Notes: Hello! This is just a silly little idea I thought I'd try. It's just a guide to hunting written by Sam and Dean (and sort of Castiel). Each chapter will be about something different, like certain monsters or skills. If anyone has a request or idea of what they want a chapter to be about, leave it in a review or PM me.

The Hunter's Guide

By Sam and Dean Winchester (and also Castiel)


This is a guide to hunting. If you're not a hunter, put this book down. It tells secrets of the supernatural, yadda yadda, and so on. If you are a hunter, pay attention. This will probably help to not get your ass handed to you on a plate, so you're welcome.

I've been hunting things since I was a kid, so I've seen just about everything there is out there. I've also ganked just about everything there is out there, so that's why I'm qualified to write this book. Before you say "Oh, I know all about demons and ghosts, I don't need this!" first, shut the hell up, you are annoying and very wrong. Second, read the damn book before you get yourself killed.

Basically… Just read this and don't die. It's that simple.


This is a book written by myself and my brother, Dean. It outlines in detail everything we know about the supernatural world, including how to handle situations you find yourself in, and how to protect yourself. Whether you are a hunter or not, you will probably need this information one day.

The world is filled with terrifying things; that's something I found out when I was just kid, unfortunately. But, regardless, it's true. However, you don't have to sit idly by and let yourself be destroyed. You can take precautions and fight back. It's hard, but not impossible.

That's what this book is for, and that's why we are writing it. We want to make sure everyone can be protected, even after we are gone. Read this book, take notes, and keep yourself safe. Good luck.


Sam and Dean told me to write whatever I want here. I do not desire to write anything.