Oh shit, we're back! Nice, not even three words in and the vulgar language has begun. We missed you all so much! It's been exactly 523 days since we finished Speak Now! That almost 75 weeks without you guys! And then of course it's been 2 years exactly since we actually started this series, so we're happy to have been able to put it on the same release day!

Now, if you haven't read our story Speak Now, then you should definitely go check that out. If it was possible, we'd just post the link in here, but we can't, so just go to our stories and look for Speak Now. It's 50 chapters, but we've been told that it's worth reading ;)

So let's give you a bit of a background. It's been a year since Speak Now and Shane is on tour and Mitchie has come along for the ride. The rest, you're just going to have to read about :)

"Mitchie, do you know where my toothbrush is?" I heard Shane call from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes as I set down my suitcase.

"Did you check your bag?" I asked as I laid down on the bed. We were in the middle of another Connect 3 tour. We had been fortunate enough to get a hotel room for the night, but I still missed home. Things didn't always go well when we were on tour. But the last time we had been on tour together had also been our first tour together. That was ages ago at this point. We had grown up for the most part…right?

"No, I didn't even think about that. Could you bring it to me?" Shane asked from the bathroom. I growled under my breath.

"And you can't just come out and get it?" I asked, massaging my head. I could feel a headache coming on.

"You're out there. Just grab it from my bag and bring it to me," Shane said. I growled and stood up from the bed. Instead of getting his toothbrush, I grabbed my coat and walked out of the room.

It had been a year since Shane and I had gotten married. And in the year, I have gone on a two month tour through the United States, recorded a new album, gotten a few cameo roles on popular television shows, Connect 3 has released a new album, Shane and Nate have also had recurring roles in television shows, Caitlyn has helped produce music for other artists like Alabaster Carnation. I hosted the Teen Choice Awards alongside upcoming teen heartthrob Austin Moon. Jason had directed a pilot for a television show that wasn't picked up by the network, but he had really enjoyed it. Nate started a solo side project where he would put all his music onto YouTube and donated all proceeds to diabetes research.

Our year had been insane, and I loved it. I really did. But it had been causing a bit of tension between Shane and I. We were newlyweds and we never saw each other. It wasn't exactly what we had pictured. We were trying our hardest to keep it together, but behind closed doors, things were starting to fall apart at the seam, and Shane and I were both trying to catch it, but we were never running in the same direction, so we were either drifting apart, or we were colliding with each other. It didn't help that it was like I'd been constantly PMSing for the past month or so. It was extremely annoying.

I walked past Nate's room. I could hear him and Caitlyn talking about something. They were probably finalizing wedding details. In a month, the tour would end and they would prepare for their last week of single life. They would be married a week after that. Everything was falling into place with them.

After Nate had finally proposed at mine and Shane's wedding last year, Caitlyn and Nate had spent a month in a weird "engagement bliss" before they finally began actually planning the wedding. I was happy for Caitlyn, but after Shane and I got married, we became oddly distant, which is strange considering she was part of my band and she was my sister. It was like I went into newlywed mode and she went into fiance mode and between those two modes, there was no room for sister mode or best friend mode anymore.

I walked made my way past Jason's room. Oh Jason. After he and I had broken up, we had kept our distance, but we couldn't stay away forever. Rather than being awkward and distant like Shane and I had originally been, Jason and I got along like we did before we had started anything. It was like nothing had happened. I would never forget the night of the wedding. Shane and I were leaving, but we caught a glimpse of Jason and Emily dancing together.

I knew Emily had some place in our odd little group. I just didn't think it would be with Jason. But they were perfect for each other. Jason kept Emily from turning into a total bitch, and Emily kept Jason from being too much of an airhead. They created perfect balance.

I made my way to the door to the roof. I didn't even care if Shane came following after me. I just needed to get out. I felt confined. Stuck on a tour bus. Stuck in a hotel. Just stuck. I couldn't handle it anymore. I opened the door to the roof and inhaled the smell. New York City. Not the greatest smelling city, but it wasn't the worst. I walked over to the edge of the roof and rested my arms on the ledge. I heard the door open, but I ignored it.

"What did I do now?" Shane asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing Shane. You never do anything wrong," I said. Shane sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We both know that's not true. I do plenty of things wrong. Like right now. You're upset and that means I'm doing something wrong as your husband," Shane said in my ear. I sighed. This is the Shane that I needed. The Shane who knew when something was wrong.

"Shane, I have been so confined lately. I feel like I can't breathe anymore. Everywhere I go it's you and Nate and Caitlyn and Jason and Emily and cameras and paparazzi and fans and I just can't handle not being able to get a break. Maybe if we had our own tour bus I wouldn't be fried out, but I just am at my wits end. And if I'm being completely honest, newlyweds aren't supposed to be this distant with each other. I mean, we're coming out of the newlywed stage, so I assume everything is how it's supposed to be, except the distance between us," I confessed. I heard Shane sigh and kiss the side of my head.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" he asked.

"Because this isn't even my tour Shane. If this was my tour, that would be different. But I didn't have to come along. I chose to," I said.

"That doesn't mean that you have to suck it up. I want you to be comfortable wherever we go," Shane said.

"But I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill," I said softly.

"It's not making a mountain out of a molehill. It's letting your husband know you're uncomfortable," he said. I sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Then I'm telling you now…I can feel a headache coming on and I feel exhausted," I said honestly.

"What do you need from me?" he asked.

"I just want to go home Shane. I haven't been feeling well recently and I think I should just go home and get in to see my doctor," I said.

"Well why don't we just find a doctor somewhere in New York?" he asked.

"Shane, I want to see my doctor. The doctor that I've had for the past few years that knows me and I trust completely," I said. Shane sighed. I wasn't good with doctors, but I had finally found a doctor I trusted completely.

"Alright Mitchie. If you think that's what's best for you, I trust your judgment," Shane said. I could tell that he was disappointed. He had begged me to come with him on the tour. He'd promised me that we'd get some quality "Smitchie Time" and we did, but I just needed to go home.

"When do you want to leave?" Shane asked.

"I want to stay for your show tonight, and then I'll catch a flight later tonight," I said. Shane nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Alright, until sound check tonight, what would you like to do?" he asked.

"I would love to go to our room and take a long nap," I said honestly.

"We can do that. I was thinking maybe something else, but I'd be okay with a nap," Shane said. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"We have our whole lives to have sex Shane," I said.

"No, we have until we are fifty. Nobody likes the idea of old people sex," Shane said.

"Ew, Shane. That's not a picture I needed in my head. Now it's like I'm going to have the image of my grandparents having old wrinkly sex," I said.

"Great, now I have that image in my head," Shane said, shuddering slightly. I laughed and leaned against him.

"Let's go take a nap," I said softly.

"Sounds like a plan."

"What?" Caitlyn exclaimed, receiving the glares of a few stagehands. The guys were in between songs, so if Caitlyn was too loud, the audience would probably hear her.

"Mitchie, why are you going home?" Emily asked me.

"Guys, I'm just in need of home right now. There's a month left of the tour. I can survive a month without Shane," I said.

"Mitchie, stay here with us," Caitlyn said quietly.

"Caitlyn, I need to go home," I said softly.

"But why can't you just stay here?" she asked.

"I think I'm sick. I just feel irritable all the time. I want to see my doctor to be sure it's nothing serious," I said.

"Mitchie, please stay here? I'll be lonely without you," Caitlyn said. I could feel my right eye start twitching.

"Caitlyn, you know how Mitchie is with doctors. We should just be thankful that she's going to the doctor," Emily said, sensing my obvious irritation.

"She's not sick. Trust me. I'd know if she was sick," Caitlyn said. I rolled my eyes. She opened her purse and pulled out a sandwich.

"Caitlyn! Did you just pull that out of your purse?" Emily asked.

"I bought it right before the show. It's not like it's been in there for weeks," Caitlyn said. I could smell the sandwich and my stomach twisted.

"Still, don't you think that's a little gross?" Emily asked.

"Eh, I think it's fine," Caitlyn said. The guys ran off the stage for intermission.

"Hello ladies," Shane said to all of us before wrapping his arms around my waist. I could smell the sweat on him. I held my breath slightly as my world warped a bit.

"Don't you guys have to get dressed?" Emily asked, eying me nervously.

"Yeah, we do. Let's go guys," Jason said, pulling Nate and Shane away. I inhaled deeply, but only got the smell of Caitlyn's sandwich. I could feel the headache creeping back.

"Mitchie, I really think you should stay. Keep Emily and I company. I mean, I know you're married and all, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore all of my invites to hang out," Caitlyn said.

"Caitlyn, you always invite me to hang out at the last minute when Shane and I have plans," I said.

"So why don't you ever try to make plans with me?" she asked.

"Caitlyn, is it really important right now?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Mitchie, are you okay?" Caitlyn asked.

"Yeah, you don't look very good," Emily said.

"I just need to…sit…" I don't really remember what happened after that, but Emily and Caitlyn tell me that I passed out for about three minutes, and in that time, Shane, Nate, and Jason hadn't come back, so we were somehow able to keep it from the world. Apparently, they pulled me into one of the extra rooms for me to come to.

"Mitchie? Wake up Mitchie," I vaguely heard. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the concerned looks on Caitlyn and Emily's faces turn to relieved.

"Oh my gosh! You're okay!" Emily said. I looked around and looked at Caitlyn's guilty face.

"What's wrong Caitlyn?" I asked softly.

"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you do need to go home," she said. I sighed and leaned against Emily. It was going to be a long night.

I stood on the tarmac to take the Connect 3 jet back home. Shane, Nate, and Jason were all still trying to convince me to stay. Luckily for me, Caitlyn and Emily both agreed to come home with me to keep an eye on me in case I was really sick. I'm sure that since I fainted, they were expecting the worst thing possible. I had a sneaking suspicion about what was wrong with me, but I didn't trust anybody but my doctor to tell me if I'm right or not.

"Promise me you'll call me and let me know when you find out if you're sick or not," Shane said.

"You know I will," I said quietly.

"I love you Mitchie," he said softly, kissing me on the forehead.

"I love you Shane," I said, kissing his jaw softly. I pulled away from him and joined Emily and Caitlyn who had already bid Jason and Nate goodbye.

"Have a safe flight ladies," Jason said, smiling at us.

"Don't make us regret leaving you troublemakers," Caitlyn teased.

"Oh don't worry. By the time we see you all again, we'll all have tattoos and piercings in places that you would never expect us to," Shane replied with a wink.

"Nate, keep Shane in line for me. If you need to, just smack him over the head every once in awhile," I said. Nate laughed as Shane's jaw dropped in fake shock. We blew them all kisses and walked on the flight. We took a seat and looked at each other.

"I can't believe we're going home," Caitlyn said.

"It's bittersweet. Like, I'm happy to be going home, but I miss the guys," Emily said.

"Well, I think it'll be good for us. How about we spend the month all at my house. We can have it be one really long girls weekend?" I suggested.

"I'm going to have to pass until I know what you're sick with. If you're contagious, we can't catch that," Caitlyn said, gesturing to her and Emily. I rolled my eyes and tried to let the comment roll off my shoulder, but it just kind of pissed me off. I rolled my eyes and put in my ear phones. I would just listen to music for this ride home. Note to self: Find friends that aren't going to marry your brother-in-laws.

Bam! There we go! We have broken ground! So is Mitchie sick? Is she fine? She's fainting! TELL US WHAT YOU THINK! Leave a review in the story's undercarriage (below) and If you have followed us (mostly Tianna) on Tumblr, you know what the hell is going on! For all the rest of you, you'll just be stuck wondering. If you know what our Tumblr is, then you can go check it out, and you may as well click the follow button as well! It's filled with everything Penguin-ish.

Also, we have a mascot! His name is Prentice. He's not pink, he's gray, but that's okay cause he's cute. He's our current avatar picture on the profile page, so go check that out if you'd like! Links to the Tumblr is on our profile. We're in the process of cleaning that up, so bare with us here. Also, go check out Tianna's twitter! It would do her a huge favor (but if you don't, we won't hold it against you) the link for that is also on our profile.

So can anybody guess what Demi Lovato song inspired this chapter? We've hidden some of the song's lyrics in this chapter. If anybody can correctly guess the song, I will post chapter 2 in a couple days. If nobody guesses it, then chapter 2 will be posted in a week. I'm going to try to keep consistent update schedule, but I if you guys can figure out what song inspired this one, I'm totally willing to mess with the schedule a little bit! There is a clue hidden in the dialogue. Some of the lyrics have been altered so they don't sound so poetic, but if you look closely, you'll see it.

Alright, we love you more than we can express and we will see you guys next time!


*Disclaimer: We, BubblegumPenguins, do not own Camp Rock, the Teen Choice Awards, Austin Moon, Wizards of Waverly Place, or any of Demi Lovato's Songs*