A/N: So this one is short. It's been an insane couple of weeks and writing had to take a backseat. :( Thank you all for your reviews and I hope you enjoy!

One month had passed since Dean and I started our friendship. Normally a month isn't much to get excited about but this one was different. After dinner at the Winchester's I found myself at their house almost every day after school. Our weekends were spent sitting on the sad set of swings at the local park. It wasn't uncommon to see the two of us huddled at a table together writing furiously and laughing at lame jokes. It was common knowledge that Dean and I were the best of friends.

Friends. That's was Chuck called us. That's what I knew Dean and I were, just friends. But I was starting to have more than friendly feelings for him. I noticed it the first time that I signed a complete thought without hesitation. The look on his face said it all. His green eyes sparkled with delight and his smile was a mile wide. I CAN'T EAT CHEESE. Such a stupid thing to say.

You just signed your first thought! Dean wrote out excitedly. We had taken to carrying a notebook around with us at all times.

Omg…My first signed sentence was about cheese. I was mortified! Mrs. Winchester was only asking if we wanted some grilled cheese sandwiches and instead of saying that I couldn't eat a sandwich full of cheese, I signed it. I put my head in my hands and listened as Mrs. Winchester left the room. Dean didn't allow me to wallow for long. As soon as the door was closed he placed his hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look at him.

So what?! You signed your first thought without hesitation! Sure you can sign about a brown dog and a small house but you've never really signed something about yourself! You should be proud!

I shook my head. Sure I was proud of myself. I had already learned about putting sentences together and I had a good three hundred signs under my belt, but actually articulating my thoughts was something I was having trouble with. I never really knew what to say or how to say it. Dean sat patiently as I muddled my way through.

He tapped my shoulder again and passed the notebook back to me. I'm proud of you. A smile as wide as the Mississippi River over took my face. I had just made my best friend proud. Joy coursed through my body, making me feel all tingly and weird. My face felt hot and I knew that my cheeks were pink with blush. The rest of that night I couldn't help myself. I kept looking at Dean thinking of all the things that I liked about him; his personality, his amazing sense of humor. His green eyes and those damn freckles.

**Love Without Sound**

WHAT WRONG? Dean signed while glancing in my direction. I had tried my hardest over the course of the following week to keep my feelings in check. I smiled at all the right times and frowned when I was supposed to. I even kept up with our regular study sessions. There was no way Dean could ever know that something was wrong with me.

What do you mean? Nothing's wrong with me. I wrote. I was doing my best to concentrate on studying for our upcoming Calculus test all while trying to eat my lunch. Have you studied yet?

In free period. You're avoiding my question. I know something isn't right with you…hasn't been all week. Of course he studied earlier. Oh how I wished I could get away with an early free period.

I've just been worried about this stupid test. I pushed the note back to Dean and tried to pick up where I left off.

You're an awful liar, Castiel. I read the words Dean wrote knowing full well that I was a bad liar. I frowned at the look on his face. He was worried. I had spent enough time with him to know what that face meant. He wasn't going to let up. Thankfully I was saved by the bell.

BELL RINGING. TIME FOR CLASS. Dean huffed then stood, picking up his bag and my lunch tray at the same time. This wasn't over and I knew it.