This story is set on the Season 4 episode 13 as Klaus decides last minute that Caroline shouldn't die and should live. It's just like that scene when Klaroline was first introduced to us all. Then I'm gonna create the rest in my own spin storyline. As you know from my previous stories It's in Klaus's POV. Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Klaus was currently holding the unconscious form of Caroline in his arms as she was recovering slowly from his hybrid bite. Letting his blood take its toll and cure her. He didn't know what got into him. He just got so angry and hurt of all these things she said to him. This shouldn't hurt him but it did. He could take this from anyone one else. His siblings and others who wanted to kill him but lately not her, not Caroline, and it didn't help that she belonged to someone else. Defending and standing by someone who just taken his second family and chance to feel safe and full reign. 'Tyler' he snarled in his mind.

Klaus looked down at her soft slightly damp blonde locks of her head laid on his chest. He couldn't help but sigh. After she is healed, he didn't know when he was ever going to be near her like this again. He wished he could have had these moments in a different way. He gently ran his fingers through a few of her locks. She didn't flinch once. It was as if she was only sleeping.

Why did he heal her? Was it because she was the only one who got through to him.

"Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved." Caroline's voice echoed faintly in his thoughts.

Or is it because he couldn't help knowing, he was just about to ruin everything that light she brought him and have it to vanish forever.

"Please forgive me Caroline….. One day… I can't stand you hating me forever….." Klaus whispered to her.

He was starting to get a little restless himself and couldn't bear moving her away. So he got himself comfortable and he slowly closed his eyes. Little did he know that he was about to discover something else about Caroline.


Author's Note

SOOOO! hows that as a fresh fluffy sweet bite of candy floss. LOL I'm definitely going to continue this , but I just working the kinks in the next chapter.