Chapter 1: Today, Kyouya is a Host! Written by Arianna & Kiara
Tick tock, tick tock. Haruhi watched the long hand of the clock, travel surely but slowly. Utter boredom consumed her resulting in her mind wandering off.
"HARUHI. Let's not forget that debt of yours won't be payed with laziness." Kyouya Ootori, manager/vice-president of the infamous Ouran High School Host Club spat his words bitterly, at his golden eyed kouhai. Although he was rather cold and manipulative most of the time, Haruhi noticed a slight warmth in his actions. Rarely, but nevertheless, existent.
She flashbacked to the memorable day she spent with him in the mall. The raven haired male had saved an innocent woman from being scammed by a low class market salesman.
Haruhi smiled at the thought of this memory. However quickly snapped out of it as she realized this was hardly the time to remininsce in Kyouya's kindness.
It was only the two of them together, alone in the host club. Both of whom were the only truly rational and level-headed members of the club, besides Mori. This resulted in complete silence throughout the spacious music room. Though this only lasted until the enthusiastic Tamaki senpai calls in and busts the door open, with another crazy club antic crossing his mind.
"All of you, lend me your ears for a moment! For I Tamaki, have come across a brilliant idea for our next theme!" he proclaimed while flailing his long limbs about.
Haruhi and Kyouya looked at each other, seemingly suggesting an "Oh no." expression on their faces. "I have decided to conduct an Underwater-themed host club activity!" Tamaki stated as he displayed several underwater mythical creature costumes. Each of them ranging in size, colour and... coverage. Haruhi noted, as she came across the mermaid costume.
"Tamaki-sempai, whats with the mermaid costume?" Haruhi questioned, cocking her head to the side. "It's for my lovely daughter of course!" Tamaki retorted, while dropping the costumes to embrace his "daughter" with his signature bear hug.
"S-sempai, how many times have I told you I'm not-" "SHH NONSENSE! you are papa's beloved daughter." Tamaki interrupted her while hugging her so tightly, the shade of her face slowly became blue.
"Tamaki... that's enough." Mori rose out of the shadows as he plucked petite Haruhi out of Tamaki's grasp. "Thanks Mori sempai" Haruhi said, still gasping for air.
In the midst of the ruckus, Kyouya stood up and pushed his reflective spectacles to the bridge of his nose. He interjected with, "Well just as I predicted, after analyzing your behaviour it seems that Ms. Fujioka is not quite fond of the mermaid costume?"
Haruhi, with a face filled with as much emotion as blank paper said "Sempai, I'd appreciate it if you would stop analyzing my behaviour. Its a bit annoying actually". She looked at him straight in the eyes and added "To answer your question, I find the costume to be inappropriate. Considering the fact that it would reveal my true gender.." she left her sentence hanging in mid air.
Flabbergasted at her response, Kyouya quickly collected himself and stated "Statistics display that costumers increase three folds when you dress as a female."
"Is money all you ever think about senpai? Is that all we are to you? Money-makers?" Haruhi questioned with an audible hurt tone in her small voice.
Tamaki remained quite surprised and shocked to see his 'Mom' & 'Daughter' having an argument, therefore causing him to remain stunned.
Kyouya remained expressionless and said in a matter of fact "How about you Fujioka? Is complaining all you ever do? As a matter of fact i work hard as a manager here in the host club."
And he adds "Besides, hosting is not as difficult as you make it out to be Haruhi."
"You think hosting is easy? I'd like to see you try it." Haruhi replied defensively.
Kyouya slightly giggles, holding his chin he replies "Heh, me? A host? Very well. If i am working myself hard to be my father's successor; then being a host would be child's play for me." and added "And for you missy, you must prove to me being a manager isn't so hard either."
Resuming and extending the bet, he finishes off with "Whoever wins will be granted one wish from that person." With a satisfied expression, Haruhi gladly accepts "Fine then, you have yourself a deal Kyouya Senpai." whilst crossing her arms, feeling that he regretted to prejudice her abilities, proud even.
Back to his senses, Tamaki interrupts the conversation with an "All right! The Low Blood Pressure Evil Lord has given his approval! Fellow subjects! Let's dress up the evil lord and get this Host club ready!"
"Lets shake on it then" Haruhi suggested. She extended her arm but seconds after Kyouya had grasped her hand, he pulled her towards him closing the space between them. Her mouth hung open in disbelief. "I prefer to seal it with a kiss."
Thanks for reading our first chapter, hopefully many of you like it and find it entertaining. This wacky series is filled with great laughs and of course, some pleasant OTP moments! If any at all, comments/opinions/suggestions etc. please inform us via 'Review', We'd love to hear from you all. Regards, Kiara~
Hello beautiful readers many thanks for reading our first collaboration fanfiction~ I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! Constructive criticism is encouraged in the reviews. Let us know if you liked it, we plan to continue the series if we get enough positive reviews. Have a nice day~ -Arianna
Side Note: The second chapter will be much longer and better, so stay tuned peeps!