I am so sorry for neglecting this story for so long. But here it is, chapter 3. Enjoy!

Katara sat on the couch in the tea shop, nuzzling into her blanket, her half-finished cup of tea sitting on the table across from her. She still wasn't feeling well after being out in the chilling rain, and the same effects of that weather were beginning to take a tole on some of her comrades as well. All of whom had gone out to bring her back inside. No one could've predicted the severity of it all, but Sokka also sat not too far away, sneezing as he snuggled in his parka trying to warm himself up. Mai sat in silence while Zuko came in with more blankets and wrapped one delicately around her. But despite all this, the only thing on Katara's mind was Aang. Where he might have gone, would he ever return, was he alright, and would he forgive her? Eventually Suki entered to check on them both. Being a Kyoshi warrior, she had a fair amount of medical experiance, as did Iroh, who was preparing some medicinal tea for Sokka.

"Katara how are you feeling?" Suki asked.

Katara coughed before answering in a voice that was almost too hoarse to recognize. "Um, I feel slightly better, I suppose."

It was both the truth and a lie. While her body was beginning to recuperate from the sickness, her mind was still fraught with worry at the thought of Aang when he left. Suki put her hand to Katara's forehead.

"I'm afraid you're burning up, Katara. Come on, lets get you to bed."

"Hello?! Um, care to check up on me, darling of mine?!" protested an appalled Sokka.

"If you've got enough energy to complain at that volume, I'm sure you're going to be ok." snapped Suki.

Sokka's jaw dropped in disbelief and Toph didn't bother suppressing her laughter.

"I go out in the pelting rain to help my little sister and this is the kind of treatment I get in return?" grumbled Sokka.

"Suki's right, Snoozles. Quit complaining. And you weren't the only one who helped her, mind you. You're overreacting, anyway. Give it an hour or two and you'll perk up. Sugar Queen is the one who needs to be looked after. I mean, she's not only sick, her soulmate basically abandoned her. No offence but, imagine if Suki took off on a glider and left you." replied Toph.

Sokka glared at her then mentally cursed when he remembered she wouldn't see it.

"Thanks Toph, that really helps." he retorted in an all-too-familiar tone of sarcasm. Which Toph smirked slyly at as she secretly found it admirable about him. But she didn't dare mention this aloud.

"Also," Sokka continued. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't remind me of their little "relationship." Not that there's much of one left after what happened. If Aang hadn't taken off like that, none of us would be going through this right now. Katara wouldn't be depressed and I wouldn't be sitting here waiting an eternity for a cup of tea. HEY IROH! HOW'S THAT TEA COMING ANYWAY?!"

Iroh winced in surprise at Sokka's loud voice and nearly spilled hot tea on his hand. He scowled and his eyes narrowed, this dim-witted Water Tribe warrior was getting on his nerves.

"Good things will always come to those with patience,Sokka." he said irritably. "And you need not raise your voice like that. You're normal tone is already loud enough to be heard all the way from the outside market."

"I'm not that loud!" cried Sokka over Toph's laughs and Zuko's snickers.

"Good one, old man." Toph chuckled.

Sokka was about to argue but was interrupted by a faint sobbing coming from the hallway. Everyone turned to the source of the noise and a wide-eyed, desperate-faced and hyper-ventaliting Katara emerged, bolting for the front door leading to the storm outside. She had been struck by her emotions and worry for Aang once again. Suki was coming after her, trying to calm her down. Before Katara could reach the door, Toph sensed her vibrations and using her earthbending, a wall of rock sprouted in the doorway, preventing the emotionally fractured waterbender from leaving. She gasped in surprise and sunk to her knees, wimpering and shaking. Sokka felt perfectly healthy all of a sudden as he scurried to his sister's aid and wrapped his arms around her.

"If Aang doesn't come back by the day after tomorrow, we go out looking for him. I can't stand seeing Katara like this any longer." he stated.

The others nodded in agreement. Sokka gently brought his sister to her feet and escorted her all the way up to her bedroom, Suki followed and everyone moved aside. Katara was still shaking slightly, but after a sip of herbal medicine, a soft bed to lay in and a cool cloth to her warming forehead, she was sound asleep within minutes. Suki sighed with relief and leaned against her boyfriend's chest.

"Sokka... I'm sorry for... snapping at you earlier." she whispered.

"Suki, don't even worry about it. I deserved it for being selfish little prick anyway, Katara really is the one that needs help. More than anything... she needs Aang. I know I'd be going crazy with anguish if I was in her situation."

It took her a moment, but Suki realized what Sokka was implying and her heart melted.

Appa lay sheltered from the rain beneath a canopy outside, which to his irratance, had a leaking roof. He was growing more agitated by the second. It had been hours since Aang had left but he had enough of waiting. If Aang wasn't coming back, Appa was going to search for him. He took off into the grey skies determined to find him.

Aang tried hard to remain as strong and dilligent as he could as he trudged down the muddy path, his hood draped protectively over his head. He had been travelling on foot for about an hour. But it felt like an eternity.

"I have to keep going, for Katara." he thought.

The thought of his greatest friend was always what determined him to press on in any situation. Regardless of how severe or overwhelming things always seemed. Aang scrunched up his face and grumbled in anger for leaving in the first place. He was angry at Ozai for...being born, to put it darkly. But he was also disgusted at himself for turning away from the only ones who could've helped him. For putting Katara in such a state of panic and guilt. For lashing out at Roku who was only trying to help, which Aang had asked for in the first place! Even though he could use some guidance right now he couldn't bring himself to face the past Avatar after their previous verbal scuffle. And now look where his selfishness had brought him. Lost and cold in a strange part of the Earth Kingdom, with no glider to speed up his travels, he didn't even have Appa or Momo with him. He could make an air scooter to move faster but he was far too exhausted to do any intense bending. All he could do for now was continue walking and hope that he would find his way back somehow. Once again, he remembered that statment Roku had made.

"You must look at the positives young Air Nomad."

Aang decided then that Roku had been wise to offer such advice. At least in this case, he knew that if he hadn't left as he did, who would've been around to save that defenceless mother and child from being harrassed by those horrible soldiers? He smiled as he remembered the brave, sweet child, Ming. As well as his mother, who had suffered through so much for so long yet stayed bold and strong for her son.

This also helped him press forward for he was reminded of how much the world truly needed him. He was the Avatar. He couldn't afford to run away from his problems. Experience had shown that making such irrational decisions would solve nothing, yet here he was, trying to find his way back after doing exactly that.

"At least I am trying." he decided. "I've been through a lot, but I'm still learning."

He praised himself for admitting his mistakes, the monks had told him this was one of the first steps to any spiritual recovery. He began to grow weary from his long travelling and lazily bent some of the water from the falling rain to give himself a drink. Not too far away, there was a small town at the bottom of a hill. One of the buildings had its lights on. It looked to be a pub of sorts. Aang's stomach growled. Surely there was food available at this pub, not that he would be able to afford anything, he had absolutely no money with him. But perhaps revealing himself as the Avatar would be enough to convince the pub owners to give him a small meal for free. He stepped carefully down the rocky slopes toward the mysterious town.

The pub had a roof bound together by straw, and the shutters over the windows were constructed from several bamboo sticks. The building itself was made of old white plaster which seemed to be chipping in various places. The dark streets outside the pub were empty and quiet, save for the pitter-patter of rain. Upon opening the wooden door, a tiny bell was activated announcing his entrance. The bartender looked up at him, and then back down at his work. He was wiping the bar table. Aang scanned around the room briefly. There were three other patrons in here. Two of them were huddled together at the same table, sipping their cups of sake. They eyed him coldly. There was another man at the back of the bar, who, like Aang, kept his hood up. His arms were folded across his chest and he leaned his chair back against the wall, his legs crossed and his lips pursed. Aang ignored him and went straight to the head table and spoke to the server.

"Sir, I've been travelling for a while. Do you have anything that I could eat or drink, please? I don't need much. Just some bread or fruit would be fine..."

The server leaned against the table and smirked at Aang.

"What makes you think you think I'm gonna just generously give you some food, squirt? Is there a sign outside my bar saying "Free Grub" or something? Show me some gold, and then we'll talk."

"I hope this works." thought Aang. He carefully removed his hood, revealing his Arrow. He could sense movement from the other patrons behind him but payed no mind.

"Sir, please. I am the Avatar, and you would be doing a great honor by helping me-"

"So," smirked the server. "You're the Avatar, eh? The one who killed Firelord Ozai?"

Aang winced everytime he heared this. He knew this would be a tough reputation to live with. Aside from that, though, he certainly didn't like the way this man was acting towards him. Before he could answer, the man spoke again;

"Some of the Fire Nation guards have been looking for you, y'know. Just a while ago, a few of them dropped by with this..." He set a piece of parchement on the table. Aang looked at it carefully, and to his horror, discovered it to be a Wanted poster of him!

"Crazed Avatar. Wanted For The Assassination of Honourable Fire Lord Ozai And Horrible Attacks Against Innoccent Fire Nation Troops. Hefty Reward Will Be Given For His Capture" it read.

The part about the troops was obviously a flat-out lie. Those guys were anything but innoccent and were followers of Ozai, unaware that he had been slain. It was then Aang realized that he had walked right into a trap. This bartender and possibly the patrons were intending to turn him in for the reward money! He was just about to turn and escape when he was smashed over the back of his head by something sharp and made of glass, knocking him out cold...

Aang was rudely awakened long after. He put his hand to the back of his head to find it hastily bandaged. He looked around, they were outside the bar in a dark alley, the rain partially blocked by the roofs of the two adjacent buildings.

"Wha... what happened?" he mumbled.

"You were knocked out." replied a gruff voice. "I couldn't reach you in time before they hit you on the head. It's about time you woke up, though."

Aang was feeling foggy, but as he turned to the source of the voice he discovered it was the man with the hood from the bar. Aang sprang up quickly to defend himself and his head throbbed as a result.

"Don't make any sudden movements. You haven't fully recovered and I'm not so sure how long those bandages will supress the wound." insisted the hooded figure. "You're going to be alright, Aang. If it wasn't for me, those men would've brought you to the Fire Nation Army. Luckily I was there to fight them off."

"...How do you know my name, and who are you?" demanded Aang.

The dark figure pulled off his hood and Aang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Remember me? Cheif Hakoda."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And no... it still isn't finished. But rest assured, there will not be a break that long again. I promise.