Hey People! Okay, so I have decided which pairing I'm going to use although I can't tell you. I decided that it should be VERY unexpected to keep things interesting. However, I could also change my mind, but yeah...Anyway I need to shut up so you can read.

*Gather around the campfire with your marshmallows and let the story begin.

Chapter III

Trouble Again

The room was silent again.

Everyone, except Beck, had their papers out thinking about who they are.

Robbie sat quietly at the table in the center of the room with a pencil behind his ear and a pen in his hand. The boy sighed, wondering who could he possibly be. A nerd? That's a given. Instead of writing it down, the boy sighed and placed his head in the palm of his hand.

"Who am I? Who am I?"

Robbie pouted. Out of one thousand words, he only have six written down; Who I am by Robbie Shapiro. That's not a lot. Trying to brighten up the situation, an idea popped into his head, "I know who I am," He took the pencil out from behind his ear along with the pen in his hand and stuck them both up his nose, "I'm a walrus."

Tori noticed the weird clap his hands together as if he was a walrus and made walrus-like sound. Frowning, the girl scuffed, "You're a dork." Sighing, the boy removed the objects out of his nose and placed them back on the table.

"How am I suppose to explain who I am?"

Beck hopped up from off of the top of the librarian's desk and landed on both of his feet. Running his fingers through his hair, the boy walked over to the door that Dickers left open and peeked out of it.

"Are you really doing this? I say we close this door and have a little fun if you know what I mean."

"Dude, don't you dare." Andre shook his head and placed his pencil down on the desk, "You're going to get us in trouble."

An amused look passed over Beck's face, "Live a little." The boy bent down and picked up the door stopper that held the door open. Closing it, Beck hurried back and sat down at the table that he originally occupied and stuffed the rubber object down his pants, "Now, let's party!"

"No one likes you so put the freaking door stopper back in front of the door before you get us in more crap than we're already in," Jade demanded from her spot. The dark haired boy rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh come on, every girl likes me and that includes you and," he turned around and motioned towards Tori, "you. Even you in the back with the red hair. Hey you!"

Cat looked up from her notebook with wide eyes at Beck. She bit down on the bottom of her pink lips and raised an eyebrow.

Beck smiled, "Do you like me?"

The girl furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion, "Huh?"

"Do you think I'm hot?"

Cat looked back down in her notebook, avoiding Beck's question.

"I asked you a question."

The red head looked back up at Beck with a frown on her face and flipped him off, causing Jade to laugh. Beck's face fell a little before he recomposed himself and threw a smile back on his face, "She wants me too."

A small smile played on the corners Jade's lips as she noted the girl's response. Running her fingers through her hair, poked her lips as of she was sad, mocking Beck.

"Oh shucks, is someone actually rejecting you now? Must be tough to find out that you aren't all that."

Beck rolled his eyes at her before crossing his arms, "So you're saying I'm ugly."

"I'm saying you need an ego check."

"Oh really?"


Beck scuffed, "You're just mad because you like me, but I'm not interested FYI."

Jade rolled her eyes, "You have serious issues if you think that I, Jade West, want a loser like you. I mean what do you do besides piss everyone off and do a little acting on the side. Huh? Please tell me."

"I don't do 'a little acting on the side', I do it when I see fit which is quite often."

Andre shook his head at the pair as the arguing increases. Pretty soon Dickers will back due to the pair slowly raising their voices. Tired of trying to save anyones butt, the boy just sat and watched the two continue to bicker.

"Oh really? I participate in almost all of Sikowitz productions and I never see you. If you're such a good actor, Howcome you haven't had any leading roles. You must have had a really, really minor role."

"I had plenty of leading roles."

Jade crossed her arms, "Oh yeah?"


"So where was I?"

"Probably stuck up a monkey's ass."

Beck watched as Jade eyes grew in anger. Satisfied, the boy turned around to leave and claim his victory. Undoubtedly he thought that he won that round by the skim of his teeth, but she'll probably get him the next time. As he made his way to Tori's table to bother her, Beck felt something hard hit his head followed by pain and someone shouting, "MY NOTEBOOK!"

Turning around, Beck's eyes immediately landed on the culprit, "Why did you throw that thing at me?

Jade shrugged him off, "Who says I did it? I was stuck up a monkey's ass remember?"

"You're such an ass."

"No, you're the ass!"

"I think that someone needs to look up other words in the dictionary that is more appropriate to use than profanity. Anywho, why are you two talking and Mr. Oliver, why are you over there?"

Everyone silenced and looked to the front of the room spotting the vice principal. His arms were crossed and his eyes darkened as six pairs of mischievous eyes landed on him.

"What? No answers? I thought I told each of you that there will be absolutely no talking and that you need to stay in your seats. More importantly, I believe that you all owe papered say on the topic 'who do you think you are?' Anyone finished?" No one answered, "Oliver, let me see your paper."

" I don't know where it is."

"Oh, you lost it. I see. How did that happen?" Beck shrugged and slinked off to the table he orginally sat at. Dickers watched him with critical eyes the whole time, "Another question, why was the door closed when I came in?"

No one said anything.

"Oh, so the cat got everyone's tongue? Okay how about this. You all meet me here at the same time next Sarurday. Maybe that'll help you remember how the door closed on it's own. And oh, you just pushed your lunch time back thirty minutes."

With that, Dickers grabbed a chair from one of the tables, propped it in front of the door, and left Beck to death sentence.


Okay, so I hoped you liked the chapter. I kind of got writer block at the moment so, I haven't updated in awhile. But, you know, you could help me out by leaving me ideas in your review. Please?