Chapter 14: Epilogue

A/N: Thus, we come to an end! I am thankful for your kindness, support and attention. You are great, guys. By the by, last chapter was more of an ending, this chapter is likeā€¦ the "cooling-off" of the story, folks. Once again, thank you, and a warm hug from El Salvador. ((Geez, talk about a nationlist patriot in here! xD))

Life can be charming, even for us, nations.

Nowadays, though, we just visit each other, like an average, love-laced couple does. Sometimes, she stays at home, sometimes, we go out. Kugelmugel has grown, and he spends most of his time locked-up in his room. Which makes me feel quite sad. Wonder what is the little feller thinking?

Now and then, he accepts going out with Hungary and myself, and sometimes, common-place people has commented on "What a cute family we make!"

I can only smile while blushing, when it happens.

The nights we get to spend together, after talking about important stuff, such as business and politics, we can finally sit together in the conservatory at my manor, and play, together the piano. Liszt, Chopin and Mozart accompany our musical nights, which often ends with either of us sleeping in the other's lap.

Many times, we sit, sipping coffee, and just observing time pass. And yet, we feel comfortable with that silence. There are times where words cannot express what I feel for her. Just like that poet wrote, "I like it when you're quiet. It's as if you weren't here now."

And to think, how we bullied each other when we were kids!

But I love her, faults, past and all.

Yes, life can be charming for old nations like us.