AN: Man, it's been a while. Sorry, guys. I lost track of things. I've been working on an art assignment for like forever. I've put so much energy in that that I've not written. Weak excuse, I know. Pardon that.

On another note: I have also been making sure I can participate in the Day of Silence this year (it's April 19th, by the way!) and working on plans for getting a GSA or something similar started at my school. Which is hard work, considering I'm stuck in the middle of the 'Bible Belt' and in some homophobic as fuck small town high school.

Anyway, here's the new story. I will have a new chapter to All The Small Things up soon.

Another Spamano! Again. I swear, I need to venture from that for a change. But it won't be the same as my others, I promise!

There will be other pairings, but if you want to see a certain one, let me know and I'll try to make sure it makes it into the story.

Anywho. I've rambled enough. Enjoy!

Why can't this be over already? Lovino thought. He hated this. It was the first day of school, and as of right now, it was also his lunch period. He was content to sit alone. But no, some bastard had to sit down with their friends and bug the living hell out of him.

He was getting ready to snap. But he held it in. Feliciano was always telling him to take a breath, count to ten and calm down. So he gave it a try. No good. It was a bust.

He didn't say a word, instead, he got up and took his half-empty tray to dump it before he fled to the library where hopefully he would get some quiet.

Also no good. Mostly because one of the rare jocks who braved the stacks of books caught sight of him and started in. Only a sophmore, Lovino had already gotten used to it. He'd been bullied since his stupid ass twin brother outed both of them. But nobody ever fucked with Feliciano. Only Lovino. Maybe it was because the younger of the twins was more lively and kind, but whatever it was, Lovino didn't have it.

Normally the words thrown didn't bother him. Apparently, the jock knew this because he took it to a new level of low.

Instead of the normal spewed words, it was a harsh shove against one of the shelves, making it tumble over and cause a mess. That didn't phase Lovino much either. It was what that the jock, when Lovino got up and straightened himself, pulled the small italian away from the mess and managed to corner him.

"Listen to me,"

Lovino didn't recognise the voice, and at the position he was being held in, he couldn't see who it was. Damn it, let go, fucking bastard, he thought. But he said nothing, because he didn't want to make things any worse on himself than they already were.

By the time he managed to reach his English class, Lovino was definitely not in a good mood.

He didn't speak for the rest of the day, trying to avoid more trouble.

Still, since Feliciano had gotten a ride with the potato bastard and convienently forgotten about Lovino, the elder of the brothers was stuck walking home alone.

He thought nothing of it until he got halfway home only to have his arm caught.

"What the fuck is your problem!"Lovino snapped before looking back to see it was one of the jocks from school. Oops.

Needless to say, by the time that Lovino got home, he was most definitely black and blue. Damn. How was he suppoed to explain that to his grandfather and brother?

But neither of them asked about the bruises. Thankfully. Or maybe not thankfully. Depends on how you view it.

Still, it let him escape to his room to spend some alone time that day.

The following morning at school, Lovino got pulled aside suddenly, causing him to yelp from the sudden pressure on his already bruised back.

"Whoa, hey, not tryin' to hurt ya."

That voice. He knew that voice. He scowled and turned. "Gilbert! Damn it, some warning would be nice next time. Dear god,"

Gilbert tilted his head. "Again?"he asked. "How bad this time?"

Lovino shrugged. "A few bruises. It could've been worse,"he admitted.

Gilbert nodded and let it drop, knowing the already moody italian didn't want to talk about it. "Francis and me were just wondering if you've met the new kid yet."

"New kid?"Lovino asked. "The happy-go-lucky spaniard?"

Gilbert nodded again.

Lovino shrugged. "He's in my history class. Why?"

Gilbert grinned. "Because,"he said. No reasons. Lovino definitely didn't like where that was going.

Even with the surprising start that morning, the day was decent, he supposed. At least, it could have been worse.

And, that, my friends is my poor ass attempt at a first chapter for this thing. Can you tell I had no idea what I was doing?

Anyways, feedback is appreciated if you want.

If you wanna see a certain pairing, then let me know. If you wanna see anything particular here, then let me know.

I'll do my best to have a new chapter up soon, I promise!
