Kiko started to wake up. She woke up in a hospital room. She tried to sit up but her back was in a agonizing amount of pain.

"Hello?" She cried out.

She looked around the room and heard the door knob turning.

It was a young brunet woman walking in wearing a scrub outfit. She closed the door to see the patient woken up.

"Oh my god. You're awake." The woman said.

"How long have I been here?" Kiko asked.

"Well you came here in the ninth of June and now its the eighth. You been here for a total of four months and five days."

"Four months?!" Kiko said shocked.

"And five days."

Kiko sighed until something clicked in. "Where's Rev?"

"Oh, well he had to leave of a emergency, but I can call him now if you want."


Th nurse nodded and walked out the room. Kiko waited for a couple of minutes until she came back.

"He said he's on his way now." She said. Just in cue Rev came in the room breathing fast and heavy. "Well that didn't take long. I'll be out if you need me." She said before walking out the door.

When she did Rev ran to the side of the bed and started kissing her passionately.

"Thank god you're okay. I was worried for you when I saw you got shot, but you're still alive. I didn't know what I would do." Rev said kissing her again.

Kiko didn't say anything, but gave him a hug ignoring the pain.

"I'm sorry this is my fault I should've known it wasn't you when your sister was taking over."

"It's okay." Kiko managed to say.

"No it's not okay. You almost died. I was too gullible when Kika tried to convince me she was you. That should've never happened."

"Well look on the bright side. Kika is gone forever to hell where she truly belong." Kiko said with a triumph smile.

"Yeah," He said smiling back, "I love you."

Kiko looked at him surprised. He never said that to her until now. "Love you too."


(Three months later)

Kiko back has healed up completely along with her regeneration. It was eleven at night and everyone was asleep.

Kiko and Rev were in the bed falling asleep until…

"So, Hooleo broke up with Kika to be with you?"

"Do you wanna know the real truth about Hooleo?" She asked.


"He was crazy about me ever since we met, but I would always turn him down. Hooleo never liked Kika. He thought it would make me jealous if I saw him with Kika."

"Did it?"

"Hell no. I just thought he was an idiot. Plus, he wasn't a very good actor. You could tell he was faking." Kiko started to giggle.

"Oh, and one more thing Kiko."

"Yeah." She said sleepily.

Ya know, you still haven't told me what the E stands for in your middle name."

"Do you really want to know?" Kiko asked facing him. Rev nodded. "Fine. The E in my middle name stands for…

Finished:) Now I can post my other stories.