Re posting. Skip to part three for latest fic.

Title: Some Unexpected News
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Dr. Mitchell, Aubrey/Beca/Chloe
Rating: PG
Summary: When Dr. Mitchell learns that his daughter is dating another girl, he didn't realize that was just half the story.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 1,641
Spoilers: Pitch Perfect
A/N: quick TT oneshot because I can't seem to stop writing Pitch Perfect fic

John Mitchell's relationship with his daughter has vastly improved. Now in the middle of her sophomore year at Barden, Beca really seems happy. It's hard to believe that just a year ago, she'd wanted to run off to LA. Despite what Beca might think, he really did have every intention of following through with his promise; he had just hoped he wouldn't have to.

They now have lunch together every other week or so. He wishes it was every week, but he knows she's busy. And since it's mostly because she's out doing things and not just holed up in her dorm, he can't be too upset.

She even let it slip the other week that she was seeing someone. Judging by the scared look she had after the words slipped out, John's fairly certain that Beca hadn't intended on telling him yet.

He doesn't want to push, but he can't help but ask, "What's his name?" He'd been worried when she broke up with Jesse at the beginning of the year, but she seemed to bounce back from it pretty quickly.

"Um… her name is Chloe," Beca says.


It's obvious that she's anxious about his reaction. So John asks, "Are you happy?"

She nods.

"Then I'm happy too," he tells her.

The relief on her face is so palpable. He wants to ask to meet this girl, but he's not sure that Beca is ready for that.

But then fate helps him out.

A few weeks later, Beca finally agreed to dinner at the house with him and Shelia. He's just about to knock on her dorm door when it swings open. There stands a startled red head, who seems to be leaving.

"Sorry," she says.

"Save me the trouble of knocking," he replies.

"Right," she says. "Beca said she's having dinner with you."

"That's right…"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Chloe."

"The girlfriend?" he asks.

"Um, yeah," Chloe replies, a grin slowly forming. "She, uh, told you?"

John smiles. "I don't think it was intentional, but yes."

"Oh. Wow." She seems pleased that he knows.

"I agree," he replies, instantly liking this girl.

"Well, I should go. Let you guys get to dinner. I should be studying, anyway."

"It was nice to meet you, Chloe."

"You too, Dr. Mitchell," she says.

He knocks loudly on the door before stepping inside. "Becs?"

She's at her desk, headphones around her neck. She looks up.

"Hey dad."

"You ready to go?" he asks.

She nods. "Just let me save this."

He watches her click a few things with her mouse and then close her laptop.

"I ran into Chloe on my way in," he says as they walk to his car.


"She seems like a lovely young lady," he continues.

"While I don't need your approval," Beca says. "I appreciate it."

John can't help but chuckle. "Fair enough." He unlocks his car and they both climb inside. "She looks familiar. Have I met her before?"

"Yeah," Beca says. "She's a former Bella."

"And yet she's still here?"

"She was pre med, but she's getting her Master's first."

"A doctor, huh? Nice."

"Well, not yet."


"I didn't think you'd care about something like that," Beca says.

He shrugs. He doesn't really. It just seemed to be the thing to say. That and he's enjoying the look of pride on Beca's face as she talks about Chloe. It almost looks like love.

It's about a week after meeting Chloe officially that John spots her as he's walking across campus. She's walking hand in hand with a familiar looking blonde. It doesn't occur to him until later that the blonde is also a Bella and that's why she looks so familiar.

Over the next few weeks, he begins noticing them together a lot around campus. Whenever he does, he feels like he's missing something. Every time he sees them, they're touching; either holding hands or leaning against each other or just sitting close enough to be pressed against each other. It strikes him as terribly intimate, which sends up red flags about Beca possibly getting hurt. He tries not to jump to any conclusions since he's seen nothing that truly supports the theory brewing in his mind.

Until a month after meeting Chloe when he's in the lower level of the library looking for John Keats's Attitude to Lawyers by Leslie Katz. No one really comes down here, so he's surprised to hear voices a few stacks over. He continues to look for the packet and not listen to the near by conversation.

"Chloe, I'm supposed to be studying."

"C'mon, Bree," Chloe replies. "You deserve a break. Besides, you haven't kissed me since yesterday. Now is your chance to rectify that."

"You do realize I chose to study down here so you wouldn't find me."

"Your plan seems to have failed," Chloe says.

There's a loud sigh. "If I kiss you, will you let me study?"

John doesn't hear an answer, but what he does hear makes him feel ill. He quickly abandons his search and heads towards the stairs.

He doesn't want to believe what he just overheard, but that was the proof he'd been missing before. He hates that his instinct about the girls was right. This is one time he would have been glad to be wrong.

He doesn't know what to do. He knows he should tell Beca, she deserves to know. But he doesn't want to hurt her and he certainly doesn't want to be the one that tells her this. He doesn't want to be the one to erase the smile that she's been wearing year.

However, the next time he sees her and they have lunch together, John knows he has to tell her.

"You okay?" Beca asks.


"You seem a little out of it," she says.

"I overheard something the other day that I think you should know about," he replies. "But I'm afraid to tell you."

"Um… why?"

"I don't want to upset you."

"Jeez, well, now you have to tell me," Beca says.

Maybe he should have canceled lunch. "I think Chloe's cheating on you."

"Say that again?"

"I overheard her and another girl," John tells her. "In the library basement, the other day. I was looking for John Keats's Attitude to Lawyers and I just sort of stumbled onto them."

Beca doesn't say anything.

He can't look at her as he continues. "I couldn't see anything, thankfully, but I believe it's that blonde I've seen with her around campus."


"I believe she's a Bella," he says.

Beca is quiet again.

"I'm sorry, honey," he says. "I just thought you should know."

She still doesn't respond. He risks a glance and sees that she's staring at her lap.

"Beca? I know this is difficult, but please say something."

When she does look up, there's a fierce determinedness in her eyes and he blinks in surprise.

"I'm going to tell you something," she says. "That you may not… approve of. But I'm not asking for your permission. I'm simply informing you because I know you really do care."

"Okay," he replies, now slightly worried.

"What you overheard between Chloe and Aubrey is exactly what you think you heard. And the reason why I'm not upset about that is because… we're together, all three of us."


Beca nods. "They're both my girlfriends. And I'm theirs."

"I, uh, I see."

"I was going to tell you eventually," Beca says. "I was trying to ease you in with just Chloe. Baby steps."

"That's, um, nice of you," is all he can think to say. .

"But you're freaked."

"Understandably so."

"Absolutely," Beca says.

"I… You're happy?"


"Then I can be too," he tells her.

Beca seems to understand he needs some time. She begins complaining about the math class she's taking because it's required. It's a long diatribe about how she won't need calculus in the real world, even if she doesn't make it in the music industry. He lets himself enjoy the sound of her voice because it's been years since she's just talked to him for the sake of talking. Especially since Beca storming out angry had definitely been a possibility.

Instead, he's been handed some unexpected news. He's trying not to judge because if those girls are the reason Beca has been so much happier this year, then he wants to be okay with it.

Now when he sees the red head or blonde around campus, he doesn't know what to think. For some reason, he has this urge to talk to them, even if he has no idea what he would say.

The next time he and Beca have lunch, he tries asking questions about them. Beca seems reluctant at first, but eventually shares some details like Aubrey is in law school and that Chloe is getting her master's in physics. John watches the way his daughter's face lights up as she talks about these girls and any reservations he has about the relationship seem to melt away. After all, Beca has committed herself to four years here at Barden with far less argument than he ever expected. He can at least give this relationship a chance.

"You know, if you ever want to introduce me to your, um, girlfriends," he says. "That would be okay."

"Oh. For serious?"

He nods. "Yes. For, uh, serious."

"Okay," she says. "Maybe I'll invite them to lunch sometime soon."

"I'd like that."

Though John knows Beca doesn't need his approval, she does want it. As Beca leaves for her next class, he finds himself thankful that he seems to be getting his daughter back. But more than that, he's glad that she's happy.

John almost hopes that Beca brings her girlfriends to their next lunch; it will make for a very interesting meal.