Hey guys! I'm back! So I realized today that I have about 10 unfinished fanfics sitting on my computer and iPod and they're really starting to bother me. So I thought I'd tackle some of them. This one is going to be about 3 chapters long. ENJOY!
Chapter 1
Alex walked into the house and hung her coat and purse up in the closet. Sean walked out of the bathroom in his pyjama pants as he dried his hair with a towel. As soon as he saw Alex he walked over to her.
"So?" He asked.
Alex just gave him a smile and nod of her head. Sean ran the rest of the way to her and grabbed her waist, spinning her around as he kissed her.
"How do you feel?" He asked as he gently placed Alex on the ground.
"I feel like, I can't believe how much I want this baby. And how happy I am." She said. "You?" She asked.
"Same here." He said kissing her again. "You want to call Nikita?" Sean asked pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.
"No, I'll tell her when we get there. You going to get dressed or are you doing to rock the pj without a shirt look?" Alex asked playfully.
"I don't know. What do you think?"
"As much as I would love you to be shirtless all day, I'm not sure how Michael and Birkhoff would feel about it."
"They're just jealous." Sean said smiling.
"Yeah, that's what it is." Alex said pulling away from him. "Go get dressed." She said patting his chest.
Alex and Sean exited the elevator hand it hand. They walked walked up to operations where Nikita, Michael, Birkhoff and Ryan stood. "Morning Mini Nikki, Boy scout." Birkhoff said casually to the young couple.
"Morning Nerd." Alex said leaning against the desk. "Anything new this morning?" She asked.
"Nope. Pretty slow." Ryan said as he walked away to go back to his office.
"Nikita, can I talk to you?" Alex asked the older women.
"Yeah sure. Lets go." Nikita said leading the way out of Operations and down the hall to her office. She opened the door and the two of them walked over and sat on the couch.
"What's up?" Nikita asked.
"Well, I don't really know how to say this, but. I'm uhh, I'm pregnant." Alex said after tripping over her words a little bit.
Nikita sat there as she looked in shock at her young friend. Though she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. "Alex that's great! I'm so happy for you. How do you feel?" She asked giving the girl a quick hug.
"A little terrified, but happier then I've ever been. I've always known I wanted kids, just until Sean I didn't really think it was possible, especial with this life we have. Nikita I want this baby so badly." Alex said, surprising herself at how emotional she became.
"Alex, you're going to be a great mother. And don't worry about a thing, you don't have to go back into the field. You can run Ops with Michael. Does Sean know?" Nikita asked the younger women.
"Thanks. And yeah he does. I told him this morning. I wanted you to be the next one to know. I want to tell the others though. They have the right to know."
"You want to go tell them now? I can get them all down here if you'd like, it's a little more private compared to Operations."
"Yeah thanks."
Nikita got her phone out of her pocket and sent everyone a quick text. Minutes later everyone had gathered in Nikita's office. Sean went and stood next to Alex, lacing his fingers through hers. Looking at the six people in front of her Alex smiled at her family.
"I'm pregnant. We found out this morning." She said simply. She gave it a few seconds as it sank in on everyone.
Michael was the first to step forward as he gave her a gentle hug. "Congratulations Alex." He said. Everyone knew she had become like a second daughter to him over the years. "Thanks Michael."
Birkhoff and Sonya were next as they both gave Alex a hug. "Congrats Princess." Birkhoff told her with smile. "Congratulations Alex." Sonya told her friend.
Owen was the next one up. Over the last few months Alex had come to see him as an older brother and Sean and Owen had gotten past their differences and had become very good friends.
"Congratulations Alex. I'm happy for you." He said giving her a hug. "You look after them Sean." He told the younger man shaking his hand and patting his back.
Ryan was the last to come forward. "I'm happy for you guys. Alex as of now you're not going to be aloud into the field. Sean we'll still need you out there okay?" He asked
"Got it boss." Sean told him with a smile.
"Okay, well now that you all know I have to ask. How is this going to work? I mean, I can't go out into the field for another like 9 months. So what am I going to be doing?" Alex said.
"10 month actually." Michael said from beside Nikita.
Everyone looked at him. "Trust me." He said. They all nodded their head. They new he'd been through all this before but everyone there could've sworn it was 9 months. Apparently not.
"Well you can stay back and run operations with Michael like I told you earlier. But besides that we should be okay. The only problem is if you go out in public how are we going to explain that Alexandra Udinov is pregnant?" Nikita pointed out.
"Right, because as far as the world knows Alexandra Udinov is still single after the heartbreaking loss of her boyfriend, former Navy SEAL Sean Pierce." Birkhoff pointed out. "Sonya and I will figure out a cover story." He said as they walked out the room.
"You guys can have the rest of the day off. Go home, figure out what colour you're painting the baby room. Stuff like that. If we need anything we'll call you." Ryan said patting Sean on the back.
"Thanks Ryan." Alex said smiling.
Everybody discoursed and went to do their own thing. Nikita and Michael said one last good bye to the couple before leaving. Alex and Sean walked out hand in hand. Going to the loading bay they got into their car and drove out.
"So, what do you want to do?" Sean asked Alex as he laced her fingers of his right hand through her left as he continued to drive down the empty country road.
"Why don't we go home? We can just relax, I don't really feel like doing much today." Alex said.
"Sounds perfect." Sean said smiling.
After about half an hour of driving they finally arrived at their house. Walking in Alex gladly kicked off her shoes. She watched as Sean came in behind her and took off his shoes. After he hung up his coat Alex wrapped her arms around his neck an kissed him deeply. Sean shuffled them a little but before picking Alex up. She brought her legs around his waist as his hands held her sides.
"Alex is this safe, for the baby I mean." Sean asked as he quickly pulled away before continuing the assault on her lips.
"Already asked the doctor. She said it was fine." Alex responded as Sean kissed her neck. Sean walked into the bedroom and with his foot kicked the door shut.
Alex and Sean lay contently sleeping. Alex was on her side with her left hand under her pillow. Sean lay pressed against her with his hand entertained with Alex right hand which rested on her bare stomach. A shrill ring brought the two out of the slumber. Groaning Sean rolled over and grabbed his cell phone on the bedside table. "Pierce." He answered.
"Sean, we need you guys to come in. We have a lead." Birkhoff's voice floated through the phone.
"We'll be there as soon as we can." Sean said hanging up. "Alex wake up." Sean said kissing her shoulder.
"5 more minutes." She grumbled into the pillow.
"Nope sorry. Come on. Birkhoff needs at back at Division." He said rolling out of bed.
"Okay." Alex groaned hauling herself out of the bed as she grabbed her clothes off the floor.
They both quickly got dressed, grabbed their costs and headed out the door. About 45 minutes later they were walking into Operations. "What's up guys?" Sean asked as Birkhoff stood there with his tablet.
"We have a lead on a dirty thirty. Samy Stewart. We need to find him and try to bring him in. Right now it looks like he's in Canada."
"Alright. When do you leave?" Sean asked. He looked over at Alex and raised an eyebrow at her. "Alex are you okay?" He asked. "Alex?" He said again when she didn't answer him.
"Hmm? Yeah I'm..." Alex trailed off as she collapsed to the floor.
I know! Evil cliffy! Hopefully I'll get chapter 2 up tomorrow. Review!