious. While there are male mechanics and engineers around the industrial complex, the main school building was a no-man's land, until he came at least.
"I don't know, the last time she said she's being with a man, she's lied." He sighed.
It was when Chifuyu went to Germany to train Laura. Chifuyu told him that she was getting married, bun in actuality, she went there to pay her debt to German Army thanks to their quick response against Ichika's kidnapping.
It still quite a sore point in Ichika's heart, even now that he became friends with Laura (of both worlds).
"Well Ichika said the same thing." Houki nodded.
He decided to talk with Icchan about it, but for now, time for Kendo.
Whew, that's shorter than usual chapter, but... well, I hope you can enjoy it and tell me what you think in reviews!